Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

it FORT WORTH STAR TELEGRAM 85 -Associated Press Photo. LOCKED IN THE VAULT--Willie Geltmirer, a customer; Mrs. Weldon Kaddatz, assistant cashier, and Guy Mann, cashier and vice president, left to right, are looking at the lock-trip on the vault of the Malone State Bank, in which they were imprisoned Tuesday by a lone gunman. Bank Bandit Is Sought in Mid-Texas MALONE, Oct. 6 (P).

Central Texas officers are still looking for calm gunman who robbed the Malone State Bank of $15,000 and then fled in a black sedan. The stickup occurred shortly before noon Tuesday. Guy Mann, vice president and cashier of the bank, said he was in the rear of the bank when al stranger entered through side door. Mann was suspicious, but went on into the bank vault. When he returned the stranger calmly said: "This is a stickup.

Give me the money." The robber held an automatic pistol in his gloved left hand. After obtaining the money from the vault and the cashier's cage, the gunman ordered Mann, Mrs. Weldon Kaddatz, assistant cashier, and Willie Geltmirer, a customer, Into the vault. He warned them to wait for 10 minutes before sounding an alarm. But Mann called police as soon the holdup man was out of sight.

In Corsicana, officers said the man's description fitted that of the man who robbed the First State Bank of Rice of $4,002 on Aug. 11. Austin College Board To Discuss Expansion SHERMAN, Oct. 6 plans for Austin College, which will celebrate its centennial next year, will be discussed here Thursday morning at the annual meeting of the school trustees. Pat E.

Hooks of Itasca, chairman of the board, will preside. Toddie Lee Wynne of Dallas, board member, will fly other Dallas trustees, Rev. Frank C. Brown, Rev. William M.

Elliott Jr. and Mrs. A. L. Slaughter, here for the meeting in his private plane.

Veiled Prophet Ball Tonight in St. Louis ST. LOUIS, Oct. 6 guests will attend Wednesday night's Veiled Prophet ball here at Kiel Auditorium. They include Miss Margaret Truman, daughter of the president; Secretary of the Treasury Snyder; Mrs.

Snyder; their daughter, Drucie; Film' Star Agnes Moorhead, and Gov. Phil M. Donnelly of Missouri. Continued from Page viets and "remove the threat to the peace which has been created by the Soviet Union and which, while it remains, is the insuperable obstacle to free negotiations." He emphasized repeatedly world that the blockade is a threat to peace, saying "all the world knows; that this is true." Jessup said the Russians were forcing starvation on Berlin, adding "that an effort made to deprive 2,500,000 men, women and children of medicines and food and clothing and fuel, to subject them to cold and starvation and disease, may seem to some as small matter. 'Serious "But to us," he continued, "the welfare of the people committed to our charge is a matter of serious concern." Jessup called the Russian offer to feed the Berliners "propaganda plan," and said this pian had failed as the blockade failed.

"The German population recognized for, the political bribery that it was," Jessup said. He accused the Russians of creating "organized and inspired mob violence." Then he detailed, with date and action, successive Rus-, sian moves to strangle Berlin. He said: "Finally, the hollowness of the various Soviet pretexts position of the Berlin blockade was completely exposed at the re-, cent meeting of the four military governors (of Germany) when in total disregard of the directive agreed upon in Moscow, the Soviets demanded measures of permanent control of traffic between Berlin and continued the West- -measures Western zone currency would have been removed from Berlin." At no time, Jessup declared, "did the Soviet government take the initiative itself and approach the governments of the Western powers with specific proposals to remedy whatever grievance it may have had." The American concluded by saying the "salient feature" of the Western case against Russia "is that the Soviet blockade is still maintained and thus continues in existence the threat to the peace which it Jessup was the only speaker the morning session. Presiding Officer Juan Bramuglia, Argentine foreign minister, adjourned the session immediately after Jessup finished. Kraft Ordered to Rest County Judge Clarence Kraft was reported out of danger but in need of rest at Harris Hospital Wednesday where he was taken Monday for treatment for high I blood pressure.

