TWO SECTION THE ARIZONA DAILY STAR SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 1964 Sal Capital Adjusts To New Reality Everything Found Less Romantic But More Practical Than In Kennedy Days By JAMES RESTON 1964 New York Times News Service practical, part regret and RESTON'S part relief; beer instead VIEWS of cha m- pa gne; not fancy but iS an important change. He is not so inclined to re- WASHINGTON, March 21-Both the period of mourning for President Kennedy and of experimentation for President Johnson are over. Washington is now a little like a girl settling down with the old boy friend. The mad and wonderful infatuation with the handsome young stranger from Boston is over -somehow she always knew it wouldn't lastso she is adjusting to reality. ers intimately and even now Everything is less romantic feels rather uneasy with them more unless they are growling.
This plain, and in many ways more natural and, hopefully, more durable. The nostalgic pretense of the first three months of the Johnson administration is vanishing. Most people have stopped talking as it Kennedy were Lincoln and Johnson were Jim Farley. The elaborate effort to prove that Boston loves Austin and vice versa is less apparent. And people here are their lives on the assumption that the Johnson administration is going to be around for quite a while.
Pierre Salinger didn't leave the White House because President Johnson didn't like him or didn't want him. Actually, this amiable conspirator had more power under Johnson than he had under Kennedy. He simply decided to do what he wanted to do without any false sentimentality. The way he left Washington Illustrates the new reality of the town. He knew that if he told President Johnson he was going to run for the Senate in California, this would confront the White House with both a politIcal complication in California and the loss of a press secretary In Washington.
So he didn't consult the President on the move for fear Johnson would try to block it, but waited until a few days before the deadline for filing in California and told the President what he was going to do. This eliminates the three S's from the old White House staffSorensen, Schlesinger and Salinger-and leaves Kennedy's foreign affairs chief of staff, Bundy, a Republican, and, ironically, the Irish Mafia Larry O'Brien and Kenny O'Donnell, who talked less about loyalty than anybody else but stuck around anyway. It is hard to say at this point whether the new men on the Johnson team are better than the Kennedy men. They are simply different, as different as Kennedy and Johnson themselves. Bill Moyers, Walter Jenkins, Jack Valenti, and Salinger's replacement, George Reedy, are all close to the President personally.
They are not decorative or brilliant, but competent, dependable and above all, loyal. It is not clear who among the new ones will say "no" to President Johnson-a necessary but perilous assignment or bring to the White House those useful commodities of vivid language, a sense of history, and above all, a sense of humor, but Johnson himself will provide many other attributes. RESTON'S VIEWS He is effective precisely because he is so determined, industrious, personal, and even humorless, particularly in his dealings with the Congress. John F. Kennedy was a back row man in the Senate was never a leader there or in the House.
Even when he was President, he retained an inordinate respect for the committee chairmen and other elders of the Congress. When they growled he paused and often retreated. President Johnson was not a back row man in the Senate. He ran the place. He knew the eld- Legislative Log To Governor SB.
15 (Highways and Bridges Committee)-Ratifying an interstate compact on vehicle inspection under which all cars entering Arizona from other states would have to be inspected and Arizona cars would have to be inspected if they operate in other states. SB 146 (Appropriations Committee majority)- Appropriates $2,000 to attorney general for legal expenses concerning land disputes along the Colorado and Gila Rivers. SB 147 (Appropriations Committee Appropriates $10,000 to attorney general for legal expenses concerning San Carlos mineral strip. SB 198 (Judicial Committee majority)-Changes the requirement for an adidtional year of graduate work before an applicant for dental license can be re-examined (emergency). Big Game Station Big game animals found in Utah Include deer, elk, mountain lions, antelopes, bears, bobcats, lynx, coyotes and bighorn sheep.
New Ads-Saturday 4 P.M. Change of copy, corrections and cancellationsSaturday 8 A.M. to 2 P.M. Open Sundays Holidays 10 A.M. to 2 P.M.
for Corrections Cancellations ONLY PHONE MA 2-5855 CLASSIFIED INDEX Acreage 174 Airplanes for Sale Announcements Antiques Appraisais Apts. Furnished Rent 115 Apts Untur Rent 122 Auto Painting. Repairs 33 Auto Parts, Accessories 32 Autos for Rent 31 Auios for Sale Autos. Transportation Autos Wanted Baby Furniture Birds. Tropical Fish.
Etc. Boats for Sale Building Materials 55 Business Directory Business Frontage 169 Business Opportunities 150 Business Property 170 Business Rentals 144 Business Training Cash Registers Child Care Chinchillas Clothesline Poles Clothing for Sale Dogs, Cats, Pets 73 Domestic Help Wanted Employment Agencies Employment Prep, 10 Farm, Ranch Equipment 76 Farms and Ranches 173 Female Help, Instructions Garages, Misc Rent 114 Fireplace Wood 56 Foods, Groceries 80 Funeral Directors 1B Funeral Announcements Guest Ranches 165 Help Wanted. Female 18 Help Wanted, Male Help Wanted, Male and Female 16 Hi-Fi, Stereo, Recorders 93 Hotels, Guest Houses 109 Household Goods 83 Housekeeping Rooms 107 Houses for Sale 187 for Sale--Furnished 194 Houses, Furnished- Rent 129 Houses, Unfurnished- Rent 136 Imported Cars 30 Income Property 166 Industrial Property 171 Industrial Rentals 145 In Memoriam 1C Investment Property 167 Jewelry 60 Let's Swap 69 Livestock 75 Loans- Real Estate 154 Lost and Found Lots for Sale 172 Machinery for Rent 53 Machinery for Sale 52 Male Help, Instructions 13 Male Help, Invest. Req. 12 Meats, Fishes 79 Minerals 59 Miscellaneous for Sale 66 Mobile Homes, Trailers 159 Money to Invest 153 to Loan 152 Money Wanted 151 Mortgages, Contracts, Sale' 155 Motels 108 Motorcycles, Bikes, Scooters 46 Musical Instruments 90 New Merchandise 68 Nursery, Landscaping 58 Photographic Equipment 64 Piano Tuning Pianos, Organs Poultry, Eggs, Produce, 78 Property Management 156 Real Estate, Exchange 164 Training 177 Real Estate Wanted 163 Resorts 111 Rest Homes 110 Room and Board 104 Room and Board Wanted 105 Room Without Board 106 Wanted to Rent 103 Situations Female 22 Situations Wanted, Male Female 21 Specialty Shops 70 Sporting Goods 50 Stamps and Coins 61 Suburban Property 168 Television Service, Repairs 95 Tires 34 Salesmen 15 Trailer Courts 112 Trailer Hauling 160 Trailers for Rent :13 Trailers Wanted 158 Travel Opportunities Trucks for Rent Truck Equipment Repairs Trucks for Sale 39 Trucks Wanted 38 T.V..
