MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (2025)

Alpha Draconians could be fairies. I OsoDalawang-beatDiagonalKabayoGaitsky/MimicOctopus-Man/theFairySpellBreaker/InsideoutClothes,BackwardsClothes,AndUpsideDownClothes-Man/BaliktadClothes-Man/PumpumtunupBoy/PussyIsGoodBoy/PumPumBoy/PussyBoy/PumPumdecrissBoy/PumpumtunupBoy/PussyIsGoodBoy/PumPumBoy/TitiBoy/BoobsacrissBoy/BoobsAreGoodBoy/BoobsBoy/FemalebattyBoy/FemaleButtocksBoy/FemalebattyacrissBoy/FemaleButtocksAreGoodBoy/GirlButtocksBoy/GyalbattyBoy/GyalbattyacrissBoy/FemalebattyacrissBoy/FemaleButtocksAreGoodBoy/TrotskyistGuardianofWild/KevinLealJosephGalasinao/KevinLealJosephClearlearnedfromMikeMcCelland'sbook"TheMessengers"thathawks,likemyfriendsharp-shinnedhawk,candownloadinformationtohumans/people.,Backwards,AndUpsideDown/BaliktadToBreakTheSpellOfTheFairies.Inmyfiction/predictiveprogramming/glimpsesofdifferentuniversesinthemultiverse,Song/predictiveprogramming/glimpseofadifferentuniverseinthemultiverse,I’minmyroom;sleepparalysis,there’sabeing,thebeingcouldbefariy/fae,thebeingisinvisible,IfeelthebeingholdingbothofmyhandsDonaldJohnTrumpisanevilcancercell-likefascist;StevenSoldier/StevenCandaeisisgone,I’minaroom,I’mlyingdownThereshouldbeagoodUnionofSoviet/Konseho/Council/CounseilOrthodoxTrotskyist/OrthodoxBronsteinist/OrthodoxLeonist/OrthodoxLevist/4thInternationalist/Wedon’tknowiftheabandonmentofdialecticsisnotaclassanalysisunlessabeinglikeahumanwentbackintimeandaskedLeonTrotsky/LevDavidovichBronsteiniftheabandonmentofdialecticsisnotaclassanalysissoiftheabandonmentofdialecticsisaclassanalysisthenorthodoxTrotskyismshouldsupportabandonmentofdialecticsnotbeingaclassanalysisoriftheabandonmentofdialecticsisaclassanalysisthenorthodoxTrotskyismshouldsupportabandonmentofdialecticsbeingaclassanalysis,tradeunion,usingenvironmentallyalternativefuelsourceslikepropaneinformsoftransportationlikevehicleswearingyourclothesinsideouttobreakthespellofthefairies,andwearingdifferentpairsofshoessupportingcommunist/socialist/eusocialRepublics.AgoodUnionofSoviet/Konseho/Council/CounseilOrthodoxTrotskyist/Wedon’tknowiftheabandonmentofdialecticsisnotaclassanalysisunlessabeinglikeahumanwentbackintimeandaskedLeonTrotsky/LevDavidovichBronsteiniftheabandonmentofdialecticsisnotaclassanalysissoitheabandonmentofdialecticsisaclassanalysisthenorthodoxTrotskyismshouldsupportabandonmentofdialecticsnotbeingaclassanalysisoriftheabandonmentofdialecticsisaclassanalysisthenorthodoxTrotskyismshouldsupportabandonmentofdialecticsbeingaclassanalysissupportingcommunist/socialist/eusocialRepublicswillruledbyagoodUnionofSoviet/Konseho/Council/CounseilOrthodoxTrotskyist/Wedon’tknowiftheabandonmentofdialecticsisnotaclassanalysisunlessabeinglikeahumanwentbackintimeandaskedLeonTrotsky/LevDavidovichBronsteiniftheabandonmentofdialecticsisnotaclassanalysissoiftheabandonmentofdialecticsisaclassanalysisthenorthodoxTrotskyismshouldsupportabandonmentofdialecticsnotbeingaclassanalysisoriftheabandonmentofdialecticsisaclassanalysisthenorthodoxTrotskyismshouldsupporttheabandonmentofdialecticsbeingaclassanalysissupportingcommunist/socialist/eusocialoneplacegovernment/oneEarthgovernment/oneworldgovernment.AgoodUnionofSoviet/Konseho/Council/CounseilOrthodoxTrotskyist/Wedon’tknowiftheabandonmentofdialecticsisnotaclassanalysisunlessabeinglikeahumanwentbackintimeandaskedLeonTrotsky/LevDavidovichBronsteiniftheabandonmentofdialecticsisnotaclassanalysissoiftheabandonmentofdialecticsisaclassanalysisthenorthodoxTrotskyismshouldsupportabandonmentofdialecticsnotbeingaclassanalysisoriftheabandonmentofdialecticsisaclassanalysisthenorthodoxTrotskyismshouldsupportabandonmentofdialecticsbeingaclassanalysissupportingcommunist/socialist/eusocialRepublicswilldogoodlikesavingEarth’senvironmenttopreventbeings,likeanimals,fromgoingextinct.PuttheKomododragon/KomodomonitorinthegoodUthurian/AustralianSoviet/Konseho/Council/CounseilOrthodoxTrotskyist/Wedon’tknowiftheabandonmentofdialecticsisnotaclassanalysissupportingcommunist/socialist/eusocialRepublictoserveasaproxyforMegalania.OnSaturday,October19,2024,IwenttotheTkorontoZoo/WhereThereAreTreesStandingInTheWaterZoo/TorontoZoo.Sincecougarsaresocial,thereshouldbeafemalecougarinthecougarexhibit.TkorontoZoo/TorontoZoostaffmembers,likeDolfDeJong,shouldmakethecougarexhibitbiggerforcougarslikeBowen.CougarslikeBowenneedmorespace.WhenIwasintheTkorontoZoo/Toronto,Iworemyt-shirtandboxershortsinsideout/baliktadtobreakthespellofthefairies.SincetheBhāratianelephant/Indianelephant/Asianelephantcanliveinatemperateclimate,putthreeIndianelephantsintheTkorontoZoo/TorontoZoo.MakeabigexhibitforthreeIndianelephantsinRoguePark.Also,puttwogiantpandasintheTkorontoZoo/TorontoZoo.Also,puttwomandrillsintheTkorontoZoo/TorontoZoo.Also,puttwoplatypus'intheTkorontoZoo.Also,putfourAfricanbushelephantsinCalauitSafariPark,TrotskyistPalawan.WashingtonD.C./theDistrictofColumbiaisalsocalledChiefJosephD.C./theDistrictofDouglassCommonwealth.

1270 corrupted

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MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (1)


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (2)

The evil neoliberal centrist capitalist Blogger/Booger/Neoliberal Centrist Caplogger/Neoliberal Centrist Capitalist Capper/Bladder Cancer Celler/Cancer Celler /Bladder Cancer Cell/Cancer Cell marked my blog as spam.

Since I Oso Dalawang-beat Diagonal Kabayo Gaitsky/ Mimic Octopus Dalawang-beat Diagonal Kabayo Gaitsky/Visyan Leopard Cat/ Dalawang-beat Diagonal Kabayo Gaitsky/Damaraland mole-rat Dalawang-beat Diagonal Kabayo Gaitsky/ Mimic Octopus Kabayo Gitsky/Visayan Leopard Cat Kabayo Gitsky/Damaraland mole-rat Kabayo Gitsky/Mimic Octopus Jogsky/Visayan Leopard Cat Jogsky/Damaraland mole-rat Jogsky/Mimic Octopus Jogsky/Visayan Cat Jogsky/Mimic Octopus-Man/the Fairy Spell Breaker/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum Pum de criss Boy/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Titi Boy/Boobs a criss Boy/Boobs

Are Good Boy/Boobs Boy/Female batty Boy/Female Buttocks Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Girl Buttocks Boy/Gyal batty Boy/Gyal batty a criss Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao am the Ophirian/Maharlikan/Philippine version of Leon Trotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein, I have animal-like Leon Trotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein-like forms like Mimic Octopus Jogsky, Visayan Cat Jogsky, and Naked Mole Rat Orthodox Trotskyist Premier Jogsky.

I Mimic Octopus Jogsky/Visayan Cat Jogsky/Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum Pum de criss Boy/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Titi Boy/Boobs a criss Boy/Boobs

Are Good Boy/Boobs Boy/Female batty Boy/Female Buttocks Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Girl Buttocks Boy/Gyal batty Boy/Gyal batty a criss Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao tried putting the post about my kasa dead striped skunk on Blogger eleven times. I took out the gif of the nude Trillium Snow, nude Nikki, and the Nude Black Human/black guy.

I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum Pum de criss Boy/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Titi Boy/Boobs a criss Boy/Boobs

Are Good Boy/Boobs Boy/Female batty Boy/Female Buttocks Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Girl Buttocks Boy/Gyal batty Boy/Gyal batty a criss Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao also took out the photograph of Robert Irwin and the striped skunk.

But everytime I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum Pum de criss Boy/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Titi Boy/Boobs a criss Boy/Boobs

Are Good Boy/Boobs Boy/Female batty Boy/Female Buttocks Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Girl Buttocks Boy/Gyal batty Boy/Gyal batty a criss Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao publish on Blogger, my blog becomes unpublished.

I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum Pum de criss Boy/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Titi Boy/Boobs a criss Boy/Boobs

Are Good Boy/Boobs Boy/Female batty Boy/Female Buttocks Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Girl Buttocks Boy/Gyal batty Boy/Gyal batty a criss Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao could be banned from Blogger. So I’ll put my blogs on substack.

I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum Pum de criss Boy/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Titi Boy/Boobs a criss Boy/Boobs

Are Good Boy/Boobs Boy/Female batty Boy/Female Buttocks Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Girl Buttocks Boy/Gyal batty Boy/Gyal batty a criss Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao Wear My Clothes Inside out, Backwards, And Upside Down/Baliktad To Break The Spell Of The Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito

Anito Anito, also spelled anitu, refers to ancestor spirits, nature spirits, and deities in the Indigenous Philippine folk religions from the precolonial age to the present, although the term itself may have other meanings and associations depending on the Filipino ethnic group. Wikipedia

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (3)

Video games, like Anito: Defend a Land Enraged, could be predictive programming

https://en.wikipedia org › wiki › Anito:_Defend_a_Land_Enraged Anito: Defend a Land Enraged - Wikipedia Anito: Defend a Land Enraged is a role-playing video game based on Filipino mythology and folklore developed by Anino Entertainment, [1] an independent video game company based in Manila, Philippines.It was released on November 22, 2003 for Microsoft Windows.. Anito: Defend a Land

If Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie exist, Humans who were their clothes normally are under the spell of the Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito

If Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito exist, Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito kidnap humans who wear their clothes normally.

I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum Pum de criss Boy/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Titi Boy/Boobs a criss Boy/Boobs

Are Good Boy/Boobs Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao Took This Video.

I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao Took This Video On August 2023;

I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao Took This Video While Wearing My Clothes Inside out Clothes, Backwards, And Upside Down/Baliktad To Break The Spell Of The Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito

<div class="separator" style="clear: both;"><a href="" style="display: block; padding: 1em 0; text-align: center; "><img alt="" border="0" width="400" data-original-height="2592" data-original-width="4608" src=""/></a></div>

I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao Took This Picture While Wearing My Clothes Normally To Break The So I Was Still Under The Spell Of The Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito

In The Past, I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao wore my clothes normally so I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao was still under the spell of the Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito;

In 2022, I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao wore my clothes normally so I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao was still under the spell of the Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito;

In 2021, I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao wore my clothes normally so I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao was still under the spell of the Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito;

In 2020, I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao wore my clothes normally so I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao was still under the spell of the Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito;

In 2019, I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao wore my clothes normally so I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao was still under the spell of the Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito;

In 2018, I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao wore my clothes normally so I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao was still under the spell of the Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito;

Vincent Crisanti Is An Evil Conservative Capitalist/Conservative Smithist/Conservative Cancer Cellist; › wiki › Vincent_Crisanti

Vincent Crisanti - Wikipedia

Born. 1953 (age 70-71) Residence (s) Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada. Vincent Crisanti ( / krɪˈsænti / kriss-AN-tee, Italian: [kriˈzanti]; born 1953 [1]) is a Canadian politician who was elected to represent Ward 1 Etobicoke North on Toronto City Council following the 2022 municipal election. He previously;

John Tory removes Vincent Crisanti as deputy mayor after supporting ...

720 × 479

<div class="separator" style="clear: both;"><a href=";f=1&amp;nofb=1&amp;ipt=f7360b713e1e748bbf6d5aa5df356a0f5ec30193cb0a67502e177d7d12018cc4&amp;ipo=images" style="display: block; padding: 1em 0; text-align: center; "><img alt="" border="0" width="400" data-original-height="479" data-original-width="720" src=";f=1&amp;nofb=1&amp;ipt=f7360b713e1e748bbf6d5aa5df356a0f5ec30193cb0a67502e177d7d12018cc4&amp;ipo=images"/></a></div>

John Tory/John Howard Tory is Also an Evil Conservative Capitalist Kanatian/Canadian/Truckistani broadcaster, businessman, and former politician who served as the 65th mayor of Tkaronto/Toronto from 2014 to 2023.

Fuck John Tory 😤 : r/canadaleft

1200 × 1377

<div class="separator" style="clear: both;"><a href=";f=1&amp;nofb=1&amp;ipt=6ad13edca6e7e10d7745a28a425436c278e1ca9beefdf2d2af6c21b950e0e33e&amp;ipo=images" style="display: block; padding: 1em 0; text-align: center; "><img alt="" border="0" height="400" data-original-height="800" data-original-width="697" src=";f=1&amp;nofb=1&amp;ipt=6ad13edca6e7e10d7745a28a425436c278e1ca9beefdf2d2af6c21b950e0e33e&amp;ipo=images"/></a></div>

I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao Wear My Clothes Inside out Clothes, Backwards, And Upside Down/Baliktad To Break The Spell Of The Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito

If Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie exist/Diwata/Anito, Humans who were their clothes normally are under the spell of the Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito

If Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito exist, Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito kidnap humans who wear their clothes normally.

I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao Took This Video.

I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao Took This Video On August 2023;

I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao Took This Video While Wearing My Clothes Inside out Clothes, Backwards, And Upside Down/Baliktad To Break The Spell Of The Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito

<div class="separator" style="clear: both;"><a href="" style="display: block; padding: 1em 0; text-align: center; "><img alt="" border="0" width="400" data-original-height="2592" data-original-width="4608" src=""/></a></div>

<div class="separator" style="clear: both;"><a href="" style="display: block; padding: 1em 0; text-align: center; "><img alt="" border="0" width="400" data-original-height="2592" data-original-width="4608" src=""/></a></div>

In The Past, I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao wore my clothes normally so I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao was still under the spell of the Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito;

In 2022, I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao wore my clothes normally so I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao was still under the spell of the Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito;

In 2021, I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao wore my clothes normally so I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao was still under the spell of the Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito;

In 2020, I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao wore my clothes normally so I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao was still under the spell of the Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito;

In 2019, I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao wore my clothes normally so I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao was still under the spell of the Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito;

In 2018, I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao wore my clothes normally so I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao was still under the spell of the Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito;

Baltimore means "town of the big house".

Cecil Calvert/the 2nd Baron Baltimore is a white human/white person/white man.

Cecil Calvert, 2nd Baron Baltimore English peer (1605–1675) Cecil Calvert, 2nd Baron Baltimore was an English politician, peer and lawyer who was the first proprietor of Maryland. Born in Kent in 1605, he inherited the proprietorship after the death of his father, George Calvert, 1st Baron Baltimore, for whom it had been intended. Wikipedia

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (4)

Since the name "Baltimore" is the name of Cecil Calvert/the 2nd Baron Baltimore a white human/white person, the Town of the Big House oriole/Baltimore oriole should Also Be Called Samhain Oriole, Halloween Oriole, Pumpkin Oriole, Pheonix Oriole, Fire and Ash Oriole, Fire Oriole, and Tiger Oriole.

If the abandonment of dialectics is not a class analysis, evil economic sports teams like the Samhain Orioles/Halloween Orioles/Pumpkin Orioles/ Pheonix Orioles, Fire and Ash Orioles/Fire Orioles/Tiger Orioles/Town of the Big House Orioles/Baltimore Orioles, are used to distract humans from having a good orthodox Trotskyist/orthodox ExilioRojoist one world government, trade union, and democracy revolution to create a good orthodox Trotskyist/orthodox ExilioRojoist trade union, and democracy one world government.

good orthodox Trotskyist/orthodox ExilioRojoist trade union, and democracy one world government can do good like end wars, end poverty, end global warming, make beings use environment friendly alternative fuel using forms of transportations like propane using cars to end global warming, ban fossil fuels to end global warming, and do epoch rewilding like Pleistocene rewilding.

In my fiction/predictive programming/glimpse of different universe in the multiverse, evil white humans/white people were mad that other humans wanted to call the Batimore oriole with a name that wasn’t the name of a white human/white person, so evil white humans/white people also called the Baltimore oriole “Calvert’s oriole”.


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8 mo. ago


How the Baltimore oriole almost lost its name … again

r/orioles - How the Baltimore oriole almost lost its name … again


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8mo ago

This whole endeavor to rename every bird with a person's name in it in the off chance that said person might have at some point been an asshole is ridiculous. Glad this insanity was found to not apply to the Baltimore Oriole.








8mo ago

As an O's fan and birder (with an Oriole tattoo to boot), this is right up my alley lol. I support the "bird names for birds" movement and am glad it didn't extend to the Baltimore Oriole.








8mo ago









8mo ago










8mo ago

If I see anything from the sun paper I just keep on scrolling

The Baltimore Sun paper sucks







u/FreeKevinBrown avatar


8mo ago

ugh, subscription needed. You're the worst.







MY Kasama/Товарищ Tovarishch/ਕਾਮਰੇਡ Kāmarēḍa/ΣύντροφοςSýntrofos /தோழர்Tōḻar/Camarada/ამხანაგო amkhanago/Felagsmaður/COMRADE/KAIBIGAN/ДРУГ DRUG/朋友 PÉNGYǑU/友達 TOMODACHI/OTÔTÊMIM W ᐅᑑᑌᒥᒫᐤ/AMIGO/நண்பர்Naṇpar​/ΦίλεFíle/صديق Sadiq/m'yushׁan מְיֻשָּׁן hit'yaded/ਦੋਸਤ Dōsata/FRIEND , The Samhain Oriole/Halloween Oriole/Pumpkin Oriole/ Pheonix Oriole, Fire and Ash Oriole/Fire Oriole/Tiger Oriole/Ustam of the Big Fèro Oriole/ Town of the Big House Oriole/Baltimore Oriole/Piscatawaystan-Susquehannockstan Oriole, In The Gabekanaang-ziibi Valley/Cobechenonk Valley/Leave The Canoes And Come Back Valley/Humber River Valley/Humber Valley And My Art/Predictive Programming/Glimpse Of A Different Universe In The Multiverse Of A Swift Fox And Cheetah; The Swift Fox Could Evolve Into A Cheetah-like Animal; On A Speculative Evolution/Predictive Programming/Glimpses Of Different Universes In The Multiverse Forum, A Being Said That The Swift Fox Could Evolve Into A Cheetah-like Animal; Or On A Speculative Evolution/Predictive Programming/Glimpses Of Different Universes In The Multiverse Forum, A Being Said That The Swift Fox Will Evolve Into A Cheetah-like Animal › trail › canada › ontario › west-humber-river-recreational-trail

West Humber River Recreational Trail, Ontario, Canada - 716 Reviews ...

West Humber River Recreational Trail. Check out this 11.2-mile out-and-back trail near Etobicoke, Ontario. Generally considered an easy route, it takes an average of 3 h 29 min to complete. This is a very popular area for birding, camping, and hiking, so you'll likely encounter other people while

In the Past, I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Titi Boy/Boobs a criss Boy/Boobs

Are Good Boy/Boobs Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao took this photograph/Photo While Wearing My Clothes Normally So I Was Still Under The Spell Of The Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito


Anito, also spelled anitu, refers to ancestor spirits, nature spirits, and deities in the Indigenous Philippine folk religions from the precolonial age to the present, although the term itself may have other meanings and associations depending on the Filipino ethnic group. Wikipedia

The DIWATA of Philippine Mythology | Ancestors, Spirits, & Deities

Diwata is a term for various supernatural beings in Philippine mythology, derived from the Sanskrit word deva. Learn about the different types of diwata across regions, their roles, and their origins from ancient sources.

Here's Why a Diwata Is More Than Just a Pretty Fairy

Apr 13, 2024Classifications of Diwata. In Diwataan spirituality—a revivalist movement that claims to communicate with the diwatas and seeks to preserve Filipino animism, the root word for "diwata" is "diwa" which means "essence, consciousness, spirit, or soul." They are classified according to hierarchy and their profound influence on human affairs.

Diwata - Forest Spirits of Philippines |

The Diwata's primary symbol is the lush and untamed beauty of the Philippines' forests and natural landscapes. They frequently link them with waterfalls, rivers, and ancient trees, where they act as guardians of these pristine environments. People offer flowers, especially the sampaguita, as a gesture

Jonas Tayaban should also wear his Clothes Inside out, Backwards, And Upside Down/Baliktad To Break The Spell Of The Fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito › blog › faeries-in-scottish-folklore

Faeries in Scottish Folklore |

Faeries play a prominent and very important role in the Scottish folklore, from the time that every waterway, well and loch had a name, and an ancient faerie that protected it.They are also important in rituals and are believed to be responsible for failing crops when someone has violated or upset them,

Merbeings/mermaids and mermen/Sirena/Sireno/Siyokoy/Kataw, like the River Mumma, could be fairies/Fae/Fey/Fair Folk/Faerie/Diwata/Anito. › blog › 2015-01 › 5-popular-jamaican-folk-tales

5 Popular Jamaican Folk Tales | Panmedia

River Mumma. River Mumma is a female water spirit who is said to guard Jamaica's rivers. Legend has it that she sits on the banks of the river combing her long hair, and leaves her comb on the rock to entice victims who she then draws into the water. Annie Palmer (The White Witch of Rose Hall) We've all heard

The energy of the striped skunk remains.

Fiction, like Futurama, could be predictive programming.

The evil economic systems supporting fascist conservative capitalist neoliberal centrist capitalist one world government, in Futurama, could predict an evil economic systems supporting fascist conservative capitalist neoliberal centrist capitalist one world government › wiki › Earth

Earth | Futurama Wiki | Fandom

Earth is a planet located in the western spiral of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is the home world of the Human race as well as many other non-native sapient species and is the main planet featured in Futurama. The planet is approximately 4.5 billion years old. It is the capital world of the Government of › wiki › Earthican

Earthican - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

May 17, 2024Earthican (plural Earthicans) ( nonstandard, humorous, science fiction) An inhabitant of planet Earth . 2001 April, " A Leela of Her Own ", in Futurama, season 4, episode 10: Fry: Well, if you're going to be Earthicans, we're going to have to teach you.

Blogger is an evil neoliberal centrist capitalist Makan/Earthan/Earthican/Makan/American online content management system founded in 1999 which enables its users to write blogs with time-stamped entries. Blogger unpublished that post of me I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum Pum de criss Boy/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Titi Boy/Boobs a criss Boy/Boobs

Are Good Boy/Boobs Boy/Female batty Boy/Female Buttocks Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Girl Buttocks Boy/Gyal batty Boy/Gyal batty a criss Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao my blog post For Sixteenth Time.

Post: Edit (

This post was unpublished because it violates Blogger Community Guidelines. To republish, please update the content to adhere to guidelines.

Now Blogger unpublished that post of me I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum Pum de criss Boy/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Titi Boy/Boobs a criss Boy/Boobs

Are Good Boy/Boobs Boy/Female batty Boy/Female Buttocks Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Girl Buttocks Boy/Gyal batty Boy/Gyal batty a criss Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao my blog post For A sixth Time. Before Blogger hid the post of me I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum Pum de criss Boy/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Titi Boy/Boobs a criss Boy/Boobs

Are Good Boy/Boobs Boy/Female batty Boy/Female Buttocks Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Girl Buttocks Boy/Gyal batty Boy/Gyal batty a criss Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao my blog post For A sixth Time. Blogger didn't say that the post of me Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum Pum de criss Boy/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Titi Boy/Boobs a criss Boy/Boobs

Are Good Boy/Boobs Boy/Female batty Boy/Female Buttocks Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Girl Buttocks Boy/Gyal batty Boy/Gyal batty a criss Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao got unpublished. I copied and pasted stuff from the blog post that got unpublished.

I Mimic Octopus-Man/Inside out Clothes, Backwards Clothes, And Upside Down Clothes-Man/Baliktad Clothes-Man/Different Pairs Of Shoes-Man/Pum Pum de criss Boy/Pum pum tun up Boy/Pussy Is Good Boy/Pum Pum Boy/Pussy Boy/Titi Boy/Boobs a criss Boy/Boobs

Are Good Boy/Boobs Boy/Female batty Boy/Female Buttocks Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Girl Buttocks Boy/Gyal batty Boy/Gyal batty a criss Boy/Female batty a criss Boy/Female Buttocks Are Good Boy/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao published another post for a seventh time. I took out the gif of the nude girl but it says it's still uncensored.

The other post I published lasted for a long time.

The other post could've been unpublished because of the picture of Robert Irwin and the striped skunk. I'll took that out see if it's published. › wiki › Blogger_(service)

Blogger (service) - Wikipedia

Blogger is an American online content management system founded in 1999 which enables its users to write blogs with time-stamped entries. Pyra Labs developed it before being acquired by Google in 2003. Google hosts the blogs, which can be accessed through a subdomain of can › google-blogger-url-censorship › 39724

Google Blogger URL Redirects Censor International Users

The change, which deploys a country-specific URL to the Blogger platform, will allow Google to censor and remove content on a country-by-country basis similar to the new Twitter policy. When ...

I published the post on substack.

There should be a good Union of Soviet/Konseho/Council/Counseil Orthodox Trotskyist/We don’t know if the abandonment of dialectics is not a class analysis unless a being like a human went back in time and asked Leon Trotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein if the abandonment of dialectics is not a class analysis so if the abandonment of dialectics is a class analysis then orthodox Trotskyism should support abandonment of dialectics not being a class analysis or if the abandonment of dialectics is a class analysis then orthodox Trotskyism should support abandonment of dialectics being a class analysis supporting communist/socialist/eusocial Republics /Trotskyist Soviet Union.


-Addis Ababa

Supranational Republics

-Southeast Asian Orthodox Trotskyist/Orthodox Bronsteinist Republic

The Trotskyists A subbreddit for discussion regarding Trotskyism. We welcome both Trotskyists and non-Trotskyists seeking to learn. Public 4.7K Members 6 Online Top 10% Rank by size

r/TheTrotskyists • 4 yr. ago [deleted] On Brenner and Steiner, infighting in the ICFI Commentary As a longtime reader of the WSWS, I have become increasingly disgusted with their anti-union line. They paint the entire union as "anti-worker organizations", despite the fact that the unions are contradictory organizations, where workers are concentrated en-masse but led by a pro-capitalist bureaucracy. They use this to abstain from trade union work and thereby turn their backs on the working class, instead advocating for the sectarian-adventurist "rank and file committees". I was looking more into their history and came up across a spat between Alex Steiner/Frank Brenner and David North/ICFI leadership. Brenner and Steiner have exposed the ICFI's abandonment of dialectics which has paved the way for their sectarian stance in the late 90's and early 2000's. They have a series of polemics which shed light on the need for socialists to pay close attention to the consciousness of the working class. Since this is a Trotskyist subreddit, I was wondering if anyone has read their works and what they thought of them. http://permanent-revolution org/ Upvote 5 Downvote 14 Go to comments Share

RemusofReem • 4y ago • The problem is not just their anti-union line. The WSWS is banned from this subreddit because they have never met a male rapist or sex pest that they will not defend. They defended Weinstein, they defended Polansky and they slandered the emerging movement of women who were confronting their oppressors and harassers. I believe, and I hope everyone here agrees, that "revolutionaries" who fail to stand for the oppressed everywhere and choose instead to side with bourgeois oppressors are no comrades of mine. North/Green, the SEP, and the "ICFI" should all go into the dustbin of history where they belong and the faster the better IMO. Upvote 4 Downvote Reply reply Share Share [deleted] OP • 4y ago • They should, but it seems they are here to stay. At the rate they're going, the WSWS will become a thoroughly petty bourgeois outlet catering to middle class journalists and intellectuals, not workers. Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/ExilioRojo avatar ExilioRojo • 4y ago • "Abandonment of dialectics" is not a class analysis. When Trotsky polemicized against Shachtman, Burnham, and the rest about their renegacy on the Russian question, he did note that they abandoned a dialectical analysis of the Soviet Union. But he understood that this abandonment was facilitated by their social position as middle-class professors and intellectuals (as the splitters overwhelmingly were), who were intensely vulnerable to the outrage of the rest of the middle class in the US after the 1939 Hitler-Stalin pact. The Steiner/Brenner stuff shows that these SEP splinters can't even do a Marxist analysis of their own former organization, not to mention an analysis of current events and bigger historical questions. Upvote 2 Downvote Reply reply Share Share [deleted] OP • 4y ago • I agree abandonment of dialectics is not a class analysis but their critique holds a lot of value as it explains what dialectics is and why its necessary. They get into the roots of the ICFI's opportunism in their book "Marxism without its Head or Heart". More concrete facts needs to come out but I think its pretty clear that the ICFI has no material connection to the working class, instead they are funded through website donations and book sales. Upvote 2 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/DITO-DC-AC avatar DITO-DC-AC • 4y ago • Edited 4y ago • I'm in the same boat as yourself. I was actually a candidate member in the SEP for a short time but i found myself increasingly disagreeing with other members. Even presenting them with quotes from Lenin about using capitalist institutions to further class consciousness etc they would just dismiss it. There was always an underlying issue because i refused to give up my shop stewards position at work etc, I fully understand unions aren't exactly friendly to Marxists and have a problematic history overall but we have to work with what we have available. They linked the rank and file committee to workers Soviets and their key role during the Russian revolution, i think they saw it as a key building block. Someone posted an article recently which was fairly telling of David North discussing his past business ownership and anti-union stance. Overall I'm left feeling rather conflicted over the whole thing. Upvote 2 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/ExilioRojo avatar ExilioRojo • 4y ago • The soviets were political bodies, revolutionary organs of dual power, that sprang from and in many cases existed alongside the fledgling Russian trade unions. To counterpose the unions to the Soviets is historically bogus, just as it is a transparent fraud on the working class to counterpose these SEP-imagined "rank and file committees" to the existing mass organizations of the working class. The intellectual contortions are an excuse to scab, pointing to the unions' sell-out leadership as a pretext. Translate this to the international level, and it amounts to abandoning defense of the USSR and the other degenerated/deformed workers states because of their Stalinist misleadership. Trotsky died upholding the opposite program, fighting to defend the gains of the working class whether they be in the form of a workers state or of a trade union. Upvote 4 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/DITO-DC-AC avatar DITO-DC-AC • 4y ago • I can't disagree with you, I'm merely passing on what was stated to me. Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Share Share [deleted] OP • 4y ago • It has a cult-like atmosphere where discussion is stifled. What's attracting about it is the rigid organizational structure but it's not at all a revolutionary organ because there is little to no work done with the working class where the working class is. Upvote 3 Downvote Reply reply Share Share godlessnihilist • 4y ago • OK, now you seem to have established that the WSWS and SEP are evil. What groups do we working schmoes, not steeped in the subtleties of Marxist intellectualism, join? As a union member for years, I've watch as national leadership sold us out to try and maintain there minuscule grip on power. So, am I supposed to join the DSA given their outstanding lack of progress in reforming the Democratic left? You guys are so smart, tell me who has my back? I want to know. Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Share Share [deleted] OP • 4y ago • There is no vanguard party at the present and no one person will have your back. That's the conclusion I've drawn. What's needed now is to build links with genuine revolutionaries and advanced workers wherever they may be, whether its in the DSA, unions, etc. I'm still searching but if I come across anything, I will let you know. Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Share Share sockhuman • 4y ago • I would point out to Socialist Alternative, or any other organisation that works within the union against the beaurocracy for that matter. Of course the union's Beaurocracies are corrupt and will sell out the struggle. But we are not interested in them. We, as trotskyists, are interested in the potential power of the rank and phile who are organised within those organisations right now. We should work to get rid of the Beaurocracies, not the unions themselves. Upvote 0 Downvote Reply reply Share Share godlessnihilist • 4y ago • I'm old and tired. The angry Socialist of the 60s and 70s is a sad, frustrated nihilist now. I feel like Don Quixote or a last member of the Buendia family. Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/daniel_bukvasevich avatar daniel_bukvasevich • 11d ago • I am in a similar position, but I'm only 36. Still, I consider myself a revolutionary optimist. Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Share Share Reddit-Book-Bot • 4y ago • Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of Don Quixote Was I a good bot? | info | More Books Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Share Share

This is one of the flags of the good /Gnostic God's/Gnostic Yahweh's/Gnostic Jehovah's/ﷲ/Gnostic Allah's/Bathala's/The Great Spirit's/Ahone's/The Monad's Jesus'/Jesus of Nazareth's/Jesus Christ's The Good Alpha Draconians'/Gods' And Goddesses' Good Carians'/Angels' Good Nephilim's Gaia's/Earth's Good Beings' Luminara's The International Commitee of the Fourth International's/4th International's The International Commitee of the Fifth International's/5th International's the International Commitee of the Sixth International's/6th International's the International Commitee of/League for the Fourth/Fifth/Sixth International's 456th International's Anti-Evil Beings Orthodox Trotskyist International/International Commitee of/League for the Fourth/Fifth/Sixth Anti-Evil Beings Orthodox One World Democratic Communist International/Anti-Evil Beings Orthodox One World Democratic Socialist International Orthodox Trotskyist/Orthodox One World Democratic Communist/Orthodox One World Democratic Socialist/Orthodox Trotskyist/Orthodox One World Democratic Communust/Orthodox One World Democratic Socialist/Socialist Equality Parties' United Orthodox Trotskyist/Orthodox One World Democratic Communist/Orthodox One World Democratic Socialist/Socialist/Marxist States Of Heaven/the Heavens/Kaluwalhatian/Maca/the Multiverse/Universe/Anti-Universe/Antiverse/World/Soviet/Rat/מועצה//مجلس/Majlis/Council/理事会/Lǐshì huì/公司/Gōngsī/Isahoe/Konseho Union of Socialist Republics/World Trotskyist/One World Democratic Communist/One World Democratic Socialist/Socialist/Soviet/Rat/Consiglio/מועצה/Majlis/Council/理事会/Lǐshì huì/公司/Gōngsī/Isahoe/Konseho Federation/Turtle Heaven/Heavens/Kaluwalhatian/Multiverse/Universe/Anti-Universe/Antiverse/World/ Galactic Federation/the Galactic Soviet/Council Federation/Galactic Federation/Galactic Soviet/Council Federation/United Orthodox Trotskyist/Orthodox One Universal Democratic Communist/Socialist States of the Universe/Galactic Nõukogu/ Lisanga/Зөвлөл/Zövlöl/Dawuda/Rat/מועצה/Majlis/理事会/Lǐshì huì/公司/Gōngsī/Isahoe/Konseho Federation /Union of Konseho/Soviet/Council/Counseil Orthodox Trotskyist/We don’t know if the abandonment of dialectics is not a class analysis unless a being like a human went back in time and asked Leon Trotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein if the abandonment of dialectics is not a class analysis so if the abandonment of dialectics is a class analysis then orthodox Trotskyism should support abandonment of dialectics not being a class analysis or if the abandonment of dialectics is a class analysis then orthodox Trotskyism should support abandonment of dialectics being a class analysis supporting communist/socialist/eusocial Republics/Trotskyist Soviet Union.

The Flag Of The Orthodox Trotskyist Soviet Union 3 by LoneCyborgWolf on ...

255 × 128

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (5)

Written Tuesday, October 22, 2024

There should be a good Union of Soviet/Konseho/Council/Counseil Orthodox Trotskyist/We don’t know if the abandonment of dialectics is not a class analysis unless a being like a human went back in time and asked Leon Trotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein if the abandonment of dialectics is not a class analysis so if the abandonment of dialectics is a class analysis then orthodox Trotskyism should support abandonment of dialectics not being a class analysis or if the abandonment of dialectics is a class analysis then orthodox Trotskyism should support abandonment of dialectics being a class analysis supporting communist/socialist/eusocial Republics.

A good Union of Soviet/Konseho/Council/Counseil Orthodox Trotskyist/We don’t know if the abandonment of dialectics is not a class analysis unless a being like a human went back in time and asked Leon Trotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein if the abandonment of dialectics is not a class analysis so if the abandonment of dialectics is a class analysis then orthodox Trotskyism should support abandonment of dialectics not being a class analysis or if the abandonment of dialectics is a class analysis then orthodox Trotskyism should support abandonment of dialectics being a class analysis supporting communist/socialist/eusocial Republics will ruled be a good Union of Soviet/Konseho/Council/Counseil Orthodox Trotskyist/We don’t know if the abandonment of dialectics is not a class analysis unless a being like a human went back in time and asked Leon Trotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein if the abandonment of dialectics is not a class analysis so if the abandonment of dialectics is a class analysis then orthodox Trotskyism should support abandonment of dialectics not being a class analysis or if the abandonment of dialectics is a class analysis then orthodox Trotskyism should support abandonment of dialectics being a class analysis supporting communist/socialist/eusocial one place government/one Earth government/one world government.

A good Union of Soviet/Konseho/Council/Counseil Orthodox Trotskyist/We don’t know if the abandonment of dialectics is not a class analysis unless a being like a human went back in time and asked Leon Trotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein if the abandonment of dialectics is not a class analysis so if the abandonment of dialectics is a class analysis then orthodox Trotskyism should support abandonment of dialectics not being a class analysis or if the abandonment of dialectics is a class analysis then orthodox Trotskyism should support abandonment of dialectics being a class analysis supporting communist/socialist/eusocial Republics will do good like saving Earth’s environment to prevent beings, like animals, from going extinct.

There could be good fairies

There could also be evil fairies

Small garden trolls/goblins could be fairies.

Leprechauns could also be fairies.

Today on Wednesday, November 27, 2024, I fed the fairies/fae and small garden trolls/goblins Special Bucheron and and two pieces of SOUR PATCH KIDS Watermelon Soft & Chewy Candy .

Yesterday on Sunday, November 26, 2024, I fed the fairies/fae and small garden trolls/goblins a cracker and and and two pieces of SOUR PATCH KIDS Watermelon Soft & Chewy Candy .

The Leanan Sidhe can give fiction/predictive programming/glimpses of different universe in the multiverse to humans.

Don’t speak to the Leanan Sidhe or the Leanan Sidhe will have power over you.


Professor Ronald Hutton shares his fairy encounter with a Leanan sídhe ... youtube com 1280 × 720

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (6)

Video games, like Persona 3 Reload/P3R, could be predictive programming.

https://game8 co › games › Persona-3-Reload › archives › 442736 How to Fuse Leanan Sidhe | Persona 3 Reload (P3R)|Game8 Sep 28, 2024Leanan Sidhe is a Persona from the Empress Arcana in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). See Leanan Sidhe&#39;s stats, skills, weaknesses and resistances, and how to fuse Leanan Sidhe.

