Guide - Dungeon Class Guide (Updated) (2025)


Hi! In this guide I'll be going over all 5 classes, I'll be going over armor, weapons, utility items, pets, and reforges!
In parentheses () I will be putting requirements to use the item!

Armors and Pets will be labeled with: Mana, Damage (melee damage, magic/ability damage is mana), EHP, and/or Utility (speed, healing, etc) to indicate what the pet/armor piece is mainly used for.

* For all classes, I recommend Zombie Soldier Armor or any good set you own until you can afford/use the other armors.

General Utility Items:
- Aspect of the End
- Ornate/Florid Zombie Sword
- Machine Gun Bow (Cata 2) (Free Extra DPS, Can be helpful for early game)
- Voodoo Doll (Rev 5)
Good for damage and to slow mobs. Good for helping aim with LCM and Archer & getting Lust for Blood stacks.
- Ice Spray Wand (Cata 20)
Good utility weapon, freezes mobs in front of you. Especially helpful for archer!
- Radiant/Mana Flux/Overflux/Plasmaflux Power Orb (Sven)
Good for healing, especially good when used by a healer.
- Leaping/Silk-Edge Sword (Cata 8/13)
Good for the stun ability, almost like a budget ice spray
- Jerrychine Gun (No Req.)
Useful for the f7 bossfight, for getting energy crystals and skipping terminals
- Extremely expensive but Suspicious Scylla (Floor 7 comp)
For Wither Impact absorption/healing (scales off Crit Damage).

Ultimate Enchants for armor: Last Stand, Wisdom, Legion
Ultimate Enchants for weapons: Ultimate Wise for anything that costs mana (spirit sceptre, axe of the shredded etc), soul eater or swarm for normal weapons.

- Due to the One for All nerf, Warden Helmet got indirectly nerfed as well. Not that good of an option anymore, so I won't be recommending it.


Guide - Dungeon Class Guide (Updated) (1)


Weapons - Heroic for Mage Weapons, Withered/Fabled/Spicy for left click mage beam weapons.
Armor - Necrotic for Intelligence, Loving for Chestplates, Giant for EHP, Reinforced for EHP (budget), Wise for Mana (budget), Ancient for Left Click Mage damage
Talismans - Demonic for Mana, Forceful, Strong, Shaded, Silky, Hurtful. (mage beam relies on strength, crit damage and intel.)

Pros: Mage is good for aoe, damage and clearing rooms, and Left Click Mage is great for single target damage. You can also mix and match armor pieces for a hybrid leftclick/rightclick mage.
Cons: Left Click Mage is definitely harder to play with the awkward mage beam aiming. Mage falls off (isn't as viable) later in Master Mode floors.

Armor (Mage):

  • 5* Wise Dragon Armor (cata 18) Mana
  • Perfect Armor (cata requirement varies per tier) EHP
    Not recommended, perfect boots are good for ehp compared to necrolord/goldor, but the other pieces of perfect are kind of bad... don't recommend unless you can't use necromancer lord/goldor bc of cata requirement.
  • Super Heavy Armor (cata 15) EHP
  • Necromancer Lord Armor (f6 comp) EHP
  • Goldor's Armor (f7 comp) EHP
  • Maxor's Armor (f7 comp) Utility
    For speed and clearing.
  • Storm’s Armor (f7 comp) Mana
    ANCIENT Storm is the most common left click mage armor, ancient gives good damage stats and the storm's armor gives good mana. Overall best mage armor.
  • Bonzo’s Mask (f1 comp) Mana EHP
    Good mana and survivability, used by a lot of mages in the F7 boss room.
  • Tarantula Boots (cata 16) Utility
    Really useful for jumping around and gives a decent amount of intelligence.
  • Dark/Shadow/Wither Goggles (cata 0/16/28) Mana
    Essential for most mages, gives +ability damage
  • Golden/Diamond Head Damage EHP
    Golden/Diamond Heads are a great alternative to Warden, has better speed, EHP, and similar dmg to Warden.
    Gets better with higher catacombs level because it can be starred, unlike Warden Helmet.