Radios, Phonographs QA Utility Trailers 44 Wanted to Buy 65 Office Business Equipment 98 Open Houses for Sale 180 Out of Town Property 175 Out of Town Rentals 143 Outdoor Furniture 86 Pawn Shops 62 Personals In Memoriam 1C IN LOVING memory of our beloved Mike. Addelene Makres and children. Lost Found 2 LOST: Downtown area. Men's billfold containing large amount of money and credit cards. $500 reward for information resulting in recovery of same.
Write Box 145-C. LOST: Large Calico cat. Sabino Vista area. Please call 298-1379 LOST from 4011 N. 1st male Sealpoint Siamese cat.
Wearing red collar with small bell. 623-0442. LOST: Miniature silver poodle, vicinity El Rancho Shopping Center. Needs medical attention. $75 Reward.
624-7998. LOST: Lady's cloth purse on Pueblo bus. Important papers. Reward, 623-9039. BLACK Chihuahua, male, brown legs.
Flowing Wells area. MA. 2-4906. LOST: Lady's purse, vicinity Park and 7th. Important papers.
Reward. MA. 3-1317. LOST: Wedding ring, yellow gold band. Inscribed G.
to B. Reward. 326-8304. Siamese male. Answers to name of Suki.
Vicinity of Drexel Heights. 294-6109. Personals 3 RELAXING MASSAGE by ROSE. REGISTERED NURSE. 623-8932 MASSAGE, steam.
sundeck. swim pool. Pioneer Hotel, MA 2-6441, 507 LADY Margaret Psvchic-Crystal reader. By appointment. 294-7561 MASSEUSE Relax with Massage MA 2-4380 648 Speedway VIOLET'S European Psvchic readings.
By appointment only 624-0571. DON'T BE LONELY Social introductions by Alice. Requests for all ages. A private and licensed service. Single.
AX. 6-0692. MRS. LEWIS Scientific Psychic readings. One visit will help solve your most difficult probtem.
Appointment only 298-1645. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MA 4-4183 MASSEUSE: Deep massage, your home or mine, all hours 325-6997. Alcoholic Recovery Resident Physician. Good care. HALFWAY HOUSE 622.9038 24-HOUR phone and mail service.
Let us be your Chicago off office. Call 325-9698, local number. WILL rent your parade pictures. Movies or slides. 1816 E.
Helen, apt. 204. GEORGETTE'S HEALTH STUDIO Massage, steam, infra-red, 3 operators. 118 S. Fremont off Bwy.
623-8932. GLADYS Mearham Psychic readings. 3926 E. Fairmount EA. 5-8458 Bills Pressing? Let us consolidate your bills.
End garnishments and repossessions. IF YOU OWE PAY AS OW AS $1,000 $15 per week $2,000 $25 per week $3,000 $35 per week NOT A LOAN CO No co-signers or securities Day or evening home appointments. CREDIT ADVISERS 519 Phoenix Title Bldg PHONE 622-4749 SCIENTIFIC advice pertaining to all problems Roger 1 1213. HOSPITALIZATION EMIG INS, AGENCY EA 6-2024 WORDS FOR INDUSTRY -Speeches, sale letters, brochures, articles, professionally prepared at reasonable rates. Call MA.
3-2357. DO save stamps? Earn as many as 5,000 stamps or more. For information call 624-5409. GO THERE The word expresses a command and denotes action: please be active in obedience to this great command. Go to Church and pay your dues: Help God's ministers spread 900d news: Go to Church with a praying mind; Leave all evil thoughts behind.
Open the Bible and read Malachi, This will set vour feet on high, Read Malachi 3-8 to 21. Obey this and the work is done. Everything shall 90 our wav when we please the Lord and not beforePsalms 37-3-4-5. We appreciate your encouraging letters and donations 10 help spread the Gospel and save the unsaved. Destruction is in the land and trouble is near: Obey God and have no fear.
S. Flemons P.O. Box 2742 Tucson, Arizona WRITERS: Professional authors offer help with your book, story, play keting, tutoring. Free Counsel. Write: scripts; ghostwriting, editing.
marHEATH STUDIOS. 1332 S. Hope 1.05 Angeles 15. Calif Announcements 4 WATCH REPAIR 4233 E. SPEEDWAY TENNIS I ESSONS By JOEL Announcements TRADING ESTAMPS EXCHANGED (Service per 1001 Ross EA (91 mornings only OFFERS RECEIVED FHA PROPERTIES FOR SALE 02-518481 749 Langan Ave.
Sierra Vista 250-103-02-H 4540 S. 17 Ave. 02-523388 332 E. Corona Rd. FHA PROPERTIES FOR SALE $100 DOWN 302-50079 6774 S.
12th Ave. $10.350 302-50176 6932 S. 12th Ave. 9,950 02-523953 6973 S. 12th Ave.
9,550 02-519096 5317 Alaska Dr. 7,000 350187-02 441 W. Bilby Rd. 9,250 02-518367 525 W. Calle Antonia 11,000 302-50119 702 Calle Aragon 9,650 02-522550 726 Calle Aragon 8,750 302-50123 742 Calle Aragon 8,750 302-50162 733 W.
Calle Colado 8,750 02-521192 126 Calle 10,600 02-518291 426 W. Calle Garcia 7,450 02-522795 150 Margarita 9,100 02-522798 218 W. Calle 9,900 302-50099 633 Calle Rita 10,200 302-50069 651 Calle Sevilla 9,650 302-50185 634 W. Coventry Dr. 9,000 302-50188 646 W.