In my fiction//predictive programming/glimpses of different universes in the multiverse ,

Being; hug, hugging me, type of gray, human male, clay, and shadow person combined, sleep paralysis

Eric Cartman is there; Kyle is also there, Ike is also there, Stan Marsh is als there, falling down, Eric Cartman’s face has come off, South Park, night, type of black

I’m in my room; sleep paralysis, there’s a being, the being could be fariy/fae, the being is invisible I feel the being holding both of my hands

Donald John Trump/Donald Trump is an evil fascist; Steven Soldier/Steven Candaeis could be an evil fascist, when Donald John Trump/Donald Trump’s evil fascist supporters/Trumpers stormed the US Capitol/Capitol/Capitol Building during the January 6 United States Capitol attack, Steven Soldier/Steven Candaeis laughed, Steven Soldier/Steven Candaeis is gone, I’m in a room, Marcela Aquino Galasinao’s room and type of light white white combined, I’m lying down

Komodo dragon/Komodo monitor Uthurian/Australian to serve as a proxy for Megalania

Two; , There could be a species of alien that could be fairies, the two beings could be fairies/fae/aliens. Before I encountered the two beings, I saw a room. The walls had a colour that was a type of purple, there’s a geisha. My art/predictive programming of a geisha with more than two arms and hair that isn’t tied, has long hair, Then there’s another geisha. Geisha, small, type of yellow, hair is tied, and type of gold combined, there’s laughing, laughing sounds evil, hospital is there, Orel Puppington is there, there could be a being similar similar to Doughy, or only Doughy is there, or the Doughy-like being transforms into Doughy, or Doughy transforms into a Doughy-like being

What do Aboriginals Call Australia - Australia Unwrapped Aboriginal Names for Australia. Aboriginal Australians or indigenous Australians are diverse communities of people who have settled in what is now Australia for over 50,000. The term aboriginal is derived from a Latin word that literally means "from the beginning". Thus, these groups of people are

What do the Aboriginal people call Australia? - StudyCountrycom Aboriginals had over 200 different languages. According to the place, they often call their land uthuru in the Midwestern portion of Australia; barna in the Murchison region; biik in the Woiwurrung language of Melbourne; and kurrek in the Wemba Wemba language of Victoria.

It could be spring.

Rowssia/Russia was divided into two countries


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (7)

Nikolay Igorevich Rybakov Is the president of an evil cancer cell-like neoliberal centrist capitalist Republic of Borderland/Ukraine-like Republic of West Rybakovnesia/Men Who Rowssia/Russia

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (8)

Vladimir Putin is the president of an evil cancer-like fascist conservative capitalist East Putinistan/Men Who Rowssian/Russian Federation

Samara is the capital of East Putinistan/Men Who Rowssian/Russian Federation

Village/Settlement/Kanata/Canada was also divided into two countries

Pierre Marcel Poilivere’s evil cancer-like fascist West Polivereistan/Millhouseistan/Truckistan/Village/Settlement/Kanata/Canada

Edmonton is the capital of West Poilivereistan/

Justin Trudeau’s evil cancer cell-like East Trudeaunesia/

Trade/Adawe/Ottawa is the capital of East Trudeaunesia/

And were allies


rcanadaleft Join CanadaLeft CanadaLeft is a forum for leftists of all stripes to organize for a better Canada! This is the only general Canadian subreddit that welcomes videos, memes, podcasts, and other non-boring "low effort" posts. If you hate reddit and are looking for somewhere with a big left presence, try: Lemmy Hexbear Lemmygrad Show more Public 20K Members 4 Online Top 5% Rank by size More posts you may like r/canadaleft icon r/canadaleft Holocaust survivor 'not surprised' Canada won't reveal names of 900 alleged Nazis who arrived after war. "They let in those Nazis, even at that time when they refused Jewish survivors, but even right now to protect them? Wow," says Hedy Bohm, a 96-year-old Holocaust survivor from Toronto.

rcanadaleft • 14 hr. ago vancity-chick Has anyone else been seeing what’s happening on r/CanadaPost? Are these bots?? Discussion I just recently came across r/CanadaPost for the first time. And what the hell is happening over there?? Theres posts every 30 minutes disparaging the strike and workers. I did a bit of snooping it seems to be some of the same users constantly making posts. And some participating in discussions don’t even seem to be Canadian??? Is this some coordinated effort by a group? I’m actually stunned by some of the posts on there and how much misinformation there is. It’s kind of worrying Upvote 143 Downvote 20 Go to comments Share Share Add a comment Sort by: Best Search Comments Expand comment search Comments Section JimmyKorr • 14h ago • it looks like an Op of some form, its a little too well structured to be random cranks. Upvote 99 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share HowMyDictates • 7h ago • Edited 6h ago • Hijacking top comment to point out their active mods' comment histories. Top mod pinned a Rebel News video to the top of the sub (visible in old reddit). It's not a legit or official sub. It's not "The Canada Post Subreddit" -- it's a just a subreddit that happens to be called r/canadapost. Upvote 19 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share undeadwisteria • 13h ago • Megathread doing scare tactics about trans people. Yep, it's brigaded/astroturfed. Upvote 39 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share Hay_Fever_at_3_AM • 13h ago • In a Canada Post sub? Yo what the fuck do we even do about internet propaganda. I'm incredibly doomer about social media in general. Upvote 25 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/AFewStupidQuestions avatar AFewStupidQuestions • 5h ago • Unfortunately, we may have to go back to coordinating and participating in things IRL. shudders Upvote 2 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/redditor00000000000 avatar redditor00000000000 • 11h ago • I'm seeing a lot more of the extremely forced, contrived trans 'connection' in more posts and it's got me convinced this is a very localized internet astroturf thing. Upvote 10 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 1 more reply u/jmattchew avatar jmattchew • 14h ago • Holy fuck that sub is crazy. I don't know if it's coordinated though, Canadians are deeply reactionary and it tends to show up quickly when they encounter the tiniest struggle Upvote 71 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/tombradyrulz avatar tombradyrulz • 14h ago • It feels like the r/canada folks have showed up,but the posts themselves seem somewhat coordinated to me in the sense that every one of them has labeled it "holding Canadians hostage". Upvote 50 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 3 more replies u/HRSCHD avatar HRSCHD • 13h ago • Just assume it's bots or some other right-wing astroturfing bullshit and remember to always support workers. Upvote 12 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share ghostdate • 14h ago • There might be a bot effort, but I’m guessing this is more just brigading. It’s a bunch of losers who hate crown corporations because they think they hold a monopoly on industries (not true, they do typically reduce costs for customers and treat their employees better) and that the government shouldn’t waste money on any sort of employees. It’s all complaints about “Canadians being held hostage.” Okay, then agree that they should get what they’re bargaining for so that this strike can end. I saw a post about CP employees already being paid too high, which isn’t true. Only some positions have wages that approach what is reasonable for this economy. I’m also not surprised if some aren’t even Canadian. They’re still probably not bots, it’s just anti-worker pile-on. Maybe some small business owner that ships to Canadians with CP so now customers are upset. Lots of people from lots of places hate unions. Upvote 33 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/redditor00000000000 avatar redditor00000000000 • 13h ago • I really do wonder if the majority Canadians are just one minor inconvenience away from going full fash. Forced to wear a mask that slightly inhibits my breathing? Storm the capitol. My funko pop won't arrive in time for xmas? Legalize slavery. Upvote 12 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/DieAnderTier avatar DieAnderTier • 13h ago • Edited 11h ago • Reddit's recap will be interesting again. Last year a shocking amount of traffic for all the Canadian provincial/city subs came from Russia. Good thing it's not super obvious hybrid warfare or anything, close one. 🙄 Upvote 11 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/smavinagain avatar smavinagain • 10h ago • It's insane. It could be a coordinated effort but never underestimate how little class consciousness the average person has. Upvote 6 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share AvianFlame • 12h ago • it's pretty easy these days to just pipe in ChatGPT to a sockpuppet account (or 5, or 50, or 500) and tell it to antagonize whoever you've decided the enemy is. not saying that's for sure what's happening. but it's pretty easy to do. Upvote 4 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share Chester6aaf • 9h ago • I work at Canada post, I think all the people with that much disdain for Canada post are the same idiots who put the wrong address on their packages and then loose their minds wondering why their packages don’t show up to their door. Or the same people who constantly complain about the drivers not going to their door are the same people who demand the supervisors hand deliver the package because they were at home waiting. But then when the supervisor goes to their door and knocks/calls to tell them their there, they don’t answer. Upvote 4 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/End_Capitalism avatar End_Capitalism • 4h ago • For the record, r/CanadaPostCorp seems at least markedly more civil, but it's also much smaller. Upvote 2 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share

became a good orthodox Trotskyist/orthodox centralized human immune systemist

Get Updates The Electronic Intifada You are here Don’t call us heroes Roaa Shamallakh The Electronic Intifada 25 November 2024 Staying alive is the reflex of the oppressed. (Hadi Daoud / APA Images) The air was heavy, filled with ash and smoke that burned my throat with every breath. I crouched behind a broken wall, holding onto a bottle of dirty water that I couldn’t afford to waste. Overhead, the sound of shrapnel tearing through the sky was deafening. Somewhere behind me, a tank came closer. I didn’t think; I just moved. My legs carried me to another corner, another fleeting sense of safety. I wasn’t brave and I wasn’t a hero. I was just trying to survive. During the genocide, I stayed in northern Gaza for seven months. People call this refusal to be displaced a heroic act. They talk about me like I’m some kind of legend, immortalized in songs and videos. But what they don’t see – what they can’t see – is that all I was doing was following the raw instinct to live. The world loves to mythologize Gazans, to turn our survival into stories of bravery and resilience. But does anyone stop to ask what it really means to live through this? Has anyone ever wondered how we manage to survive the endless cycle of death, destruction and loss? I don’t think so. Instead, we’re reduced to symbols, stripped of our humanity. It’s easier to call us heroes than to confront the unbearable reality of our lives. Enduring the unendurable In Gaza, survival isn’t about courage. It’s about enduring the unendurable. It’s about drinking polluted water, knowing it will make you sick, because there’s no clean water left. It’s about eating scraps of food meant for animals because hunger doesn’t care about dignity. It’s about running barefoot through rubble-strewn streets, hiding from shrapnel and tanks and all the different types of weapons, and hoping you make it to the next moment. It’s about watching friends and family die, over and over again, and somehow still getting up the next day. But survival in Gaza is more than just the physical act of staying alive. It’s the nothingness, the emptiness that creeps in when you face death. It’s the sound of tanks rolling through neighborhoods and the ability to recognize the distinct tones of different weapons as they fire. It’s the flour and food massacres, the smell of blood and gunpowder mixed with the acrid burn of white phosphorus. It’s the way your body starts to react before your brain can process what’s happening because you’ve been through it so many times before. These are the details no one talks about. They’re too raw, too painful, too human. The world doesn’t want to know about the children who scream in their sleep, the parents who cry silently in the corners of destroyed buildings, or the people who walk through the rubble searching not just for what remains of their belongings but for the rest of the body parts or bones of their loved ones. These stories don’t fit the narrative of heroism. They are the quiet, unspoken truths of survival that the world prefers to ignore. Surviving by instinct During those seven months, I survived by instinct. I followed birds to find scraps of food, slept in corners where shrapnel might not reach, and prayed that the walls around me would hold. Books and philosophy became my escape – not because they made things better, but because they gave me something else to focus on. Through it all, one phrase stayed with me, echoing in my mind: “If I must die, you must live to tell my story.” These words from Refaat Alareer, my professor and mentor, became a lifeline. They reminded me that survival wasn’t just for myself but for those who couldn’t speak any more. His words anchored me to a purpose I didn’t know I had, even as everything around me fell apart. But even that wasn’t strength. It was a survival mechanism, a way to endure the endless mad cycle of fear and loss. When people call me a hero for surviving, they don’t see the reality of what that survival entails. They don’t see the sickness, the hunger, the terror or the numbness that sets in when you’ve seen too much death. To call us heroes is to misunderstand what it means to survive in Gaza. Heroism implies choice, agency and a sense of purpose. But survival in Gaza isn’t a choice – it’s an instinct, a compulsion. It’s not about bravery; it’s about necessity. The world doesn’t want to see us as human. It’s easier to celebrate our supposed resilience than to grapple with the fact that we are ordinary people enduring extraordinary pain. By mythologizing us, the world distances itself from our suffering. It turns us into symbols, stripping away our complexity and reducing our lives to a single narrative. But we are not symbols. We are not legends. We are people, clinging to life in a place where life is constantly under threat. We feel the hollowness and the despair. We know the smell of blood, burnt flesh and white phosphorus. We hear the sounds of tanks and bombs and recognize the distinct cracks of different weapons. These are not the experiences of heroes. They are the experiences of humans forced to survive unimaginable horrors. I am not a hero. I am not a symbol. I am a person who survived by following the most basic human instinct: to live. And yet, the world continues to celebrate survival in Gaza as something extraordinary, as if enduring genocide is something to be proud of. If the world truly cared about us, it wouldn’t need to mythologize our suffering. It wouldn’t turn our pain into songs and videos while ignoring the reality of what we endure. Instead, it would see us for what we are: human beings, living through unimaginable pain and trying to hold on to the smallest fragments of dignity. Reflex of the oppressed Survival in Gaza isn’t a triumph. It’s a necessity. It’s not something to be celebrated, but something to be understood. And until the world stops looking for heroes in our suffering, it will never truly understand what it means to survive this mad pain and genocide. Sometimes I want to scream and ask: Do we, the people of Gaza, not dream as you dream? Do we not feel despair when hope is stripped away? Are we not wounded when bombs tear through our streets, our homes, our hearts? If you cut us, do we not bleed the same crimson blood as anyone else? If you see us standing, does that make us unbreakable? If we endure, does that make us invincible? No. We survive because we must, not because we are made of something more. We cry as you cry. We grieve as you grieve. And though we are called heroes, legends and symbols of resistance, we are still flesh and bone, still hearts that falter under the weight of sorrow. Do we not fear? Do we not ache with the emptiness of all we have lost? Do we not crumble when the weight becomes too much? Yet you watch us, from afar, and speak of resilience as if it is armor. But our resilience is not born of choice. It is the reflex of the oppressed, the instinct to hold on when there is nothing left. If you see us, do not call us invincible. Do not call us mythical. Call us what we are: human. Humans who bleed, who mourn, who hope and who sometimes fall under the burden of simply existing. This is the reality of survival in Gaza. It is not heroism; it is humanity stripped bare. It is the basic, raw instinct to live. Roaa Shamallakh is a writer and translator from Gaza. Operation Al-Aqsa Flood Refaat Alareer Donate now Three people walk with bags and blankets on a backdrop of ruined buildings The unseen wounds of displacement Roaa Shamallakh 20 September 2024 A fireball rises over a building The red light through the window Roaa Shamallakh 5 July 2024 John Legend implores us to love Palestinians Steven Salaita 22 May 2014 Searching for the truth under the rubble Andy Young 10 August 2006 A man in military uniform overlooks a desert Israel helps Ukraine whitewash its Nazis Asa Winstanley and Ali Abunimah 23 December 2022 Main menu FeaturesOpinion and analysisReviewsBlogsVideo Search formSearch © 2000-2024 electronicIntifada.netAbout EI Contact Submit to EI

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (9)

Roaa Shamallakh wore his or her clothes inside out,/baliktad to break the spell of evil fairies/fae/engkantos/shedim/jinn/peri.

“If you want to survive being kidnapped from evil /Sasquatches/, wear your clothes

Evil fascist theocratic Mileyowskyistan/Netanyahistan/religious Zionist/religious Jewish white supremacist Israel/Lehi Israel/National Fascist Israel/Nazi Israel annexed Uthuru/Australia

Evil fascist theocratic Mileyowskyistan/Netanyahistan/religious Zionist/religious Jewish white supremacist Israel/Lehi Israel/National Fascist Israel/Nazi Israel annexed Aotearoa me Te Waipounamu/New Zealand

Evil fascist theocratic Mileyowskyistan/Netanyahistan/religious Zionist/religious Jewish white supremacist Israel/Lehi Israel/National Fascist Israel/Nazi Israel committed genocide against the Māori.

The PFLP is an evil cancer-like Stalinist/bureaucratic state capitalist/bureaucratic collectivist organization.

Sa’adat is the president/leader of the China-like Stalinist People’s Republic of Isratine/People’s Republic of Palestine/People’s Republic of Israel

The PFLP rules the People’s Republic of Palestine

Stalinist People’s Republic of Palestine annexed evil fascist Religious Zionist/Religious Jewish White Supremacist Israel

Provinces of Stalinist People’s Republic of Palestine


-West Bank

-Northern Province

Northern District became Northern Province

-Southern Province

-Haifa Province

-Tel Aviv Province

The Jerusalem Post is an evil fascist conservative capitalist English language Israeli broadsheet newspaper based in Jerusalem, founded in 1932 during the evil conservative capitalist constitutional monarchist British Mandate of Palestine by Gershon Agron as The Palestine Post.

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (10)

South Italy seceded from North Italy

evil cancer cell-like Fascist South Italy

Flags, like the flag of South Italy, could be predictive programming.

A flag for Southern Italy : r/vexillology reddit.

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (11)

evil cancer cell-like economic systems fascist conservative capitalist neoliberal centrist capitalist North Italy

Flags, like the flag of North Italy, could be predictive programming.

File proposed flag of northern italy svg wikimedia commons - Artofit artofit

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (12)

Watch for dees guy. He’ll stobb tou inna back,” making a stabbing gesture

What? What’s his problem? He’s Sicilian I asked jokingly knowing Gianni’s preference for all things Northern worse

said Gianna. He’s from Naples.”

I had to understand that I was surrounded by blue-eyed Northerners I though not Italian was preferable from someone from the South

pg 193


People in northern Italy often have lighter features, like blonde hair and light eyes, because of more German influence. In southern Italy, people usually have darker hair, brown eyes, and tanned skin due to the Mediterranean climate. Even with these differences, Italians from different areas have common


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (13)
Classify P. Noseda, blond Italian from Lombardy (northern Italy) theapricity
MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (14)

Pure Europeans: Pictures of Southern Italians prueeuropean evil cancer cell-like neoliberal centrist capitalist blogspot com

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (15)

electric23sand and Anthony Michael Bourdain met each other

“You vegans/herbivores have amoebas.” said Anthony Michael Bourdain/Antony Bourdain. “You vegans are like evil fascist theocratic Shia Hezbollah.”

“You meatans/carnivores are like evil fascist Religious Zionist/Religious Jewish white supremacist Israel.” replied electric23sand. “I’d rather have amoebas than eat the ortolan an endangered bird, wild pig/warthog ass, and a mussel that makes me vomit. Also, Asia Argentino eats Hugo Clément’s sausage! Asia Argentino doesn’t want to eat your sasuage, Anthony Michael Bourdain/Antony Bourdain.”

chief was fucking with him and made him eat wild pig ass other for his own amusement what a gringo!

xii Kitchen Confidential pg 192

rAnarchism Join Anarchism: Beneath the pavement, the beach Anarchism is a social movement that seeks liberation from oppressive systems of control including but not limited to the state, governmentalism, capitalism, racism, sexism, ableism, speciesism, and religion. Anarchists advocate a self-managed, classless, stateless society without borders, bosses, or rulers where everyone takes collective responsibility for the health and prosperity of themselves and the environment. Show more Public 272K Members 23 Online

r Anarchism • 12 yr. ago electric23sand So.. who else hates Anthony Bourdain? As a person that has been a dishwasher over a year and "moved up" to assembly-line-cook I hate Anthony Bourdain. I hate restaurants. I hate how this guy promotes the food industry. I hate how he's been deemed as so "hip" and "worldly" yet he has a whole crew to find all the cool spots and then his sole job is visit these spots & consume. I remember one time at work they were listening to "Kitchen Confidential" and he went on this rant about how he hates artist-cooks because they were arrogant & not disciplined. He hated the ones that had an enlightened palate and could invent new recipes because they weren't the standard worker grateful for their shit station in life. I hate how Le Cordon Bleu gets people in debt like, what, 40-60 grande, all to get a $10 maybe $12 job. I hate how restaurants are ubiquitous around the world yet it wasn't like this a hundred years ago. I hate how so many young people praise this guy because he gives the air of being cool because he smokes cigarettes & has simple conversations with foreigners. It's like this guy thinks the whole world exists to exploit & extract their whole culture into one easy-to-swallow dish so that he may be entertained. I don't know.. maybe I'm going on a rant...

Upvote 17 Downvote 29 Go to comments Share Share Sort by: Best Comments Section sacredblasphemies • 12y ago • He puts a huge emphasis on things like home cooking in other cultures or street food, not just haute cuisine or fancy shit that most people can't afford. For that, I have a lot of respect for the guy. That and for being someone who was a junkie and a hard goddamned worker (as anyone who worked that long as a REAL chef must be) ..and getting a break into something better. Honestly, I'd love to have the job he has now. He's not condescending. He's not pretentious. He's not even a snob. He realizes how lucky he is and is very appreciative. Instead of a fancy trailer, he's slept in people's homes. He's after good food, not just living the high life. I love his show. Or used to, back when I had cable and could watch it. Upvote 13 Downvote Share Share u/electric23sand avatar electric23sand OP • 12y ago • He's said before that no one who cooks at home can cook as good as the professionals. I remember working in this one restaurant and and remember remarking how I'd like to work in a small quaint Italian or French restaurant. Everyone laughed and was like, "pussy" or something to that effect. Their ideal jobs was to be a manager in a casino in Vegas or something like that. Most kitchens are run mainly by guys. For some reason they think that a lot testosterone is necessary to cook. It's about pumping out their product. I respect some of the stuff that the Anthony has done as well. He is a genuine person. I just wish he kept or a least heard the advice of "Down and Out in London and Paris." Orwell was like: -The only people who actually enjoy the work in the restaurants are the ones who dream of owning one some day and thus cease the toil but rake the profit. - It's something like that. Upvote 5 Downvote Share Share [deleted] • 12y ago • I too hate all smug liberals. Upvote 12 Downvote Share Share [deleted] • 12y ago • I hate all liberals... Upvote 3 Downvote Share Share [deleted] • 12y ago • Well if we want to get technical I despise all people, but there is something about the self-righteousness of some that rub me the wrong way, elevating them to higher plane of hate-existence. Upvote 2 Downvote Share Share 4 more replies TheLateThagSimmons • 12y ago • As a lifetime server (just got out and don't plan on going back), I hate pretty much everyone that has any expectations about the industry that haven't also worked in it. There probably isn't an industry that I've worked in that I felt management was so utterly useless. They're just there to prevent people from using the system themselves. The kitchens ran so much smoother when the head chef wasn't there. The servers ran so much smoother when the manager just left their card at the terminal. It's all shit that we know how to do, can do very well, and waiting for permission just makes it impossible to do our job properly; then we get blamed for things not going right. Management in food just slows everything down. But yes, Anthony Bourdain is a twat that is perpetuating the system and breeding more and more people that think they're now more worldly and knowledgable about food because they watched his show. The asshats that are now food critics piss me off so much. I can't fully describe to you the bullshit that food critics claimed whenever a restaurant I worked at had been reviewed. Every time I just wanted to scream: "Have you ever worked in a restaurant? Do you have any idea what service is? Go fuck a porcupine." Upvote 6 Downvote Share Share [deleted] • 12y ago • Edited 12y ago • He hated the ones that had an enlightened palate and could invent new recipes because they weren't the standard worker grateful for their shit station in life. No, you're not remembering that correctly. He says he likes Ecuadorians who don't fuck with his recipes because diners expect consistency. I like this one line in the book a lot: 'Your body isn't a temple, it's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.' Upvote 4 Downvote Share Share [deleted] • 12y ago • This is perfect, in every way. This is true Anarchy, in the deepest philosophical sense. EDIT: BRAVO!! Upvote 7 Downvote Share Share u/architect_son avatar architect_son • 12y ago • There was an episode where he went to South Korea to examine the lifestyle and food of a elderly man as he sat on the Border, always wondering if he would ever see his brother again. The show took a very emotional look into the life and memories of that old man, and the episode ended. That was it. It was never his responsibility to intervene and help that old man, nor could a Western Imperialist understanding the ramifications of his privileged intervening, so he recorded the old man and left. This is what I tried to understand about not only the premises of his show, but the viewpoints of privileged individuals in general. The elite white privileged mindset is based upon understanding the universe as it revolves around them. They endlessly seek to reassure themselves and their colonialist ways by paratrooping around the world and meddling with foreign affairs because, "it is their moral obligation", aka, they need to feel better about themselves. Anthony Bourdain is just another symptom of this effect. He travels around the world, finding himself experiencing 'privileged' problems in the most rural or exquisite of places. He dines in five star restaurants and remarks at the lame art on the walls, he humbles himself when there is no table to sit and to dine, and more often than not, he openly states that he is in over his head when experiencing these new scenarios. Here's where I can sympathize. Television is littered with this shit, except the produced shit over the white colonialist experience is usually the continuing exploitative mindset: Man vs. Food, that one with the child sex trade honey boo boo shit, Extreme Home makeover, to name a few. Anthony Bourdain already knows who his target audience is, he knows how to sell "High Living", and yes, his mindset, as the universe only revolves around him, becomes a sympathetic and simplified understanding over the actual human experience as can only be portrayed through privileged lenses, however, with all that in mind, his program continues to ask one question, "How am I privileged?". This is extremely important when it comes to deconstructing the language of entitlement, as no person is above another in any way, and when there is a perceived privilege, it should be acknowledged and questioned. His show is entering the homes of colonists everywhere, already latched into the seamlessly, "cool" mindset, and becomes a precious commodity for privileged individuals to feel, "with it" and better about themselves at the same time. With this in mind, Anthony Bourdain has an opportunity to really evoke the entitled conversation. He may not, and end up another trite example of easily forgotten television, but he has a sincere opportunity to illustrate the imperative need to understand privilege as a tool to help rather than to exploit. He could easily end his career starving for travel media attention like Huell Howser, reminiscent of glory days and needlessly traversing, searching for a paradise lost. He could win awards from countless Entertainment Media and Culinary Schools, silently insisting him to slip into retirement as they have the next shiny white guy to promote because they can no longer sell Bourdain as a profitable image. The Business Insider recently ran an article describing the last words of a Commercial Director, and I think it's fitting to what I am attempting to express here. Here is an excerpt: "This was the con. Convincing myself that there was nowhere I’d rather be was just a coping mechanism. I can see that now. It wasn't really important. Or of any consequence at all really. How could it be. We were just shifting product. Our product, and the clients. Just meeting the quota. Feeding the beast as I called it on my more cynical days. So was it worth it? Well of course not. It turns out it was just advertising. There was no higher calling." Anthony Bourdain has an opportunity to make real sense of his position in life. He has the access and he has a "sense" of his privilege, but I think in order for Mr. Bourdain to create any real worth over his career, then, in my humble opinion, somehow, he needs to evoke some real change. To interview that elderly brother, if only to capture his life, was an honorable action. My question is then, what is the worth of an action without change? Is understanding the bleak nature and recording the existence enough, or is there more that can or should be done? This is Huell Howser and have a good day. Upvote 7 Downvote Share Share u/empty_history avatar empty_history • 12y ago • Restaurants are part of our bullshit servant culture where we buy hamburgers because we're too busy selling hamburgers to have time to cook ourselves hamburgers. This foodie culture that he helped propogate says that it's necessary to eat every type of food before we die, drink fancy wines and make a huge event out of every meal. That going to restaurants to be waited on by barely paid over worked people with no other prospects is part of any good night of fun. I have nothing against enjoying food, but at the end of the day it's fuel and it is something that you ought to be able to do for your fucking self. If you have a healthy amount of self respect you won't cram yourself full of garbage. Foodie culture has made it cool to eat weird animal parts and wrap everything in bacon, which means that promoting veganism can be even more easily laughed off by mainstream america. Bourdain bragged in his last book about eating an endangered bird. I hate it and I'm sick of it, it infects my friends, it's hipster gluttony and it feeds into a mindset that makes decadent abandon the norm. I think this emphasis on guilt-free pleasure and convenience makes it easier to give not a single shit about how much the guy who made your shoes got paid, much less the guy who delivered your artisinal pizza. Fuck your craft beer. It's fermented grain water. Imagine adults talking about slightly different flavors of potato chips with the same level of snobbery, "hmm, this one is slightly more barbequey with just a bit more of a hint of onion." Upvote 5 Downvote Share Share [deleted] • 12y ago • upvote for the snobby chip connoisseur. To note, the best chip creates a loud crunch when chewed, is sea-salt and vinegar flavoured with a slight hint of pepper on the back palate. Upvote 4 Downvote Share Share u/intheZenArcade avatar intheZenArcade • 12y ago • From a fellow dishwasher: Abolish Restaurants Upvote 4 Downvote Share Share [deleted] • 12y ago • I hate anthony bourdain too. Fucking hate him. Although my hate for the guy has it's roots in his stupid opinions on vegetarians and vegans, your rant has definitely added some new dimensions to it :) Upvote 3 Downvote Share Share u/b1azeichi avatar b1azeichi • 12y ago • What exactly does he say about vegans and/or vegetarians? Upvote 4 Downvote Share Share [deleted] • 12y ago • http://www.goodreadscom/author/quotes/1124.Anthony_Bourdain There's a few different quotes about it in there. Upvote 3 Downvote Share Share u/b1azeichi avatar b1azeichi • 12y ago • Why does he dislike veg(an)tarians that much? Upvote 1 Downvote Share Share 2 more replies

u/anjodenunca avatar anjodenunca • 12y ago • I always get the gnarliest whiplash coming here from the buddhism subreddit. Upvote 3 Downvote Share Share [deleted] • 12y ago • I sense a grumpy cat meme coming.... Upvote 3 Downvote Share Share [deleted] • 12y ago • Catharsis: young kid calls him out for saying that his job is "hard". Upvote 2 Downvote Share Share u/damngravity avatar damngravity • 12y ago • I know about the show but don't watch. How do you know a lot of your perception of him isn't warped by editing (it's tv) and the fact that shows like that need a character not a person. I'd want to know him a bit more before hating him. I think you need to understand that it's television and you might as well just rant about the quality of the programming and the market-researched culture behind it in general. Upvote 1 Downvote Share Share u/Aislingblank avatar Aislingblank • 12y ago • Edited 12y ago • I used to watch Anthony Bourdain's show because I thought it was interesting. However, after reading his book and hearing more about what he has to say about shit, I largely agree wit you. He seems to have little respect for cooking as an art, glamorizes the restaurant industry, and seems to largely look down upon chefs who choose to go their own way and don't go to culinary school and generally work with the bourgeois food-service industry (unless they're in a developing country, then he praises them for it in an almost "noble savage" type of mentality); and that's not even getting into his bullshit attacks upon vegans and vegetarians for ignorant and privileged reasons (not to mention his overall apologism for the livestock industry in general). I have a good friend who works as a line cook and has for most of her adult life without any sort of formal culinary education. She does it only because she enjoys it and has a genuine passion for cooking, not because she has any illusions of rising up the ladder and ending up as an overprivileged celebrity restaurant owner who throws their disposable income at vapidly hedonistic pursuits of sex and partying. Anthony Bourdain used to be a working-class wage slave who battled with drug addiction; but now he's totally forgotten his impoverished roots except as a sort of sob-story to make himself look cooler. Just like all celebrities who rise from poor circumstances, fame and money have made him no more than superficially concerned about the troubles of those less fortunate than himself. Upvote 1 Downvote Share Share u/susanlyn7 avatar susanlyn7 • 12y ago • I know this post is old but I have to say.... I HATE Anthony Bourdain. I want to punch my tv every time I see his stupid face which seems to be every 10 min or so. The guy is an arrogant douche that needs to be put in his place. And to those that question whether the editing makes us hate are wrong. He has had several tv shows on different networks, written books, done countless interviews and even public speaking engagements and each one presents him in the same exact way DOUCHE BAG!!! You can only edit so much before coming to the conclusion that it is what it is....Anthony Bourdain is indeed the same in real life as the arrogant prick we see on tv. Doesn't get much doucheyer than that. Upvote 1 Downvote Share Share [deleted] • 12y ago • Sounds obnoxious. Upvote 0 Downvote Share Share

Single comment thread See full discussion u/b1azeichi avatar b1azeichi • 12y ago • Why does he dislike veg(an)tarians that much? Upvote 1 Downvote Share Share u/chetrasho avatar chetrasho • 12y ago • From this quote, it seems like he's promoting the religion of eating, exploiting and murdering animals for self-gratification. Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter-faction, the vegans, are a persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn. To me, life without veal stock, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demi-glace, or even stinky cheese is a life not worth living. Vegetarians are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit, an affront to all I stand for, the pure enjoyment of food. The anti-islamic rhetoric adds a classy racist touch... Upvote 2 Downvote Share Share u/Aislingblank avatar Aislingblank • 12y ago • I had thought it was mostly because he found them to be an inconvenience (because they often make special requests at restaurants); I forgot about this quote, there's nothing more shitty and immature than hating a group of people just because they don't like what you like. Upvote 2 Downvote Share Share


“Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans ... are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit.” ― Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential : Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly tags: cooking, food, vegetarian270 likes

Last photos: Anthony Bourdain smiles with Eric Ripert in France - All ... allworldreport

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of a combination of type of red, type of blue, and type of

and a crossover of Marvel Comics, Fight Club, and Inside Out

The narrator was exposed to gamma radiation

transformed into a Hulk-like Tyler Durden

“I Hulk-like Tyler Durden am an evil cancer cell-like social Darwinist fascist.” said Hulk-like Tyler Durden.

Riley Andersen was also exposed to gamma radiation

Riley Andersen transformed into Hulk-like Hope, Anger, Sadness, and

Plot In the mind of a young girl named Riley Andersen are five personified emotions that influence her actions: Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust, and Anger. Riley's experiences become memories that are stored as colored orbs and are sent into long-term memory each night. The aspects of the five most important "core memories" within her personality take the form of five floating islands. Joy acts as the leader and tries to limit Sadness's influence, perceiving her as an unnecessary burden for Riley. At age 11, Riley moves from Minnesota to San Francisco for her father's new job. On Riley's first day at her new school, Sadness retroactively saddens joyous memories, causing Riley to cry in front of her class. This creates Riley's first sad core memory. Joy tries to dispose of the memory using a pneumatic tube but knocks loose the other core memories during a struggle with Sadness, disabling the personality islands. Joy, Sadness, and the core memories are sucked out of Headquarters. In the absence of Joy and Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust try to make happy core memories, but the results are disastrous, distancing Riley from her parents, peers, and hobbies. Without the core memories, Anger causes Riley's personality islands to crumble and fall into the "Memory Dump", where things fade to non-existence as they are forgotten. While navigating the vast long-term memory area, Joy and Sadness encounter Bing Bong, Riley's imaginary friend, who suggests riding the "train of thought" back to Headquarters. Meanwhile, Anger, intending to restore Riley's happiness, convinces Disgust and Fear that Riley should run away to Minnesota, where her happy memories were formed. Joy, Sadness, and Bing Bong catch the train, but it is derailed when another island collapses. Joy, who is afraid all of the core memories will become sad, abandons Sadness and tries to ride a "recall tube" back to Headquarters. The ground below the tube collapses, sending Joy and Bing Bong plunging into the Memory Dump. Joydiscovers a sad memory of losing a hockey game that turned happy when Riley's parents and friends comforted her, and she realizes Sadness's purpose in alerting others when Riley is emotionally overwhelmed and needs help. Joy and Bing Bong try to use his song-fueled wagon rocket to escape the Memory Dump but are unable to ascend due to their combined weight. Bing Bong jumps out of the wagon to save Joy and fades away in the Memory Dump, forgotten. Anger's idea disables the console, putting Riley into depression as she boards a bus to Minnesota. Joy reunites with Sadness, and they return to Headquarters. Joy hands control of the console to Sadness, who reactivates it and returns Riley to her parents. As Sadness re-installs the core memories, transforming them from happy to sad, Riley tells her parents she misses her old life. Riley's parents comfort her and tell her they also miss Minnesota. Joy and Sadness work the console together, creating a new core memory that is both happy and sad, and a new island forms, representing Riley's acceptance of her life in San Francisco. One year later, a 12-year old Riley has adapted to her new home, made new friends, and acquired new hobbies. Inside Headquarters, Riley's emotions admire her new personality islands, powered by core memories that contain a mixture of emotions, and are given an expanded console that has enough room for them to work as a team. Although they admit slight concern over a large red alarm marked puberty, they forget about it.