Marriage Licenses Don't Go To Drunks, Parker Clerk Says WEATHERFORD, Oct. 6 marriages" in the county. Worth Barnett, Parker County Barnett said he issues an averclerk, Wednesday said that in the age of 170 to 175 marriage liand censes month, about 70 per cent three years nine months he of them to out-of-town couples, has held office he has issued no nearly all from Fort Worth. Most marriage licenses to couples who of these are issued in the dayshow any signs of having been time at the courthouse, he said, drinking and that in the case of but on week-ends there may be young girls he invariably requires six or seven at night. Some he isaffidavits that they are of mar- sues at his residence, some at the riageable age.

office, he said. Barnett said no complaint had "I have been complying with ever been made to him about mar- the law as well as I know how." riage licenses issued from his of- he declared. "We are very parfice, prior to last week, when Dis- ticular whom we issue licenses to trict Judge J. E. Carter talked and we do not issue licenses to with him about the issuance of drunks or people who have been license to a 13-year-old girl, whose drinking." parents had consulted the judge.

He said that when he took this case, although the girl fice in 1945 there were so many appeared to be Barnett said, applicants from out of town for "I demanded an affidavit, and an marriage licenses that he made affidavit was sworn to by the practice of asking them why they brother of the prospective bride- came to Weatherford, and most of croom. He swore that he knew them said they "just wanted to girl to be 18." keep it out of the papers." Monday Judge Carter in- Barnett was defeated for renomnew grand jury to in- ination in the August runoff priunder age and drunken mary by William Ashcroft. Wed. Evening, Oct. 6, ONE HARD LESSON Texas States Righters Shape Whirlwind Drive BY MABEL GOULDY.

Texans will be urged to join voters of "her sister Southern States" in support of the Thurmond-Wright ticket when a flying wedge of topflight Dixie speakers invades Texas on Oct. 15. The cream of the crop of States Rights Party orators will be ladled out in an attempt to gain Texas' 23 electorial votes and will be headed by Gov. J. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina and Gov.i Fielding Wright of Mississippi, candidates for the presidency and vice Governor presidency, Laney of respectively.

Arkansas and former governors Sam Jones of Louisiana and Frank Dixon of Alabama will make Texas appearlances also in rallies at Fort Worth, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio, on dates to be announced. Price Outlines Plan, These announcements made Wednesday by Lloyd E. Price, Fort Worth member of the executive committee of the new party, after a long distance telephone conference with States Rights headquarters in Jackson, Miss. "Our flag is still flying," Price declared, "and this whirlwind campaign has been decided on to tell Texas voters that Governor Dewey, committed and just the Republicans much to are an as FEPC or so-called federal civil rights program as President Truman and the Democrats." The drive in Texas will be part of a Southwide vote appeal in the closing days of the campaign in which 30 to 35 speakers will participate, Price said. Thurmond is scheduled to make a major address on Oct.

27 in Shreveport and will then spend the concluding days of the campaign, Oct. 28-31, in Texas. His Lone Star schedule is yet to be worked out. Houston Rally Set. A Houston barbecue around the middle of the month will probably spark thee to swing Texas into States Rights column on Nov.

2. Three states, Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina, are regarded as "in the bag" for Thurmond and Wright, according to Funeral Tomorrow For Ranch Foreman DECATUR, Oct. 6 services for Lambert H. 63, foreman of the J. L.

Waggoner Ranch east of here, who died of heart ailment Tuesday, will be held at 2:30 the Christian Funeral Home at p. m. day. Waggoner, for whom Guthrie had worked 48 years, died of a heart attack last week. Guthrie is survived by his wife, son, Morris, of Decatur, three grandchildren, a sister and three brothers.

Wimberly Funeral At Sweetwater Today SWEETWATER, Oct. will 6 held Funeral be here Wednesday at 4 p. m. for Cornett (Bud) Wimberly, 66, resident of Sweetwater for 25 years and brother Dr. A.

J. Wimberly, president of Texas Dental Society. Wimberly died Tuesday in Dallas. Survivors include three brothers, D. D.

Wimberly, N. Dr. Homer A. Wimberly, San Angelo; and Dr. A.