Weapons (Mage):
* Smite is important! Don’t get Sharpness on mage weapons, sharpness only works on melee, no magic damage

  • Bonzo Staff (f1 comp)
    Not too good of a weapon, if you have the money go straight for a Spirit Sceptre.
  • Frozen Scythe (Cata 10)
    Very comparable to bonzo staff
  • Spirit Sceptre (f4 comp)
  • Yeti Sword (cata 22)
  • 100m Midas Staff (cata 25 for a dungeonized version)
  • Livid Dagger (f5 comp)
    An OK left click mage weapon, really good if you can utilize the backstab ability. One for All Livid Dagger can work as well.
  • One For All Shadow Fury/Reaper Scythe (f5 comp)
    Has a lot better base damage than the livid dagger, this is recommended for mage only as mage beam won't utilize the 100% attack speed on livid dagger.
  • One For All Giant's Sword (f6 comp)
    Good left click mage sword, extremely high base damage. With One for All nerf however, not as good as before.
  • Chimera 5 Giant's Sword (f6 comp)
    Better than One for All Giant's Sword.
  • Hyperion (f7 comp)
    The best mage weapon, extremely high left click and right click damage.
  • Valkyrie (f7 comp)
    Although ferocity is buggy with mage beam, this is definitely the better option outside of dungeons. If you play more outside of dungeons, I strongly recommend this over the hyperion.

Pets (Mage):
Pet Items: Textbook, Dwarf Turtle Shelmet, Minos Relic (for ability dmg) **only use minos relic on sheep**

  • Legendary Sheep w/ Textbook Mana
    Good pet for ability damage and mana.
  • Legendary Blue Whale EHP
  • Legendary Turtle EHP
  • Griffin Damage
    (for leftclick mage beam)
  • Golden/Enderdragon Damage
    Best DMG pet. Golden Dragon even better now that it got buffed. Extremely expensive, however.
  • Wither Skeleton Damage
    Really good inside of F7 especially, and overall good for damage.
  • Lion Damage
    Decent for LCM

> IDEAL SETUP (RCM) (Budget Option Included in Parenthesis)
- Necrotic Wither Goggles
- Loving Storm's Chestplate (Loving Necromancer Lord Chestplate/ Loving Wise Dragon Chestplate)
- Necrotic Storm's Leggings (Necrotic Necromancer Lord Leggings)
- Necrotic Storm's Boots (Necrotic Necromancer Lord Boots)
- Heroic/Withered/Fabled Hyperion (Midas' Staff, although most parties f7+ want a Hyperion Mage)
- Sheep Pet, Golden/Enderdragon Pet, or Blue Whale Pet

> IDEAL SETUP (LCM) (Budget Option Included in Parenthesis)
- Ancient Gold/Diamond (floor) Head/(Ancient/Storm's Helmet)
- Ancient Storm's Chestplate (Necrotic Shadow Assassin Chestplate)
- Ancient Storm's Leggings (Necrotic Shadow Assassin Leggings)
- Ancient Storm's Boots (Necrotic Shadow Assassin Boots)
- Withered Hyperion (Chimera 5 Giant's Sword, OFA Giant's Sword)
- Golden/Enderdragon Pet (Wither Skeleton, Griffin, Lion, etc)


Guide - Dungeon Class Guide (Updated) (2)


Weapons - Withered, Fabled, Spicy. Sharp if you’re lacking on crit chance.
Armor - Ancient for Damage, Fierce for Damage (budget)
Talismans - Strong, Forceful, Shaded, Silky, Hurtful

Pros: Great survivability, mobility and generally easy to play
Cons: Can get expensive late game

Armor (Berserk):

  • Zombie Knight Armor (cata 14) Damage
    Good budget set. Chestplate can be substitute for shadow assassin chestplate in the shadow assassin set!
  • Shadow Assassin Armor (f5 comp) Damage
    Great for damage and its price! Chestplate is expensive, substitute is zombie knight chestplate!
  • Necron’s Armor (f7 comp) Damage
    Direct upgrade to Shadow Assassin
  • Maxor's Armor (f7 comp) Utility
    For speed and clearing.
  • Frozen Blaze Armor (cata 20) Damage
    Only good with blaze pet! Comparable to Necron when using legendary blaze pet.
  • Golden/Diamond Head Damage EHP
    Golden/Diamond Heads are a great alternative to Warden, has better speed, EHP, and similar dmg to Warden.
    Gets better with higher catacombs level because it can be starred, unlike Warden Helmet.