Coventry Dr. 8,750 02-518023 117 El Vado Rd. 9,000 02-520060 202 W. El Vado Rd. 9,250 02-518026 209 W.
El Vado Rd. 8,500 02-523056 6950 S. Leary Dr. 10,200 02-523919 6965 S. Leary Dr.
9,500 350405-02 7018 Leary Dr. 9,000 02-523125 6987 S. Leary Dr. 10,200 02-519124-H 5409 S. Oregon Dr.
6,500 CALL ANY BROKER VA FHA Art Mahany Realty approved broker for FHA and VA acquired properties. Call AX. 8-3363 Eves. Sun. EA.5-0808 Auto Transportation 5 AA AUTO Driveway.
Your car del. anvwhere CY 7.2112 MA 4-2441 WANTED driver vicinity Rhode. Island. Pay all expenses. (New Chrysler) References.
EA. 7-3461. Mr. Macktez. Travel Opportunities 6 LADY driving to Florida.
Wants passenger to share driving. 325-3702. LADY passenger for central Illinois area. Drive, share expenses. References.
Mrs. Cole, 793-8475. LEAVING April 7th for Madison, Wisconsin. Need help driving. 297-1496.
LADY alone would like one or two ladies to share expenses. No driving. Des Moines, lowa. March 25. References.
793-7809. CARS available for Ohio, 111., N.Y., Wis. 792-0012. ALL or part way driver wanted for car leaving for Aberdeen, S. around March 27.
Free transportation for driving. 623-8219. LADY passenger 10 Detroit or en route. Help drive and share expenses. References.
April 1st. EA. 6-2820. LEAVING for Chicago, around March 30th. Share expenses.
296-1875. LEAVING for Detroit around April 1st, want gentleman rider. References. Help drive. MA.
4-3739. 2 PASSENGERS and baggage to Boston, New York, Columbus, Ohio, St. Louis or Oklahoma City. Departing April 5th. 296-0571.
Business Training 9 NEW CLASSES Beginning April 6th SHORTHAND TYPING ACCOUNTING BUSINESS MACHINES NCR ACCOUNTING MACHINES NCR CASHIERING PBX RECEPTIONIST KEYPUNCH Lifetime, free graduates review and lob place'Arizona's oldest and largest" LAMSON BUSINESS COLLEGE 537 Stone MA 2-6158 $29 DOWN, $19 MONTHLY SEE LOTS FOR SALE Employment Prep. 10 TUCSON'S First upholstery school; free labor you pay for materials only. Rightway Upholstery school, 624-1612. REAL ESTATE EXAMINATION MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Job referrals, start anytime. 296-5668.
Evenings. Employment Agencies 11 Ariz. Serv-A-Station Agy. Specializing in placing Service Station workmen 3207 N. 1st Ave 624-5744 Far Western Placement Arizona's Oldest Employment Agency 301 Ariz.
Land Title Bldg. 623-5737 1923 to 1964 FEMALE HELP WANTED SEC. steno, 25-35, 5 day $320 FC bookeeping-steno, car $300 TYPIST PBX Op. exp, $275 CLK Typist, good in figures $250 INSTALLMENT Loan Cik. exp.
MEDICAL, Exp. Only STENO -Mtg. Loan rocessor GIRL Friday. Adv. Exp.
RECEPTIONIST It. steno. MALE HELP WANTED Utilities, deg. 35-40 $1000 COMPTROLLER, Off. deg.
650 IND. Eng. mine exp. 610 RADIO repair 1st or 2nd class lisc. $525 SALES, 25-30, car furn.
$500 ACCT. credit exp. retail $500 Finance trainee 24-30, car furn. $325 SALES, 25-32, deg. trans.
exp, Struct. or Elec. Knowledge Trig. GAMMON PLACEMENT 2 LOCATIONS--MA. 2-4828 Rm.
714 Phoenix Title Downtown Rm. 202 Shadron Bldg. 4439 E. Bdwy. MALE HELP WANTED ARCHITECTURAL Draftsman, home design (3) OPEN SR.
PUBLIC Accountant $700 COUNTER CIk. Auto parts FINANCE Trainee, 21-30, sharp $325 OPTICIAN, Exp. in dispensing, Good No lab work $433 FINANCE Mgr. 3-4 yrs. exp.
$550 ASS'T finance, 1 yr. exp. $423 F.C. 25-45 $400 tab. opr.
$350 SALES mai. 24-32, deg, relocate $500 FEMALE HELP WANTED TOP legal maior firm $375 EXEC. 21-40 to $350 TYPIST, gen. 18-25 $225 COMP. 21-30 $280 SECT'Y-Recept.
20-40 $250 F. C. 25-40 $300 RECEP'T. 21-30 $280 MTG. exp.
to $350 DENTAL Ass't. recept. $250 girl Friday, 25-40 $280 TYPIST, Gen. office, 22-40 $275 Help! Help! We need skilled secretaries, stenographers, typists, bookkeepers and good ol' girl Fridays. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 327-2087 or 793-1789 2000 E.
SPEEDWAY WE HAVE JOBS FOR MALE HELP! HELP WANTED FEMALE Public rel. exp. a (emp) agcy comm. Girls: All kinds of office jobs! Male Help, Instructions 13 Tucson Barber College AAA rated. Immediate enrollment.
1016 Broadway 622-0226 MEN AND WOMEN WANTED TO TRAIN CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS We prepare men women, ages 18 to 55. No experience necessary. Grammar school education usually sufficient. Permanent jobs, no layoffs, short hours, high pay. Send name, address, phone number time home to: Washington Service Bureau, P.O.
Box 7427, Tucson. or phone MA 2-6817. MEN ALL AGES BE ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS RADIO-TV REPAIR Watch Pay Job Security Grow NEW CLASSES Write Visit or Call MA. 3-7000 No contract, No salesman will call. CAREER COLLEGE 1918 N.