J. Wimberly, Sweetwater; several nephews, including Dr. Russell Wimberly of Longview. Compton Heads U. S.

Arms Research Unit WASHINGTON, Oct. 6 Dr. Karl T. Compton has been named head of the nation's military ed research and development board. President Truman.

chose the president of Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tuesday to succeed Dr. Vannevar Bush. Compton, a noted physicist, has been connected with the government off and on since World War in which he served as an aeronautical engineer in the Signal Corps. QUALITY PRODUCT Airo Blind MISTAL ACTINGS FREE ESTIMATES TERMS AIR-KOOL AWNING CO. 3126 BRIGHT PM.

6-6083 BLEW HIS TOP INSTEAD OF HORN Learned HOW To Swim the 'Or Else' Way Albert Pool, Technical High School student in 1944 and 1945 and son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Pool of Grapevine, learned to! swim in one not-s0-easy lesson.

It all happened, he wrote his parents, when a 30-foot albacore. fishing boat sank suddenly off Swanton Beach, last week. It happened while the boat was being towed by Coast Guard vessel after it had gone aground. Pool and the other three persons aboard the fishing boat stayed afloat until cutter could pick them out of the bay. REQUEST MADE FOR REPLACING MORROW BY SAM KINCH.

Anstia Staff Correspondent. Chances in the Louisiana States Rights were "good" as candidates will run in that state under the official Democratic designation on the ballot. In Arkansas, Democratic voters will choose between two sets of designated by Truman "independent" and representing and Thurmond. In Georgia, he pointed out, Democratic electors are bound by action of their state convention not to vote for any candidate favoring the controversial civil rights program. "And we regard our chances in Texas as good," Price concluded.

AUSTIN, Oct. telegraphic request that the Democratic National Committee replace Wright Morrow of Houston with Byron Skelton of Temple has been sent to Senator Howard McGrath, chairman of the national committee. Stuart Long of Austin, State committeeman from the 10th District, said Wednesday he was one of 42 signers of the telegram which asked McGrath to comply with the mandate of the State Democratic convention at Fort Worth Sept. 14. Temple Woman Signs.

Mrs. Edith Liles of Temple, member of the state committee, was said to be number one signer on the telegram which called attention to the fact the signers represent two-thirds of the state committee. McGrath reportedly national campaign in New York when the telegram reached his office in Washington. Morrow was recommended. for the national committee by the May convention of Texas Democrats.

He subsequently was approved by the national convention and took his seat on the committee in July. Both With Truman. When the state convention in Fort Worth instituted its purge of party officials suspected of disloyalty to the national ticket the convention recommended that 4 Texas Congressmen Arrive at Wiesbaden WIESBADEN, Germany, Oct. representatives in Congress arrived at the U. S.

Air Force headquarters base here from Vienna Wednesday on study tour of Europe. Members of the party are Texans Omar Burleson, Wingate Lucas, J. Frank Wilson and Ed Gossett and Alabaman Laurie C. Battle. Winners Listed in CCWGA Golf Play The Country Club Women's Golf Association will not play next week because of the Texas Open at River Crest.

In Tuesday's event at Colonial, prizes went to Mmes. Howard Vogtel, R. H. Owens, Frank Kline, Truett Mann, J. L.

Gunn, C. A. Alexander, A. N. Jefferies, and Fred Kyle.

Sites for Next Three State Golf Meets Set SAN ANTONIO, Oct. 6 The Texas Golf Association se dates for three golf tournaments in meeting here Tuesday. The Dallas Country Club will be host to the Texas Men's Amateur tournament in 1949. Oak Hills Country Club of San Antonio will be the tourney site in 1950 and the Corsicana Country Club has been selected for 1951. Ace BLEND made KENTUCKY 193 preet TV HIGHLIGHTS OF DIXIE SERIES Highlights of the Dixie Series will be presented Wednesday night by WBAP-TV as part of the Texas News telecast beginning at 7:35 p.

m. motion picture, "Men Are Not Gods," starring Miriam Hopkins and Rex Harrison, will be shown for an hour and 20 minutes beginning at 8 p. m. Dealers Say Meat Already Cheaper Here ocratic executive committee. I level.