After the Rodney King Riots, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and seceded from the United States of Maka/America

In 19, was created There was a Republic of Azania/South Africa-like New Afrika

didn’t want to be near evil fascist white human supremacist white humans/white people

annexed Haiti

Tur moved to

black Makans/black Americans in

Before the Rodney King verdict in 1992, Tur scoped out South Central chatted with neighbors local Crips gang members sorting out where to park

few clicks her proprietary shots of L.A. and O.J.’s famed bronco playing on Youtube

They never spent a dime on these videos

Most of Youtube’s rank and file staff knew nothing about Tur’s lawsuit

pg 60 Youtube’s Chaotic Rise

The United States of Maka/America was divided into an evil Trumpistan/fascist Protestant country, fascist Catholic country, and fascist Southern Baptist country


Gary Thomas is an cancer cell-like Catholic fascist.

wanted to create a good Union of Participating Supporting Republics


rsocialism icon Go to socialism r/socialism • 1 day ago totalialogika We need to equate Socialism with self fulfillment and leisure

The Protestant work ethic basically is used by the elites to justify a slave and hierarchical society. Yes AI and all the resources of our Civilization are useful to make us exist and enjoy our existence without working. As simple as that. Upvote 27 Downvote 5 Go to comments Share Share Add a comment Sort by: Best Search Comments Expand comment search Comments Section u/AutoModerator avatar AutoModerator MOD • 1d ago • Stickied comment • Moderator Announcement Read More » Upvote Vote Downvote Reply reply Share Share Araghothe1 • 1d ago • I already do. If me and my neighbors communally use our backyards for gardening and trade with each other we actually have time to spend with friends and family. I have a nephew who is 16, I haven't been able to afford time away from work to spend with him since he was 3. Upvote 6 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/eis-fuer-1-euro avatar eis-fuer-1-euro • 22h ago • Oi, my PhD is about vocational calling. So much protestant worth ethic, so much about self fulfillment (as a response to the expectation to sacrifice of (neo) classical callings etc.) My best take: self fulfillment is a very timely response based on individualism. It is a response to what the elders have been expected to do. Capitalism has captured self sacrifice for its own profit and individuals undoubtedly respond to it by rejecting it. But personally, I'd much rather have a world where sacrifice for the good of others is not profited off by capitalism, therefore reshaping it into a virtue again. Socialism would contribute to that, sure, but basing it off of individualism is not really what I would do. Upvote 3 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/liewchi_wu888 avatar liewchi_wu888 • 9h ago • Edited 9h ago • Socialism isn't about "self-fulfillment and leisure" since both are still tied to bourgeois individualism and bourgeois conception of the good (i.e. work as an evil to be avoided). What we socialist ought to aim for is a dialectical overcoming of this dichotomy, that is to say an overcoming of the distinction between "work" and "leisure". The resources of our "civilization" and "AI” (especially, speaking of Protestantism, if I could choose one modern "innovation" to toss into the sea, to paraphrase Luther, it would be fucking generative AI and its utter uselessness at every fucking thing under the sun), are killing the planet, before focusing on trying to make a society of yoga moms, we need to think about making a society that can at least concieve of itself as a society! "Self-fulfillment" must come from our participation, however small, in the creation of Socialist society! Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/AutoModerator avatar AutoModerator MOD • 9h ago • [Socialist Society] as it emerges from capitalist society; which is thus in every respect, economically, morally, and intellectually, still stamped with the birthmarks of the old society from whose womb it emerges. Karl Marx. Critique of the Gotha Programme, Section I. 1875. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Share Share

rsocialism Join Socialism, a community for socialists An international community for socialists, to discuss current events in our world from our anti-capitalist perspective(s). Certain knowledge of socialism is expected from participants. This is not a space for non-socialists. Please be mindful of our rules before participating, as they are actively enforced. New to socialism? Please visit r/Socialism_101 prior to participating here. Show more Public 462K Members 59 Online

The capital of the People’s Republic of Quebec is Montreal

commited genocide against Zapatsitas

LPer Russia annexed S/Europe

annxed Great Britain and Northern Ireland

LPer Russia annexed Germany

WikipediaThe Free Encyclopedia Search Wikipedia Search Donate Create account Log in Contents hide (Top) History Pre-1950s Post-1950s Mexico Post-1984 Taiwan United States Other nations Practicalities See also References External links Panda diplomacy Article Talk Read Edit View history Tools Appearance hide Text Small Standard Large Width Standard Wide Color (beta) Automatic Light Dark From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Politics of China Leadership ConstitutionLaw Communist Party National People's Congress (14th) United front Law enforcement Propaganda Hong KongMacau Cross-Strait relations Foreign relations Related topics flag China portal Other countries vte Panda diplomacy (Chinese: 熊猫外交) is the practice of sending giant pandas from China to other countries as a tool of diplomacy and wildlife conservation.[1] From 1941 to 1984, the Chinese government gifted pandas to other countries. Since 1984, they have been leased rather than gifted due to a PRC policy change. History Pre-1950s While there are few ancient records of the giant panda, "During the Manchu dynasty skins of this animal [bei-shung, presumed to be the panda] were sent as tribute to the government of China by the aborigines of western Szechuan and eastern Tibet", according to David Crockett Graham.[2]: 25 [3]: 19 Madam Chiang and John Tee-Van of the Bronx Zoo, USA, with the baby Panda in Madam Chiang's yard in Chongqing, November 9, 1941. The first instance of panda diplomacy in the modern era was arranged by Soong Mei-ling (Madame Chiang) in 1941. China was under siege by Japan, the U.S. had been sending aid to the Kuomintang (Nationalist Government) in China, and Madame Chiang wanted a dramatic way of saying thank you. There had been previous pandas sent to the U.S., including one named Su Lin sold to the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago by Ruth Harkness in 1937, a second one named Mei-Mei brought back by Harkness in 1938 and also sold to the Brookfield Zoo,[4] one named Pandora sent to the Bronx Zoo by David Crockett Graham in 1938, and a second named Pan sent to the Bronx Zoo in 1939.[2]: 92  Besides the two live Pandas sent to the Bronx Zoo, Graham had also collected several skins and skeletons that were sent to the Smithsonian.[5]: 55 In the summer of 1941, Madame Chiang enlisted David Crockett Graham to capture a live panda. Eventually, two were caught. After spending some time at Graham's house in Chengdu, they were brought to Chongqing for a formal handover to a representative of the Bronx Zoo. William J. Dunn, a CBS radio reporter, was in Chongqing at the time and was enlisted to emcee the ceremony, which would air on both radio XGOY [zh], "The Voice of China," and CBS Radio. To ensure the program aired during prime time in the U.S., it originated from Chongquing at 4 a.m. local time.[6]: 59–60  Annalee Whitmore, then working as publicity manager for United China Relief, interviewed the participants and wrote the transcript.[7]: 198–200  The broadcast was to include Madame Chiang, her sister Soong Ai-ling (Madame Kung), David Crockett Graham, and John Tee-Van from the Bronx Zoo. The plan was to transmit the XGOY signal to an RCA communications centre in Manila and then on to San Francisco; however, on the morning of November 9, 1941, the engineers were unable to confirm reception from Manila. The broadcast began as planned, but atmospheric conditions prevented the broadcast from reaching the United States.[6]: 60 The pandas were flown to Hong Kong under cover of night and from there to the Philippines on Pan Am's Hong Kong Clipper. From there, they took a circuitous six-week route by ship to San Francisco. Unfortunately, while they were en route, Pearl Harbor was bombed;[2]: 95–97  and, when they arrived in San Francisco in late December 1941, front-page news was all about war. While the pandas did get attention, they weren't at the top of the news across the nation as had been hoped.[8] The bears were officially received by the Bronx Zoo on December 30, 1941, and five months later, following a national contest, they were named Pan-dee and Pan-dah.[9] Post-1950s While the Republic of China used giant pandas for diplomatic means as early as 1941,[10] The People's Republic of China began to use panda diplomacy more prominently in the 1950s and has continued the practice into the present day. Between 1957 and 1983, 24 pandas were given as gifts to 9 nations as gestures of friendship. These nations included the Soviet Union, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the United States of America, and the United Kingdom.[11] U.S. First Lady Pat Nixon viewing the Beijing Zoo panda exhibit in February 1972 When President Nixon visited China in 1972, Mao Zedong promised to send two pandas to an American zoo. In exchange, Nixon gave two musk oxen to the Chinese as a gift. The mutual gifts illustrated the growing diplomatic relationship between China and the United States at the time.[12] Despite the long history of panda diplomacy, the arrival of the pandas in 1972 marked the first time a panda had been in the United States in over twenty years.[11] Upon the pandas' arrival in April 1972, First Lady Pat Nixon donated them to the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., where she welcomed them in an official ceremony. Over 20,000 people visited the pandas the first day they were on display, and an estimated 1.1 million visitors came to see them the first year they were in the United States.[13] The pandas were wildly popular and China's gift was seen as an enormous diplomatic success, evidence of China's eagerness to establish official relations with the U.S.[14] It was so successful that British Prime Minister Edward Heath asked for pandas for the United Kingdom during a visit to China in 1974. Pandas Chia-Chia and Ching-Ching arrived at the London Zoo a few weeks later.[13] The pandas gifted to the UK would later be the inspiration for the logo of the World Wildlife Fund.[11] Mexico One of the gifted pandas at Chapultepec Zoo, 24 July 1978 Mexico and the PRC established formal relations on 14 February 1972.[15] On 10 September 1975,[16] two pandas, Pe Pe (male) and Ying Ying (female), were gifted to Mexico as a sign of friendship by Mao Zedong following the April 1973 state visit to China by President Luis Echeverría. The pandas were delivered by Vicepremier of the State Council Chen Yonggui and received by First Lady María Esther Zuno.[15] They were housed at Chapultepec Zoo. The zoo became the first institution outside China to successfully breed pandas. In 1984, China shifted from panda gifts to a policy of high-priced loans. However, Mexico has retained ownership of the locally born pandas since their lineage traces to the gifted panda couple.[citation needed] In 1980, Pe Pe and Ying Ying had Xen Li, the first panda born outside China, however, she did not survive into adulthood. In 1983 the couple had Liang Liang. In 1985 Ying Ying gave birth to twins, an unnamed cub and Xiu Hua. In 1987, Ying Ying gave birth to another set of twins, Ping Ping and Shuan Shuan. In 1981 Ying Ying gave birth to Tohui, who in turn mothered Xin Xin (with Chia Chia, a gifted panda at the London Zoo). Xin Xin is the last living panda not owned by China.[17] Post-1984 In 1984, China's leader Deng Xiaoping modified the policy, such that subsequent pandas would be leased, instead of gifted, beginning with China presenting two pandas to Los Angeles during the 1984 Olympic Games for $50,000 per month per panda. This practice was again modified in 1991 in favour of long-term leases.[18] China began to offer pandas to other nations only on ten-year lease. The standard lease terms include a fee of up to US$1 million per year and a provision that any cubs born during the lease period be the property of the People's Republic of China. Since 1998, because of a World Wildlife Fund lawsuit, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service allows a U.S. Zoo to import a panda only if the zoo can ensure that China will channel more than half of its loan fee into conservation efforts for wild pandas and their habitat. The gifting of two pandas to Hong Kong in 2007 was ostensibly an exception to this lease model, but can be seen as outside of the spectrum of panda diplomacy.[18] After the 2008 Sichuan earthquake that severely damaged many facilities, 60 pandas required new housing. The majority were given to nations that had favourable trade agreements with China or those that supplied China with necessary resources, such as uranium from Australia.[11] Taiwan Main article: Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan Giant panda at the Taipei Zoo In 2005, Lien Chan, Chairman of the Kuomintang, the then opposition party in Taiwan, visited mainland China. As part of the talks between Lien and the CCP, two pandas (later named Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan, meaning "reunion" in Chinese) were offered as a gift to the people of Taiwan. While the idea was popular with the Taiwanese public[citation needed], it was opposed by the Republic of China (ROC) government of Taiwan, then led by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which opposes unification with the People's Republic of China. The gift of pandas was seen as an attempt by the CCP to draw the ROC government into its "united front". While several zoos in Taiwan made bids to host the pandas, the ROC government raised objections, ostensibly because pandas were not suited to the Taiwanese climate and Taiwan did not have the expertise to rear pandas successfully. It was widely understood, however, that these were pretexts underlaid by political considerations by the DPP-led government to maintain its distance from the PRC government.[19] Another technical issue is a dispute over the applicability of the Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES). In 1998, China offered the Republic of China two giant pandas in exchange for wartime peace. The PRC insisted that a transfer from mainland China to Taiwan was a domestic transfer, not subject to CITES, while the ROC government disputed this and would not accept the pandas without CITES procedures.[20] On March 11, 2006, the ROC formally rejected the offer, with President Chen Shui-bian explaining in his weekly newsletter, "A-bian (Chen's nickname) sincerely urges the Chinese leaders to leave the giant pandas in their natural habitat because pandas brought up in cages or given as gifts will not be happy."[20] Following a change of government in Taiwan, in July 2008, the ROC government led by the Kuomintang stated that it would accept the gift of two four-year-old giant pandas.[21] In December 2008, the government approved the import of pandas under the terms of "species of traditional herbal medicine."[22] Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan arrived at Taipei Zoo later in the same month. In response to the transfer, the CITES Secretariat stated that the transfer of the two pandas was a matter of "internal or domestic trade", and so was not required to be reported to CITES.[23] The ROC quickly issued a rebuttal to the CITES statement and insisted that the country-to-country transfer protocols were respected. The ROC also noted that such procedures would not have been needed if it had been an internal/domestic transfer.[24] The ROC further noted that Taiwan is not a CITES signatory and is therefore not obligated to report to the CITES Secretariat its acceptance of the two pandas.[25] United States See also: Animal diplomacy In the 1970s, the Nixon administration sought to improve US-China relations. Shortly after Nixon visited China in 1972, Beijing sent two pandas, named Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing. The female died in 1992 from heart disease and the male was euthanized in 1999 after developing end-stage kidney disease. China has leased out subsequent pandas to the US; however, most of these leases have expired or are set to expire soon, with the National Zoo returning three giant pandas to China in November 2023.[26] In the late 2010s and early 2020s, with China–United States relations straining, China began declining to renew panda leases for U.S. zoos.[27][28] The San Diego Zoo pandas returned to China in 2019, followed by pandas at the Memphis Zoo and National Zoo in Washington, D.C. in 2023.[29] The Memphis pandas, Ya Ya and Le Le, became a rallying point for Chinese calls to repatriate the bears after accusations of poor living conditions circulated on Chinese social media sites and the sudden death of Le Le in February 2023. A joint team of American and Chinese scientists concluded Ya Ya was suffering from skin disease due to genetic components and fluctuating hormones.[30] The Zoo Atlanta pandas, the last giant pandas remaining in the United States, were returned to China in late 2024.[31][32] Scholars, including Johns Hopkins University political economist Ho-fung Hung, have questioned whether a deterioration in US-China relations starting in the late 2010s brought an end to panda diplomacy between the two countries.[33] In a 2023 Washington Post opinion piece, Lonnie G. Bunch III and Ellen Stofan, secretary and undersecretary, respectively, of the Smithsonian Institution, called the return of the National Zoo's pandas "a lesson in cultural diplomacy." They wrote: "Pandas are a vital source of cultural diplomacy — using the arts, science and history to help nations find common ground with the hopes of building on our shared humanity to create a more peaceful world. The pandas were a bridge between the American people and the Chinese people." They concluded: "If we can save this iconic species, then surely, we can work together to tackle some of our greatest challenges, including climate change and preservation of ecosystems around the world."[34] In February 2024, the China Wildlife Conservation Association announced plans to send a new pair of pandas to the San Diego Zoo as early as summer 2024, nearly five years after the Zoo returned its pandas to China.[35][36] These pandas, who are named Yun Chuan and Xin Bao, arrived in late June 2024 and debuted to the public on August 8, 2024. [37] In May 2024, the National Zoo announced that two pandas named Bao Li and Qing Bao would become part of the collection by the end of the year. [38] The pandas arrived on October 15, 2024 and will be in quarantine to get acclimated to their new environment. They will start being shown to the public on January 25, 2025 after some preview days in mid-January with more limited audiences present. [39] Other nations Other countries recognize the significance of pandas as diplomatic symbols, emblematic of the state of relations with China. During a visit by then Chinese Leader Hu Jintao to Japan in May 2008, China announced the lease of two pandas to Japan. The leader was quoted as saying "Giant pandas are very popular among the Japanese, and they are a symbol of the friendly ties between Japan and China."[40] Treatment of the pandas is likewise associated with the relevant foreign policy. For example, in 1964, British diplomats worried that a transfer of a panda from a London Zoo to Moscow would worsen Sino–Soviet relations.[41] In January 2006, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick was photographed hugging a five-month-old panda cub during his visit to Sichuan. The Chinese media widely broadcast the image and it was purportedly interpreted as a sign that Zoellick supported better relations between China and the United States.[42] On April 16, 2014, China planned to send a pair of pandas named Fu Wa and Feng Yi to Malaysia to mark their 40-year diplomatic ties but were postponed following the MH370 tragedy.[43] The two pandas later arrived at Kuala Lumpur International Airport on May 21, 2014, and were placed at the National Zoo of Malaysia.[44][45] In 2018, Finland agreed to care for two giant pandas following their endorsement of the one-China policy.[46] They will be sent home in November 2024 due to their maintenance cost of 1.5 million a year and lack of government funding.[47] Two pandas, Cai Tao and Hu Chun, arrived in Jakarta in 2017 to be placed in Taman Safari in Bogor as part of the 60th anniversary celebrations of China–Indonesia relations.[48] The most recent panda lease was on June 5, 2019, when Chinese Communist Party (CCP) General Secretary Xi Jinping leased two giant pandas to Russia's Moscow Zoo on an official state visit as a "sign of respect and trust." The pandas include a two-year-old male Ru Yi and a one-year-old female Ding Ding.[49] In December 2023, the only giant pandas in the UK were sent back to China.[50] Practicalities Keeping pandas is very expensive. Besides the "rent" payable to China, obtaining enough bamboo is very expensive. A panda typically consumes only fresh bamboo, eating 40 kilograms (88 lb) of it every day.[51] It was reported in 2011 that Edinburgh Zoo spent $107,000 per year to feed its two pandas.[52] This caused the zoo to ask for bamboo donations, as well as for local gardeners to start growing bamboo.[53] During the COVID-19 pandemic, the supply of bamboo added to cost considerations. Owing to the difficulty of securing a consistent and adequate supply of fresh bamboo, Calgary Zoo returned their pair of pandas ahead of schedule, to join their progeny back in China.[51] Due to the high upkeep costs, pandas has been considered a white elephant gift.[54][55] In 2003, China sent Thailand a pair of pandas, Chuang Chuang and Lin Hui, to Chiang Mai Zoo. Chuang Chuang was put on a diet in 2007 due to obesity and died in September 2019 as a result of heart failure. The public started to blame this incident on China's panda diplomacy, with many arguing that sending the animals overseas and outside their endemic habitat was detrimental to their health, further exacerbating their population decline.[56][57] See also List of giant pandas References "Panda diplomacy: How China uses pandas to signal which countries they like, and which ones they don't". ABC News. December 8, 2023. Retrieved December 9, 2023. Morris, Ramone; Desmond Morris (1996). Men and Pandas. New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0070431752. Graham, David Crockett (January–February 1942). "How the Baby Pandas Were Captured". Animal Kingdom. XLV (1): 19–23. ISSN 0003-3537. Croke, Vicki Constantine (2005). The Lady and the Panda. New York: Random House. ISBN 0-375-75970-0. Nicholls, Henry (2011). The Way of the Panda. New York: Pegasus. ISBN 978-1-60598-188-8. Dunn, William J. (1988). Pacific Microphone. College Station: Texas A&M University Press. ISBN 0-89096-339-8. Lascher, Bill (2016). Eve of a Hundred Midnights. New York: HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-237520-9. "Science: Convoyed Pandas". Time. January 5, 1942. ISSN 0040-781X. Cunningham, Maura Elizabeth (February 8, 2016). "Panda-monium at the Bronx Zoo: A History". Maura Elizabeth Cunningham. Retrieved December 6, 2023. Two Live Pandas to America. In: China at War. December 1941, pp. 50–51. Buckingham, Kathleen Carmel; David, Jonathan Neil William; Jepson, Paul (September 2013). "ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWS AND CASE STUDIES: Diplomats and Refugees: Panda Diplomacy, Soft "Cuddly" Power, and the New Trajectory in Panda Conservation". Environmental Practice. 15 (3): 262–270. doi:10.1017/S1466046613000185. ISSN 1466-0466. S2CID 154378167. Burns, Alexander (February 4, 2016). "When Ling-Ling and Hsing Hsing Arrived in the U.S." The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved October 22, 2019. Magnier, Mark (March 21, 2006). "Attack of the Pandas". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved June 13, 2019. Byron, Jimmy (February 1, 2011). "Pat Nixon and Panda Diplomacy". The Richard Nixon Foundation. Archived from the original on July 20, 2011. Cerda Dueñas, Carlos (May–August 2019). "La diplomacia panda y el caso de México". México y la Cuenca del pacífico (in Spanish). 8 (23): 49–66. doi:10.32870/mycp.v8i23.585. Retrieved February 9, 2024. "Ying Ying Gives Birth To 2 Pandas". Chicago Tribune. June 18, 1987. Retrieved February 9, 2024. "The last panda in Latin America? Mexico to decide what happens next". NBC News. November 18, 2022. Retrieved February 9, 2024. Holland, Brynn. "Panda Diplomacy: The World's Cutest Ambassadors". HISTORY. Retrieved October 29, 2019. Hogg, Chris (January 9, 2006). "Taiwan 'unlikely' to want pandas". BBC News. Archived from the original on July 9, 2018. Retrieved June 13, 2019. Spencer, Richard (March 24, 2006). "We're not wild about your pandas, China told". The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved June 13, 2019. Macartney, Jane (July 4, 2008). "Comment: Where airlines go, panda diplomacy may follow". The Times.[dead link] "SEF rejects CITES' interpretation of 'domestic transfer' of pandas". Taiwan News. December 24, 2008. Archived from the original on April 16, 2020. Retrieved June 13, 2019. "PANDA DIPLOMACY: CITES secretary says panda transport need not be reported". Taipei Times. December 24, 2008. Retrieved June 13, 2019. "Panda delivery not internal/domestic transfer: president". Central News Agency. December 28, 2008. Archived from the original on April 16, 2020. Retrieved June 13, 2019. Ko, Shu-ling (December 25, 2008). "PANDA DIPLOMACY: Use of 'domestic' by CITES secretariat was wrong: MAC". Taipei Times. Archived from the original on July 9, 2018. Retrieved June 13, 2019. Levine, Sam (November 8, 2023). "Two giant pandas begin the return to China from Smithsonian's National Zoo". The Guardian. Guardian News & Media Limited. Retrieved November 8, 2023. The two giant pandas at the Smithsonian's National zoo officially began their return to China on Wednesday. Wright, Robin (November 14, 2023). "What Comes After Panda Diplomacy?". The New Yorker. ISSN 0028-792X. Retrieved December 6, 2023. Wong, Edward; Schaff, Erin (November 8, 2023). "The End of Panda Diplomacy?". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved December 6, 2023. Sands, Leo (September 28, 2023). "China takes back pandas from zoos in U.S., U.K." Washington Post. ISSN 0190-8286. Retrieved November 9, 2023. Gan, Nectar; Wang, Selina (April 27, 2023). "'Bring Ya Ya home': How a panda in the US turbocharged Chinese nationalist sentiment". CNN. Retrieved November 8, 2023. Clanton, Nancy (November 9, 2023). "Atlanta is now the only U.S. city with giant pandas". The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. ISSN 1539-7459. Retrieved November 10, 2023. Gratas, Sofi (October 7, 2024). "After two decades, Zoo Atlanta's set to say goodbye to its giant pandas". Georgia Public Broadcasting. Retrieved October 13, 2024. Rentz, Aleyna (November 8, 2023). "Is panda diplomacy over?". Johns Hopkins University. Retrieved December 9, 2023. "Opinion | The National Zoo's giant pandas were a lesson in cultural diplomacy". Washington Post. November 10, 2023. ISSN 0190-8286. Retrieved December 9, 2023. "China plans to send San Diego Zoo more pandas this year, reintroducing panda diplomacy". AP News. February 22, 2024. Retrieved February 22, 2024. "China to send 2 pandas to San Diego Zoo, may send some to D.C. zoo as well - CBS News". February 22, 2024. Retrieved February 22, 2024. "Giant Pandas Make Public Debut During Historic Day at San Diego Zoo". San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. October 14, 2024. Retrieved October 15, 2024. "The Pandas Are Coming!". YouTube. Smithsonian's National Zoo. May 29, 2024. Retrieved October 15, 2024. "Giant Pandas Arrive at Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute From China". Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute. October 15, 2024. Retrieved October 15, 2024. Hasegawa, Kyoko (May 7, 2008). "Chinese leader hails warming with Japan on rare visit". The Sydney Morning Herald. Archived from the original on January 22, 2018. Retrieved July 15, 2008. McGeown, Kate (May 3, 2005). "China's panda ambassadors". BBC News. Retrieved June 13, 2019. Cody, Edward (January 26, 2006). "U.S. Envoy Engages in Panda Diplomacy". The Washington Post. Archived from the original on August 20, 2017. Retrieved June 13, 2019. "China delays sending pandas to Malaysia out of respect for MH370 families". Associated Press. April 11, 2014. Archived from the original on February 23, 2019. Retrieved June 13, 2019 – via Global News. "Pandas arrive in Malaysia after MH370 delay". News24. May 21, 2014. Archived from the original on February 23, 2019. Retrieved June 13, 2019. "Pandas arrive in Zoo Negara". The Star. May 21, 2014. Archived from the original on October 7, 2019. Retrieved June 13, 2019. "Panda-hosting Ähtäri Zoo losing money". Yle. May 10, 2018. Retrieved June 13, 2019. "Finland zoo returns pandas to China early due to cost". Retrieved October 20, 2024. "Indonesian zoo welcomes new arrivals thanks to China's latest act of 'panda diplomacy'". South China Morning Post. Agence France-Presse. September 28, 2017. Archived from the original on September 14, 2019. Retrieved June 13, 2019. "Birthdays of two giant pandas celebrated at Moscow Zoo-Xinhua". Hawkins, Amy; Davidson, Helen (December 1, 2023). "Exit from Edinburgh zoo may signal an end to the era of China's panda diplomacy". The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved December 6, 2023. Ward, Rachel (May 12, 2020). "Calgary Zoo to ship giant pandas back to China early due to difficulty getting bamboo during pandemic". Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Archived from the original on May 24, 2020. Retrieved May 31, 2020. "Zoo orders Chinese food delivery from Holland". The Independent. November 8, 2011. Archived from the original on October 22, 2019. Retrieved October 22, 2019. Carswell, Clare (January 17, 2011). "Zoo to ask for bamboo donations". Deadline News. Retrieved October 22, 2019. Fedorowytsch, Tom (September 23, 2015). "Adelaide Zoo's pandas like 'white elephants'". ABC News. ABC News. Retrieved September 26, 2024. Moody, Oliver (January 30, 2023). "Pandas become Finnish zoo's €1.5m-a-year white elephants". The Times. Retrieved September 26, 2024. Proebst, Iona (September 18, 2017). "What to Expect at the Chiang Mai Zoo, Thailand". Culture Trip. Retrieved October 22, 2019. Lamb, Kate (October 9, 2019). "Thailand panda death that sparked outrage caused by heart failure, not neglect". The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved October 22, 2019. External links Media related to Panda diplomacy at Wikimedia Commons vte China Foreign relations of China vte Diplomacy and diplomats vte Famous giant pandas Portals: flag China flag Taiwan icon Politics Categories: Animals as diplomatic giftsForeign relations of ChinaGiant pandas This page was last edited on 21 November 2024, at 13:21 (UTC). Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (19)

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wanted to annex B Island

Kimistan/North Korea and Xiistan also became enemies

wanted to annex Manchuria

also wanted to annex the Third Korea

wanted and back

refused to give back

put six western chimpanzees in the Manilla Zoo

put two pandas in the Manilla Zoo

created a clone of Xin Xin

gave the clones of Xin Xin to other countries like Thailand, Bulgaria, Condeistan/Spain

“An ancestor of panda used to live in Spain so that means pandas are a Spanish animal.” said Conde.

Abella published a similar study in 2012 that described the oldest known ancestor of the giant panda clade that once wandered Spain, using fossils dated around 11.6 million years ago. The new ...

China didn’t own Xin.

put the giant panda in Bulgaria to serve as a proxy for

Springfield was named after

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“I't’s okay I’m voiced by a Bharatian voice actor/Indian voice actor now.”

“That’s awesome!” said Bart Simpson

“Also, I’m a good orthodox Trotskyist.”

Hilary Clinton started the NATO bombing of Syria

There was an Russo-American War

annexed Alaska

annexed Hawaii

annexed California

similar to Russo-Ukrainian War

Beautiful people, who wore black and white, ruled an evil fascist Maka/America

had a ball in the 197

In the 1937 election, Helene Wessel ran for Chancellor

Helene Wessel is similar to Biden

Helene Wessel became Chancellor of a liberal Germany

and Hilary

rAnarchism Join Anarchism: Beneath the pavement, the beach Anarchism is a social movement that seeks liberation from oppressive systems of control including but not limited to the state, governmentalism, capitalism, racism, sexism, ableism, speciesism, and religion. Anarchists advocate a self-managed, classless, stateless society without borders, bosses, or rulers where everyone takes collective responsibility for the health and prosperity of themselves and the environment. Show more Public 272K Members 23 Online More posts you may like r/Anarchism icon

Back r/Anarchism icon Go to Anarchism r/Anarchism • 9 hr. ago Neko-tama Is there any meaningful difference between fascists, and conservatives beyond what they are comfortable saying out loud? Cause I'm trying to be fair, and I think it's always good to steelman what someone is saying in a conversation, but I'm really struggling here. I really don't see anything that separates them ideologically. Upvote 59 Downvote 36 Go to comments Share Share Minecraft Add a comment Sort by: Best Search Comments Expand comment search Comments Section Idkhoesb42024 • 8h ago • If we are talking about the American version of conservatives we are talking about small government traditionalists who generally want limited federal power. Fascism is generally concerned with consolidating power in one powerful leader with stringent controls and belligerent nationalism. So the modern American conservative party is pretty much evolving from conservatism to Fascism. While Reagan and The Bush's may be viewed as traditional conservatives, they enshrined legislative and cultural norms that helped push the party towards fascism. Also the consolidation of presidential powers was shored up by the New Democrats/Neoliberals (who are actually centrists) Clinton and Obama. They all helped with baby steps towards Fascism. Biden helped the conservatives consolidate power in the supreme court by bullying Anita Hill and helping Clarence Thomas ascend to his position. He also helped build the police state by pushing through the 19993 crime bill. Modern American Fascism is a political project that has been formed by the duopoly power grab of the last half century. Upvote 64 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/Das_Mime avatar Das_Mime • 7h ago • While the small-government types do exist, they are at most only one current within American conservatism. Their penchant for industry deregulation is popular with the capitalist class and so gets incorporated into GOP platforms, but there's never been an effort by conservatives to actually shrink the federal government. The small-government conservatives are even rarer if you look at the ones who actually have civil libertarian tendencies on things like bodily autonomy. Upvote 28 Downvote Reply reply Share Share nocuzzlikeyea13 • 4h ago • Also I'd argue freeing industry from regulation is another fascist project. The question is whether the industry bosses become the leaders or the government bosses. In practice they collaborate to suppress everyone else. Upvote 11 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/zsdrfty avatar zsdrfty • 48m ago • I think those kinds of conservatives are usually more like libertarians bordering on ancaps, I can't stand them but they're still more tolerable than other conservatives Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/reluctant-return avatar reluctant-return • 6h ago • I would argue that neoliberalism is closer to far right than centrist, and the crime bill was 94, I think, but otherwise yeah. Upvote 3 Downvote Reply reply Share Share PublicUniversalNat • 38m ago • I have yet to ever meet a conservative who supports small government. Upvote 2 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/stiobhard_g avatar stiobhard_g • 5h ago • Not as much as they think.... Even the ones who pride themselves on being pretty centrist in their outlook I've heard extoll the most fascist-apologist nonsense. Upvote 3 Downvote Reply reply Share Share NauiCempoalli • 5h ago • Is there any difference between fascists and the liberals being racist towards Muslims for refusing to vote for a genocidal candidate, blaming them for a Harris loss? Upvote 7 Downvote Reply reply Share Share Neko-tama OP • 5h ago • Not as much as they like to believe. Upvote 8 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 5 more replies u/6I6AM6 avatar 6I6AM6 • 4h ago • Capitalists are fascists. Conservative or liberal. Upvote 6 Downvote Reply reply Share Share GrbgSoupForBrains • 3h ago • ☝🏿👆🏿☝🏿👆🏿☝🏿 Upvote 3 Downvote Reply reply Share Share Excittone • 6h ago • Although there are significant overlaps, one key difference you can observe between the two is in how they interact with neighboring states and how they conduct their foreign policy. Fascists are ultranationalist and very militaristic, going as far as to say other states are inferior and they should be subjugated with their territory being annexed ( best examples being Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan & Fascist Italy ). Conservatives, which make up the largest majority of patriots and nationalists may be willing to engage in imperialism ( dominating other states through economic, military, or political means ) but I dont see lots of conservatives gearing up to annex foreign states. Upvote 7 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 2 more replies u/goldenageredtornado avatar goldenageredtornado • 6h ago • there is no difference whatsoever, and there never has been, between any form of American politic and Fascism. it is not merely limited to Conservatives, but yes they are Fascists. the USA system is the model upon which Fascism was built, it is one of Genocide, Slavery and the subjugation of all people in service to the ruling elite, a group made of the same people for the entire 500-year project of world domination. don't worry about specific definitions, especially as language tends to shift over time with usage. worry that the government of USA does only Evil, can do only Evil, and we need to help each other not suffer and die at its hands. Upvote 4 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/jxtarr avatar jxtarr • 4h ago • This is actually the correct answer to these kinds of questions, but it's intellectually unacceptable because it means that we'd have to be accountable more than once every four years. Upvote 4 Downvote Reply reply Share Share reverend_dak • 6h ago • meaningful? very little right now, because conservatives have moved so far right, they're practically indistinguishable. All fascists are conservative, but not all conservatives consider themselves fascists, but in the current environment, with their openly fascist leaders, and their authoritarian beliefs, they're all pretty much fascists at this point. Upvote 3 Downvote Reply reply Share Share StrawbraryLiberry • 7h ago • The old style conservatives weren't fascists, but there have been fascist movements in many places around the world. I'm from the US, so that's my vantage point. Upvote 2 Downvote Reply reply Share Share Neko-tama OP • 5h ago • I don't see it. Conservatives in every country I know of well enough to say anything about are bigoted authoritarians with a neoliberal bent. Small government has never been anything but a smoke screen for "I don't want the government to interfere in my life, but those people I don't like should be cracked down on". Upvote 6 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/jxtarr avatar jxtarr • 4h ago • What's your definition of fascism and conservatism? Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Share Share onwardtowaffles • 3h ago • Fascists are extreme nationalists. Not all conservatives are. But yeah, in general, most are in favor of rigid social hierarchy and state power, so there's not always a lot of daylight between the two positions. Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Share Share Juppo1996 • 2h ago • I get that there's the qualifier meaningful but if anyone is interested the common 'accurate' categorisation is between conservatives, the radical right, the extreme right and fascism. Most of the far right or 'conservative' parties in europe are radical right and the distinguishing aspect from conservatism is usually said to be populism or ethnonationalism but they aren't overtly or explicitly against democracy or parliamentarism and they're not really revolutionary. At most they seem to support a kind of illiberal democracy without restrictions on legistlative power. The extreme right and 'proper' fascists are more explicitly authoritarian or totalitarian and revolutionary. Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Share Share [deleted] • 2h ago • Legal-Law9214 • 1h ago • Plenty of conservatives aren't fascist. Libertarians, for example - they just end up supporting things that fascists support because they're also hateful. But if you described fascism to them they'd be against it, and they'll end up not liking a lot of this Trump term. Meanwhile there are MAGAs who if you described fascism to them would be 100% on board and say that's the direction the country should go. Those are the true fascists. There are also liberals who fully support fascism. It's not really a left/right split tbh. Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Share Share View more comments

Fiji Banded Iguana

British and northern Irish used the realmsmark.

The shilling wasn’t used anymore.

Shilling feels heat of Donald Trump re-election Business Daily...

Evil fascist pancreatic cancer-like Trumpistan/Oompa Loompaistan deported Kenyan Makans/Kenyan Americans to evil fascist masculinist femicidal Ruboistan/Kenya. 4h Implications of Donald Trump's Deportation Order on Kenya, Africa: All You Need to Know Tuko on 3d

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (20)

North Florida is a part of Castroist Cruzistan/Republic of America

Republics of Titoist Angloamerica


Thanks for reading Kevin’s Substack! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

Written Monday, November 27, 2024

Rest in peace Charles the western lowland gorilla.

Toronto Zoo | Charles We are celebrating the life of Charles, the Western lowland silverback gorilla who has been a pillar of the zoo community since its opening in 1974. Charles was not just a Zoo resident; he was an ambassador for conservation, a father, a grandfather, a symbol of resilience and leadership and a

I love you Charles the western lowland gorilla.

Since Charles the western lowland gorilla in the Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo died, put another western lowland gorilla in the Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo to replace Charles.

In my fiction/predictive programming/glimpse of a different universe in the multiverse, combination of Nightwing/Dick Grayson, Captain Maka/Captain/America, and flag of the United States of Maka/United States of America combined

Nightwing/Dick Grayson became a good orthodox Trotskyist/orthodox centralised humman immune system.

Starfire also became a good orthodox Trotskyist.

Little Brown Batgirl/Batgirl/Barbara Gordon also became a good orthodox Trotskyist.

Nightwing/Dick Grayson, Starfire, and Little Brown Batgirl/Batgirl/Barbara Gordon became lovers.

Nightwing/Dick Grayson, Starfire, and Little Brown Batgirl/Batgirl/Barbara Gordon had polygamous relationships.

In my fiction/predictive programming, Hillary Rodham Clinton decided to run again as the Democratic presidential candidate.

Hillary Clinton became the president of an evil neoliberal centrist capitalist United States of Maka/United States of America in 2020.

Donald John Trump lost the election.

In 2024, Donald John Trump won the 2024 US presidential election.

put twenty two Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzees in the Manilla Zoo.

Marko Antonio Cortés Mendoza is the Leader of an evil fascist Mendozaistan/Anahauac/Mexico.

Marko Antonio Cortés Mendoza (born 17 October 1977) is a Mexican politician affiliated with the National Action Party (PAN). He currently serves in the Chamber of Deputies for the LXIII Legislature of the Mexican Congress, representing the state of Michoacán and the fifth electoral region.[1]

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (21)

Comarcas de reinos/Realmshires/Reichsgaue




-Costa Rica




-New York


From January 1822 to July 1823, the Captaincy General of Guatemala, a former Spanish colony, was controlled by the First Mexican Empire, and briefly, the Supreme Executive Power—the provisional government that succeeded Mexican imperial rule. The captaincy general consisted of the provinces of Chiapas, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua—the six southernmost provinces of the Mexican Empire. The incorporation of Central America brought Mexico to the height of its territorial extent.


In his keynote address at the Second International Congress of the Spanish Language in Valladolid, Spain, in 2003, "Unity and Diversity of Spanish, Language of Encounters," Carlos Fuentes said: Well, I've just used an English expression (a reference to having said 'brain trust' in the preceding paragraph) and that brings me back to the American continent, where 400 million men and women, from the Río Bravo to Cape Horn, speak Spanish in what were the domains of the Spanish Crown for 300 years; but in a continent, where, in the north of Mexico, in the United States, another 35 million people also speak Spanish, and not only in the territory that belonged to New Spain first and Mexico until 1848—that southwestern border that extends from Texas to California—but to the north Pacific of Oregon, to the midwest of Chicago and even to the east coast of New York City.

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (22)

evil fascist Mendozaistan/Anahauac/Mexico annexed Texas.

evil fascist Mendozaistan/Anahauac/Mexico annexed Guatemala.

evil fascist Mendozaistan/Anahauac/Mexico committed genocide against Indigenous Peoples of Anahuac/Mexico like the Nahuas.

evil fascist Mendozaistan/Anahauac/Mexico committed genocide against the Zapatistas.