Weapons (Berserk):

  • Use your main weapon outside of dungenos until you can use the other swords listed if you don't have cata/floor requirement
  • Aspect of the Dragons (Combat 18)
    Extremely good for it's price. I recommend this if you're on a tight budget.
  • Adaptive Blade (f2 comp)
    Good budget & starter sword
  • Livid Dagger (f5 comp)
    Amazing for clearing minibosses, has a base 100% attack speed as well as 100% crit chance.
  • Soul Whip (fishing 26, cata 23)
    Good for clearing and rooms with many mobs (ex. floor 4 boss room, floor 6 terracottas, f7 withers)
  • Flower of Truth (no req)
    Amazing overall weapon. Good clearing ability that shoots out a flower that ricochets to 3 enemies: good for clearing rooms. Less damage than Livid Dagger but I still wholeheartedly recommend this weapon. Super cheap too.
  • Shadow Fury (f5 comp)
    Good for single hit damage and cool ability, more effective to use a livid dagger/flower of truth combo. **If you optimize your talismans for 100% attack speed, shadow fury would out damage livid dagger (not 100% sure)
  • Axe of the Shredded (Rev 8, Cata 25)
    Makes berserk useful inside of F7, the throwing axe ability does a decent amount of damage and has a really good range.
  • One for All Giant's Sword (f6 comp)
    Good for damage.
  • Valkyrie/Hyperion (f7 comp)
    Really good for clearing if you have the mana, and really good for left click damage.
  • Terminator (Enderman Slayer 7, Catacombs 27)
    Better Juju Shortbow, don't completely recommend unless you can comfortably afford it. Is very good for clearing.

Pets (Berserk):
Pet Items: Spooky Cupcake, Dwarf Turtle Shelmet, Crochet Tiger Plushie

  • Griffin Damage
  • Epic/Legendary Tiger Damage
    Not as good as before due to it getting nerfed a bit. Still okay though
  • Legendary Wither Skeleton Damage
  • Golden/Enderdragon Damage
    Best DMG pet. Golden Dragon even better now that it got buffed. Extremely expensive, however.
  • Baby Yeti EHP
    Extremely good for defense, not as useful now after the strength nerf because the strength stat is no longer dominant over crit damage. Baby Yeti pet also got directly nerfed.
  • Legendary Blue Whale EHP
    Good for EHP
  • Legendary Turtle EHP
    Got a recent buff and now is very comparable to Blue Whale.

> IDEAL SETUP (Berserk) (Budget Option Included in Parenthesis)
- Ancient Gold/Diamond (floor) Head (Ancient Necron's Helmet)

- Ancient Necron's Chestplate (Ancient Shadow Assassin Chestplate, Ancient Zombie Knight Chestplate)
- Ancient Necron's Leggings (Ancient Shadow Assassin Leggings)
- Ancient Necron's Boots (Ancient Shadow Assassin Boots)
- Withered/Fabled Valkyrie / Withered/Fabled Axe Of the Shredded (Withered/Fabled Livid Dagger, Withered/Fabled Shadow Fury if high atk speed from talismans)
- Withered/Fabled Flower of Truth, Hyperion/Valkyrie/Terminator for clearing
- Tiger Pet, Golden/Enderdragon Pet, Baby Yeti Pet, Blue Whale Pet, Wither Skeleton Pet

TANK / HEALER (Melee/Berserk Style)
Mage Style Healer - Same mage setup but replace helmet with Mender Helmet/Fedora/Crown.

Guide - Dungeon Class Guide (Updated) (3)


Weapons - Withered, Fabled, Spicy. Sharp if you’re lacking on crit chance.
Armor - Ancient for Damage, Giant for EHP, Perfect for EHP, Reinforced for EHP (budget)
Empowered for HEALER ONLY. (Increases healing done on others.)
Talismans - Strong, Forceful, Shaded, Silky, Hurtful

Pros: Good survivability and generally wanted in many dungeon parties. There is a demand of tanks.
Cons: Not too fun of a class, bad damage output unless you use a damage set. Healers are not as useful in more capable teams with a good tank.

Armor (Healer/Tank):

  • (HEALER ONLY) Mender Helmet/Mender Fedora/Mender Crown (cata 0/16/28) Utility
    Essential for healer, doubles healing! Mender Crown is not too good of an upgrade from fedora, only get it if you have money to waste!!)
    Mender Helmet only doubles healing onto other people, Mender Fedora/Crown double healing on other people & yourself.
  • (TANK ONLY) Reaper Mask (cata 24 requirement for a dungeonized version. Revenant 7 requirement to use) Utility
  • (Healer) DUNGEONIZED Werewolf Armor (cata 20) Utility
    If wearing werewolf, use giant/perfect for ehp, empowered for increased healing, or ancient for damage.
    Werewolf is not recommended if you can't dungeonize (have cata 20!!!)
    You want a tiger pet and dirty reforge on your main weapon Guide - Dungeon Class Guide (Updated) (4)
    **Werewolf is NOT tanky!! **If you are wearing werewolf armor, you need the full set!!
    I do not personally recommend Werewolf because of how squishy (low Effective Health) it is, but it could be useful in some scenarios.
  • (Tank/Healer) Bonzo’s Mask (f1 comp) Mana EHP
  • (Tank/Healer) Necromancer Lord Armor (f6 comp) EHP
  • (Tank/Healer) Goldor’s Armor (f7 comp req) EHP
    Slightly better than Necromancer Lord.
  • (Damage Style Healer) Shadow Assassin/Necron Armor (f5/f7 comp) Damage
    Good for damage, mediocre for EHP (good if you have baby yeti pet).
  • (Tank/Healer) Super Heavy Armor (cata 15 ) EHP
  • Maxor's Armor (f7 comp) Utility
    For speed and clearing.