Stone Veterans' Approved Durham Colleges Offer Professional Training In Drafting Design Basic Intermediate and All Advanced Courses Technical and Architectural Illustrating Air Brush, Color, Half Tones, All techniques 443 S. STONE 792-1411 Male Help, Instructions 13 TRAINEES NEEDED! Electronics technicians, up 10 $10,000 annual salary. Educational background no barrier. Let us train you for secure future in Electronics. Tuitions low as $18 monthly, Job Placement upon graduation.
Aptitude Exams upon request at no charge. Arizona's most complete College of Electronics. DURHAM COLLEGES 443 S. Stone 792-1411 Help Wanted, Male 14 EXPERIENCED children's counselor for Guest Ranch. Room, board, salary, tips.
AX. 8-2351. MEN (4) wanted. don't know how to write a fancy ad, but I'm not looking for a fancy fellow anyway. work pretty hard in my business and I'm going to put on 4 men witling to work just as nard at a steady, year 'round job for sales and service.
Car helpfur. No investment necessary. See at 1231 6th St VOLKSWAGEN Mechanic. Experienced only. Feld Motors, Inc.
Authorized Volkswagen Dealer, Casa Grande, Ariz. 836-8522. 30 MEN WANTED WAGES PAID DAILY To distribute circulars, Apply 6 a.m. Mon. Tues, Wed.
44 N. 5th Ave (Across from S.P. Depot.) BELLBOY for resort hotel. 25-30. gle.
Must live in. El Dorado Lodge, Speedway and Wilmot. A CAREER IN MANAGEMENT America's fastest growing consumer finance company will take one man, 21 to 30, into a carefully planned management training program. Must be able to accept intense training and master all phases of the operation in two years. After which ime will be appointed branch manager.
Good salary, paid vacations and many outstanding employee benefits. Call Mr. Krugel. 623-0587. KITCHEN helper for guest ranch.
Live-in. 298-2347. DOORMAN wanted, should be neat in appearance. Apply in person Catalina Theatre after 10 a.m. ORDERLY, full time and part time.
Center. Valley. Lee. House Convalescent WAKE, often UP! for Every reasons day men beyond are their laid control. Do you have an income to fall back on? Investigate our part time work today.
Call 624-5409 between 6 and 8 p.m. $29 DOWN, $19 MONTHLY SEE LOTS FOR NEW ARRIVALS MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR CORPORATION has openings for men with experience in sales, management, instructions, public relations, technical advisors. Qualified men will be able to obtain positions with potential earnings in excess of $800 per month. This prestige profession can be yours. For confidential interview, see MR.
HJORTAS at Hotel, Sunday 1 to 4 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. CHEF wanted One of Tucson's finest supper clubs. Top salary. Must have good references.
Apply Star Citizen Box 162-C. EXPERIENCED carpet and drapery salesman for inside and outside work. Must be able to do own measuring. Excellent working conditions. Good salary and commissions.
Apply in person between 10:00 and 12:00 a.m. to Mr. Honeyman. Hacker Furniture, 4545 E. Broadway.
3 TOP REAL ESTATE SALESMEN ONLY Horizon Land Corporation largest in the Southwest wants the 3 best licensed real estate salesmen in TUCson. Plenty of substantial leads provided as much sales help as you need. This is a strong. very profitable sell in a wide open field. If you're satisfied with $150 a week don't apply.
Phone 297-2211 Apply, in person Monday, Frederico all day: Tony HORIZON LAND CORPORATION Oracle, Rd Casas miles Adobes North SALESMAN $125 WEEK UP CAR NECESSARY MARRIED, 21-40 LEAVE YOUR PHONE NO. 325-6822 TRAINEE, termite and pest control. Married, 25-35 years. Under 160 pounds. Pest control experience helpful.
Phone 327-4968 for appointment. PINCHASER, experienced only need apply. Must be qualified AMF machines. Maintain pins etc. Relief work days evenings.
Keglers Lanes, 1240 N. Stone. HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY TUCSON, ARIZONA Has immediate openings for Computer Programmers Minimum 1 years programming experience on tape equipment for manufacturing applications. Prefer 1401 or 1410 experience. Excellent, your iob company satisfaction.
benefits APPLY AT Hughes Aircraft Co. Employment Office Nogales Highway An equal opportunity emplover BUSBOY Experienced. for quest ranch. Salary plus room and board. 296-2358, TV SERVICE MAN For permanent job with one of Tucson's leading appliance stores MUST HAVE BENCH EXPERIENCE.
BE AMBITIOUS, HAVE REFERENCES. Chance for advancement, and many extra benetits for right man. Call EA. 7.4257 for appointment. Ing knowledge essential.
1920 A Miracle Retail hardware salesman, plumbMile. MA. 4-5541. Help Wanted, Male 14 AIR CONDITIONING AND GENERAL LIGHT SERVICE MECHANIC General Motors factory air conditioning experience necessary. No others need apply References required.
YOUNG BUICK 641 See Mr. Boshaw, Service A Manager "CHEMICAL SALES" National concern will train married man to sell our line; age 28 to 38; our other men now earn $200 per week. Must furnish good references. Write qualifications Star -Citizen Box 155-C. HAIR DRESSER GUARANTEE, AND EA.
6-4330 COMMISSION DONUT MEN EXPERIENCED HANDCUT ONLY Opportunity to join America's largest and finest retail donut chain. Apply in person only: Dunkin' in Donuts 9238 E. 22nd 9:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M. Daily NEW TO TUCSON? DISAPPOINTED WITH THE FUTURE? No need to be unemployed or boggea down with no FUture. Earn while you learn with a company that will only hire those they feel can become successful with a rigorous 8 week training with pay program.
Must be over age 25, married, good appearance, above average intelligence. and the desire to be successful. SCHEDULE EXPENSE ACCT. BONUS 1st week $40 2nd week $50. 3rd week $60.
4th week $70 5th week $80. 6th week $90. 7th week $100 8th week $110 Thereafter $120 All applicants 5. may file applications for employment at 5357 E. Pima 9 a m.
to 12 noon or 2 p.m to p.m., Monday or Tuesday only Selections will be made at the time of application--you must be ready to start Wednesday morning at 9 a.m. MECHANIC with experience on large used car lot. Top wages to right man. 2930 S. 6th Ave.