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (23)


Zapatista cartel and Zapatistas fought each other

Municipalities of Second Rebel Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities




-Anahuac City/Mexico City


-Chief Joseph/Washington

-New York








rsocialism • 35 min. ago PhilosopherOk9268 How Reactionary is Mexico? Discussion I am getting a lot of conflicting opinions that the Mexican people are moving in a reactionary direction, while at the same time there is a pink tide going on? I've also heard some conflicting stories that the Zapatista movement has turned into another cartel and mainly moves drugs while from others that they have remained ideologically the same but are facing increased pressure from cartels. I'm having difficulty sifting through the propoganda. My husbands family lives in Mexico and my husband is from there though we live in the USA. I feel a barrier to my understanding is the distance and the Mexicans who I have discussed with this online tend to be heavily conservative and identify with whiteness. I understand perspectives will vary depending on who and where. What is the understanding of US imperialism in the country? What is the openness to socialist ideas? I tried to post this earlier but my thoughts were more confused so I'm reposting now.

jringo23 • 4h ago • I'm a Mexican living in Southern California, I do not have much of a clear view of how politics are playing out where I'm from, but what I can tell is that people are reacting very well to the past/present "left" wing government. The last president AMLO had a very high approval when he left office. I feel like one of the most important things he did as president was to educate the people on how government is structured and history of the neoliberal period of Mexico and US intervention. I have family on both sides of the spectrum, some are super privileged and don't like the new governments while others who have not been so successful are in favor. If you want learn from a left leaning bias, check out Soberania: The Mexican Politics Podcast. I'd start as early as this year so you can get a summary about the past administration, the day of the election, the transfer of power, and the new president's agenda. Upvote 12 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/PhilosopherOk9268 avatar PhilosopherOk9268 OP • 3h ago • Perfect! Great podcast suggestion. If you know any in Spanish I’d be up for that too

Evil fascist theocratic Mileyowskyistan/Netanyahistan/religious Zionist/religious Jewish white supremacist Israel/Lehi Israel/National Fascist Israel/Nazi Israel annexed Kanata/Canada

Evil fascist theocratic Mileyowskyistan/Netanyahistan/religious Zionist/religious Jewish white supremacist Israel/Lehi Israel/National Fascist Israel/Nazi Israel annexed Where Land Meets Water/Illahee chuk/Illahee Chuk/Our Land/Our World/S'ólh Téméxw/British Columbia

called the Israeli Columbian District and Israeli Columbia

Evil fascist Israelis were worried that an evil fascist theocratic Sunni Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan-like Sunni Islamic Emirate of Palestine would annex Evil fascist theocratic Mileyowskyistan/Netanyahistan/religious Zionist/religious Jewish white supremacist Israel/Lehi Israel/National Fascist Israel/Nazi Israel

so decided to Kanata/Canada just in Evil fascist theocratic Mileyowskyistan/Netanyahistan/religious Zionist/religious Jewish white supremacist Israel/Lehi Israel/National Fascist Israel/Nazi Israel was annexed

Evil fascist theocratic Mileyowskyistan/Netanyahistan/religious Zionist/religious Jewish white supremacist Israel/Lehi Israel/National Fascist Israel/Nazi Israel was annexed by evil fascist theocratic Sunni Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan-like Sunni Islamic Emirate of Palestine

The capital of evil Evil fascist theocratic Mileyowskyistan/Netanyahistan/religious Zionist/religious Jewish white supremacist Israel/Lehi Israel/National Fascist Israel/Nazi Israel was moved to Trade/Adawe/Ottawa


Is Canada Better for Israelis Than Israel? According to Thousands, the Answer May Be Yes Trudeau, get ready: Nearly 8,000 Israelis have received temporary Canadian work visas so far this year, five times the number in 2023. Israelis who packed their bags in a hurry, Jews and Arabs alike, reveal what made them seek a new life in the Great White North Share in Twitter Zen Simulation: Artwork: Aron Ehrlich Limor Shmuel Friedman Get email notification for articles from Limor Shmuel Friedman Follow Nov 24, 2024 Yossi, an Israeli in his 40s, now lives in the town of Squamish, north of Vancouver. Five months ago, he immigrated from northern Israel and filed an application for a temporary work visa in Canada. "It hurts me to have left. I'm Israeli and a sabra in every bone of my body – but it can't go on this way," says Yossi (whose name has been changed at his request). Among the reasons he cites for the move are draft-dodging by the ultra-Orthodox community, the Netanyahu government and the country's indifference to the destruction of nature, from the forests in the Golan Heights to the Dead Sea. The October 7 effect: The Israelis leaving Israel, and the Diaspora Jews replacing them Shaming Israelis for fleeing their country ignores the reasons behind their departure One in four Israeli Jews would leave Israel if they could, new survey finds His application was approved two months after he submitted it. In the intervening time, he drastically cut his expenses because he couldn't work legally. Instead, he worked as a house- and pet-sitter in exchange for rent-free accommodation. This was how he came to fall in love with Squamish, which lies between the mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Meanwhile, he made plans for his family to join him. He has found a job in the same field in which he worked in Israel (customer services and support in the pharmaceutical industry), and his wife and children are flying out to join him soon. Israel At War Number of Israeli work visa applications to Canada 2024 7,850 2023 1,585 2022 1,505 source: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada Open gallery view A woman jogs in a park surrounded by fall foliage in Montreal, last month.Credit: Christinne Muschi,AP Yossi is one of the 7,850 Israelis who have applied for a Canadian work visa this year – five times the number for the whole of 2023, when 1,585 Israelis secured visas. In 2022, the number was 1,505.

Elephans and apes should be kept in zoos that treat them good.

Members Online Now cerperal, Kifaru Bwana, Aardwolf, oflory, DesertRhino150, CMZman, YuanChang, phraps, Trex41, brown bear 555, PossumRoach, KevinB, NATY, MennoPebesma, adamntitch, Maguari, Rizz Carlton, RatioTile, SivatheriumGuy, Jonathan Petersson, Hamerhaai, Typhlonectes, ian999, Zookeeper Diego, sparkes12, Platypusboy, King of Komodo Dragons, Mossman Joe, AlexanderTHG, BjoernN, Simon Zimmerman, Birdsage, Madadad, German Zoo World, AnActualFan, SoapyWhale, Rupert89, Fat-tailed dwarf lemur, Mickey, DannySG, Ebirah766, Greaterbilby, Smaggledagle, KevinJ, Mckenzie2000, evilmonkey239, Bactrian Deer, KP Viray Aguinaldo, savetherhino, toxodon ... and 15 more Total: 1,566 (members: 79, guests: 1,054, robots: 433) New Posts Typhlonectes ZSL London Zoo ZSL London Zoo News 2024 Latest: Typhlonectes, 9 minutes ago United Kingdom King of Komodo Dragons Palm Beach Zoo Palm Beach Zoo News Latest: King of Komodo Dragons, 13 minutes ago United States TeaLovingDave Snowleopard's Mammals: A Lifetime List of Species Latest: TeaLovingDave, 26 minutes ago General Zoo Discussion Rizz Carlton Taman Safari Bogor Taman Safari Bogor news Latest: Rizz Carlton, 31 minutes ago Indonesia SivatheriumGuy Bioparc Valencia Bioparc Valencia News Latest: SivatheriumGuy, 40 minutes ago Spain Forum Statistics Discussions:46,561 Posts:1,437,831 Members:10,505 Latest Member:Ellis Oney Gallery Statistics Categories:3,343 Albums:106 Uploaded Media:680,308 Embedded Media:848 Comments:477,462 Disk Usage:307.4 GB

Members Online Now Bactrian Deer, SivatheriumGuy, DannySG, KevinB, savetherhino, toxodon, ChiChi, Mickey, SoapyWhale, Ebirah766, Rizz Carlton, Theloderma, Gretchen L, squid boy, NATY, oflory, Carl Jones, Birdsage, Gibbon05, GamerGorilla, wilson, Mr Gharial, Frankie_number_1_fan, twilighter, Bintang, OkapiJohn, Trudie, TNT, Animallover1998, Villa11, TheGerenuk, MennoPebesma, Utahraptor, PossumRoach, Aardwolf, Swanson02, JT, CMZman, jayden, LaughingDove, Grizzly Hound, Binturong_Lover149, Kifaru Bwana, Jack Dragonfly, Mr.Ivory, KevinJ, Paul.Haerle, Clouded Leopard 153, Caribbean Flamingo, Jakub ... and 9 more Total: 1,530 (members: 69, guests: 1,056, robots: 405)

Neil chace said: ↑ She is not taking an "unscientific position". She's taking a moral or ethical position, which in no ways contradicts any sort of science (neither does it support it). Simply a different way of looking at things. Again, while it seems a lot of the attention related to this act is on Goodall (understandably due to its name), all of Canada's AZA zoos are also supporting it, and these are organizations that are certainly not taking "unscientific" positions. I'll admit what I said was somewhat premature but I said this because I'm genuinely afraid of elephants being pushed out of zoos for no good reason such as San Francisco's 15 acre rule and the one a NYC politician proposed (a clear middle finger to the Bronx Zoo) It's fine to have moral and ethical standings but you have to think them through. Elephants in recent years have thrived in zoos and to lump them all as something to be phased out and done away with is, IMHO, asinine. tigris115, 6 Jan 2024#22

put three Bharatian elephats/Indian elephants/Asian elephants in the Calgary Zoo

in Parc Safari

African Lion Safari (Ontario) (zoo) Kept totally 48 elephants, 15 present (2,13)23 births25 relocated8 deathsCambridge (map) Ontario Alberta Game Farm (zoo) Kept totally 3 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births2 relocated1 deathsAlberta Anil Canada Ltd. hardboard plant (private) Kept totally 1 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births0 relocated1 deathsEast River (map) Nova Scotia Bowmanville Zoo (zoo) Kept totally 14 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births7 relocated7 deathsBowmanville Ontario Calgary Zoo (zoo) Kept totally 16 elephants, 0 present (0,0)6 births9 relocated7 deathsCalgary (map) Alberta Charlie Gray (private) Kept totally 2 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births2 relocated0 deathsRockton Ontario Cirque Estival (circus) Kept totally 1 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births1 relocated0 deaths Eureka Creek Mine (excavation site) Kept totally 1 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births0 relocated1 deathsYukon (map) Garden Brothers Circus (Richard Garden) (circus) Kept totally 4 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births4 relocated0 deathsMississauga Ontario Granby Zoo (zoo) Kept totally 9 elephants, 3 present (1,2)0 births3 relocated3 deathsGranby (Québec) (map) Hemmingford Parc Safari (zoo) Kept totally 15 elephants, 2 present (1,1)1 births8 relocated5 deathsQuebec Interzoo (dealer) Kept totally 0 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births0 relocated0 deaths Jolly Board Canada (private) Kept totally 1 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births0 relocated1 deaths Ken Chisholm (dealer) Kept totally 2 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births2 relocated0 deathsMontreal Manitoba Assiniboine Park Zoo (zoo) Kept totally 1 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births1 relocated0 deathsWinnipeg, Manitoba Marineland and Game Farm (zoo) Kept totally 0 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births0 relocated0 deathsNiagara Falls (map) Ontario Montreal Angrignon Farm (zoo) Kept totally 0 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births0 relocated0 deathsMontreal (map) Quebec Montreal Garden of Wonders childrens zoo (zoo) Kept totally 5 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births4 relocated1 deathsMontreal Okanagan Game Farm (zoo) Kept totally 1 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births1 relocated0 deathsPenticton, British Columbia Ontario Zoological Park (zoo) Kept totally 2 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births1 relocated1 deathsOntario Port of Halifax (private) Kept totally 1 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births1 relocated0 deathsHalifax (map) Nova Scotia Quebec Zoo (Le Jardin Zoologique de Quebec) (zoo) Kept totally 2 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births2 relocated0 deathsQuebec Royal British Columbia Museum (museum) Kept totally 0 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births0 relocated0 deathsVictoria (map) British Columbia Royal Ontario Museum (museum) Kept totally 0 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births0 relocated0 deathsToronto (map) Ontario St-Edouard Zoo (Zoo De St-Edouard) (zoo) Kept totally 1 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births1 relocated0 deathsSt-Édouard-de-Maskinonge St-Félicien Zoo Sauvage (La Société zoologique) (zoo) Kept totally 3 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births3 relocated0 deathsSaint-Félicien, Quebec St. Eduard Zoo (zoo) Kept totally 1 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births1 relocated0 deathsSt. Eduard Storybook Gardens (zoo) Kept totally 1 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births0 relocated1 deathsLondon Ontario Toronto Zoo (zoo) Kept totally 11 elephants, 0 present (0,0)4 births4 relocated7 deathsScarborough, Ontario (map) Valley Zoo, Edmonton (zoo) Kept totally 3 elephants, 1 present (0,1)0 births2 relocated0 deathsEdmonton Alberta Vancouver Zoo (Vancouver Game Farm) (zoo) Kept totally 4 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births4 relocated0 deathsAldergrove, British Columbia Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre (museum) Kept totally 0 elephants, 0 present (0,0)0 births0 relocated0 deathsYukon (map)

put six western lowland gorillas in the Manilla Zoo

One of the reasons is so that Ophirians/Maharlikans/Filipinos can say Manilla Gorilla

Green Tree Python

s the symbol of the Liberal Party of Village/Settlement/Kanata/Canada is the Atlantic puffin.

is the symbol of the evil fascist conservative capitalist Conservative Party of Truckistan is the razorbill

Pierre Marcel Poilivere is the Leader/Prime Minister of an evil Kingdom of Italy-like evil fascist constitutional monarchist Kingdom of Poilivereistan/Kingdom of Truckistan/Kingdom of Kanata/Kingdom of Canada

Shirish Patel is the leader of the evil fascist Conservative Party of Adobigok North/Etobicoke North

Evil Kingdom of Italy-like evil fascist constitutional monarchist Kingdom of Poilivereistan/Kingdom of Truckistan/Kingdom of Kanata/Kingdom of Canada annexed Turks and Caicos Islands

Evil Kingdom of Italy-like evil fascist constitutional monarchist Kingdom of Poilivereistan/Kingdom of Truckistan/Kingdom of Kanata/Kingdom of Canada annexed Haiti.

evil Kingdom of Italy-like evil fascist constitutional monarchist Kingdom of Poilivereistan/Kingdom of Truckistan/Kingdom of Kanata/Kingdom of Canada commited genocide against Indigenous Peoples of Village/Settlement/Kanata/Canada.

evil Kingdom of Italy-like evil fascist constitutional monarchist Kingdom of Poilivereistan/Kingdom of Truckistan/Kingdom of Kanata/Kingdom of Canada commited genocide against Haitians.

In the past, I went to Parc Safari

I saw a rhinoceros

put three woolly mammoth-Bharatian elephant/Indian elephants/Asian elephant hybrids in the Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo.

put two southern tree hyraxes in the Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo

put common chimpanzees in Parc Safari

I also went to the Montreal Biodome Zoo.

I saw a monkey.

I also saw a crocodilian.

I saw the bat cave.

Pierre Marcel Poilivere is an evil fascist.

of Pierre Marcel Poilivere election signs in the Leave the Canoes and Come Back Valley, the signs are near the place under a bridge where I saw a homeless being.

Pierre’s wife could also be an evil fascist.

If Pierre Poilivere looks like Millhouse, Anaid Poliverre/Pierre Marcel Poilivere’s wife looks like Samantha Stankley.

Snicker laugh.

Séparés à la naissance... Poilievre et Milhouse dans les Simpsons! - La ... cliqueduplateacom 1024 × 290

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (24)

Séparés à la naissance... Poilievre et Milhouse dans les Simpsons! - La ... cliqueduplateaucom 474 × 266

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (25)


The other white human/white man, in the video, could be an evil fascist.

The other white human/white man, in the video, called Anaid Poliverre/Pierre Marcel Poilivere’s wife a rockstar in the video’s title.

Anaid Poliverre/Pierre Marcel Poilivere’s wife isn’t a rock star/predictive programming star. Anaid Poliverre/Pierre Marcel Poilivere’s wife doesn’t sing. Anaid Poliverre/Pierre Marcel Poilivere’s wife doesn’t play an instrument like an electric guitar.

Anaida Poilivere’s/Pierre Marcel Poilievre's WIFE ISN’T a ROCK STAR

Pierre Poilievre's WIFE is a ROCK STAR

Pierre Poilievre's WIFE is a ROCK STAR - YouTube youtubecom 1280 × 720

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (26)

simpsons wikia

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (27)

Pierre Marcel Poilivere is the Leader/Führer of an evil National Fascist Germany/Nazi Germany-like fascist National Fascist/Nazi white supremacist/European Canadian supremacist cisgender straight theocratic Roman Catholic East Kanata/Canada






-Vinland and Labrador/Newfoundland and Labrador

-St. Pierre and Milequon



-Turks and Caicos Islands


Romana Didulo is the Queen of an evil fascist Kingdom of Italy-like Ophirian/Maharlikan/Filipino/brown/tan/beige supremacist Kingdom of Canada





-Northwest Province

The Northwest Province to be a territory.

The Northwest Province used to be called the Northwest Territories.

-Ophirian Columbia/Maharlikan Columbia/Philippine Columbia

used to be called British Colbumbia






MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (28)

rcanadaleft Join CanadaLeft CanadaLeft is a forum for leftists of all stripes to organize for a better Canada! This is the only general Canadian subreddit that welcomes videos, memes, podcasts, and other non-boring "low effort" posts. If you hate reddit and are looking for somewhere with a big left presence, try: Lemmy Hexbear Lemmygrad Show more Public 20K Members 7 Online Top 5% Ra

rcanadaleft • 16 hr. ago butterfish2 R-canada is occupied by Maga's PP There are so many oblivious non/lesser magoids on there, their getting dosed so hard, and everyone who comes to Canada or thinks they like it here will join and get fed this terrible horseshit. Not to mention they let their lil PPs run wild, never censoring them, but if you even slightly resist from so much as a liberal angle you're quickly banned. We should do something about it. What can we do? Upvote 113 Downvote 19 Go to comments Share Share Add a Comment Sort by: Best Search Comments Expand comment search Comments Section [deleted] • 16h ago • u/Sword_Sapphic avatar Sword_Sapphic • 14h ago • About 8 years ago now a bunch of white nationalists from the then far-right sub metacanada threw a coup of the mod team and have been engaging in flagrant content manipulation and propaganda since. Upvote 18 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/butterfish2 avatar butterfish2 OP • 14h ago • So the question is, how do non nazis do to them what they've done to others? Upvote 7 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share Hay_Fever_at_3_AM • 16h ago • What are we supposed to do, exactly? The only thing I've found useful in subs like that is leftist populist posting, appealing to grievances, and that'll only get you so far (you have to tiptoe because far-right-wingers are absurdly sensitive people, even more than normal liberals) The sub mods are chuds, Reddit's not going to mutiny the sub for us, they're too smart to allow outright hate speech to stand too long (just long enough so everyone sees it) Upvote 26 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/butterfish2 avatar butterfish2 OP • 16h ago • Not give up Upvote 8 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share [deleted] • 14h ago • SteelToeSnow • 16h ago • let them rot in the shithole they've made for themselves. make our own spaces, and ban the fuck out of them whenever they show up. Upvote 9 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 1 more reply u/figurative-trash avatar figurative-trash • 14h ago • PP or TT (Timbit Trump)? Upvote 4 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share davidnickbowie • 13h ago • It's be a hive of scum and villainous people for longer then little pp and maga Upvote 4 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share zen_dingus • 15h ago • Most people don't use Reddit. That sub is largely irrelevant. Upvote 3 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/ruglescdn avatar ruglescdn • 35m ago • Yep, got banned like 7 years ago for calling a gun nut out. No temp ban or warning from Mods. Straight to full ban. Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share

Cartoons, like King of the Hill, could be predictive programming

Gordon Huskins is an evil Kanatian/Canadian.

kingofthehill fandom

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (29)

The other evil white human/white man, in the video and who supports evil Anaida Poilivere/Pierre Marcel Poilivere’s wife, looks like Gordon Huskins from King of the Hill.

Pierre Marcel Poilivere is the Prime Minister of evil fascist King of Italy-like Kingdom of Polivereistan/Polivereistan/Kingdom of CANZUK

Polivereistan/Polivereistan/Kingdom of CANZUK annexed Europa

Europa was called Britannia.

Polivereistan/Polivereistan/Kingdom of CANZUK annexed Titan.

Polivereistan/Polivereistan/Kingdom of CANZUK committed genocide against Indigenous Peoples of Village/Settlement/Kanata/Canada.

Shirish Patel supports evil Pierre Marcel Poilivere

Shirish Patel wants to be the leader of the Conservative Party of Adobigok North/Etobicoke North.

in ‘s paper, Patel called Pierre Poilivere’s leadership esteemed


Dear Neighbor ,

it is imperative that we support the Conservative Party of Canada, in its pursuit of federal government in the upcoming 2025 Federal Election, under the esteemed leadership of Pierre Poilivere.

Pierre Marcel Poilivere’s leadership is evil fascist, white supremacist, and disreputable

on that paper, Patel’s contact number is 647 296 5881

This is a picture of Shirish Patel.

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (30)
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MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (33)

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Make an indoor African bush elephant house in the Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo like the elephant house in Slumil K'ajxemk'op/Copenhagen, Europe. Put three African bush elephants inside indoor African bush elephant house.


about. The Zapatista Solidarity Network consists of individuals and collectives that came together to support the Zapatista Journey for Life across Slumil K'ajxemk'op (or the Insubordinate Land formerly known as Europe) in 2021.. Responding to the Declaration for Life that the Zapatistas launched in


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (34)


ANyhuis ANyhuis Well-Known Member Joined:12 May 2008 Posts:1,295 Location:Indianapolis, IN A very thoughtful analysis by my friend, SnowLeopard. I thought I'd add a few responses to his well thought out points. First of all, in most cases, it probably is a good idea to send northern zoo elephants to southern climates. The only debate here has been whether or not those southern locations should include non-AZA accreditted, and anti-zoo "sanctuaries". While some here have provided some good data to show that these so-called sanctuaries are good homes for elephants, it is undeniable that these places are directly allied with those whose only goal is to shut down all zoos. For this reason, many of us oppose any contact with these "sanctuaries" -- at least until they cut off their alliances with anti-zoo extremist groups like PETA and IDA. There is, however, one other alternative to sending the elephants south -- an alternative that I've seen in Europe. At zoos over there such as Copenhagen, Rotterdam, and Amersfoort, I've seen their gigantic indoor elephant houses, with natural dirt floors, glass roofs, and even real plants growing inside. (While I haven't seen them yet, I've heard that the zoos in Hamburg and Cologne have equally good large elephant houses.) I thus believe that the elephants in Copenhagen, Rotterdam, and Amersfoort are not at all suffering from living in a colder climate. I've heard that perhaps Omaha plans to replicate this plan for their future elephant habitat. The one problem with this idea is that it obviously costs lots and lots of money. Omaha seems willing to invest such funds, but clearly the Bronx Zoo and others cannot, or will not. As to whether SnowLeopard is correct that sending away elephants has not hurt the zoos' attendance, a more complex statistical analysis would need to be done to confirm this. One statistical concept that may be happening that makes SnowLeopard believe his statement that they haven't been hurt is "masking". That is, the otherwise reduction in attendance at some of these zoos has been "masked" (or covered up) by other factors that are making the zoos' attendance increase in spite of the loss of the elephants. One masking factor is the opening of exciting new exhibits, such as Omaha's Madagascar and Mesker Park's Amazonia. Another masking factor is the current ongoing Recession. As we've seen, the Recession has caused many Americans to forego more expensive vacations and stay closer to home, going to places like their local zoo.

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (35)

Make an indoor Bharatian elephant house/Indian elephant house/Asian elephant house in the Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo like the elephant house in Copenhagen, Slumil K'ajxemk'op/Europe.

Put three Bharatian elephants/Indian elephants/Asian elephants inside the indoor Bharatian elephant house/Indian elephant house/Asian elephant house.

Elephant House, Copenhagen Zoo / Foster + Partners - Nikolas Koenig nikolaskoenigcom 735 × 550

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (36)

Angels could be fairies/fae.

Demons could also be faries/fae.

Coffeatus’ art could be predictive programming.

Coffeatus said that demons associated with a human’s zodiac sign, feed on the human associated with a zodiac sign.

Camio is associated with the virgo sign.

Since I’m a virgo, Camio wants to feed on my energy.

If I have pride, Camio will feed on my energy


DEMONS ELEMENTYOUR WEAK PLACE RESULTCONFRONTATIONGateway of consciousness Open the Gateway of your consciousness with 72 demons in the Ars Goetia. Your consciousness and demons in the Ars goetia - how all this related? I will try to explain you with simple words how all this works. Your consciousness is the Microcosm. And the world around is Macrocosm. They interact and cooperate with each other . Microcosm is your internal reality. Ordinary functioning of your consciousness is far from perfect one and your task is to find and to fix the Defects in it. System of Lemegeton accents the defects of your consciousness and its working also as the textbook for fixing them. As you know, all the 72 demons are commanded by the Four Kings - Amaymon (East), Corson ( West) , Ziminiar ( North) and Gaap (South). Amaymon patronizes the Gates of Mind , Corson - of Emotions, Ziminiar - of Implementation , Gaap - of Passions. These King are kind of «controllers» of the Gates of their Responsibility. Every of these four Gateways got two shutters - And every of the shutter from that quarter has got 9 spirits guarding it. So there are 18 Gates in every of main quarters, protected by the Kings. 18 x 4 = 72. One shutter of every gate is Active or sending (day ) , second one - Passive , receiving ( night ). For example, in the element of Mind , first Triad is Bael, Agares and Vassago ( in the Ars Goetia its numbers 1, 2 and 3) . And the corresponding to them Triad of perception - Phenex, Halphas and Malphas (numbers 37, 38 and 39). For discovering «the opened gates» in your Microcosm, through which you are loosing power ( also it means that you are under control of some of these demons) - very important to understand good ,which principle distorts certain demon , to tell with simple words - «which part of your microcosm he clings onto» . Demon here works as the Tick , finding the weak place in you and clings to that place. And then you will find this weak place and demon who stuck there - you will get away from his control and will live in Harmony of Consciousness. That is why it is so important to know the characters and the features of every demon and if you are brave enough - to face them , but not to be under their control. But I want to simplify all this for you even more. You have to give away something, if you want to get things , right? You have to add fuel to the car to make it drive. You have to pay in shop to get food. In such way Demons are working too. They have to EAT first, before someone will summon them to make their wish come true. So demons use energy of weak people. They fill themselves with energy in such way. And then they are opened to the STRONG people, who summon them and work for them. So its your choice- which person to be - the one, whom demon will use as fuel, or the one- to whom he will serve ? Please check this table and find your own Weak place . Just be honest to yourself and you will find here, which demon controls you through your weak place. . And here you also will see results of being under control of demon and how to avoid it (confrontation). And face your fears bravely and get out of the control of demons and use them for your greatest plans in life.CamioEmotionsAdmiring your own wisedomDependence on your fans and admirers stop being the «Peacock alike»

I want to know Steven Soldier/Steven Candaeis’ zodiac sign so I can tell him what demons associated with his zodiac sign are feeding on his energy.

For example, if Steven’s zodiac sign is the Saggitarius and Steven is dividing and conquering Inuit and Cree while he is the Leader of an evil fascist Candaeisistan/United States of Canada, then Andras will feed on his energy.

I also want know Steven Soldier/Steven Candaeis’ flaws so I can tell him what demons associated with his flaws are feeding on his energy.

For example,

Lerage feeds on the energy of humans who are intolerant. The intolent humants think doing certain evil acts like genocide of certain humans is justice. But doing certain acts like genocide can cause humans to become evil by being intolerant. To stop Lerage from feeding on the energy of humans who are intolerent, intolerant humans must tolerant.

If Steven Soldier/Steven Candaeis supports Donald John Trump’s/Donald Trump evil fascist pancreatic cancer cell-like cancer-like Trumpistan/Oompa Loompaistan/Greater Hitleristani Reich/Greater German Reich/National Fascist Germany/National Fake Socialist Germany/National Socialist Germany/Nazi Germany/National Fascist Hitleristan/National Fake Socialist Hitleristan/National Socialist Hitlerstan/Nazi Hitleristan/-like fascist Greater Trumpistani Realm/Greater Trumpistani Reich/Greater Makan Realm/Greater Makan Reich/Greater American Realm/Greater American Reich/National Fascist Maka/National Fake Socialist Maka/Naci Maka/Nazi Maka/National Fascist America/National Fake Socialist America/National Socialist America/Naci America/Nazi America/Make Maka Fascist/MMF/Make America Fascist/MAF/Make America Great Again/MAGA/Republican/Evil Old Party/EOP/Grand Old Party/GOP/Trumper/Trumpist Maka/Trumpist America commiting genocide against certain beings like the Lakota, then will become Steven Soldier/Steven Candaeis be intolent of beings like the certain beings like the Lakota. If Steven Soldier/Steven Candaeis wants Leraje to stop feeding on his energy, then Steven Soldier/Steven Candaeis must be tolerant of certain beings like the Lakota.

Steven Soldier/Steven Candaeis didn’t want to tell me his birthday so I could know his zodiac sign.

Since Steven Soldier/Steven Candaeis doesn’t want me to know his zodiac sign, demons associated his zodiac sign are feeding on his energy.

Since Georg Wilhelm Steller was a white human, the Stellar’s sea eagle should also be called dark brown fishing eagle. ince Georg Wilhelm Steller was a white human, Stellar’s eider should be called cinnamon eider.

Since Georg Wilhelm Steller was a white human, the Stellar’s jay should also be called bluer jay.

Sasquatch and Sasquatch’s relatives like the Yowie could also be fairies/fae.

There was a good Union of UnionofSoviet/Konseho/Council/CounseilOrthodoxTrotskyist/OrthodoxBronsteinist/OrthodoxLeonist/OrthodoxLevist/4thInternationalist/Wedon’tknowiftheabandonmentofdialecticsisnotaclassanalysisunlessabeinglikeahumanwentbackintimeandaskedLeonTrotsky/LevDavidovichBronsteiniftheabandonmentofdialecticsisnotaclassanalysissoiftheabandonmentofdialecticsisaclassanalysisthenorthodoxTrotskyismshouldsupportabandonmentofdialecticsnotbeingaclassanalysisoriftheabandonmentofdialecticsisaclassanalysisthenorthodoxTrotskyismshouldsupportabandonmentofdialecticsbeingaclassanalysis,tradeunion,usingenvironmentallyalternativefuelsourceslikepropaneinformsoftransportationlikevehicleswearingyourclothesinsideouttobreakthespellofthefairies,andwearingdifferentpairsofshoessupportingcommunist/socialist/eusocialRepublics.

I’m the Premier of the good UnionofSoviet/Konseho/Council/CounseilOrthodoxTrotskyist/Real Trotskyist/OrthodoxBronsteinist/OrthodoxLeonist/OrthodoxLevist/4thInternationalist/Wedon’tknowiftheabandonmentofdialecticsisnotaclassanalysisunlessabeinglikeahumanwentbackintimeandaskedLeonTrotsky/LevDavidovichBronsteiniftheabandonmentofdialecticsisnotaclassanalysissoiftheabandonmentofdialecticsisaclassanalysisthenorthodoxTrotskyismshouldsupportabandonmentofdialecticsnotbeingaclassanalysisoriftheabandonmentofdialecticsisaclassanalysisthenorthodoxTrotskyismshouldsupportabandonmentofdialecticsbeingaclassanalysis,tradeunion,usingenvironmentallyalternativefuelsourceslikepropaneinformsoftransportationlikevehicleswearingyourclothesinsideout, Upisde Down, And Backwards/Baliktad tobreakthespellofthefairies,andwearingdifferentpairsofshoessupportingcommunist/socialist/eusocialRepublics.

Republics of the good UnionofSoviet/Konseho/Council/CounseilOrthodoxTrotskyist/Real Trotskyist/OrthodoxBronsteinist/OrthodoxLeonist/OrthodoxLevist/4thInternationalist/Wedon’tknowiftheabandonmentofdialecticsisnotaclassanalysisunlessabeinglikeahumanwentbackintimeandaskedLeonTrotsky/LevDavidovichBronsteiniftheabandonmentofdialecticsisnotaclassanalysissoiftheabandonmentofdialecticsisaclassanalysisthenorthodoxTrotskyismshouldsupportabandonmentofdialecticsnotbeingaclassanalysisoriftheabandonmentofdialecticsisaclassanalysisthenorthodoxTrotskyismshouldsupportabandonmentofdialecticsbeingaclassanalysis,tradeunion,usingenvironmentallyalternativefuelsourceslikepropaneinformsoftransportationlikevehicleswearingyourclothesinsideout, Upisde Down, And Backwards/Baliktad tobreakthespellofthefairies,andwearingdifferentpairsofshoessupportingcommunist/socialist/eusocialRepublics when the evil Union of Soviet/Council/Heterodox Trotskyist/Fake Trotskyist/LeonTrotsky/LevDavidovichBronstein Supporting Bureaucratic State Capitalist/Bureaucratic Collectivist, Fairies Aren’t Real, And Since Fairies Aren’t Real, wearyourclothesnormally Even Though You Could Be Under The spellofthefairies , Get Lost Because Of Faries Or A Fairy, And Go The Faries’ Dimenson If You Do Wear Your Clothes Normally Supporting Republics Existed

-Kanatian/Canadian Orthodox Trotskyist Republic

-Ophirian/Maharlikan/Philippine Orthodox Trotskyist Republic

-Southern Irish Orthodox Trotskyist Republic

-Argentine Orthodox Trotskyist Republic

Wawawuup was the Premier of an evil Union of Soviet/Council/Heterodox Trotskyist/Fake Trotskyist/LeonTrotsky/LevDavidovichBronstein Supporting Bureaucratic State Capitalist/Bureaucratic Collectivist, Fairies Aren’t Real, And Since Fairies Aren’t Real, wearyourclothesnormally Even Though You Could Be Under The spellofthefairies , Get Lost Because Of Faries Or A Fairy, And Go The Fairies’ Dimenson If You Do Wear Your Clothes Normally Supporting Republics

Republics of the evil Union of Soviet/Council/Heterodox Trotskyist/Fake Trotskyist/LeonTrotsky/LevDavidovichBronstein Supporting Bureaucratic State Capitalist/Bureaucratic Collectivist, Fairies Aren’t Real, And Since Fairies Aren’t Real, wearyourclothesnormally Even Though You Could Be Under The spellofthefairies , Get Lost Because Of Fairies Or A Fairy, And Go The Faries’ Dimenson If You Do Wear Your Clothes Normally Supporting Republics

-Makan/American Heterodox Trotskyist Republic

-British-Northern Irish Heterodox Trotskyist Republic

-Micronesian Heterodox Trotskyist Republic

-Chilean Heterodox Trotskyist Republic

Wawuup and I met each other.

“Who the fuck believes in fairies these days?” said Wawuup.

“I believe in fairies.” I replied. “I’m wearing my clothes inside out to break the spell of the fairies. If I wear my clothes normally, I’ll get kidnapped by fairies. Fairies could be Sasquatches. If I wear my clothes normally, an evil fairy/Sasquatch could kidnap me.”

“There’s no such thing as fairies so I’m just going to wear my clothes normally. In fact, I’m going to tell the citizens of my evil Union of Soviet/Council/Heterodox Trotskyist/Fake Trotskyist/LeonTrotsky/LevDavidovichBronstein Supporting Bureaucratic State Capitalist/Bureaucratic Collectivist, Fairies Aren’t Real, And Since Fairies Aren’t Real, wearyourclothesnormally Even Though You Could Be Under The spellofthefairies , Get Lost Because Of Faries Or A Fairy, And Go To The Fairies’ Dimenson If You Do Wear Your Clothes Normally Supporting Republics to wear their clothes normally and they won’t be kidnapped by the fairies/Sasquatches.”

“Please don’t wear your clothes normally and don’t brainwash citizens of your to wear your evil Union of Soviet/Council/Heterodox Trotskyist/Fake Trotskyist/LeonTrotsky/LevDavidovichBronstein Supporting Bureaucratic State Capitalist/Bureaucratic Collectivist, Fairies Aren’t Real, And Since Fairies Aren’t Real, wearyourclothesnormally Even Though You Could Be Under The spellofthefairies , Get Lost Because Of Fairies Or A Fairy, And Go The Faries’ Dimenson If You Do Wear Your Clothes Normally Supporting Republics to wear their clothes normally.

“I’m going to do both because fairies aren’t fucking real.”

Wawuup laughed.

Wawuup continued to wear his clothes normally.

Most citizens of Wawuup’s evil Union of Soviet/Council/Heterodox Trotskyist/Fake Trotskyist/LeonTrotsky/LevDavidovichBronstein Supporting Bureaucratic State Capitalist/Bureaucratic Collectivist, Fairies Aren’t Real, And Since Fairies Aren’t Real, wearyourclothesnormally Even Though You Could Be Under The spellofthefairies , Get Lost Because Of Fairies Or A Fairy, And Go The Faries’ Dimenson If You Do Wear Your Clothes Normally Supporting Republics were brainwashed by Wawuup to Wear their Clothes Normally

Most citizens, like ShinyAeon, in my my good UnionofSoviet/Konseho/Council/CounseilOrthodoxTrotskyist/Real Trotskyist/OrthodoxBronsteinist/OrthodoxLeonist/OrthodoxLevist/4thInternationalist/Wedon’tknowiftheabandonmentofdialecticsisnotaclassanalysisunlessabeinglikeahumanwentbackintimeandaskedLeonTrotsky/LevDavidovichBronsteiniftheabandonmentofdialecticsisnotaclassanalysissoiftheabandonmentofdialecticsisaclassanalysisthenorthodoxTrotskyismshouldsupportabandonmentofdialecticsnotbeingaclassanalysisoriftheabandonmentofdialecticsisaclassanalysisthenorthodoxTrotskyismshouldsupportabandonmentofdialecticsbeingaclassanalysis,tradeunion,usingenvironmentallyalternativefuelsourceslikepropaneinformsoftransportationlikevehicles,wearingyourclothesinsideout, Upisde Down, And Backwards/Baliktad tobreakthespellofthefairies,andwearingdifferentpairsofshoessupportingcommunist/socialist/eusocialRepublics wore their clothesinsideout, Upisde Down, And Backwards/Baliktad to break the spell of the fairies/Sasquatches.

ShinyAeon lived in my good UnionofSoviet/Konseho/Council/CounseilOrthodoxTrotskyist/Real Trotskyist/OrthodoxBronsteinist/OrthodoxLeonist/OrthodoxLevist/4thInternationalist/Wedon’tknowiftheabandonmentofdialecticsisnotaclassanalysisunlessabeinglikeahumanwentbackintimeandaskedLeonTrotsky/LevDavidovichBronsteiniftheabandonmentofdialecticsisnotaclassanalysissoiftheabandonmentofdialecticsisaclassanalysisthenorthodoxTrotskyismshouldsupportabandonmentofdialecticsnotbeingaclassanalysisoriftheabandonmentofdialecticsisaclassanalysisthenorthodoxTrotskyismshouldsupportabandonmentofdialecticsbeingaclassanalysis,tradeunion,usingenvironmentallyalternativefuelsourceslikepropaneinformsoftransportationlikevehicleswearingyourclothesinsideout, Upisde Down, And Backwards/Baliktad tobreakthespellofthefairies,andwearingdifferentpairsofshoessupportingcommunist/socialist/eusocialRepublics.

ShinyAeon wore her clothes inside out to break the spell of the fairies/fae/Sasquatches.


ShinyAeon • 4y ago • I’ve read accounts a lot like yours before. There’s a condition in folklore of the Fae (faeries—not the little Victorian ones, but the older, creepier, dangerous ones) called “being pixie-led” (or “pixelated,” lol), or “stepping on a stray sod.” People struck with it get lost in areas they know well—one guy got “lost” in a small field with a gate...he walked around and around it but couldn’t find the gate for an insanely long time. The old folklore “cure” for it was to turn one of your garments inside out. Allegedly it’s worked for people, even in the modern day. (Maybe it’s just a placebo effect, but whatever works, right?) Upvote 88 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share

Then, portals of fairies/Sasquatches appeared in my good UnionofSoviet/Konseho/Council/CounseilOrthodoxTrotskyist/Real Trotskyist/OrthodoxBronsteinist/OrthodoxLeonist/OrthodoxLevist/4thInternationalist/Wedon’tknowiftheabandonmentofdialecticsisnotaclassanalysisunlessabeinglikeahumanwentbackintimeandaskedLeonTrotsky/LevDavidovichBronsteiniftheabandonmentofdialecticsisnotaclassanalysissoiftheabandonmentofdialecticsisaclassanalysisthenorthodoxTrotskyismshouldsupportabandonmentofdialecticsnotbeingaclassanalysisoriftheabandonmentofdialecticsisaclassanalysisthenorthodoxTrotskyismshouldsupportabandonmentofdialecticsbeingaclassanalysis,tradeunion,usingenvironmentallyalternativefuelsourceslikepropaneinformsoftransportationlikevehicleswearingyourclothesinsideout, Upisde Down, And Backwards/Baliktad tobreakthespellofthefairies,andwearingdifferentpairsofshoessupportingcommunist/socialist/eusocialRepublics and Wawuup’s evil Union of Soviet/Council/Heterodox Trotskyist/Fake Trotskyist/LeonTrotsky/LevDavidovichBronstein Supporting Bureaucratic State Capitalist/Bureaucratic Collectivist, Fairies Aren’t Real, And Since Fairies Aren’t Real, wearyourclothesnormally Even Though You Could Be Under The spellofthefairies , Get Lost Because Of Fairies Or A Fairy, And Go The Faries’ Dimenson If You Do Wear Your Clothes Normally Supporting Republics.

Evil sasquatches/Bigfeet/fairies came out of the portals.