Store the Friendly FOR THE FIRST TIME NOW IN FORT WORTH Seamless "Breather" Lining and Arch Protector help keep healthy feet healthy. The Newest, Most Accurate System For Fitting Children's Shoes Assure Your Child A At last you can be absolutely sure your youngsters get a perfect fit! There's no doubt, no guesswork, "Room-To-Grow" Fit with this revolutionary new "see-for-yourself" fitting method, exclusive with MONNIG'S. Feet can't be misfitted with the Step Master WINDOW system. We determine Stepmasters Shoes Are Priced: size with transparent plastic WIN- Infants' Sizes 2 5 proper to shoes (used for fitting only). You Babies' Sizes to 8..........

can actually see your child's foot inside the Children's Sizes to 12............ shoe--not merely bone structure. You can Misses' Sizes 12 to 3............ see for yourself how much "room to grow" there is in smart, sturdy Step Master Shoes. U.

S. Patent Office Step Master New Enlarged Children's Shoe Shop A CLEN MONNIG'S Third Fleer Morrow be replaced by Skelton. Both men rode President Truman's campaign train through Texas last week, but no mention was made of the committee post. Morrow has been named mnember of the national finance committee. One spokesman for the national committee was quoted several weeks ago as saying that committee member could not be removed except for open opposition to the party candidates.

Morrow has said repeatedly that he planned to support the national ticket and late last week had a conference on money raising efforts with Mayor Tom Miller of Austin, who is state finance chairman, and John B. Calhoun of Corsicana, who is chairman of the state Dem- Traffic Jam Is Over, but The Kind He's In Now Isn't The high-tempered efforts of downtown traffic jam about 6:30 42-year-old man to break up a p. m. Tuesday served only to enmesh him in a snarl of police charges, including with an automobile, simple assault and violation of the pistol law. The irate motorist became tied up in a string of cars that were jammed on W.

1st near Throckmorton by a truck in a loading zone. Witnesses said the man shouted to the driver of car ahead of him. The driver, S. M. Culver, 45, of 910 E.

Ramsey, a Missouri-Kan(sas-Texas Railway yard clerk, said he, too, was unable to move. Arlington Students Getting X-Ray Tests High school students at Arlington will be given X-ray examina-1 tions Wednesday and Thursday by the Fort Worth arrant County Tuberculosis Society. More than 1,200 students of NTAC were given the examinations Sept. 27 through Oct. 2.

Persons over 15 years of age, white and Negro, will be given X-ray examinations Friday from 3 to 8 m. at the Arlington City Hall. Miss Sula Fleeman, executive secretary of the society, said, "This is free service given by the tuberculosis society and financed by the annual Christmas seal sale. It is given in co-operation with the Tarrant County Health Department." Then, according to Culver, the angered motorist rammed his into Culver's automobile. The traffic jam remained unbroken.

The determined motorist rammed Culver's car again. Culver alighted from his automobile and, he said, was struck in face by the driver. Culver's glasses were knocked to the street. Meanwhile, the wife and daughter of the irate driver pulled him back into his automobile. Patrolman V.

0. King arrived and took him in tow. At city jail, bond was made and the district attorney's office released him to lawyer. Police said the 42-year-old mo torist drew a pistol while in his automobile and waved it. A re volver was taken from the glove compartment of his car when be was arrested.

Reduced, New meat York, prices Chicago in chain and Cleveland Wednesday brought comment from Fort Worth chains that "they are following us." A spokesman for one chain declared that meat prices in its Fort Worth stores have been easier for the past two weeks. He added that other retail reductions will follow as currently reduced prices on the hog, cattle and sheep market are passed down the line to retail outlets. Attention also was called to the fact that the Fort Worth market utilizes more veal than does the New York-Chicago area where heavy beef mainly is demanded. As the lower prices continued at the livestock markets, observers said shippers apparently are rushing supplies to the markets in anticipation of sharper breaks later on and are trying to stave off losses by selling now. The American Meat Institute in Chicago indicated that further slashes in the retail prices will be made.

It added, however, that it will take time for downturn to be reflected at the retail Never Wait Till a Cold Gets Worse where Getright after stuffy Put bead-cold trouble del drops Vicks Va-tro-nol in each nostril and feel relief start instantly! Va-tro-nol'e fast-acting medication relieves distress, helps clear clogging mucus opens breathe stuffed-up used nose in time, it helps and lets prevent many colds from Try it. Vicks Va-tro-nol Nose Drops VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY 1106 1100 BURNET DIAL BURNET 2-8115 CLEANING REPAIRING REFINISHING.

Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.