Weapons (Tank/healer): (same as berserk! If you already read berserk weapons, skip this!)

  • Use your main weapon outside of dungenos until you can use the other swords listed if you don't have cata/floor requirement
  • Adaptive Blade (f2 comp)
    Good budget & starter sword
  • Fel Sword (cata 20)
    FOR HEALER ONLY. Good budget HEALER weapon.
  • Livid Dagger (f5 comp)
    Amazing for clearing minibosses, has a base 100% attack speed as well as 100% crit chance.
  • Flower of Truth (no req)
    Amazing overall weapon. Good clearing ability that shoots out a flower that ricochets to 3 enemies: good for clearing rooms.
  • Shadow Fury (f5 comp)
    Good for single hit damage and cool ability, more effective to use a livid dagger/flower of truth combo. **If you optimize your talismans for 100% attack speed, shadow fury would outdamage livid dagger (not 100% sure)
  • Axe of the Shredded (Rev 8, Cata 25)
    Makes berserk useful inside of F7, the throwing axe ability does a decent amount of damage and has a really good range.
  • Hyperion/Valkyrie/Astraea/Scylla (f7 comp)
    Really good for clearing if you have the mana, and really good for left click damage. Hyperion good for clearing, valkyrie good for melee damage, astraea for defense, scylla is good for the wither impact ability.

Pets (Tank/Healer):
Pet Items: Spooky Cupcake, Dwarf Turtle Shelmet (healer only, tank already has kb resistance. *Unless F7, KB resistance is buggy in F7 boss room), Hardened Scales

  • Griffin Damage
  • Legendary Wither Skeleton Damage
  • Golden/Enderdragon Damage
    Don’t buy one unless you already have it. Extremely expensive.
    Golden Dragon definitely not worth the price. Enderdragon better worth
  • Baby Yeti EHP
    Extremely good for defense, not as useful now after the strength nerf because the strength stat is no longer dominant over crit damage. Baby Yeti pet also got directly nerfed.
  • Legendary Turtle EHP
    Got a recent buff and now is very comparable to Blue Whale.
  • Legendary Blue Whale EHP
    Extremely good for health!
  • Tiger Utility Damage
    Good for damage, and if you are using the Werewolf Armor, this pet is a must.
    Not as good as before due to it getting nerfed a bit. Still okay though
  • Jellyfish Utility
    Best specific healer pet due to recent buffs.
  • Ghoul Utility
    Good budget specific "healing" pet. (Not 100% sure if healing perk is fixed)
  • Legendary Bee EHP
    Good for EHP, 3rd perk gives absorption based off damage you take

> IDEAL SETUP (Tank) (Budget Option Included in Parenthesis)
- Giant Reaper Mask
- Giant Goldor's Chestplate (Giant Perfect Chestplate)
- Giant Goldor's Leggings (Giant Perfect Leggings)
- Giant Goldor's Boots
- Heroic/Fabled/Withered Astraea / Withered/Fabled Axe of the Shredded (lifesteal/syphon) / Withered/Fabled Soul Whip (lifesteal/syphon)
- Withered/Fabled Flower of Truth, Hyperion/Valkyrie/Terminator for clearing
- Blue Whale Pet (Turtle Pet)

> IDEAL SETUP (Healer/ Tank Style Healer) (Budget Option Included in Parenthesis)
- Giant Mender's Crown (Mender's Fedora)
- Giant Goldor's Chestplate (Giant Perfect Chestplate)
- Giant Goldor's Leggings (Giant Perfect Leggings)
- Giant Perfect Boots
- Any DMG Weapon
- Zombie Sword
- Manaflux/Overflux/Plasmaflux Orb
- Blue Whale Pet/Jellyfish Pet


Guide - Dungeon Class Guide (Updated) (5)


Ranged Weapons (Bows) - Spiritual, Unreal/Precise (budget). **HASTY ON TERMINATOR (Terminator divides Crit Chance by 4.)
Melee Weapons - Withered, Fabled, Spicy. Sharp if you’re lacking crit chance.
Armor - Ancient for Damage
Talismans - Strong, Forceful, Shaded, Silky, Hurtful

Pros: Amazing damage/second
Cons: Bad survivability compared to the other classes, very hard finding parties in dungeon finder because of the excessive amount of archers.