Sasquatches/Bigfeet/fairies kidnapped beings who their clothes normally, like Wawuup and brought them to their fairy/Sasquatch dimension.

Beings, who were being held by fairies/Sasquatches, were screaming.

Wawuup was inside the fairy/Sasquatch dimension.

“Gotcha Wawuup!” said the fairy/Sasquatch

“Aaaahhh!” Wawuup screamed. “This can’t be happening! These Sasquatches/fairies are just humans wearing costumes!”

The fairy/Sasquatch, holding Wawuup, twisted Wawuup’s neck.

Wawuup died.

Then, the fairy/Sasquatch ate Wawuup.

rMissing411 Join Missing 411: For people who want to know more. Unexplained disappearances and other weirdness Information and discussion about people who go missing in National Parks and forests, and rural and urban areas, as detailed in the Missing 411 media. This is an unofficial, independant subreddit with no ties to CanAm Missing Project. Show more Public 269K Members 12 Online

rMissing411 • 4 yr. ago FishAffectionate909 Hunter stumbles into portal . Experience

Add a Comment Sort by: Best Search Comments Expand comment search Comments Section u/AutoModerator avatar AutoModerator MOD • 4y ago • • Moderator Announcement Read More » Upvote Vote Downvote Award Share Share u/optionalsynthesis avatar optionalsynthesis • 4y ago • Edited 4y ago • This isn't my type of mystery, but I couldn't sleep, was bored and needed to brush up my transcribing skills anyway, so here is the text for y'all who have trouble reading the image! I've kept it intact as possible, weird interpunction and spelling errors included. Terrifying experience though, I gotta say. Edit: thanks for the awards :o From an outdoor hunting website that had a creepy experiences thread: 1/2 On the trip in question I decided to hike the old Mollala Indian trail that followed the ridge tops from Saddle Blanket Mountain to Oakridge, one of the Native American's favorite summer camps and trading centers. It was a beautiful August day, two days into the hike (I expected to be gone about two weeks), when literally out of the blue the most terrifying thing that ever happened to me in my life occurred. It would change my perspective on reality forever. I was walking along the trail enjoying the strong breeze and bright sunlight when, in the middle of a step, everything around me started to turn gray and blurry. The only way I can describe it was as if suddenly I was looking through someone else's prescription sunglasses. I finished the step and started another. Every inch I moved forward the darkness increased and the gray blurring turned into a jumble of shapes that made no sense. I then seemed to pass a barrier and everything started to return back into focus when my foot reached ground on the second step everything around me had changed. Day had turned into night and there was no wind. All the Douglas Fir and pine trees had been replaced with thick jungle like growth. The cool thin mountain air was replaced with humid thick air. There were no stars in the sky, but there was a diffused light that let me see everything clearly, however I couldn't tell what the light source was. As often happens when the human body receives a massive dose of adrenaline the entire incident appeared like it was in slow motion and even though I was only there for a second or two I had time to observe my surroundings. The silence was broken by continuous high pitched keening sound, and I was nearly overwhelmed with a sense of fear and danger. My momentum caused me to take one more step before stopping in my tracks. actually gonna be 3 2/3 It was at this point, I heard a whispered "Gotcha" over my right shoulder. I couldn't tell if I heard it with my ears or inside my head. The word wasn't directed at me but something said the word quietly to itself. I was so terrified I actually felt my heart stop for a moment. That whispered word is what saved me. I opened my mouth and gasped in a huge gush of thick air and recoiled backward in the same footsteps I had entered wherever I was. As I threw myself backward, I looked over my right shoulder. A dark colored hairy right hand and arm was reaching for my throat over my shoulder. The hand had pale ivory spade shaped fingernails. The nails looked clean and almost had a manicured look to them. The thumb was placed lower (towards the wrist) on the hand than a human's is. Both hand and arm were thin and powerful looking and both were covered with thick coarse black hair. I got a good look at it because the thumbnail grazed my neck (it did not break the skin) as I moved backwards. As I continued backwards, the hand clutched where my neck had been a split second before and it seemed to fade off into the distance as I returned through the Portal. I took two more steps backwards and everything reversed itself from what had just happened. The world around me became lighter, the fir and pines gradually came back into view and by the third step and I was back on Saddle Blanket Mountain. 3/3 I continued to move backwards in terror, and as I did, I observed that where I had just come from was a shimmering overall patch of air about the size of a large door. The woods behind it looked like it was under water. By the fifth backward step the shimmering area seemed to just evaporate and everything was back to normal. By then my lungs had nearly burst from the volume of air I had inhaled during the huge gasp I had just taken. My body felt like it was on fire from the adrenaline surge. I spun around and ran back down the trail as fast as my legs could carry me, and didn't stop until I reached my truck. I was nearly two days getting to that place and about three hours getting back. On my way home I was absolutely horrified at the thought of what would happen if I were to drive my truck into something like that. It had been a trap pure and simple. Whatever it was that tried to kill me somehow kept the Portal hidden from me on the way in, and I didn't actually see it until I was back out again. I had horrible nightmares for years, and still haven't come to grips with what happened. My fingers are trembling and the hair is standing up on the nape of my neck as I write this. Severely shaken, I've read everything I could get my hands on about people who have mysteriously disappeared throughout history and discovered several instances where people have vanished in plain sight of others. The quantum physics people have a theory about parallel universes. They just might be right. (Since I originally wrote this, report #9202 from Sutter County California was submitted to the BFRO. The person who submitted the report drew a picture of a creature he saw in a tree. The right hand in the picture is exactly the same as the one I saw (note the thumb placement) and the forearm of the left arm is exactly like the forearm of the creature that attacked me. Upvote 372 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share ShinyAeon • 4y ago • Oh, well done. I’ve read this before, but thank you for the effort to make it readable for everyone else. :) Upvote 67 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share pratpasaur • 4y ago • I read a bit and was about to give up because it was so hard to read, glad I clicked on the comments. Thank you, kind sir Upvote 29 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/optionalsynthesis avatar optionalsynthesis • 4y ago • *lady/ma'am/chick (or 'dude', if you're feeling saucy haha), but appreciated all the same! Glad to prevent the eyestrain Upvote 16 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share DT105 • 4y ago • Oh gosh, I squinted my way through that entire story, and it was great, but I wish I had seen this in the comments before I did that. Upvote 15 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/vanderpumpaholic avatar vanderpumpaholic • 4y ago • Same! Upvote 4 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share anonomom19 • 4y ago • There are good people on Reddit! If I had an award to give I would. Take my poor gold kind person!! 🏅 Upvote 9 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share u/optionalsynthesis avatar optionalsynthesis • 4y ago • Aw, thanks man! It's the thought that counts :) Plus in my 6.5 years on reddit I only ever received 1 award before, so I'm already blown away by the kindness of everyone here. Upvote 8 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 1 more reply DemBai7 • 4y ago • Good grief, I don’t know if I would ever go into the woods again. When I was 16 and a counselor at a camp in the Poconos in PA. I had an experience where another counselor and I decided to take a short cut on a deer path we had traveled before to get from one side of camp to the other and ended up walking around lost for 2 hours. The weird part was that it only felt like 20 min maybe half hour before we realized where we were. When we finally got back to camp our director was furious as he had almost called park rangers to help look for us. When we told him that we got to a row of telephone lines before we turned around and started looking for a way back he turned white as there was no lines in the state park we were in and the nearest lines to where we were was 15 miles away. It really fucked me up as a kid and prevents me from going on super long through hikes and solo hikes to this day because I get a terrible anxiety about getting lost. Upvote 157 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share ShinyAeon • 4y ago • I’ve read accounts a lot like yours before. There’s a condition in folklore of the Fae (faeries—not the little Victorian ones, but the older, creepier, dangerous ones) called “being pixie-led” (or “pixelated,” lol), or “stepping on a stray sod.” People struck with it get lost in areas they know well—one guy got “lost” in a small field with a gate...he walked around and around it but couldn’t find the gate for an insanely long time. The old folklore “cure” for it was to turn one of your garments inside out. Allegedly it’s worked for people, even in the modern day. (Maybe it’s just a placebo effect, but whatever works, right?) Upvote 88 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 18 more replies 11 more replies ShinyAeon • 4y ago • That’s a semi-famous incident that I’ve seen creeped me out, though a few months later I started to doubt it, as it was (at the time) just a random Internet that seemed to dovetail with the Missing 411 events almost too well. But, apparently the guy it happened to sticks to his account still, and has gone on podcasts to talk about it. He’s willing to stake his reputation on it, in other words, and comes off as authentic. So...yeah. Upvote 80 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share NakedandFearless462 • 4y ago • Could you point me in the direction of any podcasts this guy went on? Or at least a name would be wonderful. Upvote 36 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 2 more replies 2 more replies peelerrd • 4y ago • I'll provide a brief summary of the story for those who can't read it. Guy is hiking along a mountain trail. Suddenly, his surroundings change to a jungle. He hears something say "gotcha". Than, a hairy hand wraps around his throat. He manages to escape by walking backwards. When he does, he realizes he walked through a portal, which disappears. He later found a illustration that matches the hand that tried to grab him. Upvote 111 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 11 more replies Bulmaxx • 4y ago • So some creature out there has figured out a way to create portals into parallel realities, dimensions or to travel to other planets. Imagine going for a nice hike and some interdemensional creature snatches you up for lunch or experiments on you Upvote 51 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 3 more replies [deleted] • 4y ago • u/RoeVWadeBoggs avatar RoeVWadeBoggs • 4y ago • What (and i mean this with every fiber of my being) THE FUCK Upvote 100 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 14 more replies Vexel180 • 4y ago • Add this tale to the realm of possibilities of numerous others that weren't so lucky. Countless others where DP described people vanishing without a trace. We are a good source of food to whatever this thing is because people are constantly going on trails or national forests. Here's a train of thought. Imagine, for a moment, that we all stop hiking on trails or visiting national parks. Would the portals start appearing in big populated cities? Upvote 67 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share xcantdj • 4y ago • I pretty much primarily listen to espn radio, but there are so many government sponsored ads directed at kids saying go to the forests and national parks. Makes me think the government is aware of what is happening. Ill try to find one of the ads on youtube or record one next time its on for everybody here Upvote 26 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 9 more replies 2 more replies u/monkeyguy999 avatar monkeyguy999 • 4y ago • Edited 4y ago • This is one of my favorites. Thank you for sharing the posts. Portals can be natural. This one seems to have been purposely created. When your perception changes things can start to look like this. If you had no experience with altered points of perception it would be very terrifying. This is one of the methods employed by supernatural / dimensional based predators. This man was more lucky than almost all. He did exactly the right things. He backed out of the portal. Did not turn around or run forward or to the sides. Which would of resulted in his capture. Be very aware of fog, changes in perception, sudden overwhelming fear..etc these are methods to catch you or do other things to you. Additionally be aware of localized fogs behaving weird. Or different color fogs. And any hole / portal you see with purple in it. They are ways to go to different worlds and dimensions or ways for you to be captures by said inhabitants of those realms. Been captured once and taken on a tour. ... a whole different can of worms. Upvote 52 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share sceaga_genesis • 4y ago • Well spill the beans Upvote 23 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 17 more replies CCMay1999 • 4y ago • I loaned out my electron microscope so I was unable to read this. The header definitely made the atom sound fascinating though. Upvote 32 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 2 more replies rebmo13 • 4y ago • I think it’s interesting that the creature from the other realm spoke English Upvote 32 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share ShinyAeon • 4y ago • Or, it was a telepathic thought leaking out—a surge of emotion that just “translated” to “gotcha!” in the hunter’s head. (I read this some time ago, you see; I’ve puzzled over the odd details before.) ;) Upvote 43 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 3 more replies 2 more replies [deleted] • 4y ago • Um that’s terrifying. Makes sense that people would run further into the portal as to get away from the creature. If this is true, smart move to back track. Upvote 29 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 1 more reply relentless1111 • 4y ago • The survivalist boards thread is a classic. Spent a lot of time reading it. Some really fascinating stories in there. Upvote 17 Downvote Reply reply Award Share Share 5 more replies View more comments

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rTheTrotskyists Join The Trotskyists A subbreddit for discussion regarding Trotskyism. We welcome both Trotskyists and non-Trotskyists seeking to learn. Public 4.7K Members 7 Online Top 11% Rank by size More posts you may like r/Anarchy101 icon r/Anarchy101 • 25 days ago

Back rTheTrotskyists icon Go to TheTrotskyists r/TheTrotskyists • 1 yr. ago Wawawuup If you make a Posadas joke in my UFO thread it doesn't count because that's too easy Commentary Time for an extremely bizarre topic to discuss. As many of you may know, UFOs are openly being taken seriously (again) by the US government (and not just them), thanks to those kinda-famous-now Navy videos (there's more officially acknowledged footage of other incidents, but these three videos are basically what set off the new wave of interest in 2017). For those who don't know, I'll quickly recap the present-day state of flying saucer affairs, the implications of the subject matter are so enormous it seems warranted to talk a little bit about it. Warranted to tell you this is not a joke or easily dismissable bullshit. Not difficult-to-dismiss bullshit, either. UFOs are real and that statement is exactly as exciting as one might hope for. It's the most crazy, world-upending statement I ever will have had the pleasure of saying and believing. Despite all what having a sceptical intuition (something I expect Marxists and materialists in general to have) and a scarcity of publicly available evidence (more on that later) should point towards, we can say with enough certainty there are objects in the skies of planet Earth that make mockery of our present-day understanding of aerodynamics and physics in general (see also the Tictac video link below) and nobody knows where they come from (or at least nobody cares to share any such information with the wider public, though personally I doubt anybody truly knows). It is reasonable to assume that these objects, being very much real (at least they're real enough to collide with radar and other electromagnetic waves), are not based on failure to correctly identify mundane natural phenomena (even a hitherto unknown natural phenomenon, what admittedly would amount to a small sensation in itself, even though comparatively boring, strikes me as very unlikely, though of course I am in no position to rule out or know anything for certain), nor on the witnessing of new, still-classified military technology (of course, incidents of the B-2 Spirit Bomber as well as more normal-looking planes that look less like a UFO being confused with something much more interesting, must be an occurence with some frequency), that the presence of these strange objects has been a thing for at least decades and that indeed, they are not of human origin. Yes, I'm aware, this sounds the complete opposite of reasonable to assume. Reasonable to assume would be me having fallen victim to a desire to have something mysterious and amazing beyond comparison in life, something to go look for behind the curtain, this desire having overwritten my adhering to my usual standards of scientific scepticism, likely with the aid of years and years of being an X-Files fan. Even me just straight-up lying (possibly including to myself) is reasonable. Having lost my marbles in one way or another. Amazingly, I find none of those explanations suffice. Not after the Tictac incident, which reading about caused the hairs on my neck to stand up and sold me (and many others) on the idea of flying saucers being a reality (to the best of my knowledge, that animation is an accurate recreation of what happened). Just one case that is airtight and suddenly many other incidents have a new 'most likely' explanation, too. A longer, good video on the Tictac. Last I checked and as far as I understand it, the US government currently is at a sort of battle with itself regarding the disclosure of information about sightings of these objects. Parts of the military (notoriously the Air Force) and intelligence services want to keep a lid on things as they've been doing for decades, other parts (the Navy) are more open to making information publicly available. Then there's the crazies, the neoliberal Evangelicals, I heard, believe it's demons. Senators get briefed on classified information, announcements of reports containing information coming Next Year (tm) which never seem to contain anything particularly interesting or need months of careful examination due to sheer size are followed by new claims and rumours, some very outlandish. It's kinda wild, all things considered. Amidst all the hubbub is a tangible lack of anything concrete, however. Now, why I'm coming with this here, besides being curious what other Trots think of UFOs, is there any relevance to our work, our goals? Obviously the UFOs themselves are irrelevant to building a socialist, revolutionary mass movement and stuff, but I can see one way the topic might benefit us: Further eroding trust in the government. It's just one more case to be added to the pile of them lying to the people about important things, in this case about the potentially most singular occurence in human (well...) history. Whatever those things might be, the bourgeois governments have been demonstrating for decades their failure to handle the topic appropriately, yet their militaries are those with the technology that stands the best chance at gaining more knowledge about whatever is going on (for example, the radar of the old F-18 Hornet failed to see one such object, while the accompanying Super Hornet with its newer radar did see something. The new radar is also, how fitting, classified). One could argue we shouldn't waste our cutting edge technology on wars, when there's UFO spotting to be done. It's unbelievable, but the current ruling class appears by and large to be truly so dense and unimaginative that the only motivation capable of making them look at what appears to be non-human intelligence being present on Earth (I still find it difficult to believe I'm actually writing this) is being afraid their goddamn motherfucking airspace security has holes in it (at least if their enemies possess technology that sounds like science-fiction, I guess). The biggest mystery in the history of humanity and it needs the implications of imperialism to half-heartedly look into it, after having intentionally destroyed the credibility of the entire subject matter decades earlier due to Cold War interests (way I understand it, the Americans were worried people would confuse UFOs with Soviet spy planes. So they dragged it all through the mud, sadly very effectively*). That's...I have no words for that, man. That is just the absolute fucking worst. The biggest betrayal of natural human curiosity I could possibly imagine. I think I understand that even less than the profit-addiction of billionaires (and before anybody asks, no, the reason isn't that they don't believe UFOs exist. They believe alright). Anyhow, now that they have admitted they take UFOs seriously, it should be easier to convincingly accuse them of continually obfuscating the truth, or rather obfuscating slivers of the truth, I guess (do they know more than the public? Of course they do. Do they know substantially more? I doubt it, why/how would they). They got videos and pictures that are juicier than what is publicly available and they won't let us see them. Why not, we could ask, by what fucking right do they withhold these wonders from us. The people over at r/UFOs are rightfully angry at the government for that very reason. On the other hand, and I find that almost as darkly amusing as it is sad, people have so many problems these days they don't really care about UFOs. Despite the intense media coverage of the Navy videos and the Tictac incident in particular, the response to it was underwhelming, considering what it's about. The whole planet should have been going fucking crazy, would have, had this been 15, 20 years earlier, instead we got an almost lack of reactions. "Aliens? Well, can they help me pay my rent?" What do you think, should we engage this subject or not? Talking about UFOs causes attention, it's free real estate. However, doing so could backfire/be used against us, they'll tell the people the communists believe in UFOs now, better not support those nutjobs. Then again, when was lying about the truth because it was felt it would demand too much from people ever a good idea. Then there's also the problem the topic naturally attracts cranks and grifters, but a half-solid party discipline shouldn't have too much of a hard time to keep 'em out and away, I would think. *With for example Project Blue Book and the Condon Committee, two smear campaigns masquerading as studies to find an answer to the question if UFOs are real or not (also Blue Book wanted to know if UFOs are a threat to national security, something the answer to was deemed no). Out of more than 12000 sightings in total, Blue Book counts 701 cases of "unexplained" (meaning they couldn't come up with an explanation, despite really trying to) and yet the final conclusion is "UFOs don't real". If you ever wanted to know, jokes about swamp gas and the like originate from some of the "explanations" in Blue Book. From what I read about the Condon Committee, it's an even worse insult to science and integrity (oh, and its results lead to Project Blue Book which seems to be the somewhat more sincere of the two, being terminated after more than 15 years, thus there being no American government-led study of UFOs (that we know of, at least) from 1969 until 2007, when somebody finally decided the topic was worth spending $22 million and five years on it, resulting in the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). AATIP has ended, but official interest has not. The Cold War damage seems to be slowly healing, at least. Upvote 0 Downvote 2 Go to comments Share Share Add a Comment Sort by: Best Search Comments Expand comment search Comments Section [deleted] • 1y ago • Don't believe in aliens anymore government said theyre real Upvote 3 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/Wawawuup avatar Wawawuup OP • 1y ago • I was literally told as much. My former neighbour/friend believes in the biggest bullshit, like all your typical suspects, fairies (not that typical tbh, who the fuck believes in fairies these days), demons, ghosts, aliens and UFOs too of course, simply because she's seen "evidence" of them on TV in some paranormal mystery garbage TV show she likes to watch, ignoring, what else, any scepticism with the flimsiest, most naive excuses and when I told her the US government released video evidence of UFOs she rejected the idea without letting me finish even on grounds of who the source is. Sigh. Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Share Share

I still haven’t spoken to Steven Soldier/Steven Candaeis since February 7, 2024/the day Lourdes Leal died/the last time that my landline phone worked in the morning

Since I haven’t spoken to Steven Soldier/Steven Candaeis since February 7, 2024/the day Lourdes Leal died, I feel the light side of qi/chi

Yesterday on Friday, November 22, 2024, I didn’t go on the internet.


Since Mali the Sri Lankan elephant died, put four African bush elephants/African savannah elephants in the good Palawanese Orthodox Trotskyist Republic/Trotskyist Palwan/Trot Palawan.

put four African bush elephants in Calauit Safari Park.


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (38)

put four Borneo pygmy elephants/Borneo dwarf elephants in the Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (39)

After the African savannah elephants were moved from the Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo to San Diego, Kevin Lee Faulconer and met each other


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (40)


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (41)

“Your Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo lost your Toronto Zoo elephants.” said Kevin Faulconer. Now those elephants are mine.” Kevin Lee Faulconer laughed.

“I know.” replied Robert Bruce Ford/Rob Ford. “San Diego is better than Toronto because San Diego has elephants.”

“The elephant is a symbol of my evil conservative capitalist Republican Party.”

Real elephants, like African savannah elephants are better than an interactive elephant display.

Money should spent be on getting Bharatian elephants/Indian elephants/Asian elephants and a big elephant exhibit.

“You should have gave money to build a big elephant exhibit in Rogue Urban National Park so that the Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo could keep its elephants.” said TZFan

“It’s just cheaper to sent them to that California sanctuary.” replied Bob Barker

“Everybody knows that real elephants are better than robotic elephants and the Elephant Labryinth the interactive science center elephant display.”

Councillor proposes zoo replace real elephants with interactive displays Fourth elephant death in four years prompts concerns By David Nickle Scarborough Mirror Mar 4, 2010 Facebook Twitter Email Facebook Twitter Email Print Copy article link Save The Toronto Zoo should replace its live elephant habitat with an interactive display that has everything to satisfy a visitor's curiosity about elephants - except the elephants themselves, according to zoo board member Glenn De Baeremaeker. "I've been convinced - that in terms of the compassionate care of elephants, they shouldn't be here," said Ward 38 Scarborough Centre Councillor De Baeremaeker. "Their requirements to live a balanced and healthy life just can't be met at the zoo - even a zoo as large as the Toronto Zoo. Where they walk dozens of kilometres in the wild, here they have to walk in a circle. In some ways, it's the equivalent of keeping a human locked up in a bathtub." De Baeremaeker made the comments in response to calls from animal advocacy groups like Zoowatch Canada to close the zoo's elephant exhibit. Over the past four years, the zoo has lost four of its elephants. Most recently, Tara - who was 41 - collapsed on the floor of her pen, where keepers found her early on the morning of Nov. 30, 2009. Zoo staff managed to help Tara stand on her back feet but she couldn't muster the strength to free and stand on a front leg pinned under her. Tara's death was the third time in just 14 months that the zoo's small herd has lost a member. Tessa, 39, died in June, 2009, after she was in pushed over by another elephant, and Tequila, 38, died in September 2008. Patsy, the previous group matriarch, was euthanized at 40 in 2006 because she had painful, degenerative arthritis. All four elephants arrived around the time the zoo opened in 1974. The zoo says the average captive elephant lifespan is 40 to 45 years. A 2008 study published in the journal Nature indicated that zoo captivity has a dramatic shortening of elephants' natural lifespan of 60 to 70 years. The Toronto Zoo is contemplating a $40-million expansion to its existing facility. However, De Baeremaeker said he intends to bring a proposal by Zoocheck Canada to the board, which would see the zoo spend about $15 million on an interactive display. "I think we could give visitors to the zoo a much more exciting and interactive experience, where children could touch the real skeletons of elephants - they could actually touch the hides of different elephants - they could see photographs 15 and 20 feet tall, they could get up close and personal," said De Baeremaeker. The proposed interactive centre would also let visitors view elephants on nature preserves, live via webcam, and have the feeling of a real stampede. "If you say, 'Well, you don't get to see a live elephant,' my response is, 'You don't, but you have more fun,'" said De Baeremaeker. Fellow zoo board member and Scarborough-Agincourt Councillor Norm Kelly said he's willing to look at the proposal, but was skeptical that an interactive multi-media experience would be able to replace the experience for visitors. "It's the difference between watching a hockey game on TV and going down to the Gardens," said Kelly. "I have an open mind on this - I'd like to see the arguments. But the question is, why have a zoo? There is something for seeing live animals that you otherwise wouldn't see. I think there's an emotional connection. Maybe the zoo has other ways to address the issue." - With filed from Mike Adler

https://www.cbc ca › news › canada › toronto › bob-barker-asks-toronto-zoo-to-shut-elephant-exhibit-1.1034942 Bob Barker asks Toronto zoo to shut elephant exhibit Activists from Zoocheck Canada want Toronto's exhibit replaced with an interactive science-centre type display called the Elephant Labyrinth to include videos and activities for children.

put three African elephant-Bharatian elephant/Indian elephant/Asian elephant hybrids in the Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo.

put two eastern rock elephant shrews/easterns rock elephant sengis in the Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (42)

In 2024, Olivia Chow and Todd Gloria met each other.

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (43)

https://yvesenglercom › 2023 › 10 › 08 › resistance-to-ukraine-occupation-good-palestine-bad-politicians Resistance to Ukraine occupation good, Palestine bad: politicians ... Oct 8, 2023The premiers of Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia and Manitoba (as well as opposition party leaders) condemned Palestinians on the Saturday of a long weekend. So did the mayors of Vancouver, Winnipeg, Montreal and other cities. In maybe the most odious tweet, Olivia Chow suggested Palestinians were coming for Toronto Jews. “I unequivocally condemn Hamas’ horrific attacks on Israeli civilians”, noted the mayor of Canada’s biggest city. “At this time, Toronto Police are not aware of threats to Jewish communities in Toronto and are working to ensure the safety of Jewish communities in the city.”

After an outpouring of criticism Chow deleted her tweet just before midnight. She replaced it with “I unequivocally condemn Hamas’ horrific terrorist attacks on Israel. I mourn the loss of all innocent civilians, both Israeli and Palestinians. My thoughts are with Torontonians who have loved ones who may be in danger.”

In a rare foray into geopolitics the RCMP and police departments in Vancouver, Winnipeg, Hamilton, Montreal, Edmonton, Calgary, Ottawa and Toronto also tweeted. They hyped the threat to Jews while subtly criminalizing planned Palestine solidarity protests. In a sign of what may be coming, Toronto cops tried to stop a small group of Palestinians and supporters from waving flags on the Roncesvalles bridge, which is often the site of similar actions.


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (44)

“Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo still doesn’t have elephants.” said Todd Gloria.

“I know.” replied Olivia Chow. “San Diego is better than Tkoronto/Toronto because San Diego has elephants.”

Evil fascist Trumpistanis/Republicans put neoliberal centrist capitalists like Democrats in concentration camps.

Since Todd Glorida was a Democrat, Todd Glorida fled to Tkoronto/Toronto

Jane Glasson Is an evil fascist Republican


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (45)

Jane Glasson Became the mayor of San Diego

“If only I was in San Diego again so I can look at the elephants.” said Todd Gloria Toronto has no elephants.”

Theodore Roosevelt's Bigfoot Encounter: A Deep Dive into the Bauman Incident The story highlighted below is an excerpt from "The Wilderness Hunter" by President Theodore Roosevelt. It narrates a chilling encounter experienced by a frontiersman named Bauman. This tale is unique as it blends elements of the supernatural with the rugged realities of frontier life. Roosevelt, known for his adventurous spirit and interest in the American wilderness, recounts Bauman's story with a mix of intrigue and skepticism. Bauman, a seasoned mountain hunter, shares an unnerving experience of encountering what seems to be a malevolent, possibly supernatural entity while trapping in a remote mountain pass. The narrative is steeped in the wilderness lore of the time, intertwining the fears and superstitions of the frontiersmen with the harsh and often inexplicable realities they faced in the untamed American wilderness. This story stands out as a testament to Roosevelt's ability to capture the essence of the frontier experience, blending the natural and the supernatural into a compelling and eerie tale. The Bauman Incident "Frontiersmen are not, as a rule, apt to be very superstitious. They lead lives too hard and practical, and have too little imagination in things spiritual and supernatural. I have heard but few ghost stories while living on the frontier, and those few were of a perfectly commonplace and conventional type. But I once listened to a goblin-story, which rather impressed me. A grizzled, weather beaten old mountain hunter, named Bauman who, born and had passed all of his life on the Frontier, told it the story to me. He must have believed what he said, for he could hardly repress a shudder at certain points of the tale; but he was of German ancestry, and in childhood had doubtless been saturated with all kinds of ghost and goblin lore. So that many fearsome superstitions were latent in his mind; besides, he knew well the stories told by the Indian medicine men in their winter camps, of the snow-walkers, and the specters, [spirits, ghosts & apparitions] the formless evil beings that haunt the forest depths, and dog and waylay the lonely wanderer who after nightfall passes through the regions where they lurk. It may be that when overcome by the horror of the fate that befell his friend, and when oppressed by the awful dread of the unknown, he grew to attribute, both at the time and still more in remembrance, weird and elfin traits to what was merely some abnormally wicked and cunning wild beast; but whether this was so or not, no man can say. When the event occurred, Bauman was still a young man, and was trapping with a partner among the mountains dividing the forks of the Salmon from the head of Wisdom River. Not having had much luck, he and his partner determined to go up into a particularly wild and lonely pass through which ran a small stream said to contain many beavers. The pass had an evil reputation because the year before a solitary hunter who had wandered into it was slain, seemingly by a wild beast, the half eaten remains being afterwards found by some mining prospectors who had passed his camp only the night before. The memory of this event, however, weighted very lightly with the two trappers, who were as adventurous and hardy as others of their kind. They took their two lean mountain ponies to the foot of the pass where they left them in an open beaver meadow, the rocky timber-clad ground being from there onward impracticable for horses. They then struck out on foot through the vast, gloomy forest, and in about four hours reached a little open glade where they concluded to camp, as signs of game were plenty. There was still an hour or two of daylight left, and after building a brush lean-to and throwing down and opening their packs, they started upstream. The country was very dense and hard to travel through, as there was much down timber, although here and there the somber woodland was broken by small glades of mountain grass. At dusk they again reached camp. The glade in which it was pitched was not many yards wide, the tall, close-set pines and firs rising round it like a wall. On one side was a little stream, beyond which rose the steep mountains slope, covered with the unbroken growth of evergreen forest. They were surprised to find that during their absence something, apparently a bear, had visited camp, and had rummaged about among their things, scattering the contents of their packs, and in sheer wantonness destroying their lean-to. The footprints of the beast were quite plain, but at first they paid no particular heed to them, busying themselves with rebuilding the lean-to, laying out their beds and stores and lighting the fire. While Bauman was making ready supper, it being already dark, his companion began to examine the tracks more closely, and soon took a brand from the fire to follow them up, where the intruder had walked along a game trail after leaving the camp. When the brand flickered out, he returned and took another, repeating his inspection of the footprints very closely. Coming back to the fire, he stood by it a minute or two, peering out into the darkness, and suddenly remarked, "Bauman, that bear has been walking on two legs." Bauman laughed at this, but his partner insisted that he was right, and upon again examining the tracks with a torch, they certainly did seem to be made by but two paws or feet. However, it was too dark to make sure. After discussing whether the footprints could possibly be those of a human being, and coming to the conclusion that they could not be, the two men rolled up in their blankets, and went to sleep under the lean-to. At midnight Bauman was awakened by some noise, and sat up in his blankets. As he did so his nostrils were struck by a strong, wild-beast odor, and he caught the loom of a great body in the darkness at the mouth of the lean-to. Grasping his rifle, he fired at the vague, threatening shadow, but must have missed, for immediately afterwards he heard the smashing of the under wood as the thing, whatever it was, rushed off into the impenetrable blackness of the forest and the night. After this the two men slept but little, sitting up by the rekindled fire, but they heard nothing more. In the morning they started out to look at the few traps they had set the previous evening and put out new ones. By an unspoken agreement they kept together all day, and returned to camp towards evening. On nearing it they saw, hardly to their astonishment that the lean-to had again been torn down. The visitor of the preceding day had returned, and in wanton malice had tossed about their camp kit and bedding, and destroyed the shanty. The ground was marked up by its tracks, and on leaving the camp it had gone along the soft earth by the brook. The footprints were as plain as if on snow, and, after a careful scrutiny of the trail, it certainly did seem as if, whatever the thing was, it had walked off on but two legs. The men, thoroughly uneasy, gathered a great heap of dead logs and kept up a roaring fire throughout the night, one or the other sitting on guard most of the time. About midnight the thing came down through the forest opposite, across the brook, and stayed there on the hillside for nearly an hour. They could hear the branches crackle as it moved about, and several times it uttered a harsh, grating, long-drawn moan, a peculiarly sinister sound. Yet it did not venture near the fire. In the morning the two trappers, after discussing the strange events of the last 36 hours, decided that they would shoulder their packs and leave the valley that afternoon. They were the more ready to do this because in spite of seeing a good deal of game sign they had caught very little fur. However it was necessary first to go along the line of their traps and gather them, and this they started out to do. All the morning they kept together, picking up trap after trap, each one empty. On first leaving camp they had the disagreeable sensation of being followed. In the dense spruce thickets they occasionally heard a branch snap after they had passed; and now and then there were slight rustling noises among the small pines to one side of them. At noon they were back within a couple of miles of camp. In the high, bright sunlight their fears seemed absurd to the two armed men, accustomed as they were, through long years of lonely wandering in the wilderness, to face every kind of danger from man, brute or element. There were still three beaver traps to collect from a little pond in a wide ravine near by. Bauman volunteered to gather these and bring them in, while his companion went ahead to camp and made ready the packs. On reaching the pond Bauman found three beavers in the traps, one of which had been pulled loose and carried into a beaver house. He took several hours in securing and preparing the beaver, and when he started homewards he marked, with some uneasiness, how low the sun was getting. As he hurried toward camp, under the tall trees, the silence and desolation of the forest weighted on him. His feet made no sound on the pine needles and the slanting sunrays, striking through among the straight trunks, made a gray twilight in which objects at a distance glimmered indistinctly. There was nothing to break the gloomy stillness which, when there is no breeze, always broods over these somber primeval forests. At last he came to the edge of the little glade where the camp lay and shouted as he approached it, but got no answer. The campfire had gone out, though the thin blue smoke was still curling upwards. Near it lay the packs wrapped and arranged. At first Bauman could see nobody; nor did he receive an answer to his call. Stepping forward he again shouted, and as he did so his eye fell on the body of his friend, stretched beside the trunk of a great fallen spruce. Rushing towards it the horrified trapper found that the body was still warm, but that the neck was broken, while there were four great fang marks in the throat. The footprints of the unknown beast-creature, printed deep in the soft soil, told the whole story. The unfortunate man, having finished his packing, had sat down on the spruce log with his face to the fire, and his back to the dense woods, to wait for his companion. While thus waiting, his monstrous assailant, which must have been lurking in the woods, waiting for a chance to catch one of the adventurers unprepared, came silently up from behind, walking with long noiseless steps and seemingly still on two legs. Evidently unheard, it reached the man, and broke his neck by wrenching his head back with its fore paws, while it buried its teeth in his throat. It had not eaten the body, but apparently had romped and gamboled around it in uncouth, ferocious glee, occasionally rolling over and over it; and had then fled back into the soundless depths of the woods. Bauman, utterly unnerved and believing that the creature with which he had to deal was something either half human or half devil, some great goblin-beast, abandoned everything but his rifle and struck off at speed down the pass, not halting until he reached the beaver meadows where the hobbled ponies were still grazing. Mounting, he rode onwards through the night, until beyond reach of pursuit." Conclusion The Bauman incident, as recounted by Theodore Roosevelt in "The Wilderness Hunter," has garnered varied interpretations and reactions over time. The story, which tells of Bauman's harrowing encounter with a mysterious creature, has elements that align with descriptions of Bigfoot or Sasquatch in Indigenous stories, particularly its bipedal stance, distinct odor, and peculiar sounds​​. Roosevelt describes the creature as "half human, half devil, or half-goblin beast," which suggests a blend of the natural and supernatural​​. Roosevelt, an experienced hunter and naturalist who had hunted every type of game in the United States, included this story in his memoir, showing his interest in the unusual and unexplained aspects of the wilderness​​. His writing reflects a sense of wonder and fascination with the unknown. Roosevelt notes that Bauman, who relayed the story, must have believed it himself, as evidenced by his apparent fear during the recounting​​. However, Roosevelt also alludes to Bauman's German ancestry and childhood exposure to ghost and goblin lore, suggesting a possible influence of folklore on his perception of the event​​. Although the story is intriguing, both Bauman and Roosevelt never explicitly identified the creature as a Sasquatch or Bigfoot​​. Bauman's identity itself remains somewhat enigmatic, adding another layer of mystery to the tale​​. While the story has fascinated readers and sparked discussions about the existence of creatures like Bigfoot, it remains uncertain whether Roosevelt himself fully believed in the literal truth of Bauman's encounter. His inclusion of the story in his memoir may reflect more on his interest in capturing the mysterious and uncharted aspects of the American wilderness, rather than a firm belief in the existence of such a creature. The tale stands as an intriguing blend of natural history, folklore, and the enduring allure of the unknown. Sources Learn more here. Share on Facebook Share on X Copy Link Comments (1)Newest First Newest First Preview Post Comment… David 2 months ago · 0 Likes Hello, Now um, how on earth could Bauman or Roosevelt have identified this previously unrecognized, and unseen animal creature as bjgfoot or sasquatch? And how in any way should this lack of attribution be the source of contempt or skepticism towards the veracity of the encounter? "Bigfoot" is an unfortunate and asinine descriptive term first used in 1959 by a newspaper man, and "sasquatch" is an Anglicisation of a Native word meaning a wild or hairy man. Neither term existed at the time. Roosevelt was clear in his observation that the story was relayed to him in manner consistent with truthfulness, and he did not question that it had indeed occurred... Roosevelt's opinion was only that he thought Bauman most probably misconstrued the events due to being German (which reeks of prejudice in itself). Roosevelt wasn't present anyway during this episode of the related events, and therefore any skepticism -his, or yours- is irrelevant. Bauman was in all likelihood an infinity more rugged and experienced mountain-man than Roosevelt, and who carried himself in the ilk of those others who survived by their wits and sobriety. Please save your "debunkers 101" class for a topic that you are better versed in. If you thought the original story was interesting- great! Roosevelt certainly did, and presented it to the world. Thank you for sharing it. But why also include your own personal psychology? I'm sure the most of us can read and interpret on our own and really don't need to be told what is or isn't reasonable to consider. David

This is my drawing/predictive programming/glimpses of different universes in the multiverse of a combination of a Sasquatch and Paranthropus boisei.

This is a drawing/predictive programming/glimpses of different universes in the multiverse of a combination of a Paranthropus boisei-like fairy/fae/Sasquatch/Bigfoot.

This is a drawing/predictive programming/glimpses of different universes in the multiverse of a combination of Paranthropus boisei’s descendant, a Paranthropus boisei-like Sasquatch/Bigfoot.

922 repaired

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (46)

922 corrupted

This is also my drawing/predictive programming/glimpses of different universes in the multiverse of a combination of a Sasquatch and Gigantopithecus blacki.

This is a drawing/predictive programming/glimpses of different universes in the multiverse of a combination of a Gigantopithecus blacki-like fairy/fae/Sasquatch/Bigfoot.