REPS. WANTED PRECISION MACHINING Air cond. plant, latest precision machines Est. 1920. State commission qualifications, territory first letter.
President. Air Transport Amityville, N. Y. ONE FLOOR man for ad alley One crap operator for model 30. Must be daily newspaper experienced.
Reply Mr. Piercer, P.O. Box 818. Scottsdale. NEED one man that needs to make monthly.
Must have late model auto; ages 25-55; MUST BE BONDABLE. Phone Mr. Murphy, 622-7673. BODY shop qualified metal men. Opening for many benefits.
See or call Dean Tozzi, MA. 4-5515, or MA. 4-3494, new car dealer. WHOLESALE PLUMBING firm needs counter -man and outside salesman. An opportunity for ambitious men.
Experience Star-Citizen Box 156-C. FRY COOK Must be experienced in breakfast. Room, board, salary. 298-2351. BUSBOY for guest resort.
Must be experienced. Room, board, salary, tips. 298-2351. JOURNEYMEN plumbers, tractortrencher operator. Steady work.
A. C. Watson Construction, Inc. 624-6678. Positions Still Open A Big Secure Future! WHY? FOR We Never Have Had a Layoff! WHY? Because we are a national concern, we know that most companies do not pay men what they are worth.
Our company policy is to give top money. We know that by doing this, men are happy in their work and they will put forth all their efforts. The results will be good production all down the line with no layoffs. MAINTENANCE MEN SERVICE MEN SALESMEN TRUCK DRIVERS OFFICE WORKERS CONSTRUCTION WORKERS ETC. If you are tired of the kind of pay checks you are making and are sincere about wanting a good steady job with high earning potential and are willing to make a change in your line of work, then see me at the Executive Inn, 333 W.
Drachman, Monday, March 23, at 1:30 p.m. sharp. Ask for Mr. Nutt (personnel mgr.) at the desk. DRAFTSMEN ELECTRICAL MECH MECHANICAL Openings stora experienced applicants.
Bring or detailed resume. CONSULTANTS DESIGNERS INC. 3550 N. Central suite 420, Phoenix, Arizona, 277-1077 COOLER salesmen, will teach refrigeration estimating. 9-10 a.m.
307 E. Grant. Act NOW, Earn More OWN BOSS INEXPERIENCED, EXPERIENCED DRIVERS No Selling Required Trailers and Loads Supplied Paid Training if you are 21 or over, pass physical, own or can finance 1958 Diesel-1959 Gas or later tractor WRITE Star-Citizen Box 396-B COLLECTION agency needs full time man. Must have brains, serviceable car, references, be bondable. Get highest commissions, ground floor opportunity.
Apply Credit Trust 501-A N. Grande. Monday and Tuesday, 1:30 to 5:30 VAN DRIVERS NEEDED- -Earn more as an owner -operator driving for North American Van Lines, America's moving van company. Complete training with pay, free uniforms, free licenses, free van maintenance and plenty of work. No selling required.
Applicants must be between 23 and 50, have a late model tractor or a reasonable down payment. We will assist in financing. For further details call Personnel Department, Fort Wayne 219-742-5451. or write North American Department 103. Fort Wayne, Indiana.
SALESMEN CARPETS SOME GENERAL SALES EXPER. WILL TRAIN YOU Verified Qualified LEADS "IF" You Can't Make PER WEEK "WE" Don't Want You NO GIMMICKS! We give you The Customers: The Carpet: The Financing; The Sales Kit. ALL you have to do is write the ORDERS Call MR. ROSS, 10-2 792-1267 Help Wanted, Male 14 SEE AD INSTRUCTION 13 CAREER COLLEGE DISHWASHER. Good hours.
No Sundays. Boulevard Grill, 35 N. Tucson. MIDDLEAGED or retired man to assist handicapped University student. 6 day week.
Open salary. Room and board. EA. 5-3998. ASSISTANT MANAGER We need young men, with 1 to 3 years experience, in the Loan and Finance Industry.
Present Assistant being promoted. Excellent starting salary and benefits. All Inquiries confidential. Phone Ken Hartsock. MA.
2-6411. HEAD CHEF for high class Wisconsin resort. American Plan and ala carte experience. Application 10 12145 Acebo San Diego, Calif. ATTORNEY to write Arizona Notary Register manuscript-time required roughly equal to law review article.
Royalty or honorarium. Write ground, including education and any legal honors to President. American Notary Register P. O. Box 754, Dallas 21, Texas.
ACTUAL JOBS in U. Europe, America. Many high pay, Write Employment Info. Center, Room 821, 739 Boylston Boston 16. Mass.
ALASKA overseas, U. S. job information. High pay. Write Globe Application Service, Box 864, Baltimore 3, Md.
MANAGER TRAINEE Local branch of National Loan and Finance chain is seeking a young aggressive, personable man who wants a career and wishes to work. for promotion. Must be 21 to 28 years old, high school with typing ability. Good starting salary. Usual benefits.
See Ken Hartsock at 10 N. 6th. Ave. SALESMEN WE AMERICA'S Outstanding DIRECT SALES ORGANIZATION WE HAVE LEADS LEADS LEADS and LEADS WE Unlimited Financing WE NEED Great Direct Salesmen Closers Object! Call Mr. Ross 792-1267 Salesmen 15 WONDERFUL opportunity for experienced hardware and houseware salesman to cover established territory in the Tucson and surrounding area.
By Arizona's foremost distributor. Draw against commission and expenses. Furnish complete resume. Information will be held in the strictest of confidence. P.O.
Box 6400, Phoenix, Arizona. CAREER position. Need 8 men that want 10 make above average income. Qualifications--must be bondable, have car, give three character references, spend four days in training. National organization.
Largest manufacturer of its kind. Applications now being taken at 4034 E. Grant Rd. Monday thru Friday 10 Salesmen 15 Sales Opporunity With P.A.T. Homes Tucson's Leading Builder If you are an ambitious, licensed real estate salesman willing to work for high earnings with Tucson's largest home builder, you will be interested in this new opening in our sales department Powerful odvertising support, exceptional new incentive plan and other important benefits make this one of the most desirable sales opportunities in the industry.