Armor (Archer):

  • Shadow Assassin Armor (f5 comp) Damage
    Great for damage and its price! Chestplate is expensive, substitute is zombie knight chestplate!
  • Necron’s Armor (f7 comp) Damage
    Direct upgrade to Shadow Assassin!
  • Maxor’s Armor (f7 comp) Utility
    Good for Archer since the Damage buff to it. Now it gives +% dmg for arrows.
  • Tarantula Helmet (cata 16) Damage
    After it's nerf, it's definitely not that good in dungeons, but outside of dungeons it's still pretty good.
  • Frozen Blaze Armor (cata 20) Damage
    Only good with blaze pet! Comparable to necron with legendary blaze pet.
  • Golden/Diamond Head Damage EHP
    Golden/Diamond Heads are a great alternative to Warden, has better speed, EHP, and similar dmg to Warden.
    Gets better with higher catacombs level because it can be starred, unlike Warden Helmet.

Weapons (Archer):

  • Bonemerang (f4 comp)
    Bonemerang cycle is broken atm (rip), only get 1 bonemerang.
  • Last Breath (f5 comp)
    You can use this as a side weapon and as a weapon to lower defense of any high health mobs.
  • Machine Gun Bow (cata 2)
    Ability can be used to clear rooms, and do extra DPS.
  • Flower of Truth (no req)
    Can be used for clearing rooms (after you get milestones ofc), and good for lifesteal.
  • Death Bow (cata 28)
    A good budget bow for Archer
  • Soul Whip (fishing 26, cata 23)
    Good for clearing and rooms with many mobs (ex. floor 4 boss room, floor 6 terracottas, f7 withers)
  • Juju Shortbow (Enderman Slayer 3, Catacombs 15)
    Meta weapon for archer atm, reforge your talismans to 100% attack speed as how fast juju shoots is affected by attack speed
  • Terminator (Enderman Slayer 7, Catacombs 27)
    Better Juju Shortbow, dont completely recommend unless you can comfortably afford it (Hasty Reforge).
  • Valkyrie/Hyperion (f7 comp)
    Good for clearing rooms

Pets (Archer):
Pet items: Spooky Cupcake, Dwarf Turtle Shelmet, Crochet Tiger Plushie (especially if you play Juju/Term, and don't have enough ATK SPEED from talismans)

  • Griffin Damage
  • Legendary Wither Skeleton Damage
    Especially good for f7 bossroom!
  • Epic/Legendary Tiger Damage
    Not as good as before due to it getting nerfed a bit. Still okay though
  • Golden/Enderdragon Damage
    Best DMG pet. Golden Dragon even better now that it got buffed. Extremely expensive, however.
  • Baby Yeti EHP
    Extremely good for defense, not as useful now after the strength nerf because the strength stat is no longer dominant over crit damage. Baby Yeti pet also got directly nerfed.
  • Skeleton Damage
    Good budget archer pet.
  • Legendary Blue Whale EHP
    Also good for EHP, especially in f7 with true damage mobs in the boss room.

> IDEAL SETUP (Archer) (Budget Option Included in Parenthesis)
- Ancient Gold/Diamond (floor) Head (Ancient Necron's Helmet)

- Ancient Maxor's Chestplate (Ancient Shadow Assassin Chestplate, Ancient Zombie Knight Chestplate)
- Ancient Maxor's Leggings (Ancient Shadow Assassin Leggings)
- Ancient Maxor's Boots (Ancient Shadow Assassin Boots)
- Hasty Terminator / Spiritual Juju Shortbow
- Withered/Fabled Flower of Truth / Hyperion/Valkyrie for clearing
- Golden/Enderdragon Pet (Tiger Pet, Golden/Enderdragon, Baby Yeti Pet, Blue Whale Pet)

Lmk if I missed anything!!

Guide - Dungeon Class Guide (Updated) (2025)


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The Basics. Dungeons are very different from most other areas of hypixel skyblock. A dungeon consists of a map which is filled with randomly placed rooms of various sizes and types. You and up to four other players will complete the given tasks in each room, enter the portal in the blood room, and the fight a boss.

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Tank is a dungeon class that specializes in ❤ Effective Health and being able to take large amount of damage and keeping mobs off their teammates.

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in terms of f1-7: mage is the easiest for generally completing the dungoneons with low deficulty, as its easy to clear and do damage. but if you mean as as in completely lowest effort, just play tank or healer and get your class milestones and its free runs without doing much.

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.