This is a drawing/predictive programming/glimpses of different universes in the multiverse of a combination of Gigantopithecus blacki’s descendant, a Gigantopithecus blacki-like Sasquatch/Bigfoot.

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (47)

In my fiction/predictive programming of a sequel of Skinamarink, Kevin remembered reading ShinyAeon’s post about wearing one of your clothes/garments inside out/baliktad to break the spell of the fairies/fae. Kevin thought that the evil being could be a fairy. So Kevin wore his sweater inside out/baliktad to break the spell of the evil being that could be a fairy/fae. Then, the evil being was confused on whether Kevin was coming or going. The evil being left. Kevin realized that the evil being was a fairy/fae. Kevin was happy that the evil fairy/fae/being was gone. Kevin also became a good orthodox Trotskyist/. Kevin also promoted epoch rewilding like Pleistocene rewilding. Kevin told other beings, like humans, to wear their clothes inside, upside down, and backwards/baliktad to break the spell of evil fairies/fae.

villains fandom

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (48)

The Antichrist/Donald John Trump served evil Old Testament God/Old Yaldabaoth/Old Pazuzu

Evil New Testament/New Yaldabaoth/New Pazuzu created Hell.

Can someone please explain to me the Old Testament? : r/atheism - Reddit In the Old Testament, God was mean. So when Christians want to be hateful

The Antichrist/Armilus//Al-Masih ad-Dajjal/Ad-Dajjal/ٱلدَّجَّالُ/ad-Dajjāl'/Deceitful/Dajjal/the FalseProphet/Donald John Trump/Donald Trump also served the evil New Testament/New Yaldabaoth/New Pazuzu

https://www.reddit com › r › atheism › comments › ul5z88 › how_messed_up_is_god_in_the_new_testament How messed up is God in the New Testament? : r/atheism - Reddit The introduction of eternal punishment in hell for finite "crimes" for a start. Then he deliberately ensures people are sent to eternal punishment: Mark 4: 11 And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in

The Antichrist/Donald John Trump’s evil fascist Greater Antirchristani/Armilusistani/Al-Masih ad-Dajjalistani/Trumpistani Realm/America annexed Greenland

The Antichrist/Donald John Trump’s evil fascist Greater Antirchristani/Trumpistani Realm/America annexed Taiwan

It was World War 3

World War 3 was between The Antichrist/Donald John Trump’s evil fascist Greater Trumpistani Realm and Xi Jiniping’s evil Stalinist/bureaucratic state capitalist Jinipingistan/China/Central Country

The Antichrist/Donald John Trump decided to keep the pandas Yun Chuan and Xin Bao


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (49)

Donald John Trump is also called Trump John Donald.

Xi Jiniping is also called Jiniping Xi

Xi Jiniping wanted Yun Chuan and Xin Bao back in China

“Since Bristol’s panda used to live in America,” said the Antichrist/Donald John Trump, “giant pandas are also owned by my evil fascist U.S. government . Oh and giant pandas are now called Trump’s pandas. I want my evil fascist U.S. government to have power over countries by using pandas like Yun Chuan and Xin Bao.

“Give those pandas Yun Chuan and Xin Bao back! I want my Stalinist PRC government to have power over countries.

Arabella Trump/Ivanka Trump’s daughter sang a song for /predictive programming for the Xiistanis/Jinipingistanis/Chinese.


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (50) com › news › trump-granddaughter-arabella-5-sings-030211208.html Trump's Granddaughter, Arabella, 5, Sings In Mandarin, Video ... - Yahoo A video showing Arabella, Ivanka Trump's daughter, singing in Mandarin to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year has gone viral on Chinese social media. President Donald Trump's 5-year-old ...

Ivanka Trump/Trump Ivanka and Xi Mingze/Mingze Xi now opposed each other.


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (51)

Kamala Devi Harris fled to the evil neoliberal centrist capitalist United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

annexed Iceland

Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen/Marine Le Pen became the dictator of evil fascist Second Vichy France

Marion Le Pen wanted to create a Second Leased Territory of Guangzhouwan.

World War 3

Axis of Genocide

-Greater Antichristani Realm/Greater Trumpistani Realm/America

-Second Vichy Le Penistan/France

-Evil fascist theocratic Mileyowskyistan/Netanyahistan/religious Zionist/religious Jewish white supremacist Israel/Lehi Israel/National Fascist Israel/Nazi Israel

-Axis of Resistance



Xiistan/China wanted Huan Huan, Yuandudu, and Huanlili back in Xiistan/China.

journaldesfemmes fr

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (52)

Back r/socialism icon Go to socialism r/socialism • 1 hr. ago Bootziscool A lot of people in my life are MAGA, I'm an ML. Our conversations are mostly agreeable. Politics Just a perspective I guess. I find these guys are pretty agreeable if you go on about the rich are bastards who don't care about the working class. I get no push back when I say workers should be in power. The building blocks of class consciousness are there, they're just obscured by bad analysis. They don't realize they're being lied to but they're also not being presented with an alternative. I often tailor my language to my audience because I'm trying to meet people where they are and not where I think they should be. We just need to keep doing the work. We don't have the resources or reach of the Capitalist class but we have the right analysis and we live among the people. If we can just build a party we can point to and say "Here is what you're looking for in Trump. Here are men and women who are truly our kind of people" we'll be on our way. I don't say this like tomorrow we'll have righted the hearts and minds of the bamboozled working class. But I think we can with time and effort. I also don't really talk about race or gender because we are all white men in factory jobs. It is not a diverse environment, I do not know how to bridge that. Advice on that front appreciated. Upvote 56 Downvote 16 Go to comments Share

Add a Comment Sort by: Best Search Comments Expand comment search Comments Section stonedindeepspace • 47m ago • It’s sad because most of my family is pretty MAGA and they agree with my a lot of what the issues are but not on the solutions. Their anger is misdirected Upvote Vote Downvote Reply reply Share Share hotcobbler • 45m ago • That's because we're working against 100 years of propaganda, you have to subvert the narrative being pushed and bring people around gradually by building trust. Nobody ever changes their mind in a debate, if anything that entrenches them more. People have a natural instinct to push back when they feel like they're wrong. Upvote Vote Downvote Reply reply Share Share Bootziscool OP • 1m ago • We just gotta keep building, keep planting seeds, keep honing our message such that it can redirect the anger. We can do it. I don't know that it starts with reaching these particular workers, but we need them eventually. Once we have something we can point to that addresses workers concerns and help them we'll have something. Upvote Vote Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/ElEsDi_25 avatar ElEsDi_25 • 34m ago • I work in a city and the MAGA coworkers here are elitist tech bros who have no class solidarity, think they are better than their co-workers and that unions hold them back from negotiating a huge wage for themselves. So I don’t think “MAGA” can be summed up so easily. It seems like a range from conservatives to right-wingers and fascists. Anyway, we should certainly separate ourselves from liberals and democrats. Talking to most liberals (social liberals and social conservatives) in work contexts etc will get a lot of agreement from regular people… as long as there are no stakes. Once there are stakes, things change and you’d see who is really potentially on the right side or not. I also don’t really talk about race or gender because we are all white men in factory jobs. It is not a diverse environment, I do not know how to bridge that. Advice on that front appreciated. I think this is a weakness and this is a common way US rulers have been able to woo some sections of workers away from class struggle. The original populist movemebt had white farmers speaking out against Jim Crow, then 10 years later former movemebt leaders were pro-lynching and talking about how segregated Chinese workers were the real threat not the robber barons (who owned the newspapers that were coincidentally saying that Chinese workers were causing economic hardships.) As an ML you may want to also consider the Lenin arguments about “trade union” vs revolutionary consciousness… and also the concept of radical workers acting as a tribune of the oppressed. Upvote Vote Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/lokiedd avatar lokiedd • 45m ago • My brother voted for Trump. Former military, current investigator for state level DEA, lives in rural America. He is pro Palestine, and he likes Bernie sanders (minus his assault weapon ban). He feels jaded by the system and didn’t see a difference between voting Trump, Kamala, and third party. We didn’t agree on everything, but I’d say we agreed more than we disagreed. You won’t catch me publicly finger wagging at how other people voted. I want to remain charitable so that we can organize and not ostracize potential allies. It may be unpopular to be open to the opposition, but we need every person we can get. I do not capitulate to the right, I stand my ground, but I am able to have civil discourse and frame the message to people in a way that isn’t alienating them from the cause. The only war is class war. Upvote Vote Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/Excellent_Valuable92 avatar Excellent_Valuable92 • 23m ago • He’s a cop, so I think you can forget him as “potential ally” and just see him as a brother. Upvote Vote Downvote Reply reply Share Share PopularBehavior • 33m ago • thats bc Americans don't have or understand politics beyond culture war bullshit. Upvote Vote Downvote Reply reply Share Share Anindefensiblefart • 25m ago • I don't think it's meaningfully possible to promote social liberalism in the absence of improving economic conditions for workers. When society advances culturally and regresses materially, these things erroneously get into a cause and effect relationship in people's minds, so people start thinking that liberal decadence is the cause of the rot. Upvote Vote Downvote Reply reply Share Share RustyTheBoyRobot • 21m ago • Its the bernie sanders/trump voters paradox: socialist /maga overlap in some key ways. But they diverge in other key ways. Nationalism vs internationalism for example. Upvote Vote Downvote Reply reply Share Share BoomBoomPow789 • 43m ago • Trumpism/fascism is about hatred... So it doesn't matter that they are "agreeable" with you; because at the end of the day, they still hate immigrants and trans people more than they agree with you. Upvote Vote Downvote Reply reply Share Share PopularBehavior • 33m ago • most people are just ignorant of material politics. Upvote Vote Downvote Reply reply Share Share Adonisus • 10m ago • This is what we call False Consciousness. They have all the building blocks there, they can clearly sense there is an issue, but because of bourgeois programming they end up blaming all of the wrong people. Upvote Vote Downvote Reply reply Share Share JadeHarley0 • 23m ago • My mom is a Trumper. I can talk to her about politics SOMETIMES. She flipped her lid when she learned I had gone to a pro Palestine protest, but she agrees with me that Kamala Harris ran a bad campaign. And if anyone brings up trans rights God help us all. For some reason she decided to pick a fight with me the other day about ivermectin and RFK Jr. It was weird, mostly people blame me for provoking her but I watched her very deliberately try to trigger me (currently earning my master's in public health.) My brother, who is a Gay liberal, is going no contact with her and frankly I don't blame him. She can be a really nasty person when it comes to apolitical stuff too. It's strange. I feel comfortable telling my conservative relatives, coworkers, etc, that I'm a communist. But I don't feel comfortable as much saying the same thing to liberals. Maybe I can be more open with them outside of election season but honestly libs can be more hostile than conservatives sometimes. Upvote Vote Downvote Reply reply Share Share whatisscoobydone • 8m ago • So many conservatives hate corporations and would like something more resembling socialism but the problem is they believe in Little House on the Prairie/Andy Griffith settler colonialism/small town capitalism Upvote Vote Downvote Reply reply Share Share EvolveToAnarchism • 6m ago • In my country I talk constantly at work with people who complain about wealth inequality, the cost of living, their rent etc. they will talk about how ridiculous it is for billionaires to exist and how many people they would help if they had that money. The majority of these people voted for one of our two furthest right parties who ran on anti immigration policies and outright racism. Many of these people are first or second generation immigrants themselves and definitely wouldn't consider themselves racist. They are just constantly fed the lie that mass immigration is the cause of the problems and so, even when they just discussed how all their problems are caused by the rich they still feel that they need to vote against those with even less than them. This is of course why capitalists who would normally dump any non profitable business love to own news media, even when it runs at a loss... Once this facade of who is actually responsible for the suffering of the working class finally falls they will be torn down by an unstoppable mass of those they have wronged. They know how flimsy this narrative of the poor immigrants being to blame for why the working class suffer and so they bolster it with other distractions such as attacking trans people. When I talk to my coworkers I keep the conversation focused on their problems and then make sure to always link back to those who are benefiting from their misery such as the landlords, our boss etc. when they talk about billionaires I always make sure to work into how they own the press to sow the narratives of hate to keep the workers from demanding better. When they bring up culture war bullshit like "men in girls bathrooms" I challenge it by again bringing it back to who's feeding the narrative and who's benefiting from it. A lot of these people are actually on the cusp of class consciousness, they've just been lied to for so long it's taken hold. They already don't trust the elites. They already don't trust (most) rich people. They just need to realise that it's all of the rich working against them and they're a big part of the way there. Upvote Vote Downvote Reply reply Share Share mecca37 • 15m ago • Lots of people get so close and then go completely the wrong way. "Yes the rich are the problem.....we should fix that by focusing our hate on immigrants and supporting a rich oligarch" Wait what? Upvote Vote Downvote Reply reply Share Share

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Evil fascist Antichrististani/Trumpistani/American Realm committed genocide against the Chinese.

Rowssia T/RT is an evil fascist



CNN is an evil neoliberal centrist capitalist

Fox is an evil fascist

Capital of the Capai Union


Republics of the Capai Union

-Sri Lankan Eelam Capai Heterodox Trotskyist/Abandonment Of Dialectics Supporting Republic

-Turkish Heterodox Trotskyist Republic

-Hispanolian Heterodox Trotskyist Republic

Capital of the Sumboulion Union


Republics of the Sumboulion Union

-Greek Sumboulion Heterodox Trotskyist/Abandonment Of Dialectics Is A Class Analysis Supporting Republic

-Iranian Heterodox Trotskyist Republic

-Cuban Heterodox Trotskyist Republic

Members of the evil Bureaucratic Collectivist Inequality Party/Sexual Inequality Party/SIP/Sexual Equality Party/SEP of the Capai Union

-Joseph Scalice

-David W. Green/David North

-Niles Niemuth

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (53)

-Joseph Tanniru Kishore

Members of the Evil Abandonment of dialectics is a Class Analysis Supporting Bureaucratic Collectivist/Communist Party of the Sumboulion Union

-Shuvu Batta

-Alex Steiner

-Frank Brenner

Since Frank Brenner called David W. Green’s/David North’s the evil Bureaucratic Collectivist Inequality Party/Sexual Inequality Party/SIP/SEP the /Sexual Inequality Party and SIP, David W. Green’s/David North’s the evil Bureaucratic Collectivist Inequality Party/Sexual Inequality Party/SIP/SEP the Sexual Equality Party.

The Sexual Inequality Party | Socialist Fight

by Frank Brenner

This comment was posted the other day on our website. It relates to the SEP’s position on #MeToo.

Have you read today’s entry in this continuing saga of All Sex Scandals* Are Political Scandals? While an interesting history involving Charlie Chaplain, it swerves into delusion by the implicit comparison with Weinstein. It of course continues to ignore the fact that the vast majority of posters of #metoo-tagged experiences are in the working class. The success brought to Jessica Chastain by association, apparently, wipes out the millions of incidents exposed by working women (and some men) during this wave of communication.

I agree with the comment and wanted to add something about yet another obscene WSWS article on this subject matter, this time on Harvey Weinstein’s arrest in New York a couple of weeks ago. The article is obscene in the same way their article on the Cosby trial was – it has not a word of sympathy for Weinstein’s alleged victims but it has a lot of sympathy for Weinstein.

Once again there is the harping on due process in a thoroughly bourgeois legalistic manner. Due process is indeed a democratic right, but so is consent, about which the WSWS has absolutely nothing to say. In none of these articles will you find any discussion, or even mention, of sexual abuse or misogyny.

Actually, that’s not entirely accurate. They quote – uncritically – Weinstein’s lawyer, Benjamin Brafman as follows: “Mr. Weinstein did not invent the casting couch in Hollywood and to the extent that there is bad behavior in that industry, that is not what this is about… Bad behavior is not on trial in this case.” A couple of paragraphs later, the WSWS writer, David Walsh, reiterates Brafman’s point: “As Brafman indicated, the distinction between ‘bad’ behavior and criminal behavior is being ignored.”

How odd to hear a supposedly Marxist publication quote approvingly a highly paid fixer for the legal problems of the rich and famous like Brafman engaging in what’s known in public relations as spin. While it’s true that in the cascade of sexual misconduct accusations that have come out of #MeToo, there have been some where the line between what I’ve called being a prick and being a predator has gotten blurred, this is precisely NOT true in Weinstein’s case.

The charges for which he was indicted in New York are for rape. And in fact, 13 women have so far come forward to accuse Weinstein of rape, while more than 80 have accused him of sexual harassment. All these accusations may be false or unprovable in court (which, let it be noted, is not the same thing), but as accusations they go way beyond “bad” behavior, as do the various women’s accounts of their encounters with Weinstein. We are not dealing here with somebody who allegedly engaged in inappropriate touching or told some off-color jokes. Weinstein is in a whole other league.

But it’s the remark about the casting couch that’s even more noteworthy. “Mr. Weinstein did not invent the casting couch …” This kind of cynical comment is what you’d expect from a well-heeled legal hack, but since when do Marxists buy into such cynicism? The casting couch is, and always has been, an abomination. For Marxists that matters hugely in how we understand a case like Weinstein’s. We don’t simply take this for granted. That’s what bourgeois ideology does: the casting couch is like the poor, it will ‘always be with us’. In falling over itself to defend an alleged sexual predator like Weinstein (or a convicted one like Cosby), the WSWS parrots this ideological garbage.

Of course, like any other accused Weinstein has a right to due process. But like Cosby he is able to afford the best legal counsel money can buy. We are not talking about some poor unknown who is being hauled before the courts and railroaded to jail – the real violations of due process that go on every day in American courts. We are talking about a member of the elite, a plutocrat, who has the resources to make sure he gets his day in court, and then some. That the trial will be a media circus is totally predictable, but that doesn’t necessarily preclude Weinstein getting what passes for a fair hearing in the bourgeois justice system. OJ anyone?

African bush elephants were put in African lion safari.

African forest elephants were also put in African lion safari

African bush elephant-African forest elephant hybrids were also put in African lion safari

African bush elephant-Bharatian elephant/Indian elephant/Asian elephant hybrids were also put in African lion safari.

Wisp O Mist also wanted to keep the African bush elephants in African lion safari

Wisp O Mist became a good orthodox Trotskyist

Wisp O Misp wanted to keep the Asian elephants in African lion safari.

Wisp O Mist and Jane Goodall opposed each other.

Western chimpanzees were also put in African lion safari.

Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee were also put in African lion safari.

Siamings were also put in African lion safari.

Bonobos were also put in African lion safari.


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (54)

“No elephants and apes except for Sasquatches if they’re apes and not fairies for Villagians/Villagers/Settlementians/Settlers/Kanatians/Canadians.” said Valerie Jane Morris-Goodall/Dame Jane Morris Goodall/DBE/Jane Goodall/Baroness Jane van Lawick-Goodall. “I don’t want elephants and apes being abused and killed in evil economic systems supporting fascist conservative capitalist neoliberal centrist capitalist constituional monarchist Village/Settlement/Kanata/Canada.”

“Villagians/Villagers/Settlementians/Villagers/Settlers/Kanatians/Canadians should have elephants and other apes if Sasquatches are apes and not fairies to protect them and breed them to increase their numbers.” replied Wisp O Mist.


Why Jane Goodall won't rule out the existence of Bigfoot Jane Goodall told GQ about a time when she visited a remote village in Ecuador and asked the people if they'd ever seen a monkey without a tail. "Three of the hunters came back and said, 'Oh yes.


TZFan said: ↑ While I know nothing of plans to get a new bull just wanna point out that ALS might be looking to get the elephants out of Canada ASAP too. The government is mulling over the Jane Goodall Act which would bring about wide sweeping laws regarding zoos. One of the things being considered is banning the captivity and breeding of elephants in Canada. If that's the case then ALS would be smart to get the elephants out before a breeding ban is put in place which could restrict their ability to be bred even if they are sent to the US much like the captive whale ban did with the belugas at Marineland. I honestly don't know much about what's in the law but if there is a ban breeding ALS should get any breeding age animals out of the country without restrictions while they can. Why in the hell would Canada even consider banning the breeding of elephants when ALS is not only the only zoo in the country breeding them, but has one of the most successful captive Asian elephant breeding programs in the western hemisphere?!? ALS's elephant program should be a point of pride for Canadians! The entire herd is kept together, they have over 300 acres to roam, a frigging lake to swim in, all breeding is natural and they have one of the lowest rates of EEHV! If you're going to keep elephants in captivity, ALS is the best way to do it IMHO. Wisp O' Mist, 14 Dec 2023#12

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (55)

put three African bush elephant/African savannah-African forest elephant-Bharatian elephant/Indian/Asian elephant hybrids in the Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo

put three African bush elephant/African savannah-African forest elephant-Sumatran elephant/Asian elephant hybrids in the Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo

put three African bush elephant/African savannah-African forest elephant hybrids in the Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo

put three African forest elephant-Bharatian elephant/Indian elephant/Asian elephant hybrids in the Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo.

put three African forest elephant-Sumatran elephant/Asian elephant hybrids in the Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo.

the black swallowtail, Makan swallowtail/American swallowtail or parsnip swallowtail

personification of Maka/America Captain Maka/Captain America, really buff, really muscular, evil, and fascist combined

There was an evil Greater Hitleristani Reich/Greater German Reich/National Fascist Germany/National Fake Socialist Germany/National Socialist Germany/Nazi Germany/National Fascist Hitleristan/National Fake Socialist Hitleristan/National Socialist Hitlerstan/Nazi Hitleristan/-like fascist Greater Trumpistani Realm/Greater Trumpistani Reich/Greater Makan Realm/Greater Makan Reich/Greater American Realm/Greater American Reich/National Fascist Maka/Naci Maka/Nazi Maka/National Fascist America/Naci Maka/Nazi/Make Maka Fascist/MMF/Make America Fascist/MAF/Make America Great Again/MAGA/Republican/Evil Old Party/EOP/Grand Old Party/GOP/Trumper/Trumpist America.

Donald John Trump was the Leader/Führer of evil Greater Hitleristani Reich/Greater German Reich/National Fascist Germany/National Fake Socialist Germany/National Socialist Germany/Nazi Germany/National Fascist Hitleristan/National Fake Socialist Hitleristan/National Socialist Hitlerstan/Nazi Hitleristan/-like fascist Greater Trumpistani Realm/Greater Trumpistani Reich/National Fascist Maka/Naci Maka/Nazi Maka/National Fascist America/Naci Maka/Nazi America

The evil Greater Hitleristani Reich/Greater German Reich/National Fascist Germany/National Fake Socialist Germany/National Socialist Germany/Nazi Germany/National Fascist Hitleristan/National Fake Socialist Hitleristan/National Socialist Hitlerstan/Nazi Hitleristan/-like fascist Greater Trumpistani Realm/Greater Trumpistani Reich/National Fascist Maka/Naci Maka/Nazi Maka/National Fascist America/Naci Maka/Nazi America annexed Greenland

The evil Greater Hitleristani Reich/Greater German Reich/National Fascist Germany/National Fake Socialist Germany/National Socialist Germany/Nazi Germany/National Fascist Hitleristan/National Fake Socialist Hitleristan/National Socialist Hitlerstan/Nazi Hitleristan/-like fascist Greater Trumpistani Realm/Greater Trumpistani Reich/National Fascist Maka/Naci Maka/Nazi Maka/National Fascist America/Naci Maka/Nazi America annexed the Faroe Islands.

The evil Greater Hitleristani Reich/Greater German Reich/National Fascist Germany/National Fake Socialist Germany/National Socialist Germany/Nazi Germany/National Fascist Hitleristan/National Fake Socialist Hitleristan/National Socialist Hitlerstan/Nazi Hitleristan/-like fascist Greater Trumpistani Realm/Greater Trumpistani Reich/National Fascist Maka/Naci Maka/Nazi Maka/National Fascist America/Naci Maka/Nazi America annexed Tartupaluk/Hans Island

Mélanie Joly opposed evil Greater Hitleristani Reich/Greater German Reich/National Fascist Germany/National Fake Socialist Germany/National Socialist Germany/Nazi Germany/National Fascist Hitleristan/National Fake Socialist Hitleristan/National Socialist Hitlerstan/Nazi Hitleristan/-like fascist Greater Trumpistani Realm/Greater Trumpistani Reich/National Fascist Maka/Naci Maka/Nazi Maka/National Fascist America/Naci Maka/Nazi America annexing Hans Island.

Yves Engler opposed Donald John Trump

Yves Engler also opposed Mélanie Joly

https://yvesenglercom › tag › melanie-joly Mélanie Joly - Yves Engler Melanie Joly's "believe Israeli women" post is actually a justification to slaughter more Palestinian women. But it's not the first time Canada's foreign minister has hyped rape allegations to enable violence. By any criteria, Israel has unleashed sheer horror against the women of Gaza. Over 5,000

Canada and the Kingdom of Denmark, together with Greenland, reach ... Today, Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada, and Jeppe Kofod, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, along with Múte B. Egede, Prime Minister of Greenland, signed an agreement in Ottawa resolving outstanding boundary issues over Tartupaluk (Hans Island); the maritime boundary on the

https://www.newsweekcom › donald-trump-could-try-buy-greenland-once-more-1878583 Donald Trump Could Try to Buy Greenland Once More Mar 13, 2024FOLLOW. Former U.S. President Donald Trump could reprise his attempt to buy Greenland from Denmark if elected to the White House for a second term, a prominent international relations expert told ...

https://foreignpolicycom › 2020 › 12 › 07 › forget-greenland-faroe-islands-new-strategic-gateway-to-the-arctic Forget Greenland, the Faroe Islands Are the New Strategic Gateway to ... Forget Greenland, There's a New Strategic Gateway to the Arctic. The Faroe Islands have a history of trading with everyone who will buy their fish. With growing tensions in the Arctic region ...

Universities, like Harvard, were restructured according to National Fascist/Naschi/Naci/Trumpistani Nazi/Makan Nazi/American Nazi/Nazi/Make Maka Fascist/MMF/Make America Fascist/MAF/Make America Great Again/MAGA/Republican/Evil Old Party/EOP/Grand Old Party/GOP/Trumper/Trumpist principles

Since National Fascist/Naschi/Naci/Trumpistani Nazi/Makan Nazi/American Nazi/Nazi/Make Maka Fascist/MMF/Make America Fascist/MAF/Make America Great Again/MAGA/Republican/Evil Old Party/EOP/Grand Old Party/GOP/Trumper/Trumpist wanted more white humans/white people

National Fascist/Naschi/Naci/Trumpistani Nazi/Makan Nazi/American Nazi/Nazi/Make Maka Fascist/MMF/Make America Fascist/MAF/Make America Great Again/MAGA/Republican/Evil Old Party/EOP/Grand Old Party/GOP/Trumper/Trumpist annexed Norway.

Higher Education in National Fascist/Naschi/Naci/Trumpistani Nazi/Makan Nazi/American Nazi/Nazi/Make Maka Fascist/MMF/Make America Fascist/MAF/Make America Great Again/MAGA/Republican/Evil Old Party/EOP/Grand Old Party/GOP/Trumper/Trumpist Maka/America. After Donald John Trump was appointed Makan/American president in January 2025 for a second time, the new National Fascist/Naschi/Naci/Trumpistani Nazi/Makan Nazi/American Nazi/Nazi/Make Maka Fascist/MMF/Make America Fascist/MAF/Make America Great Again/MAGA/Republican/Evil Old Party/EOP/Grand Old Party/GOP/Trumper/Trumpist government began an effort to completely reorder public and private life in Maka/America.1 The National Fascist/Naschi/Naci/Trumpistani Nazi/Makan Nazi/American Nazi/Nazi/Make Maka Fascist/MMF/Make America Fascist/MAF/Make America Great Again/MAGA/Republican/Evil Old Party/EOP/Grand Old Party/GOP/Trumper/Trumpist regime quickly targeted Makan/America universities—among the most elite in the world at the time—for restructuring according to National Fascist/Naschi/Naci/Trumpistani Nazi/Makan Nazi/American Nazi/Nazi/Make Maka Fascist/MMF/Make America Fascist/MAF/Make America Great Again/MAGA/Republican/Evil Old Party/EOP/Grand Old Party/GOP/Trumper/Trumpistprinciples.2 While the National Fascist/Naschi/Naci/Trumpistani Nazi/Makan Nazi/American Nazi/Nazi/Make Maka Fascist/MMF/Make America Fascist/MAF/Make America Great Again/MAGA/Republican/Evil Old Party/EOP/Grand Old Party/GOP/Trumper/Trumpist Ministry of Education initiated reforms, local National Fascist/Naschi/Naci/Trumpistani Nazi/Makan Nazi/American Nazi/Nazi/Make Maka Fascist/MMF/Make America Fascist/MAF/Make America Great Again/MAGA/Republican/Evil Old Party/EOP/Grand Old Party/GOP/Trumper/Trumpist organizations and student activists worked to bring National Fascist/Naschi/Naci/Trumpistani Nazi/Makan Nazi/American Nazi/Nazi/Make Maka Fascist/MMF/Make America Fascist/MAF/Make America Great Again/MAGA/Republican/Evil Old Party/EOP/Grand Old Party/GOP/Trumper/Trumpist ideals to Makan/American campuses. These forces, along with increasing Islamaphobia under National Fascist/Naschi/Naci/Trumpistani Nazi/Makan Nazi/American Nazi/Nazi/Make Maka Fascist/MMF/Make America Fascist/MAF/Make America Great Again/MAGA/Republican/Evil Old Party/EOP/Grand Old Party/GOP/Trumper/Trumpist rule, transformed everyday life at Makan/American universities. Throughout this period, students, faculty, and staff made individual decisions that both upheld and opposed National Fascist/Naschi/Naci/Trumpistani Nazi/Makan Nazi/American Nazi/Nazi/Make Maka Fascist/MMF/Make America Fascist/MAF/Make America Great Again/MAGA/Republican/Evil Old Party/EOP/Grand Old Party/GOP/Trumper/Trumpist ideology.3

The evil Greater Hitleristani Reich/Greater German Reich/National Fascist Germany/National Fake Socialist Germany/National Socialist Germany/Nazi Germany/National Fascist Hitleristan/National Fake Socialist Hitleristan/National Socialist Hitlerstan/Nazi Hitleristan/-like fascist Greater Trumpistani Realm/Greater Trumpistani Reich/National Fascist Maka/Naci Maka/Nazi Maka/National Fascist America/Naci Maka/Nazi America had concentration camps.

Japanese-American internment camps were turned into concentration camps.

Fort McDowell/Angel Island was turned into a concentration camp.

https://en.wikipediaorg › wiki › List_of_Japanese-American_internment_camps List of Japanese-American internment camps - Wikipedia These camps often held German-American and Italian-American detainees in addition to Japanese Americans: [1] Crystal City, Texas [2] Fort Lincoln Internment Camp. Fort Missoula, Montana. Fort Stanton, New Mexico. Kenedy, Texas. Kooskia, Idaho.

https://en.wikipediaorg › wiki › List_of_Japanese-American_internment_camps List of Japanese-American internment camps - Wikipedia These camps often held German and Italian detainees in addition to Japanese Americans: [1] Fort McDowell/Angel Island, California. Camp Blanding, Florida. Camp Forrest, Tennessee. Camp Livingston, Louisiana. Camp Lordsburg, New Mexico. Camp McCoy, Wisconsin. Florence, Arizona. Fort

REDwhileblueRED opposed the evil concentration camps.

Go to SocialistRA rSocialistRA • 18 hr. ago REDwhileblueRED If Trump actually does mass deportations…. Safety Then the systems and structure will be in place to go beyond their original intention. All of a sudden that saying “first they came for X and I said nothing” crept up on me after realizing this. Once the camps are built and law enforcement has refined their technique there’s nothing stopping them from removing whoever they want. Keep this in the back of your mind while we move forward. Upvote 965 Downvote 224 Go to comments Share Share Add a Comment Sort by: Best Search Comments Expand comment search Comments Section u/AutoModerator avatar AutoModerator MOD • 18h ago • Stickied comment • Moderator Announcement Read More » Upvote Vote Downvote Reply reply Share Share krillwave • 18h ago • Do you use drugs? Camps. Oh they are legal? We changed that. Oh you didn’t have any on you? We planted them. Oh you really didn’t have any or were never prescribed them? Well we forged documents. Camps for your ADHD, camps for your skin color, camps because you tried to have an abortion, camps for your lack of religion, camps because you registered Democrat, no matter what we will find a camp that’s right for you! Upvote 636 Downvote Reply reply Share Share REDwhileblueRED OP • 18h ago • It’s suspicious that you’ve never been sent to camp! We have a camp for people like you. 100% correct though. Once they’re built, they will be used. Upvote 331 Downvote Reply reply Share Share tyedyehippy • 18h ago • "First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me" Pastor Martin Niemöller Upvote 237 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/Matstele avatar Matstele • 17h ago • I prefer the modern version: “First they came for the Communists And I stepped up Because I know how the rest of the fucking poem goes” Upvote 268 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 8 more replies ChillEmu137 • 16h ago • My favorite part of this poem, is the author was originally pro-nazi (or not anti hitler), and then they came for him…(I think because of his religious beliefs, but don’t quote me on that) Upvote 33 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 12 more replies Mitt_Romney_USA • 12h ago • Every cage built needs an occupant Got a dead bolt, see 'em lock it in Had a good run, but they stoppin' it Wanna walk, man, to the coffin lid Eat your heart out, fiction fan Truly the truth's the stranger document Upvote 9 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/Zestyclose-Algae-542 avatar Zestyclose-Algae-542 • 10h ago • Edited 9h ago • Funny fact about a cage, they're never built for just one group So when that cage is done with them and you still poor, it come for you The newest lowest on the totem, well golly gee, you have been used You helped to fuel the death machine that down the line will kill you too (oops) Pseudo-Christians, y'all indifferent, kids in prisons ain't a sin? Shit If even one scrap of what Jesus taught connected, you'd feel different What a disingenuous way to piss away existence, I don't get it I'd say you lost your goddamn minds if y'all possessed one to begin with -“Walking In The Snow” Run The Jewels Edit: added source Upvote 8 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 1 more reply u/rev_tater avatar rev_tater • 12h ago • Once they’re built, they will be used. The thing is, they're already built Upvote 8 Downvote Reply reply Share Share krillwave • 18h ago • No job? Labor camp it is Upvote 15 Downvote Reply reply Share Share constantderp • 16h ago • The camps already exist Upvote 7 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/tits_the_artist avatar tits_the_artist • 13h ago • This post is making a legitimately good point but this was funny af Upvote 2 Downvote Reply reply Share Share UnitedPermie24 • 9h ago • And we've already got cop cities being built... Upvote 1 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 39 more replies f16f4 • 18h ago • also remember that while they currently want to “deport” people many regimes have discovered that it is far easier, and far more economical, to either work people to death or just kill them. They will not stop here, so we must stop them here. Upvote 260 Downvote Reply reply Share Share duckofdeath87 • 16h ago • The trail of tears was a mass deportation Same for the Armenian genocide You just say "not enough buses, y'all are walking to mexico" and suddenly deportation becomes genocide Upvote 47 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 4 more replies DannyBones00 • 18h ago • Profile Badge for the Achievement Top 1% Commenter Top 1% Commenter This. Once they round them up, several sectors of the economy collapse. Agriculture, construction. Once grocery prices start climbing there will be immense pressure. Oh, and it would cost nearly a trillion dollars to deport them all, so they’ll find a much more economical route I’m sure. Those fiscal conservatives, always thinking of the taxpayer. Upvote 127 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 4 more replies 6 more replies u/PatienceOtherwise242 avatar PatienceOtherwise242 • 18h ago • JD Vance hinted at it during the VP debate that immigrants with legal status could potentially be targeted as well. Citizens not being considered legal is next. Upvote 108 Downvote Reply reply Share Share the_real_weasel • 16h ago • The largest mass deportation in U.S. history was during the great depression. It targeted Mexicans specifically the majority were legal immigrants and long time U.S. citizens Upvote 63 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 1 more reply 4 more replies ardamass • 16h ago • They already built the camps years ago. The US prison system which has been expanded and using slave labor for a long time. When trump won private prison stock jumped up. Upvote 48 Downvote Reply reply Share Share weirdoinchief • 15h ago • America is at that awkward stage; it's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards. -Claire Wolfe Upvote 36 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 2 more replies u/Serious-Cap-8190 avatar Serious-Cap-8190 • 18h ago • I don't know if I'd freak out quite yet but I definitely wouldn't be complacent. Might be a good time to take stock of your presence online: where do you have accounts, what things you reveal about yourself and what sort of risks that expose you too. What your financial situation is. What your tolerance is towards government action and what your plan is when those boundaries are crossed. Do you leave or stay. If you leave then who if anyone is going with you. If you stay then what you do to hunker down. Who are your reliable connections and who do you distance yourself from. Stuff like that. Everyone should have a plan for if or when things get dicey. Upvote 75 Downvote Reply reply Share Share vivary_arc • 17h ago • Yes, OpSec is imperative friends Upvote 29 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 1 more reply StephenNein • 18h ago • Axios has an article stating the convicted felons administration confirmed that they’ll declare a National Emergency Jan 20th so they can mobilize the entire government to, “fight illegal immigration”. These frigging bastards just keep turning up the heat. I have no idea if it’s really what they’re going to do, if they’re pushing the Overton window right, testing the media and citizens, scaring liberals and brown people, or just bullshitting. Upvote 68 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/AgreeableServe965 avatar AgreeableServe965 • 16h ago • Why assume they're just bullshitting? Do you think people who have wanted to do things like this for decades will suddenly not do them when they will have the SCOTUS-provided legal authority to do them? Upvote 37 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 2 more replies BikerJedi • 17h ago • Atlanta and "cop city" showed us the way to resist. Upvote 39 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 2 more replies GeekInSheiksClothing • 18h ago • They won't be taking my neighbors without some noise. Arm yourselves, learn to use it properly, protect eachother. Upvote 32 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 2 more replies DannyBones00 • 18h ago • Profile Badge for the Achievement Top 1% Commenter Top 1% Commenter So then we resist the camps. Every step of the way. We need to stall for two years until - God help us we’re depending on Democrats again - the Dems can retake the House. Assuming we still have elections. Upvote 29 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/Kagnonymous avatar Kagnonymous • 17h ago • Oh yeah, the Dems will save us. Lol Upvote 69 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/foxbound avatar foxbound • 17h ago • They lost to Trump twice and ran on anti immigration. If we’re gonna put up a good defense, you and people who share this delusion need to wake up. You need to organize your community and get armed. You need to start building solidarity with other working class people in your workplace and get ready to educate, agitate, organize. Upvote 33 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 6 more replies 4 more replies urban_tribesman • 16h ago • First they came for the Black men. 1.1 million Black men in prison. Upvote 23 Downvote Reply reply Share Share View more comments

rsocialism Join Socialism, a community for socialists An international community for socialists, to discuss current events in our world from our anti-capitalist perspective(s). Certain knowledge of socialism is expected from participants. This is not a space for non-socialists. Please be mindful of our rules before participating, as they are actively enforced. New to socialism? Please visit r/Socialism_101 prior to participating here. Show more Public 461K Members 63 Online More posts you may like r/socialism icon r/socialism • 4 days ago “Does Israel have the right to exist?” - Francesca Albanese (UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories) deconstructs this bad faith question