For interview in complete confidence, phone Mrs. Hendrickson. AX. 8-3371 SALESMAN UNDER 39 We guarantee a lifetime career. Associate yourself with the West's fastest growing company.
If you can qualify, we will train you in a very specialized profession. Your EARNING set by us-and your ADVANCEMENTS will be set by US. Standard company benefits. So if you don't want security and advancements pushed upon you, don't call 327-8455, 9 a.m. to 11.
Mr. Brown. WHAT WILL 64 HOLD FOR YOU? Insurance career sales. We offer a highly successful life time career in the Fraternal Insurance field. No soliciting or canvassing.
THIS JOB IS YOUR FUTURE! Start preparing now SO you can be in the swing of things for the new year. THIS JOB IS YOUR FUTURE! We would like to show you our program. This is a career opportunity. THIS JOB IS YOUR FUTURE. For appointment call EA.
7-6233 Monday. Men, what has made America great? "Free Enterprise" SALESMANSHIP! The greatest opportunity in America today is in professional selling. One of the best areas to make money is in the automobile in du stry. For men of courage, stamina and ability you can write your own ticket. Only are successful; the challenge and odds are great; the rewards are great.
To those of vision, we now have an opening for 4 men. Call for appointment MA. 4-5515, Mr. Cole or Mr. Thompson.
Salesmen 15 Food Plan Salesmen LEADS FURNISHED Phone 327-5661. 2404 E. Grant Rd. $29 DOWN, $19 MONTHLY SEE LOTS FOR SALE LEASING REPRESENTATIVE needed for expanding LEASE DEPARTMENT HOLMES TUTTLE BROADWAY FORD 800 E. BROADWAY See Mike Honomichel Monday 9-5 YOUNG SALESMEN 18 to 27 years of age, no experlence necessary.
2400 E. Grant Rd. OUR ORGANIZATION iS over 40 years old and is rated tops as one of the successful businesses of our times. How did it get this way? Through successful sales and service men. Investigate the opportunity of Electrolux today and find out what it can mean to you.
1231 E. 6th. Experienced Sewing MACHINE SALESMAN Wanted: Excellent Company, benefits and Insurance plan. the Singer Co. El Con Shopping Center.
EXPERIENCED General Insurance Agent or Salesman, principally to handle established personal accounts with some commercial and referrals. Permanent position with twenty-five year established agency with opportunity to become associated with agency. Nehring Insurance Agency, 2609 Broadway, Tucson, Arizona. Truck Salesman Experienced 10 sell full line of FORD TRUCKS apply Monday, 9 to 5 HOLMES TUTTLE 800 E. Broadway See Mike Honomichel NEW CAR SALES CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTHVALIANT ROLLING MOTORS 901 E.
Broadway Top Auto Salesman Must be experienced on volume buv here-pay here operation. Heavy inventory, lots of advertising in. $100 week draw. Top pay plan. See Lew, MACK McGINNIS USED CARS INC.
2930 S. 6th Ave. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Full time. Men or women with 11- cense. Good location.
Plenty of parking. Call Mr. Parker for confidential appointment. 327-6864. WANTED Young married man with car who needs to earn weekly.
Must be type who can work without watchinq the clock and genuinely ambitious to get ahead. Work qualified leads 10 a.m. Monday, 1308 N. Winstel. only No canvassing.
See Mr. Hayes, SALESMEN and manufacturer representatives for our new Western plant, Tucson, to call on furniture, mattrees, department stores, industrial and institutions with the largest enli of plastic products, covers and bags for every purpose. Several territories open. Postcraft Company, 625 W. Rillito St.
624-2531. FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE position now open this area. Age requirement 23-45, sales experience necessary over 30. Car preferred. average of two nights per week on road.
Long established, top rated manufacturer of automotive specialties offers thorough training, complete insurance program and an exopportunity for you to earn $1,000.00 per month or more. Write for application to ARTHUR FULMER, P. 0. Box MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. ADVERTISING pennants sell fast to car dealers, all businesses.
Write Pennant Corporation, 1414 W. Pico, Los Angeles. IF YOU WANT Money Money Money WE HAVE THE Leads Leads Leads Toltec City, in the heart of the Nation's fastest growing Strip-City is capturing the fancies of Tucson's residents. You can be a part of the success and growth of this great area, by working right here in Tucson. Free Real Estate School to you for a career in Arizona's leading industry.
Spanish Speaking Salesmen also needed. Call 792-1707 On Monday or Tuesday for private confidential appointment, at your convenience. Ask for Mr. Kahn. to 2 p.m.
1505852480 DIRECTORY $29 DOWN, $19 MONTHLY SEE LOTS FOR SALE PLANS -Designs Estimates Free. Underwriters Reconstructors. 296-5802 Remodeling. New Construction Bill Mott Contr. 297-3082 Repairs, Remodeling, New Construcion Birdman Construction.
MA. 3-5481 ALTERATIONS GET Easter dresses fixed up. Skirt hemming. 702 N. 6th Ave.
792-1287. AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMATIC transmission supplies serv Gen repairs Russell's Auto motive 5058 12th Ave AX 4-2583. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REPAIR 2021 E. 13th 622-2051 Transmissions Rebuilt. Overhauled and Sealed.
Also parts new. used and rebuilt. BUILDING REPAIR NEW BUILDING, additions, all phases of and patio walls. Free estimates. EA.
5-2878. BE SURE When you add or remodel. Complete service. Call Max, EA. 7-1320, eveninas.
CORBETT LUMBER CO. WE DO THE WHOLE JOB 327-0661 FREE estimates, add. remodel build. Quality Construction Co EA 7-6414. ADDITIONS Remodeling Repairs Free estimates AX.
8-5277 CARPENTRY FAST careful Christian worker call with confidence REPAIRS: ine finish: cabinets; addiroots: patio walls 325-3722 FOR FINE finish carpentry. cabinets and built-ins call 296-1092 CARPENTRY cement work, $2.50 hour. Italian cooking, home-parties. MA. 4-5175.