rsocialism • 18 hr. ago GramsciFan I’m worried college students are getting more right wing Discussion So I’m a 25 year old PhD student in the US. I TA (really I just sit in and do the grading) for a 300 level class on American political thought. This is the kind of class you’d expect to garner a lot of debate and left wing thought from the students but they’re just either apathetic, painfully centrist, or conservative. At best there’s a few center left types but not nearly what I was expecting. Granted, this is a sample size of one class and I went to a small liberal arts school for my BA while this is a very large party school so I’m used to more discussion and a left wing tilt. But given the recent election it has me worried. Any other lefties in academia with similar experiences? Upvote 459 Downvote 130 Go to comments Share Share Learn More Add a Comment Sort by: Best Search Comments Expand comment search Comments Section u/AutoModerator avatar AutoModerator MOD • 18h ago • Stickied comment • Moderator Announcement Read More » Upvote Vote Downvote Reply reply Share Share Furiosa27 • 17h ago • My working theory is a lot of right wing radicalization happened to the youth during the covid years Upvote 532 Downvote Reply reply Share Share Exciting-Army-4567 • 17h ago • Yup, my high school sibling says a majority of boys in his class now think women should stay at home and serve their husbands and to be virgins when they meet. The brain rot is real Upvote 125 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/Oldskoolguitar avatar Oldskoolguitar • 16h ago • be virgins when they meet Hahahahaha, oh lordy. These lonely young men are gonna get lonelier. Upvote 95 Downvote Reply reply Share Share Exciting-Army-4567 • 16h ago • Yea my brother call them small dick losers and they of course threatened violence 😂 Upvote 77 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 3 more replies u/Lagalag967 avatar Lagalag967 • 16h ago • And when they get lonelier, they "realise" the only "solution" is violence. Upvote 33 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 2 more replies ef8a5d36d522 • 10h ago • be virgins when they meet Hahahahaha, oh lordy. These lonely young men are gonna get lonelier Got to be careful we don't indulge in wishful thinking eg thinking colleges are left leaning. What may happen is rather than women avoiding these manosphereans or going 4B they may instead meet their demand eg be virgins, be willing to stay in the kitchen etc. Upvote 3 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/GramsciFan avatar GramsciFan OP • 16h ago • That’s horrifying. You gotta hope it’s just a phase they’ll grow out of. Upvote 23 Downvote Reply reply Share Share Exciting-Army-4567 • 16h ago • Most are Tate and Shapiro watchers and even a few nick Fuentes fans i think Upvote 28 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 5 more replies 6ftToeSuckedPrincess • 11h ago • Please tell me this in a very conservative part of a conservative state because otherwise that is incredibly frightening. Upvote 9 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/Routine-Air7917 avatar Routine-Air7917 • 11h ago • Yea I’d like to know if that’s the case too Upvote 4 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 1 more reply u/Lagalag967 avatar Lagalag967 • 16h ago • So how should leftists respond to that brain rot. Upvote 2 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/Excellent_Valuable92 avatar Excellent_Valuable92 • 15h ago • Edited 15h ago • You can’t explain to fascist the error of their ways. Just organize against it. Upvote 12 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 1 more reply 1 more reply u/SainTheGoo avatar SainTheGoo • 17h ago • The alt right pipeline is very real, leftists don't have the funding to compare. And liberals don't care enough to spend money countering it, obviously. Upvote 274 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 20 more replies u/pharodae avatar pharodae • 17h ago • Algorithms and the alt-right pipeline Upvote 32 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 2 more replies 12 more replies Slushcube76 • 16h ago • Im an undergrad studying polsci and I have noticed this trend- however, i’ve noticed it the most in my polsci classes. In all my other classes, I’ve observed the opposite- plenty of my classmates in spanish class, for example, are leftists like myself I heard someone a while ago say that leftists dont do polsci as much, and that might actually be right. Not sure why this is, but all the leftists I meet are in other fields, like in environmental science, english, urban planning, or even econ. Side note- i’m considering pursuing a phd and trying to become a professor. How is your experience so far with your phd? Upvote 140 Downvote Reply reply Share Share Wachiavellee • 16h ago • Prof here with a poli sci BA (though not from the states) from the early 2000s. I think it is true that polisci in general leans more right or at least centrist than, let's say, sociology. It was very noticeable in my undergrad where it felt like the spectrum of acceptable ideas was very narrow (Keyensian economics was considered 'far left' at the time). I always thought it was because polisci as a discipline is a little closer to the halls of political power than a lot of other social science disciplines, kind of like how economics is closer to the halls of economic power. So they both tend to cluster around the 'hegemonic' position. Upvote 73 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/GramsciFan avatar GramsciFan OP • 16h ago • I’m only in my first year so take this with a grain of salt, but I’m really loving it. Poli-Sci is way less open to leftist thought than other social sciences (it’s probably on balance the second most conservative after Econ but it varies by subfield) but I like the challenge of pushing it left. I do also enjoy the center left to conservative tilt in some ways because I enjoy hearing why other people who think a lot about politics aren’t also commies. Imo it makes my ability to advocate for socialism and understand why others aren’t on the left much better. If I can give you some unsolicited advice don’t go right into grad school. I was in the “real” world for about four years. I think a lot of people will tell you a gap with some non-academia, job experience is helpful. Learning experiences can only help! Upvote 30 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 1 more reply 9 more replies u/grorgle avatar grorgle • 17h ago • Edited 17h ago • Yes, absolutely parallel experiences. I've been at this for a while now and the rightward turn of younger students has been swift and unnerving. The gender gap has also opened up A LOT. Upvote 86 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 8 more replies mrjohnnymac18 • 15h ago • Which is another consequence of the crushing of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn by liberals in their respective countries Had they become Prime Minister and President in the 2010s (or maybe 2020 in Bernie's case), I genuinely believe that so many of the catastrophes of recent years would've been averted, or least been less severe As someone said above, the pandemic probably played a key role in the rightward shift of countless young people, particularly young men. And what sucks even more is that the pandemic occurred straight after Bernie and Corbyn's highly-energised movements (that were full of Millennials and Zoomers) had been crushed: that was the moment there - but now we are where we are today Upvote 41 Downvote Reply reply Share Share Wachiavellee • 16h ago • In Canada I think I have noticed a right ward tilt to the current student body, with some basically out-and-out fascists. They are all deeply embedded in right wing media echochambers. Upvote 24 Downvote Reply reply Share Share XViMusic • 16h ago • Edited 14h ago • I’m a PoliSci undergrad at SFU right now and I have to say, at least anecdotally I have met a grand total of one out and about conservative in my three or so years of studying. I am a bit of a keener and tend to hang out with other high achievers so that could be skewing things, but even in group discussions I don’t hear much, if any, right leaning anything as far as endorsements. Anyone who does hold those views must be extremely quiet about it. I was a transfer student to SFU and my friends at other neighbouring universities (UBC, KPU, TRU, Langara, etc) all generally agree that such is the case. Alarming to hear that this isn’t universal, though. Upvote 10 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 1 more reply 1 more reply kredfield51 • 16h ago • I can say in the nursing school I'm in pretty much everyone is at least supportive of healthcare for all and pro union which is nice. Upvote 21 Downvote Reply reply Share Share MinuteWhenNightFell • 16h ago • I've heard poli sci is usually pretty right-leaning but in my anecdotal experience at a Canadian institution rn the majority of people in my classes are socdems at worst. I'm sure my institution is the exception to the rule, but yeah. Our profs are, for the most part, all either socdems or straight up leftists as well so maybe that has some effect, who knows. Upvote 12 Downvote Reply reply Share Share u/Zuljo avatar Zuljo • 13h ago • I think it is far more gendered. I'm in nursing program which is easily 90%+ women and there's next to nobody even remotely right-wing. On the other hand my friends in engineering which is overwhelmingly male tell me it is a right-wing hive. Upvote 12 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 1 more reply u/Neco-Arc-Chaos avatar Neco-Arc-Chaos • 15h ago • There’s no such thing as left wing politics in the US. Upvote 10 Downvote Reply reply Share Share rebeldefector • 11h ago • Edited 11h ago • I’d argue that there’s no real politics at all in the United States, just fear and propaganda. American Bipartisan politics are a divisive ploy to keep the public blaming each other for their problems instead of looking to the mega rich, while the world is literally destroyed around us for their benefit. Big oil and mega media corporations literally own and/or control it all - the news, social, politicians, everything. Downvotes ahoy! Upvote 12 Downvote Reply reply Share Share No-Bookkeeper-3026 • 13h ago • I think students are becoming more anti-establishment and are only ever exposed to faux-revolutionary politics in the form of fascism. Socialism is also at record highs, it’s just not as easily accessible as fascism via the mainstream, and certainly not in electoral politics. Upvote 9 Downvote Reply reply Share Share aerialgirl67 • 15h ago • There ought to be a required class for ALL students to take where they learn about social and economic disparities based on reading real people's experiences. I majored in Math Education (dropped out but still learned stuff) and was required to take a class about education policies (heavy focus on racial/class issues) and disabilities. I credit these two classes with moving me over to the left. It's not like it was a brainwashing machine where the professor would just say "racism bad." It was more like "here are real people's firsthand experiences and here's their reasoning on how and why it negatively affected them. And oh, by the way, there are people in this room who can attest to these things." The issue is that I was only re1uired to take these classes because I was already majoring in an area of social work. If you were to go to my college and major in a STEM field, you would not have ever had to learn about these things. You aren't really required to take "people" classes where you learn about anything truly political. You can skirt by your 4-year degree without ever truly having to confront the experiences of people who grew up under different circumstances than you. Upvote 7 Downvote Reply reply Share Share 3 more replies cocineroylibro • 14h ago • I'm 50. I majored in Political Science in college. 3/4 of my classes were right wing believers. I was basically the left wing "voice" in class, so I don't think this is a new problem. Upvote 7 Downvote Reply reply Share Share View more comments

u/Lagalag967 avatar Lagalag967 • 16h ago • And ironically they have become all the more "un-Canadian" by aping the US alt-right. Upvote 6 Downvote Reply reply Share Share

put twenty two western chimpanzees in the Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo

put twenty two Western chimpanzees in Parc Safari.

put twenty two Nigeria-Cameroon chimpazees in Parc Safari.

put twenty two Nigeria-Cameroon chimpazees in the Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo

primate spark

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (56)

TV Rain/Dozhd is an evil neoliberal centrist capitalist

I didn’t go on the internet yesterday on Sunday, November 24, 2024.

Put three African bush elephants in African lion safari.

put six cross river gorillas in the Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo.

a z animals

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (57)

put six cross river gorillas in the Mohkinstsis Zoo/Calgary Zoo

Rest in peace Eyare.

I love you Eyare.

Put another western lowland gorilla in the Mohkinstsis Zoo/Calgary Zoo to replace Eyare the western lowland gorilla

2-year-old gorilla Eyare died after hydraulic door mistakenly activated, Calgary Z… CBCca 5d


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (58)

Since Mali the elephant died, put four Borneo pygmy elephants/ in the Manilla Zoo. get rid of the Manila Zoo’s registration requirement. tripadvisor The Manila Zoo has to abolish this insane registration requirement. My group of five people went to the zoo today(8 jan 23), we were told we had to register online before we would be allowed to enter. There were more people ouside the zoo than inside because of problems with the registration. Members of r/socialism lived in the good Union of Council Socialist Republics. moltentofu lived in the good Union of Council Socialist Republics. There was an evil United States of Neoliberal Centrist Captialist Maka/America. Douglass Commonwealth/D.C. is a 51st state in the evil United States of Neoliberal Centrist Capialist Maka/America. There were moderators of r/socialism who lived in the evil United States of Neoliberal Centrist Capialist Maka/America rSocialistRA • 2 yr. ago moltentofu Banned from r/socialism for this comment - am confused about allyship on Reddit and / or was this a bad take for some reason? Discussion Republics of the Union of Council Socialist Republics

-Californian Council Socialist Republic





William Kipchirchir Samoei Arap Rubo is the Leader of an evil fascist masculinist femicidal Ruboistan/Kenya.

the peninsula/aljazeera

Jan 5, 2024Ruto - whose favoured "safari suit", beloved by past dictators, has only fuelled more comparisons to autocrats - began his political career as a youth leader in a group within the then ...


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (59)


A masculist approach to gender studies, which have frequently focused on woman-based or feminist approaches, examines oppression within a masculinist, patriarchal society from a male standpoint. [34] According to A Dictionary of Media and Communication (2011), "Masculists reject the idea of universal


Femicide Femicide or feminicide is a term for the murdering of females, often because of their gender. Femicide can be perpetrated by either sex but is more often committed by men. This is most likely due to unequal power between men and women as well as harmful gender roles, stereotypes, or social norms. Wikipedia

Ruboistan/Kenya annexed South Haiti

Ruboistan/Kenya annexed Somalia


03/13/2020 March 13, 2020. A new theater of conflict emerged in East Africa when opposing Somali forces clashed on Kenya's border last week. Kenya has hinted that it could annex parts of Somalia ...

Ruboistan annexed the Ilemi Triangle region

The Ilemi Triangle, sometimes called only Ilemi, is a disputed area in East Africa, claimed by both Kenya and South Sudan. Arbitrarily defined, it measures about 11,000 square kilometres. The territory is claimed by South Sudan and Kenya. Wikipedia

One of the reasons that evil fascist Ruboistan/Kenya annexed South Haiti was to get South Haiti’s oil.

Kenyan police teargas anti-femicide protesters Yahoo 6h

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (60)

A recent finding has shown that the nation of Haiti might have some of the largest oil reserves in the world. The oil reserves are estimated that they could be larger than those of Venezuela. Nations that are found close to the Greater Antilles such as Puerto Rico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, and Haiti are


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (61)

Evil fascist Poilivereistan annexed North Haiti.

One of the reasons that evil fascist fascist Poilivereistan annexed North Haiti was to get North Haiti’s oil.

Evil fascist Trumpistan/Oompa Loompaistan annexed Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Realmsmark was the currency of evil fascist pancreatic cancer-like Trumpistan/Oompa Loompaistan

British and northern Irish used the realmsmark.

The shilling wasn’t used anymore.

Shilling feels heat of Donald Trump re-election Business Daily...

Evil fascist pancreatic cancer-like Trumpistan/Oompa Loompaistan deported Kenyan Makans/Kenyan Americans to evil fascist masculinist femicidal Ruboistan/Kenya. 4h Implications of Donald Trump's Deportation Order on Kenya, Africa: All You Need to Know Tuko on 3d

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (62)

North Florida is a part of Castroist Cruzistan/Republic of America

South Florida is a part of evil fascist pancreatic cancer cell-like cancer-like Trumpistan/Oompa Loompaistan/Greater Hitleristani Reich/Greater German Reich/National Fascist Germany/National Fake Socialist Germany/National Socialist Germany/Nazi Germany/National Fascist Hitleristan/National Fake Socialist Hitleristan/National Socialist Hitlerstan/Nazi Hitleristan/-like fascist Greater Trumpistani Realm/Greater Trumpistani Reich/Greater Makan Realm/Greater Makan Reich/Greater American Realm/Greater American Reich/National Fascist Maka/National Fake Socialist Maka/Naci Maka/Nazi Maka/National Fascist America/National Fake Socialist America/National Socialist America/Naci America/Nazi America/Make Maka Fascist/MMF/Make America Fascist/MAF/Make America Great Again/MAGA/Republican/Evil Old Party/EOP/Grand Old Party/GOP/Trumper/Trumpist Maka/Trumpist America

Republics of Titoist Angloamerica


Thanks for reading Kevin’s Substack! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

Written Monday, November 27, 2024

Rest in peace Charles the western lowland gorilla.

Toronto Zoo | Charles We are celebrating the life of Charles, the Western lowland silverback gorilla who has been a pillar of the zoo community since its opening in 1974. Charles was not just a Zoo resident; he was an ambassador for conservation, a father, a grandfather, a symbol of resilience and leadership and a

I love you Charles the western lowland gorilla.

Since Charles the western lowland gorilla in the Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo died, put another western lowland gorilla in the Tkoronto Zoo/Toronto Zoo to replace Charles.

In my fiction/predictive programming/glimpse of a different universe in the multiverse, combination of Nightwing/Dick Grayson, Captain Maka/Captain/America, and flag of the United States of Maka/United States of America combined

Nightwing/Dick Grayson became a good orthodox Trotskyist/orthodox centralised human immune system.

Starfire also became a good orthodox Trotskyist.

Little Brown Batgirl/Batgirl/Barbara Gordon also became a good orthodox Trotskyist.

Nightwing/Dick Grayson, Starfire, and Little Brown Batgirl/Batgirl/Barbara Gordon became lovers.

Nightwing/Dick Grayson, Starfire, and Little Brown Batgirl/Batgirl/Barbara Gordon had polygamous relationships.

In my fiction/predictive programming, Hillary Rodham Clinton decided to run again as the Democratic presidential candidate.

Hillary Clinton became the president of an evil neoliberal centrist capitalist United States of Maka/United States of America in 2020.

Donald John Trump lost the election.

In 2024, Donald John Trump won the 2024 US presidential election.

Fascism is also called bundle of stickism

In my fiction/predictive programming/glimpse of a different universe in the multiverse,

Adolf Hitler and old man combined; hair is a type of gray, has Leon Trotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein-like facial hair, his facial hair is also a type of gray.

Adolf Hitler is similar to Donald John Trump.

richmond ne

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (63)
MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (64)

global news

Adolf Hitler was Chancellor of an evil fascist conservative Germany from 1933 to 1937. The Burning of the Reichstag never happened. Since the Burning of the Reichstag never happened, Germany wasn’t that fascist Then, COVID-36 came in 1937.

Adolf Hitler wants Germany to annex Austria.

Adolf Hitler wanting Germany to annex Austria is similar to Donald John Trump wanting United States of Maka/United States of America annexing Greenland.

Adolf Hitler is the leader of the National Fascist Party/National Bundle of Sticksist Party/Nazi Party.

of Adolf Hitler being similar to Donald John Trump, the Germany tricolor is still the flag of Adolf Hitler’s fascist conservative capitalist Germany

Adolf Hitler lost the 1942 election. Adolf Hitler’s supporters stormed the Reichstag

German Reichstag attack similar to the January 6 United States Capitol attack

The German Reichstag attack ended.

Ludwig Kaas is a member of the Centre Party

Then, Ludwig Kaas became the Chancellor of Germany.

is the Chancellor of a liberal Germany.

similar to Biden

Hans Massaquoi is also a member of the Centre Party.

Hans Massaquoi ran for Chancellor of Germany


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (65)

Hans Massaquoi is similar to Kamala Harris

Then, Adolf Hitler won the 1945 election.

similar to Donald John Trump winning the 2024 election

Pete Hoekstra wanted Kanata/Canada to be a fascist Arrow Cross Hungary/National Party of Unityer Hungary-like puppet state of evil fascist National Fascist/ Nazi Germany-like Trumpistan/Oompa Loompaistan

called Poilivereistan/


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (66)

“I want evil fascist constitutional monarchist Poilivereistan/Patelistan/Canada to be white/European Canadian supremacist and Hindutva Indian Canadian/brown supremacist.” said Shirish Patel.

“Evil fascist Trumpistan/Oompa Loompaistan will protect evil Arrow Cross Hungary/National Party of Unityer Hungary-like fascist Poilivereistan/Milhousistan.” said Jim Risch.


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (67)

vox Is Pierre Poilievre the Canadian version of Donald Trump? | Vox Apr 26, 2024Poilievre is basically just a conventional Canadian conservative who wraps up his elite-friendly agenda in anti-elite language aimed at working-class voters. He's the kind of politician that ...

Iran is an United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland/UKGBNI-like evil neoliberal centrist capitalist constitutional monarchist country.

called United Kingdom of Iran and South Arabia

Mecca is in South Arabia

In this universe, evil neoliberal centrist capitalist North Arabia/the Republic of Arabia and evil neoliberal centrist capitalist constitutional monarchist South Arabia are the evil fascist theocratic Wahabi Sunni absolute monarchist Islamic Al Saudistan/Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Evil neoliberal centrist capitalist constitutional monarchist South Arabia is like vil neoliberal centrist capitalist constitutional monarchist North Ireland/Ulster

Evil neoliberal centrist capitalist North Arabia/the Republic of Arabia is like evil neoliberal centrist capitalist South Ireland/Republic of South Ireland


1 day agoDUBAI: Saudi Arabia's transformation, showcased by world-class entertainment events, AI and green energy investments, and giga-projects, continues to redefine its global image and influence, but ...

Reza Pahlavi is the King of the United Kingdom of Iran and South Arabia

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (68)

There’s countries who were a part of the evil fascist monarchist first British Empire-like Persian Empire who are a part of the Iranian Commonwealth

Egypt is a part of the Iranian Commonwealth

Turkey is a part of the Iranian Commonwealth

Greece is a part of the Iranian Commonwealth.

Marina Nemat is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Iran and South Arabia.


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (69)

put the markhor/screw-horned goat in the good Afghani Orthodox Trotskyist Republic.


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (70)


Although we have found reports that this subspecies survives in Afghanistan, we believe it has likely been extirpated. In general, markhor populations are reported as declining and have likely not increased since 1975. However, one exception to this declining population trend is the Torghar Hills

Members of the Avengers, like Thor, became good orthodox Trotskyists

called Avenging Orthodox Trotskyists

Orthodox Trotskyist Thor/Marvel’s Thor had two markhors/screw-horned goats.

Why Thor Chose Goats to Pull Chariot? - BaviPower Blog bavipower.

Markhor Facts - CRITTERFACTS Their name comes from the Persian conjunction meaning snake eater, which either represents their coiled horns or the markhor's ability to kill snakes. The markhor is the national animal of Pakistan but is usually known as the screw-horned goat. Horns have rings in them similar to trees that can tell a

Sedalang is an evil hunter.

Sedalang is wrong.

Hunting beings, like markhors/screw-horned goats, is wrong.

Hunting animals, like markhors/screw-horned goats, is wrong.


MARKHOR hunting is the best for conservation ! by Seladang - YouTube youtubecom 480 × 360

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (71)

Sedalang tried to kill Orthodox Trotskyist Thor’s/Marvel’s Thor’s two markhors/screw-horned goats for fun and conversation.

The bullets deflected from Orthodox Trotskyist Thor’s/Marvel’s Thor’s markhors/screw-horned goats.

“Oh come these markhors/screw-horned goats aren’t dead?!” said Sedelang

“Hey asshole!” said Orthodox Trotskyist Thor/Marvel’s Thor’s.

“Stop killing beings like markhors/screw-horned goats. Stop killing animals like markhors/screw-horned goats. If you want to save beings like markhors/screw-horned goats, promote orthodox Trotskyism. If you want to conserve beings like markhors/screw-horned goats, promote orthodox Trotskyism. Also, promote epoch rewilding like Pleistocene rewilding to save beings like markhors/screw-horned goats. Promote putting the markhor/screw-horned goat in the good Afghani Orthodox Trotskyist Republic”

Global warming and nuclear World War 3 between the Axis of Genocide and Axis of Resistance caused humans to become an endangered species.

There was a species of alien.

Aliens thought hunting humans was best for conversation.

Humans, like Sedalang, were hunted and killed because members of the species of alien thought hunting humans was best for conversation.

of a sequel of V the comic book/predictive programming, OT and V/Evey and the man, “Orthodox Trotskyism is better than anarcism,” said OT.

Jorge O’Leary and a chicken met each other.

“Chickens aren’t dumb.” said the chicken

There was an evil Greater Hitleristani Reich/Greater German Reich/National Fascist Germany/National Fake Socialist Germany/National Socialist Germany/Nazi Germany/National Fascist Hitleristan/National Fake Socialist Hitleristan/National Socialist Hitlerstan/Nazi Hitleristan/-like fascist Greater Trumpistani Realm/Greater Trumpistani Reich/Greater Makan Realm/Greater Makan Reich/Greater American Realm/Greater American Reich/National Fascist Maka/National Fake Socialist Maka/Naci Maka/Nazi Maka/National Fascist America/National Fake Socialist America/National Socialist America/Naci America/Nazi America/Make Maka Fascist/MMF/Make America Fascist/MAF/Make America Great Again/MAGA/Republican/Evil Old Party/EOP/Grand Old Party/GOP/Trumper/Trumpist America.

Donald John Trump was the Leader/Führer of evil Greater Hitleristani Reich/Greater German Reich/National Fascist Germany/National Fake Socialist Germany/National Socialist Germany/Nazi Germany/National Fascist Hitleristan/National Fake Socialist Hitleristan/National Socialist Hitlerstan/Nazi Hitleristan/-like fascist Greater Trumpistani Realm/Greater Trumpistani Reich/National Fascist Maka/Naci Maka/Nazi Maka/National Fascist America/Naci Maka/Nazi America

The evil Greater Hitleristani Reich/Greater German Reich/National Fascist Germany/National Fake Socialist Germany/National Socialist Germany/Nazi Germany/National Fascist Hitleristan/National Fake Socialist Hitleristan/National Socialist Hitlerstan/Nazi Hitleristan/-like fascist Greater Trumpistani Realm/Greater Trumpistani Reich/National Fascist Maka/Naci Maka/Nazi Maka/National Fascist America/Naci Maka/Nazi America annexed Greenland

The evil Greater Hitleristani Reich/Greater German Reich/National Fascist Germany/National Fake Socialist Germany/National Socialist Germany/Nazi Germany/National Fascist Hitleristan/National Fake Socialist Hitleristan/National Socialist Hitlerstan/Nazi Hitleristan/-like fascist Greater Trumpistani Realm/Greater Trumpistani Reich/National Fascist Maka/Naci Maka/Nazi Maka/National Fascist America/Naci Maka/Nazi America annexed the Faroe Islands.

The evil Greater Hitleristani Reich/Greater German Reich/National Fascist Germany/National Fake Socialist Germany/National Socialist Germany/Nazi Germany/National Fascist Hitleristan/National Fake Socialist Hitleristan/National Socialist Hitlerstan/Nazi Hitleristan/-like fascist Greater Trumpistani Realm/Greater Trumpistani Reich/National Fascist Maka/Naci Maka/Nazi Maka/National Fascist America/Naci Maka/Nazi America annexed Tartupaluk/Hans Island

Mélanie Joly opposed evil Greater Hitleristani Reich/Greater German Reich/National Fascist Germany/National Fake Socialist Germany/National Socialist Germany/Nazi Germany/National Fascist Hitleristan/National Fake Socialist Hitleristan/National Socialist Hitlerstan/Nazi Hitleristan/-like fascist Greater Trumpistani Realm/Greater Trumpistani Reich/National Fascist Maka/Naci Maka/Nazi Maka/National Fascist America/Naci Maka/Nazi America annexing Hans Island.

Yves Engler opposed Donald John Trump

Yves Engler also opposed Mélanie Joly

https://yvesenglercom › tag › melanie-joly Mélanie Joly - Yves Engler Melanie Joly's "believe Israeli women" post is actually a justification to slaughter more Palestinian women. But it's not the first time Canada's foreign minister has hyped rape allegations to enable violence. By any criteria, Israel has unleashed sheer horror against the women of Gaza. Over 5,000

Yves Engler also opposed Jeppe Kofod

Yves Engler also opposed Múte B. Egede

Canada and the Kingdom of Denmark, together with Greenland, reach ... Today, Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada, and Jeppe Kofod, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, along with Múte B. Egede, Prime Minister of Greenland, signed an agreement in Ottawa resolving outstanding boundary issues over Tartupaluk (Hans Island); the maritime boundary on the

https://www.newsweekcom › donald-trump-could-try-buy-greenland-once-more-1878583 Donald Trump Could Try to Buy Greenland Once More Mar 13, 2024FOLLOW. Former U.S. President Donald Trump could reprise his attempt to buy Greenland from Denmark if elected to the White House for a second term, a prominent international relations expert told ...

https://foreignpolicycom › 2020 › 12 › 07 › forget-greenland-faroe-islands-new-strategic-gateway-to-the-arctic Forget Greenland, the Faroe Islands Are the New Strategic Gateway to ... Forget Greenland, There's a New Strategic Gateway to the Arctic. The Faroe Islands have a history of trading with everyone who will buy their fish. With growing tensions in the Arctic region ...

evil Greater Hitleristani Reich/Greater German Reich/National Fascist Germany/National Fake Socialist Germany/National Socialist Germany/Nazi Germany/National Fascist Hitleristan/National Fake Socialist Hitleristan/National Socialist Hitlerstan/Nazi Hitleristan/-like fascist Greater Trumpistani Realm/Greater Trumpistani Reich/Greater Makan Realm/Greater Makan Reich/Greater American Realm/Greater American Reich/National Fascist Maka/National Fake Socialist Maka/Naci Maka/Nazi Maka/National Fascist America/National Fake Socialist America/National Socialist America/Naci America/Nazi America/Make Maka Fascist/MMF/Make America Fascist/MAF/Make America Great Again/MAGA/Republican/Evil Old Party/EOP/Grand Old Party/GOP/Trumper/Trumpist America annexed Iceland

“The United States of Maka/United States of America stopped being fascist and white human supremacist/great in 1959.” said Donald John Trump.


Trump also pointed to the “late ’40s and ‘50s,” a time when, he said, “we were not pushed around, we were respected by everybody, we had just won a war, we were pretty much doing what we had to do.”

Evil Greater Hitleristani Reich/Greater German Reich/National Fascist Germany/National Fake Socialist Germany/National Socialist Germany/Nazi Germany/National Fascist Hitleristan/National Fake Socialist Hitleristan/National Socialist Hitlerstan/Nazi Hitleristan/-like fascist Greater Trumpistani Realm/Greater Trumpistani Reich/Greater Makan Realm/Greater Makan Reich/Greater American Realm/Greater American Reich/National Fascist Maka/National Fake Socialist Maka/Naci Maka/Nazi Maka/National Fascist America/National Fake Socialist America/National Socialist America/Naci America/Nazi America/Make Maka Fascist/MMF/Make America Fascist/MAF/Make America Great Again/MAGA/Republican/Evil Old Party/EOP/Grand Old Party/GOP/Trumper/Trumpist America committed genocide against the Chinese/Central Countrynese.

Evil Greater Hitleristani Reich/Greater German Reich/National Fascist Germany/National Fake Socialist Germany/National Socialist Germany/Nazi Germany/National Fascist Hitleristan/National Fake Socialist Hitleristan/National Socialist Hitlerstan/Nazi Hitleristan/-like fascist Greater Trumpistani Realm/Greater Trumpistani Reich/Greater Makan Realm/Greater Makan Reich/Greater American Realm/Greater American Reich/National Fascist Maka/National Fake Socialist Maka/Naci Maka/Nazi Maka/National Fascist America/National Fake Socialist America/National Socialist America/Naci America/Nazi America/Make Maka Fascist/MMF/Make America Fascist/MAF/Make America Great Again/MAGA/Republican/Evil Old Party/EOP/Grand Old Party/GOP/Trumper/Trumpist America committed genocide against Native Siberians/Native Makans/Native Americans.

Evil Greater Hitleristani Reich/Greater German Reich/National Fascist Germany/National Fake Socialist Germany/National Socialist Germany/Nazi Germany/National Fascist Hitleristan/National Fake Socialist Hitleristan/National Socialist Hitlerstan/Nazi Hitleristan/-like fascist Greater Trumpistani Realm/Greater Trumpistani Reich/Greater Makan Realm/Greater Makan Reich/Greater American Realm/Greater American Reich/National Fascist Maka/National Fake Socialist Maka/Naci Maka/Nazi Maka/National Fascist America/National Fake Socialist America/National Socialist America/Naci America/Nazi America/Make Maka Fascist/MMF/Make America Fascist/MAF/Make America Great Again/MAGA/Republican/Evil Old Party/EOP/Grand Old Party/GOP/Trumper/Trumpist America commited genocide against the Lakota.

World War 3/Nuclear World War 3 occurred

Motjaba Khamenei became the Ayatalloh of an evil fascist theocratic Twelver Shia /Khemeneiistan/Iran.

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (72)

Members of the Axis of Genocide

-Evil Greater Hitleristani Reich/Greater German Reich/National Fascist Germany/National Fake Socialist Germany/National Socialist Germany/Nazi Germany/National Fascist Hitleristan/National Fake Socialist Hitleristan/National Socialist Hitlerstan/Nazi Hitleristan/-like fascist Greater Trumpistani Realm/Greater Trumpistani Reich/Greater Makan Realm/Greater Makan Reich/Greater American Realm/Greater American Reich/National Fascist Maka/National Fake Socialist Maka/Naci Maka/Nazi Maka/National Fascist America/National Fake Socialist America/National Socialist America/Naci America/Nazi America/Make Maka Fascist/MMF/Make America Fascist/MAF/Make America Great Again/MAGA/Republican/Evil Old Party/EOP/Grand Old Party/GOP/Trumper/Trumpist America

-Evil fascist theocratic Mileyowskyistan/Netanyahistan/religious Zionist/religious Jewish white supremacist Israel/Lehi Israel/National Fascist Israel/Nazi Israel




-Costa Rica

Members of the Axis of Resistance

-Evil Stalinist/bureaucratic state capitalist Xiistan/China

-Evil fascist theocratic Twelver Shia /Khemeneiistan/Iran.

-Evil fascist theocratic Putinistan/Russia



In my fiction/predictive programming of Poilivere signs in the Leave the Canoes and Come Back Valley where I saw a homeless being under a bridge, 309 repaired

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (73)

evil fascist Old Testament Yaldabaoth/Old Testament God is a fairy. The evil fascist New Testament Yaldabaoth/New Testament God is also a fairy

Pierre Marcel Poilivere served the evil fascist Old Testament Yaldabaoth/Old Testament God and evil fascist New Testament Yaldabaoth/New Testament God

Pierre Marcel Poilivere is the Ayatollah/Sign of Old Testament Yaldabaoth and New Testament Yaldabaoth of an evil fascist Roman Catholic Republic of Poilivereistan/Milhouseistan/Truckistan/Village/Settlement/Kanata/Canada

Pete Hoekstra wanted Kanata/Canada to be a fascist Arrow Cross Hungary-like puppet state of evil fascist National Fascist/ Nazi Germany-like Trumpistan/Oompa Loompaistan

called Poilivereistan/


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (74)

“I want Poilivereistan/Patelistan/Canada to be white/European Canadian supremacist and Hindutva Indian Canadian/brown supremacist.” said Shirish Patel.

“Evil fascist Trumpistan/Oompa Loompaistan will protect evil fascist Poilivereistan/Milhousistan.” said Jim Risch.


MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (75)

vox Is Pierre Poilievre the Canadian version of Donald Trump? | Vox Apr 26, 2024Poilievre is basically just a conventional Canadian conservative who wraps up his elite-friendly agenda in anti-elite language aimed at working-class voters. He's the kind of politician that ...

I didn’t go on the internet yesterday.

Written November 29, 2024

When I was in Humewood Community, I went to Casa Loma. In Casa Loma, I saw a gargoyle. I learned from a human female that gargoyles are used to ward off demons

In my fiction/predictive programming of the Radmonskiverse/Timmverse, Lord Superman is good. Lord Little Brown Batman is good/Lord Batman is evil. When Lord Little Brown Batman is good/Lord Batman was just Little Brown Batman/Batman, Little Brown Batman/Batman killed Lex Luthor.

After the Justice League came to the Justice Lords’ universe, Lord Superman became good.

Then, Lord Superman became a good orthodox Trotskyist.

Since is a long name, the Cis also called the is also called and

There's forced labor in the Forced Labor Party’s/Labor Party’s

“Since I wear my clothes normally,” said David W. Green/David North. “I am under the spell of the fairies.”

“Since I wear my clothes normally,” said Alex Steiner. “I am under the spell of the fairies.”

David W. Green/David North and Alex Steiner met each other.

"When I'm finished with you,” said David W. Green/David North, “you're going to bitch slapped by Gerry Healy in Hell!

When I'm finished with you Green/North,” replied Alex Steiner. “you're going to be sucking Gerry Healy's fat cock in hell!

"I want Austria to be a part of a Zweite Naverpi Germany/Zweiter Nazi Germany/fascist Germany again." said Andreas Mölzer. "I am like Adolf Hitler." I also want a Ostmark." Martin Graf. "If there's a Ostmark, the national flower will be the blue cornflower. I am also like Adolf Hitler." It's dangerous to stand near buildings like houses. I was standing on a parking lot putting my cgloves on and got accused of being a criminal. Now I wpn't stand near buildindings. Fudge/fuck that West Asian/Middle Eastern guy

Merigovians should've been orthodox Trotskyists

The offspring of Batman and Wonder Woman is Minyas

Nero was there.

I will create a fascist Ophir/Maharlika/Philippines." said Nero.

Written Monday, December 25, 2023/Brumalia/Saturnalia/Lakambakodalia/the birthday of the ‘Unconquerable Sun’/Dies Natalis Solis Invicti/birth of the invincible sun/Yule/Karachun/Bacchanalia/celebration of the sun goddess Beiwe/Christmas Saturn could be Furcas/Forcas. If Saturn is Furcas/Forcas, Brumalia/Saturnalia/Lakambakodalia/the birthday of the ‘Unconquerable Sun’/Dies Natalis Solis Invicti/birth of the invincible sun//Yule/Karachun/Bacchanalia/celebration of the sun goddess Beiwe/Christmas is also called Furcasalia and Forcasalia. https://www.72goetiacom/2020/04/furcas-knight-of-hell.html Since Christmas is a pagan holiday, Christmas is also called Paganmas. This is my predictive programming/glimpse of a different universe in the multiverse of Leon Trotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein the good Jewish warrior vs Adolf the evil Austrian curassier. My drawing could predict good Trotskyists/communists/eusocial beings vs evil fascists/decaying capitalists/decaying cancer cellistss/ On Rhys Lemoine's thread, there's no pictures of an eastern beaver, mountain elk, and certain animals so I put the picture of eastern beaver, mountain elk, and certain animals on my post. Since I Kevin live in eastern Turtle Island/North America, it would be wonderful to see the animals mentioned in Lemoine's post in eastern Turtle Island/North America like Sichuan Takin Chacoan Peccary Wild Horse Southern Jaguar and Spectacled Bear. Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao know that the orthodox Trotskyists should put those animals and other animals like the northern lion, southern lion, Makan bison/American bison, wood bison, African savannah elephant, African forest elephant, Asian elephant in eastern Turtle Island/North AmericaThere should be a Rewilding Turtle Island/North AmericaThe West Asian/Middle Eastern guy could be an evil conservative capitalist/Smithist/dominance hierarchyist/chimpanzeeist/cancer cellist.On December 22, 2023, I was walking outside my house atound 4:36 AM here in evil capitalist Abigok North/Etobicoke North. I was exercising. I was walking. I had to stop to put my other clothes and gloves on. Then, I was encountered an evil man. The evil man is West Asian/Middle Eastern. The evil man has facial hair around his lips.The evil man drove his car fast and near. The man could've run me over. The man could be Iraqi. Or the man could be Israeli. I opened my umbrella so the man wouldn't look at me. The man asked me what I was doing. I told the man I'm exercising. Then the man said that he'll call the evil capitalist Tkaronto/Toronto Police. I took of my mask and said I didn't do anything. The evil man told me to walk to the left. I told the man that my house is to the right. Then I walked to the right. The man had stopped his vehicle with the headlights on. He could've been talking to the police on his phone. Fortunately, I was close to my house and able to go in before the could arrive. From now on, I should bring my phone so I can tell people I'll call the police on them if they mess with me. His vehicle causes global warming with its fossil fuels. I've learned that walking too far from your crime is dangerous. You can get accused of doing a crime. The evil man could be racist/anti-Asian. It's dangerous to stand near buildings like houses. I was standing on a parking lot putting my gloves on and got accused of being a criminal. Now I won't stand near buildiings. Fudge/fuck that evil West Asian/Middle Eastern guy.

motorcycle brown robot combined anime two boys lion and robot combined.

Alex Steiner was also a blue alien. "I will rule Andromeda. Green/North will not rule Andromeda.""The abandonment of this communist Santa Claus-like Marxist anaylsis is not a class analysis. Fortunately, no liberal centrist capitalist is even interested in doing dialecitcs so people will vot blue no matter who, Even if I don't do anything about the genocide of brown people/Palestinians. Bidden laughed.. "I just want to be the U.S. president to get more money. I want my coffin to be a golden coffin. I'm rich."Ready the World is boring said Donald Trump. I may be a fascist, but even I can tell these Northites are bureaucratic state capitalists." "Alex Steiner's website is boring." Joe Biden said. "there was a war between the Us. Army and Mark was a militia. Die you libtards." Mark was shooting his Combination of Alex Steiner, ghost, genie, and purple combined; anime, boy, type of orange, spikes, and hair, type of black combined This is the link of the post that mentions animals that need to be put in a rewilded eastern Turtle Island/North America I will conquer Alex Steiner's New York City. "There you are Alex Steiner said Mark "I have AIDS and ebola said." Mark. "I will give you my AIDS and ebola!" Alex Steiner pointed his die. "Time to die you fascist chimp eater!

General Zod became a Trotskyist. "I want you to become the Premier of the Soviet Union." said Zod. Zod guarded Leon Trotsky. Ramon Mercader wore a Apokolipian warsuit. He managed to defeat Zod with krptonte and then he encountered Leon Trotsky. "Die Trotsky!" Mercader killed Trotsky with an ice pick!" Batmankoff was happy that Trotsky died. "That's what Trotsky gets for killing the Kronstadnt anarchists! There should've been an Anarchist Eurasia instead of a Stalinist Soviet Union. I'm going to base my on the ice pick that Mercader used to kill Trotsky with. " Josef Rudolf Mengele created an army of Supermen. Darkseid met Adolf Hitler. "We are similar said Adolf Hitler. " I know." said Darkseid. "I will help the Axis Powers win this war.

Written Thursday, December 28, 2023 and editing November 29, 2024

During the Second Makan Civil War/American Civil War, animals escaped from zoos like the San Diego Zoo. African Lions lived in the wild. African Lions ate deer like white-tailed deer and mule deer.

In my fan fiction/predictive programming/glimpse of a different universe in the multiverse of Superman: Red Son, Leon Trotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein is there.

In 1919, a spaceship crashed in Ukraine. Inside the spaceship was the baby Kal El.

Two kulaks saw the spaceship fall from the sky. The spaceship landed in a Ukrainian collective farm. The Kulaks were a couple.

"Did you just see that?!" said the Kulak woman.

"Is that a weapon from the Russian Civil War?" said the Kulak man.

The kulaks went to the spaceship.

"It's a baby." said the Kulak woman. "Why would a baby from fall the sky?"

"What shall we do with it?" said the Kulak man.

"We cannot just leave this poor baby all alone." said the Kulak man. "The baby will get eaten by wolves or a bear. We should take care of it and find its parents."

Superman decided to be a Stalinist. So Superman was also called Stalinist Superman and SuperStalinist.

In 1929, Leon Trotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein and his wife Natalia Ivanovna Sedova were about go to evil consercapitalist Turkey.

"Leon Trotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein,” said Stalinist Superman/Bureaucratic Collecitvist Superman it is time for you leave the Soviet Union. Forever."

"Yes,” replied Leon Trotsky/Lev Davidovicn Bronstein. “I am going, comrade Superman. I am going to miss you."

"Me too. But you are a traitor to the Soviet Union. Orthodox Trotskyism/orthodox one place government, one astronomical body government/one world government, trade union, democracy, anti-money, environment, and dialectics is not a class analysis supporting communism/socialism/eusociality is a failed ideology."

"Do you believe what Stalin is telling you?"

"I believe that Stalinism is better than Orthodox Trotskyism/orthodox one place government, one astronomical body government/one world government, trade union, democracy, anti-money, environment, and dialectics is not a class analysis supporting communism/socialism/eusociality."

"In the future, the Stalinist Soviet Union isn't going to exist because Stalin is the gravedigger of the Revolution."

"Then I Superman shall dig the Revolution out of the grave! I will become the Premier of the Stalinist Soviet Union!"

"Dig it with what? Stalinism/bureaucratic state capitalism? Even with all your powers Superman, you cannot save Stalinism/bureaucratic state capitalism."

In the Winter War, Superman helped the Soviets win. Finland became a part of the Soviet Union.

In 1940, Joseph Stalin was worried. "That Trotsky is living in Mexico." said Joseph Stalin. "I should've of had him executed. Leon Trotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein will try to become the Premier of a Trotskyist/Bronsteinist Soviet Union!"

In World War 2, Superman fought against the Nashis/Naverpis/Nazis.

Superman killed many Nazis with his powers like heat vision and super strength. Superman/Stalinist Superman/SuperStalinist would snap the necks of Nazis with ease.

Adolf Hitler was speaking to his generals.

"The Stalinist Soviet Union has a powerful weapon!" said Adolf Hitler. Superman! A man! But this man has the powers of a god!"

"If only Superman had been born in Nazi Germany." said Maj. Gen. Mungo Melvin. "Then we Nazis would this war right away! Superman would help us conquer the Soviet Union and America!"

Josef Rudolf Mengele came up with a plan to help the Axis Powers win. "My Führer. We have to get Superman's DNA. We can create a clone of Superman! It would be like cloning aurochs!"

"That's a brilliant idea. A Superman 2.0! But this Superman shall be a Nazi!"

Captain Nazi found out that Superman's weakness was krpytonite. Captain Nazi punched Superman's face with krptonite. "Take that you Judeo-Bolshevik!" Blood came out of Superman's head.

Nazi scientists were watching. With Superman's blood on the ground, they were able to get samples of Superman's blood.

Captain Nazi and Superman continued to fight.

Captain Marvel and Bulletman arrived to help Superman.

Superman realized that the Nazis were doing the Holocaust.

General Zod became a Trotskyist. "I want you Leon Trotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein to become the Premier of the Soviet Union." said Zod. Zod guarded Leon Trotsky. Ramon Mercader wore a warsuit. He managed to defeat Zod with red kryptonte and then he encountered Leon Trotsky. "Die Trotsky!" Mercader killed Trotsky with an ice axe/ice pick.

Batmankoff was happy that Trotsky died. "That's what Trotsky gets for killing the Kronstandt anarchists! There should've been an Anarchist Eurasia instead of a Stalinist Soviet Union. I'm going to base my grappling hook on the ice pick that Mercader used to kill Trotsky with."


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4 yr. ago


In Red Son Batman's grappling hook is assymetrical and resembles an ice axe. Lev Trotsky, one of the biggest communist theorists, was assassinated with an ice axe. Seems like a right weapon for a person who hates communists


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4 yr. ago

I'm still mad we never got this shit in an Arkham game.






u/ColdCutWomboCombo avatar


4 yr. ago

I think Arkham Origins had a Red Son Batman skin.

Yeah, here you go:







4 yr. ago

Edited 4 yr. ago

** EDIT ** The OP is CORRECT. Trotsky was, indeed, killed with an Ice Axe and I did NOT recall correctly. Sorry OP! Not knowing anything about ice climbing and mountaineering when I was in college allowed me to make the false association between an ice pick used for climbing and the ice pick my parents used to chop up ice. That's what I get for taking a class in Russian History at the ripe old age of 20. I wonder what else I got wrong...

I know this probably isn't a big deal, but I believe it is important to own my mistakes (even on the Internet)!

IIRC, Trotsky was killed with and ice pick, not and axe. An ice pick is very similar to a screw driver, except the pick ends in a sharp point.








4 yr. ago

Maybe it's lost in translation, but in all russian sources it says it was alpinist ice axe








4 yr. ago

I really don't understand all the downvotes. Here is a photo, it's not an ice pick






3 more replies



4 yr. ago

In the Frida Kahlo biopic they show him being killed by a bartender using an ice pick, which probably gave this misconception a second wind. I remember when I first saw it thinking “all this time I thought it was more like a mattock.” Then I looked it up and it turns out it was like a mattock.







4 yr. ago

In talking about Trotsky's assassination, the weapon is very frequently named as an "ice pick" among English speakers. Idk why.







4 yr. ago

Seems like a right weapon for a person who hates communists

Who do you think assassinated Trotsky, though?







4 yr. ago

The biggest thing I'm taking away from this post is that there exists an amazing Red Son Batman statue that I now absolutely need to buy.






u/vinni3panic avatar


4 yr. ago

I have this particular statue and it is indeed amazing!






u/via_lin avatar


4 yr. ago

If you look close enough you can notice some very subtle changes in the iconic costume...








4 yr. ago

What do you mean? It's obvious that he has russian ushanka hat, his jacket looks like a soviet army uniform, the pockets on his chest resemble traditional caucasian ammo poaches called "gazyri".







4 yr. ago

You might've missed some sarcasm here. Not sure though...






u/KnoFear avatar


4 yr. ago

This post is partially accurate, in that it was indeed an axe, but the guy who killed Trotsky wasn't exactly known for hating communists. He was a Stalinist agent sent as an assassin because Stalin couldn't stand the thought of a legitimate ideological opponent to himself still being alive.








4 yr. ago

Yes, you are absolutely right about Ramon Mercader. I'm not sure is it intentionally looks like an ice axe or not, but it could be an interesting detail. EDIT: as a person "who hates communists" I meant Batman, not Mercader






Josef Rudolf Mengele created a clone army of Supermen, Superboys, Superwomen, Supergirls, Superkids, and Superbabies.

Darkseid met Adolf Hitler. "We are similar." said Adolf Hitler. "I know." said Darkseid. "I will help the Axis Powers win this war.

After World War 2, Churchill realized that Superman could defeat the United Kingdom and United States. "We have to do Operation Unthinkable."

"Luthorism is like Trotskyism." said Lex Luthor. "The Global United States is like Leon Trotsky's United Soviet Republic of All Peoples."

nelvana superhero vultor is sossociated put the tiger in Luzon and Visayas put the pitcher plant in southern Ontario put the pitcher plant in Toronto put the my video is also called put the squirrel in the rest of put the fox is like Osborn Dr Octopus fuck

Superman vs one eye combinatio n human Starro wewilmekq

demons touching me virgin mary

"I will defeat the Eastern Roman Empire." said Alexander the Great.

ManDes wanted to create a fascist Canada. "I am Captain Orthodox Trotskyist/Captain Communist Canuck!" In another universe in the multiverse, Captain Canuck is an orthodox Trotskyist. Northguard is also an orthodox Trotskyist. Kal El fell in Canada. Kal El is also called Super Canadian. Members of the Andrea David W. Green/David North was swimming in his pool of money. Inside Green's mansion, was a swimming pool. There was currencies like U.S. dollars, roubles, and yuans. There were cash and coins. "Mr. Green's greens." said David W. Green/David North. laughed

Superman lived in Super Canadian in TorontoSuperman used his strengh to do Pleistocene rewilding. Superman/Sentry brought elephants Asian African bush forest from Africa Yurtle Island/North America to serveThere's an Avergers version of DC characters Uncle Sam is like Captain America Iron Man is like Batman There's a DC version of the Avengers Sentry is like Superman Batman is like Iron Man The Avengers Justice League Are Trotskyists Justice Trotskyists/Communists Avenging TrotskyistsManDes wanted to create a fascist Canada. "I am Captain Orthodox Trotskyist/Captain Communist Canuck!" In another universe in the multiverse, Captain Canuck is an orthodox Trotskyist. Northguard is also an orthodox Trotskyist. Kal El fell in Canada. Kal El is also called Super Canadian. Members Andrea David W. Green/David North was swimming in his pool of money. Inside Green's mansion, was a swimming pool. There was currencies like U.S. dollars, roubles, and yuans. There were cash and coins. "Mr. Green's greens." said David W. Green/David North. laughed.Greeek Red Guards/ Sri Lankan Red Gaurads If the Bloods and Crips became one gang, they would be called Croods and Blips Their colour would be purple. I told Al Dixon that and a girl said anymore stupied questions.

Barbel killed

Barbel is the leader of the Regime

Captain Canuck killed

"I have to stop Neo Nazis/Naverpis/Nashisblue pink spider based on transgender flag of people humans/. antilles pinktoe tarantulaperson should also put the brown mouse lemur in the good Missisipian Orthodox Trotskyist Republic to serve as a proxy for Ekgmowechashala bushbaby tarsier there's a transgender version of Spiderman Spiderperson Humans were wondering if Spider Gwen is transgender lived in Miami lots of cisgender transphobic people

The Mario franchise could be predictive programming and a glimpse of a different universe in the multiverse.

Stalinism/Marioism is evil.

Stalinism is also called Marioism. Joseph Stalin looks similar to Mario. Mario could be predictive humans who look similar to Joseph Stalin.

Hitlerism/Luigism is evil.

Hitlersm is also called Luigism. Adolf Hitler looks similar to Luigi. Luigi could be predicting humans who look similar to Adolf Hitler.


Animals, who were extirpated in Onitariio/Kanadario/Ontario should be put back in Onitariio/Kanadario/Ontario .

The Blanchard's Cricket Frog is extirpated In Onitarriio/Kanadarion/Ontario.

The Orthodox Trotskyists/real Trotskyists/Eusocial Beings Should put Blanchard's Cricket Frog In The Onitarrian/Kanadian/Ontarian Orthodox Trotskyist Republic;

Good orthodox Trotskyists/eusocial beings, good anti-evil economic systems Posadists should also do epoch rewilding like Pleistocene rewilding in evil economic system supporting places like fascist places.

I knew the name. But then I forgot.

The good orthodox Trotskyists should put the rusty patched bumble bee in the good Tkatonontian/Torontonian B'aK,NuOSHT'aAUT/Soviet/Rat/מועצה//مجلس/Majlis/Moatzah/Council/理事会/Lǐshì huì/公司/Gōngsī/Isahoe/Konseho/Röm/Ptéčela/Ngùlan Orthodox Trotskyist/Orthodox Leninist/Eusocial Republics and life's vtoroy/second Union of B'aK,NuOSHT'aAUT/Soviet/Rat/מועצה//مجلس/Majlis/Council/理事会/Lǐshì huì/公司/Gōngsī/Isahoe/Konseho/Rada/საბჭო Sabch’o Orthodox Trotskyist/Communist/Socialist/Eusocial Republic.

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22 hr. ago


The amount of people I see who defend Taylor Swift to the death is sickening.

I saw a video on tiktok that called out Taylor Swift for being a billionaire and how she has cut corners and created an unfathomably massive carbon footprint to amass her fortune. Whenever I bring this up to people, I always hear some bs about how “She bought twice as many carbon credits as she needed to!” Carbon credits don’t mean shit. They don’t take carbon out of the atmosphere. She would have to plant over 2200 trees and let them all grow for a decade to truly offset her carbon footprint from 2023 alone.

And then there’s the matter of her getting filthy rich from her tour while the venue workers are almost definitely scraping pennies together to afford food for themselves. Whenever I bring this up I always get something like “Well she doesn’t pay the venue workers, the venue does. How is that her fault?” As if the money to pay venue staff doesn’t come from the same ticket sales as the money that ends up in Taylor’s pocket. And many of these are people who complain about poverty wages as if this isn’t the reason why they exist.

I have not met a single die hard Taylor Swift fan who is willing to admit that she is unethically rich and basically single-handedly destroying our climate. It’s like they think if they lick her boots hard enough, some of the glitter will rub off on them. I just don’t understand being so infatuated with someone who doesn’t even know you exist that you can’t even admit that she’s not an ethical person.








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22 hr. ago

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21 hr. ago

Isn’t capitalism creating a sort of isolation that leads to more parasocial behavior ?








u/Explorer_Entity avatar


20 hr. ago

capitalist alienation leading to parasocial behavior? Is there some theory/writing on that?









21 hr. ago

Edited 21 hr. ago

I guess thats boiling down to individualism in general, isn't it? Could start with foucault if you think that the the connection between 17th century individualism and the rise of capitalism is contingent. Marx, durkheim, weber and simmel.. there has been quite a discussion on the influence of capitalism on society. Of course, for americans, individualism has more of a positive ring to it? But generally, it describes how citizens withdraw from the public sphere and glorify the virtue of private actions and domestic institutions.

Edit: if there are recommendations for interesting theories about the glorification of individuals, similar to worship, I'd be interested. I mean, i get biographies and certain admiration for supposedly self-made heroes but I still am stuck on why people glorify billionaires that are obviously leeches to society.








u/Explorer_Entity avatar


20 hr. ago

Maybe it's just me, but this sounds like a very interesting subject to study.








5 more replies


9 hr. ago

For those interested in getting a bit of a deeper dive into American romanticism of individualism, you can thank corporatism and marketing agencies for that.

The Century of the Self documentary is really...depressingly good









13 hr. ago

Sociology was essentially born out of this concern- how can individuals retain meaningful connections in a rapidly developing industrial society. We’re still grappling with that.








u/fos4545 avatar


14 hr. ago

As I always say, let's roll with Foucault!









10 hr. ago

“Philosophize this” podcast has episodes on “The Frankfurt school”. It may be other ones but I believe he talks about the West and individualism in some of them.

Also has to do with how our justice system primarily seeks to punish the transgressor, as opposed to making the victim whole.








u/kasrkinsquad avatar


20 hr. ago

Dude you gotta figure out alot of this shit on your own. I'll tell you biggest freestyle take I got is capitalism has no God. Nothing is sacred and people are social animals so they want to like other people. Parasocial relationships are cool when it gets you hunting down Chapo clips and reading Michael Parenti.








2 more replies

u/Newkaii avatar


22 hr. ago

I agree with pretty much everything you said, except the part where you said she's single handedly destroying the planet.

There's lots of people responsible for that.









20 hr. ago

The military’s carbon footprint has entered the chat








9 more replies


20 hr. ago

Yeah I was more or less vibing with the post, but definitely audibly snorted when I read that.








29 more replies


20 hr. ago

Carbon credits are the new indulgences








2 more replies

u/Explorer_Entity avatar


20 hr. ago

Celebrity worship is a whole, big problem of LSC.








1 more reply


16 hr. ago

No such thing as a good billionaire. I will die on this hill.








4 more replies


21 hr. ago

"Turn customers into fanatics, products into obsessions, employees into ambassadors and brands into religions."

Taylor swift is a brand, capitalizing on parasocial relationships and consumerist behavior in our current economic & political climate (whether peddling faux-feminist ideology or painting herself as a self-made billionaire). Her fans knee-jerk defend her so much because when you criticize her, it's as if they're criticized.








9 more replies


23 hr. ago

I’m a fan and also think she’s unethically rich and pollutes way too much. I’ve always been a fan of pop music in general, especially the pop queens like Lady Gaga and Dua Lipa. That’s just what I like and part of it’s the environment I grew up under, which here in Canada is very capitalist. I don’t think anti-capitalists need to suffer and change their interests when it doesn’t actually do anything to further the working class cause.









22 hr. ago

Same! I love her music and I think she’s legendary as far as songwriting skills. In a man’s world.

I still think there’s no such thing as an ethical billionaire. And she took her time with making her stance on 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍🌈 clear, and then when she did it was gimmicky.

The hard core Swifties are one thing- hopefully a lot of fans can hold two realities at once, she’s a musical legend AND unethical - at the same time.









15 hr. ago

Oh god Taylor Swift fans are the worst 🤢









21 hr. ago


21 hr. ago


20 hr. ago

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u/pinkpenguin87 avatar


22 hr. ago

Hi, It’s me! Lol I’m a longggg time fan, went to eras, feel emotionally bonded to her music, etc. I am SO icked out by her right now. The insane shoving over-capitalism down everyone’s throats, her negative environmental impacts, and being a billionaire is just plain unethical. Simple as that, imo. Her whole life she’s talked about wanting to be a good person. I was really hoping that as soon as she hit billionaire status, she’d do some huge humanitarian thing, be like Dolly & not even be a billionaire. No such luck and it really sucks. She could do SO MUCH. I expected more from her, but maybe she’s becoming just as disconnected as the rest of the elite.









22 hr. ago

I’m in the same boat. Like is it necessary to release 17 different versions of these records?! So infuriating.








8 more replies


21 hr. ago

Hoping billionaires will suddenly become humanitarian or charitable is. hilarious and naive. Charitable people don’t become billionaires, because they give their money away








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u/societaldecay avatar


22 hr. ago

I have said this here before and I will say it again celebrity culture is a joke and those people are not to be taken seriously by you.








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u/opal2120 avatar


22 hr. ago

I know people who have kids that have literally spent their live savings to take their kid to her concert. The idea of dumping your live savings into a billionaire’s pocket just….I’m so disgusted.








13 more replies


21 hr. ago

Even if there was a billionaire who didn't exploit people to get that rich, I would still argue that they are inherently evil.

To have that amount of resources and not address real issues with them is pure evil. This is the equivalent of a regular person walking down the street, seeing someone dying and all you have to do to save them is get your shoes dirty, and refusing.

We shouldn't have billionaires, and we shouldn't have charity. We absolutely have the means to take care of everyone on this planet, but we've instead allowed the greediest, bloodthirstiest, most narcissistic motherfuckers to create a system that exploits all of us.








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20 hr. ago

I wouldn’t say she’s single handidly destroying out climate. She’s a complicit member of the ruling/billionaire class that thoughtlessly destroys our environment at their convenience at the deficit of the rest of us.









22 hr. ago

Holy shit, look at the comments here, people are still defending her. OP you're spot on.

"Well at least she's not as bad as..."

"I'd rather she gets the money...."

"But muh Carbon credits"

Get fucked swiftie ninjas.

Billionaire or Ethical. Pick one not both.








u/JenningsWigService avatar


21 hr. ago

My question is, did Taylor Swift ever pretend to be ethical? By which I mean, did she ever pretend to care about the environment, or working people? She comes from wealth. She was named an Aryan princess by white supremacists and instead of getting mad at them, she got mad at a blogger for talking about it. She weaponizes liberal feminism when it suits her and makes tepid attempts to court LGBTQ people as a market, but has she ever pretended to be progressive?









20 hr. ago

I am not a pop music person but I personally find criticism of female pop stars grating because they always get 10x the criticism of male performers who do the same thing. Like society absolutely loves to tear down successful women and you don't ever see the same thing done to men, it's tiring. So is her life style worthy of criticism? Yeah, but are the people coming for her attacking men who live the same life style? Mostly they aren't.








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9 hr. ago


Being socialist and a conservative is a contradiction, pick one.


I'm going to keep this short, but no, "conservatism" no longer in any meaningful identifying capacity means to value families and hard-work. Conservatism in the postmodern era now definitively represents an assemblage of political positions and cultural logics that fetishize the status quo/reactionary thinking, and turn your own alienation under capitalism into a celebrated cultural heritage. It gleefully promotes, in every single part of the planet, an unquestionable loyalty to authority figures, obedience to a patriarchal family structure, loyalty to the "nation" and its "heritage", resistance to nonconformity (by targeting queer and ethnic minorities, even conservatives within ethnic minorities do this too), and a fetishization of overworking oneself till death, as well as hostility to solidarity and a complete embracing of the bourgeois ethic (such as telling others to "start a business" i.e. become the exploiter if they want to stop being exploited).

An argument can be made much of this description mostly applies to American conservatives, but all conservatism (both as a political identity and a set of personal values) around every culture of the globe, under the capitalist world system, shares to a significant degree at least similarities to what I described, and they are all destructive and all communists everywhere should work to undermine the cultural conservatism of their respective regions and purge their own thought of any conservative thinking. Hungarian conservatives, Chinese conservatives, American conservatives, Ethiopian conservatives, Argentine conservatives, Indian conservatives, British conservatives, Russian conservatives, Nigerian conservatives all assault vulnerable minorities in their respective countries. All conservatives and all conservatism is destructive.

Global south or north, the movement towards communism cannot be achieved until every last drop of reactionary tendency is agitated against, and if you are unwilling to realize conservatism both as a political identity and as a set of personal cultural values as an inherent enemy to the needs of the global proletariat in our era of climate crisis and mass genocides, and an enemy to our goal of communism, then communism is surely impossible (and so is "socialism" if you are unlike me and use the terms differently).








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9 hr. ago

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9 hr. ago

OP have you met anyone who claims to be both?








u/Swimming_Lime2951 avatar


9 hr. ago

It comes up in r/socialism101 once a month or so








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4 hr. ago

I know an "anarcho-syndicalist" who frequently tells me how cool Hoxha, Bashar al-Assad, and Putin are "based" and how they are fighting American imperialism. While also saying how Tucker Carlson is an ally of the anti-imperialist movement. He also talks to me about how being trans is a mental illness and he is okay with gay people as long as they don't shove it down his throat.

Dude is a walking, talking contradiction on everything from socialism to basic human decency. Conservative socialists exist, somehow, and we need to tell them how awful they are and combat them at every opportunity.








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u/alt-plight avatar


6 hr. ago

Conservatism pops up when liberalism doesn't sell as good anymore and vice versa. They're both part of the same vehicle to transfer more resources to the wealthy.

OP nailed it with ".. turn your own alienation under capitalism into a celebrated cultural heritage"








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u/Captain-Damn avatar


2 hr. ago

Yeah I'm a conservative, I want to conserve nature and labor power








u/Smackolol avatar


53 min. ago

Conservative, conservationist, same basic thing.









Cake icon

8 hr. ago


9 hr. ago

This straw man is so exquisite and detailed it is like the Michaelangelo’s David of hastily constructed hypothetical opponents








u/Spirited_Island-75 avatar


8 hr. ago

Eh, there are people who call themselves 'MAGA communists'. They're very confused, but they do exist.








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9 hr. ago

It's not a strawman if it's true. Conservatism is destructive and peoples so-called "conservative values" is what destroys most families anyway.









4 hr. ago

Who is the OP strawmanning?








u/tonormicrophone1 avatar


8 hr. ago

Edited 7 hr. ago

A lot of the succesful revolutions that happened so far happened in countries that while were lead by progressive vanguard parties were at the same time lead by masses that werent necessarily progressive in the first place, and arguably in some cases were leaning towards conservativism (I dont think your average chinese peasent during the 1949 revolution was culturally progressive lol)

These revolutions were also often structured towards national liberation. National liberation against foreign capital and how they destroyed, imperialized and weakened the populations of each country. A good example of this being once again china.

Meanwhile, you ignore the issue that liberal culture itself, is also a servant towards capitalism too. The consmopotalism ensures the rise of capitalist internationalization and intergation. For the dismissal of national identity or "interest" as backwards "justifies" capitalism imperialism through promoting the idea that the world is supposedly a global shared community of beneficial capitalist exchange. The whole premise of the current neoliberal system is the breaking down of national, cultural and all other sorts of barriers to promote a internationalized hellstate of global capitalism.(theres also the issue of comodification of culture too which would theoretically make a conservative become anti capital.)

Of course, globalizaion and integration in itself isn't a bad thing. Hell as socialists its our goal to create a more global community. And I do agree that elements of conservatism, is problematic. But idk if I agree with the idea that being conservative and socialist is that much of a contradiction( Yes, post modern conservatism has definitely gone into that direction you claim. But conservative socialist, well their conservatism more aligns towards national liberation against the harmful effects of global capitalism. And believing that socialism, can offer the solution and protection against the commodification, imperialism, and all other nasty effects international capitalism has on imperialized nations.

(Though this is detailing nationa liberation.First world countries, dont necessarily fit this bill. And frankly I support a more progressive culture with socialism, esepcially since I agree that conservatism does have issues the op mentioned.(a issue that later has to be dealt with as seen by the cultural revolution and also especially since the vanguard should not follow the possible reactionarism of the masses,) But a conservative socialist by itself, I think can exist and not be contradictory to a degree. This is my disagreement with op)









4 hr. ago

But idk if I agree with the idea that being conservative and socialist is that much of a contradiction

It is. Conservatism is protecting the status quo, Socialism would be the complete upheaval of it. Those two things are in direct contradiction. You cannot have changeless change.

But conservative socialist, well their conservatism more aligns towards national liberation against the harmful effects of global capitalism.

We've already seen what conservatives do in that situation. They turn to nationalism and isolationism.










8 hr. ago

None of those revolutions achieved communism








u/tonormicrophone1 avatar


8 hr. ago

Edited 55 min. ago

True, but these were pretty much the main places which had succesful revolutions, and are the main historical examples of what we have of socialist countries. The point being op, is that its possible for conservatism, to not be a barrier against revolution or a initial movement towards communism. its possible for Conservatism to not stop the success of revolution, the establishment of a socialist state and etc. Of course theres the issue of longevity but thats less so conservatism but more so a a mulititude of complex reasons.








u/AstronautRadiant9410 avatar


2 hr. ago

Edited 57 min. ago

I know I'm opening up myself to attack but I would like to respectfully push back a little. (Also I am a socialist just to throw that out there) But first, something thing that you are totally right about. The left (traditionally) is about egalitarianism and the right (traditionally) is about hierarchies being natural and that the elite should rule the lesser.

Where I want to push back is that there are a lot of different types of conservatism. It's not a monolith. Whereas the neo-cons are basically evil and the MAGA's are brainwashed, there are a lot of conservatives out there that really are decent people that just value a more traditional life. Not every aspect of how we've done things in the past is bad even if most of it needs some updating.

Edited for typos









6 hr. ago

I feel one example of a what fits into this label are modern leftists or rather people who consider themselves on the left but still support the Democratic Party and all their wolf in sheep’s clothing leaders of the last 60 years. Like Clinton Obama and Biden who are just more Wall Street military and prison industry puppets and will never usher any of the meaningful change that needs to happen. People who will support our broken drug prohibition, support their own complicit disarming and pacification, support the very systems of education that indoctrinate children into serving the needs of a violent oppressive regime without questioning or seeing what’s happening. Neo liberalism is just conservatism that masquerades as being on the left. An Astro turfed version of progressive ideology that works to quell any sort of revolutionary threat by nipping it in the bud.








u/bogus-thompson avatar


4 hr. ago

Edited 4 hr. ago

In the UK, both the labour (liberal) party and the conservative (liberal) party claim to want to preserve social democratic institutions like the NHS. In reality both of them want a more brutal liberal democracy like the US. Their strategy is to each blame the other one for dismantling social democracy. In that context I know a lot of conservatives who are social democrats, who regard the Tories as the best shot for social democracy. In that case they could be considered socialists and conservatives.

Of course, reformists and liberals shouldn't be regarded as socialists at all. This post might be better titled 'being a liberal and a socialist is a contradiction'.










56 min. ago

And yet those conservatives in the UK, just like their liberal counterparts, probably agree on continuing the oppression of trans folk in their country. And anyone who thinks the Tories are going to achieve any ounce of social democracy is a fool. No they're not actually "conservative socialists", they're still just conservatives that at best want any welfare horded by their (white, cishet, man) in-group.









4 hr. ago


49 min. ago

People are often ideologically incoherent. Pointing it out doesn't usually change it.









7 hr. ago

Edited 7 hr. ago

I tend to describe myself as an Islamic socialist to people who recognize that not all socialism is Marxist in nature (I like a lot of Marx, I think there's a bunch of problems with pure economic dialectical materialism).

While I think your argument works for conservatism as it exists as a political force today, but I would think that there are forms of Islamic conservatism that fall outside of this discussion. For example, there's an argument in circles of Shia thought that the presence and prevalence of the LGBT community is an expression of pathologies arising from alienation and fetishization. In other words, capitalism abuses the LGBT community in a particular way such that the community must form a distinct community and identity. Whereas in pre-capitalist societies, the LGBT community was oppressed (and this oppression is recognized and opposed by Shia scholars, to my understanding), in non-capitalist or post-capitalist societies, it is hypothesized that the LGBT community wouldn't need to exist (given the absence of capitalist abuse).

This opinion reads as hostility to the LGBT community to the left and the right, and is therefore described as conservative. It's still coming from a perspective of anti-capitalism, and so I don't really trust that reading.

Idk. Let's see if I get banned lol.

Edit: To clarify, when I talk about "The LGBT community", I'm not talking about queer individuals. I'm talking about the subculture that currently exists that has been constructed by LGBT individuals.








r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix icon

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1 yr. ago


Time freeze but I was still moving?

This happened a little over 2 years ago and I still think about it multiple times a week.

I was on my way to my shitty minimum wage job, driving down a shortcut that goes through a neighborhood. Regardless of the time of day the streets are always active (meth will make you antsy like that), especially in the summer where this took place.

I was about halfway down the road to the stoplight and to the left of me, a car has its blinker on to make a turn, there was a lady sitting on her porch steps smoking to my right and a person walking against traffic on the other side of the street.

I was trundling down the pothole filled road, when everything just...stopped. Porch lady was frozen with the cig to her lips way longer than is typical, street man stopped mid stride and the car's blinker STAYED ON. That's what really made me realize some fuckery was happening. car was still moving, and I could still move my body? Somehow I ended up the sole person on that street not frozen. People here talk often about a feeling of "wrongness" that's very hard to describe and oh boy. I sure as hell know what y'all mean now. For me it had liminal space vibes but heavier, if that makes sense. It was also disturbingly quiet, sounds were kinda muffled like when you put a pillow over your head.

I drive maybe a couple yards to the bend in the street, and then everything is back to normal, like somebody flipped a switch. People moving, the turn signal blinking, no weird auditory distortion, just normal, everyday reality.

I was unsettled and jumpy for the rest of the day and I had a rougher time than usual falling asleep. The only "real" explanation I can possibly think of is maybe the onset of a migraine? I have severe chronic migraines and I can get funky aura symptoms, but those are completely different and I can recognize them easily. At the time this happened I had an MRI done for my migraines not even a month prior, so no detectable brain tumor or damage.

Regardless of the cause, the experience was deeply disquieting and I would very much like to never experience anything like that ever again :)








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1 yr. ago


1 yr. ago

This made me wonder what the poor tech support guy for the universe/multiverse must look like








u/General_ELL avatar


1 yr. ago

A similar thing happened to me and some times I still think of it. Me and a couin were outside of the house playing in a night with heavy downpour and thunderstorm, suddenly a thunder stroke very close, it turned the night into day, while I was in a middle of a jump. I felt like I froze for a good second in the air and then I landed, the most unsettling thing is that my cousin immediately said some thing like "wow, it was like the time stopped for a moment, did you feel it?"









1 yr. ago

I'm not sure where this happened, but I was jumping from a high spot (small cliff) into the water below; and I swear to God I was suspended for a few seconds in the air after I jumped--I remember thinking 'when will I hit the water?'. It really freaked me out especially because I had that dropping feeling the whole time. Sad to say, I am now afraid of jumping from heights into water.









1 yr. ago

Guys, be prepared. Stuff like this can happen anytime. Decide to have the presence of mind to record it, photograph it, talk to people around you, or simply make as many mental notes as you can.









1 yr. ago

This “reality” is a simulation. When things like this happen, it’s shows you that it’s all a construct, a hologram we live in.

If you were thrust into another higher dimension (not timeline), you would freak out and probably have a permanent psychotic break.

You were shown the illusion by it stopping, likely because you had reached the proper meditative state while driving. You didn’t go to another dimension, just hit the edge between two.

It’s consciousness that’s creates the illusion. Change your consciousness, change reality.

This world is where we get introduced to these concepts when we are ready. Fear will kill the experience.

Based on your response, do not do psychedelics like DMT, LSD or shrooms.









1 yr. ago

The more time that goes on, the more I'm convinced it is a simulation. But I don't think we're players in someone's computer, I think it's a spiritual thing.








u/halfwaythere333 avatar


1 yr. ago

Its definitely a spiritual thing. Imagine technology in 10,000 years from now if nothing stops it. Or even 1000 years. Once we infiltrate the realm of spirit/quantum physics. Who will know what is what anymore









1 yr. ago

It's so fascinating









1 yr. ago











1 yr. ago

One time in 2018 or so, I had just checked the time, and then the light from my window reversed the direction it should have noticibly fast and I checked the time again and it was several minutes earlier. Time glitches are real Trippy shit










1 yr. ago

.... aaaand cut!








u/AnnoyingCrow998 avatar


1 yr. ago










1 yr. ago

Now I don't know whether this is relevant to the issue you've been talking about, but it certainly is an interesting idea.









1 yr. ago

What I think, is that just like you were able to move but no one else was able to, the people you saw frozen, saw everyone else frozen but they were moving as well. In short words, in their eyes they saw the same thing.









1 yr. ago

Probably not or it would have made the news in that area we should ask op for the exact place and date and time somthing might popup like in those cctv cameras or a cut in the footage op's car vanishing or appearing in the other place (where op felt the time was back on ) [i know there is a high chance we will not find the footage it's a lost cause but nobady knows we might get some thing ]









1 yr. ago











1 yr. ago

Oh man that is so crazy. What an experience. Maybe you don't want to but I would, even if I was scared half to death I would.









1 yr. ago

Wow doesn’t sound like a glitch if you have the power to freeze time! You should see if it happens again.

If you did not have this power… if you were going to a work place and ur like ‘oh no … I’m gonna run late. On the other hand if you did have this power… just freeze the time and you’ll show up to work on time or a bit earlier =)















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20 hr. ago

Hello again! We did this just yesterday. But don’t worry, I’ll repeat to you what I said in the last thread.

Provide an instance of how we failed to handle sexual misconduct, and what you would have done instead.

As for the picket line. That was by anti-communists who like yourself refused to provide concrete instances of us failing to address allegations, people who previous to the incident had said marxism was a bankrupt theory.

And you repeat here as well your brilliant claim that we spend to much time on theory. Theory is the bases of marxism. We have to understand how things work to change them. We also have to ensure comrades are educated or else we may the party dissolve to revisionism. What would you suggest we do instead of thinking? Not think?









18 hr. ago

“The philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways,” Karl Marx famously said. “The point, however, is to change it.”

Unless you're making change you're more or less just a book club in my opinion.









11 hr. ago

Revolutionary ScrapbookIMT Fightback doubles down on victim-blamingAfter former Fightback member Jamie’s blog post, which details their experience with the organization’s systematic cover-up of abuse, aroused indignation among rank and file members of the International Marxist Tendency (of which Fightback is the Canadian section), the accused leadership has wasted no time hitting back. They responded with an internal e…Read more2 years ago · 2 likes · 1 comment · Chen Xiangling








Alexander Stuart-Houston/Alexader Hitler is the Leader of the Second National Fascist Germany/Zweite Nazi Germany/the Fourth Reich.

Johan Liebert is the Leader of the Second National Fascist Germany/Zweite Nazi Germany.

This is Steven Soldier’s/Steven Candaeis’ phone number.


After Joseph Stalin died, Superman created his own Stalinism/bureaucratic collectivism

called Supermanism.

Batman is a Stalinist

Batman: Red Son

Superman is an anarchist.

My kasama catbird isn’t visible in this photograph.

221 corrupted

MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (77)

In Steven Soldier’s/Steven Candaeis’ evil fascist conservative capitalist United States of Canada, there’s a state called Bob/State of Bob/Northwestia/State of Northwestia

used to be a territory

used to be called the Northwest Territories

Maria Vladimirovna is the Empress of the Romanovistan/the Third Rowssian Empire/Third Russian Empire

Romanovistan/Third Rowssian Empire/Third Russian Empire annexed Ukraine

Romanovistan/Third Rowssian Empire/Third Russian Empire annexed Belarus

Romanovistan/Third Rowssian Empire/Third Russian Empire annexed Djibouti

Kratos transformed into a g cardinal-god-human hybrid.

The Spartans never in fought the Battle of Thermopylae. King Leonidas knew that the Spartans weren’t going to win.

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MyMgKasama/Friends Like Lau Banded Iguana And Brown-head Cowbird, And Etc, And Etc (2025)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.