CARPET CARPET installation REPAIRS and BINDING 327-0941 CEMENT WORK BLOCK, Brick Cement Work. Fire: places. Free estimate. 297-0316. CEMENT slabs, patio walls, additions.
AX. 8-5341. CEMENT work, all kinds. Patio walls, block, brick. Estimates.
MA. 3-2817. CESSPOOLS, SEPTIC SEPTIC tanks, sewer, sink lines cleaned Reasonable. 298-1462 CLOTHESLINES $18.50 INSTALLED complete. 3321 E.
7-0071 Carry GUARDIAN FENCE' CO. MA. 4-8867 COOLING AND HEATING Low cost expert furnace cooler service. All makes. Cooler painting.
Maintenance, 296-0451 COMPLETE cooler service; cleaning, painting, pads, repairs. 623-3880. DRESSMAKING Experienced alterations and sewing 1424 Richev Reasonable 326 9431 Dressmaking Men's women's alHaddock, MA. 2-4156. DRESSMAKING, alterations, general sewing.
Applique, beading a specialty. 298-0791. ELECTRICAL SERVICES WIRING Residential and Commercial Service Kermit Oestreich EA. 7.4281 EXTERMINATING All phases. Free Insp.
Est. Lic. Bonded. Veterans Co. 298-2339.
HANDYMAN Building. Repairs Remodeling. Painting, Masonry. Coolers. 623-3880.
INCOME TAX CODDINGTON Acct. Bookkeeping W. Mossman AX. 4-0265 INDIVIDUAL Federal and State In2910 E. Devon.
EA. 7-3834 come $5 and up. Michaleako. TAX, BOOKKEEPING, pick-up and deliver 298-8129. Louderman INCOME TAX Open 8-9, 319 E.
33rd MA. 2-8924 6 CLARK 21 years Income tax reparation. YOUR HOME OR MINE 3837 Calle Cortez. EA 6-8527. INCOME TAX Fast 793-0380.
3 Ma TUC W. Pet For Sal Are tim: over aS dust Citiz back He HAI foll MA LON im an Mu me ful OU! pro col for Bo PEI tel cOl ap joi for N. Ar Sp MU HA Ta treat. Kennedy put his arguments clearly and forcibly to the congressional leaders, but there was usually something detached and even donnish about his willingness to grant the merit in the other fellow's argument. This may not be the most attractive quality of the new administration but it works.
The amiable qualities of the human spirit are not always the most effective in politics. Kennedy's qualities are now being praised by many men who voted against him and Johnson's qualities are now being condemned by a lot of legislators who are voting with him. It all depends on the test. The lovers of style happy with the new administration, but the lovers of substance are not complaining. FUNERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS BROOKS, Alvin 48, of Linda Vista died March 19th.
Survived by wife, Alpine; sons, John and Michael; daughter, Patricia, 1 brother, Ed. Brooks; sister, Mrs. Pauline Edmond. Service Monday 10 a.m. in the Arizona Mortuary Chapel.
Interment in Evergreen. FREEL, John, 46, 828 E. Jefferson, died March 20th. Arrangements to be announced by Palms Mortuary. HENIGSCHMIDT, Donald 33, Silverbell, died March 19th.
Survived by wife, Madeline daughter, Monica; son, James; father, Alfred Henigschmidt; mother, Mrs. Joan Murphy; brother, Richard. Rosary will be recited Sunday 8 p.m. at Reilly's Chapel. Requiem mass Monday 9:30 a.m.
St. Christopher's Church, Marana, Ariz. Burial in Holy Hope. HUBBELL, Frances 59, of 300 N. Indian House passed away March 19th.
Survived by sons, Richard of Tucson, Edward of Scottsdale; sister, Harriett Hubbell; brother, Walter C. Weed; 3 grandchildren. Services will be heid at 11 a.m. Monday at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church.
Burial in Grantwood Memorial Park. Arrangements by Parker Arizona Mortuary. Donations may be made to the Multiple Sclerosis fund. TOURIGNY, Meta 0., 71, 2215 E. 6th entered into rest March 1 18th.
Rosary will be recited Sunday evening in Bring's Memorial Chapel. Requiem High Mass will be offered 9 a.m. at SS. Peter Paul Catholic Church. Friends may call at Bring's Funeral Home 2-8 p.m., March 22nd.
Burial South Lawn. Pallbearers Sheriff Waldon Burr, Undersheriff James Wyckoff, Carl Hitt, Winston Reyonlds, Dan Negrette, and Frank Ohler. WEILER, Bernard 80, of 1628 E. 10th entered into rest Friday, March 20th. He is survived by wife, Adelle; sons, Dr.
Bernard S. and Dr. Earl both of Tucson: five grandchildren; two great grandchildren. Services will be held Monday, March 23, at 2 p.m. at Bring's Funeral Chapel, with Reverend Roy M.
Smith officiating. Masonic graveside services will follow by Tucson Lodge No. 4 F. and A.M. in Evergreen Cemetery.
Funeral Directors 1-B PARKER-ARIZONA MORTUARY 4601 E. First St. EA. 7-6611 ARIZONA MORTUARY 7 E. Third St.
MA. 4-8685 Complete Funeral to meet every income" Bring's Funeral Home 236 Crott MA. 3-4718 I CLASSIFIED Rates and Deadlines Minimum Cash Ad 10 Words 90 Charge 10 Words $1.02 Five Words to the Line Rates Per Word Number of All Day Consecutive Days Rate (Same Copy) .09 (Same Copy) (Sam. Copy) (Same Copy) (Same Copv) (Same Copv) (Same Plus Citv State Sales Tax Change of Copv Charge 50c Charge 75c Additional Boy Number Service DEADLINES New Ads-Weekdays 5 P.M. Change of copy, corrections and cancellations 4 P.M.
nee sior por TUE LAI PO wi Se av ne on SA sa pr LIF 23 CO re CO re SF RE Pa ac So de Dab to INCOME TAX PAINTING DECORATING INCOME Tax returns prepared, your BEST in interior decorating. All home or my office. 297-3007. types of painting a specialty. Highly professional craftsmanship.
Phone WATSON 792-1155. 8:00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Ask for Jim. TAX SERVICE EXP.
painter, interior. exterior Has 8 children, must work. 325-8775. 2513 2303 E. N.
Country Broadway Club QUALITY workmanship, Ext. or int. 6th Ave. painting. Crack patching, dry wall 4203 2531 Cravcroft at D.M finishing.
Recommendations. 793-8557, 2025 S. 6th Ave PROFESSIONAL papering and paintMA. 3-2507 or EA. 5-4164 ing.
Personal service. H. G. $5 UP hart. Phone 623-6700.
7-5187. RAY E. COX PATIO ROOFS Former Internal Revenue Officer PATIO ROOMS PATIO ROOFS 5315 Broadway To enhance your living Room 103 EA. 7-5243 Several fine used items. VISIT OUR FACTORY V.
STERN ALUMINUM FEDERAL STATE 1959 19th St. at Campbell 624-2308 Days 793-1360 Eves, PATIO walls, brick. block, cement $5 UP PATIO WAILS Tax Returns for All States work. Terms. Ref.
298-6219. available. PIANO TUNING PIANO tuning repairing ConscienH BLOCK CO. tious. reasonabie 3 tuners available.
ALLEGRO MA 2-6426 EA 5-7700 Nation LARGEST Tax Service. 2237 E. Broadway PLASTERING 4410 Speedway 5803 E. 22nd St COMPLETE service, large, small, 3307 S. 6th Ave.
interior -exterior EA 5-3060. Phone 624-6651 PLUMBING Weekdays 9 a.m. 9 p.m. Licensed plumber. Repairs, sewers.
In: Saturday and Sunday 9 5 stalled. Gilchrist. MA. 3-4420. LICENSED bonded plumber Repairs, FEDERAL and state income taxes sewer and drain service prepared in your home Oy expert- Maintenance, 795-1800 enced accountant.
795-3613 anytime. REMODELING YOUR TAX RETURNS $10 to $100.000. Financing Available. Free estimate. 298-3501 A FINE, AT SENSIBLE PERSONAL FEES SERVICE ROOFING CORBETT LUMBER CO, -B ACCOUNTING REROOF WITH CONFIDENCE 327-0661 SERVICES Licensed Roofing, Roofing, MA.
Reasonable. 3-5481 Birdman Open 4930 N. daily--Evening Campbell Ave. Appointments 325-0991 PUGS CLEANING EXPERT, foot. carpet Call 296-1686.
shampooing 5c per EXPERT tax service--SAVE on careful computation. 548 East Speedway. Ph. 623-0042 or MA. 3-8273.
SAND AND GRAVEL MASHEK, 3500 E. Kleindale, Sp. $2 11. SAVE MONEY. Top soil, pea gravel, Bookkeeping Tax service.
326-0757. up. mortar fill. EA. 7-5130.
Your home or mine. SCREENED PLANTING SOIL LANDSCAPING HAYDEN EXCAVATION 327-6029 SPECIAL prices on sand. pea aravel. LANDSCAPING brick work, planting top soil, fill. Call MA.
3-9332. decorative gravel. EA. 5-7261. ARNOLD'S SAND GRAVEL RENOVATING lawns-treework-yard- River run top soil.
truck for hire work-topsoil-lawns installed. Frank small excavation. Clean up. AX. 4-3820 Barber-AX.
8-0583. SCREENED gravel. River run. Top LIGHT HAULING soil. Leaching field rock.
294-4844. WE haul anything anytime. Also odd TILE iobs. Free est 298-4543. NEW and Repair ceramic guarHAUL anything Odd iobs.
Manure. anteed. Free estimates port, 4-9133. Yards. $1.50 hr.
296-5594, 296-2530. HAULING cleaning, painting. window TRFE SERVICE washing, odd iobs. Free estimates SOUTHWESTERN AX 4-3767 TREES removed. Yards and Qualified experts.
Licensed and alleys TRFE SERVICE cleaned. 294-0894. Davis. sured Lands aping renovating. HAULING of all kinds.
Spring clean- top soil. 795-1585, 623-3755. ing. Reliable, Yard 622-4124. cleaning.
Yard grading. TRAILER AWNINGS MASONRY FACTORY TO YOU Cabanas AWNINGS, Patio Rooms BRICK. Block al' phases masonry 3 LINES TO CHOOSE FROM Quality reliable. est. 298-0470.
Also aood pre-owned items of many CUSTOM FIREPLACES; repairs types Sizes Block, brick and stone 325-3722 WESTERN ALUMINUM MASONRY cement new or re- 1959 5 19th St. at Campbell pairs. Reasonable. service, 624-2308 793-1360 free Est. Call Bob, 622-0538.
TUTORING MATTRESS RENOVATING TUTOR in elementary subiects. Special work with slow learners. 326- REBUILD your old mattress or box 9263. spring like new! As low as $12.50. Co.
UPHOLSTERING American Mattress Furniture 4146 E. Speedway. ROYAL Upholstery Resale. 2760 N. 793-1961.
MUSIC INSTRUCTION at Stone. Beautiful custom upholstery reasonable rates. Free estimates. EXPERIENCED piano teacher your 623-5942: Eves. 297-2002.
home. 10 years organist Massev Yuma TUCSON'S first upholstery school. Methodist church. Vera Pay for material only. labor free.
325-7281 Rightway Upholstery School, 792-3725, PAINTING 2. DECORATING UPHOLSTERY good rates free work ouar private party AX 3439. PAINTING interior exterior. Wall SLIP Covers, custom made in my time. papering.
792-0910, Competent 297-1230. workman. Any home. Pick up and delivery 296-4909, RESIDENTIAL work specialty. YARN Int Ext Prompt clean.
Start Knitting professional CA 5-2040 anvtime. New Spring Kits! Your PAINTER, paint--my A-1. 20 tools. years' Reasonable, experience. All Wide Latest Variety Patterns AvailableWE TEACH YOU by hour job.
622-9412. of YARN andor painting. Brush. COLORS to Choose spray. QUALITY roller.
Reas. ext. 327-7145, 624-7151. 18 N. Tucson YARN Bvid.
CAROUSEL From 325-8681 40.