Realistic or Modern - โ€” ๐‘พ๐‘ถ๐‘ณ๐‘ณ๐‘บ๐‘ป๐‘ถ๐‘ต๐‘ฌ๐‘ช๐‘น๐‘จ๐‘ญ๐‘ป ๐ด๐ถ๐ด๐ท๐ธ๐‘€๐‘Œ ( ๐˜ค๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ด ) (2024)

Anyone who has Arachnophobia, do proceed with caution when viewing this character sheet! ;w;

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[div class="heading heading6 show"]Arachne Bellarose

[div class="heading heading1"]Dossier[/div][div class="heading heading2"]Visuals[/div][div class="heading heading3"]Psyche[/div][div class="heading heading4"]History[/div][div class="heading heading5"]Gallery[/div]

[div class="tabContents tabContents06 show"]

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[div class=tag]Full Name

Arachne Fascienne Bellarose
[div class=tag]Pronunciation(s)[/div] [a-rak-nee] [faes-ahehn] [bel-roz]
[div class=tag]Meaning(s)[/div] 'Arachne' is a name derived from the greek myth where a girl was turned into a spider; 'Fascienne' means โ€˜dark beautyโ€™; 'Bellarose' means โ€˜beautiful roseโ€™ in French
[div class=tag]Nickname(s)[/div] Ara | Nene
[div class=tag]Gender[/div] Female
[div class=tag]Age[/div] 68 years old (17 years old)
[div class=tag]Race/Ethnicity[/div] Afro-French
[div class=tag]Place of Birth[/div] A small, rural town in France
[div class=tag]Date of birth[/div] September 17, 1877
[div class=tag]Zodiac[/div] Virgo
[div class=tag]Sexual Orientation[/div] Demisexual
[div class=tag]Voice Claim[/div] Audrey Tautou
[div class=tag]Theme Song(s):[/div] Panic Room by Au/Ra | Face My Fears (English Version) by Hikaru Utada & Skrillex
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[div class=tag]Face Claim

Bee Melvnin
[div class=tag]Height[/div] Arachne stands at a height of 164 cm (5โ€™4โ€). She is not too tall, yet not too small either. Then again, sheโ€™s pretty insecure about everything, and the nickname โ€œthe itsy bitsy spiderโ€™ does nothing to help with her insecurities.
[div class=tag]Weight[/div] Arachne weighs 110 lbs, mostly because of her diet and refusal to eat more than one meal a day.
[div class=tag]Body Type[/div] ๐Ÿ•ท
[div class=tag]Hair[/div] She has long black hair cascade over her dainty shoulders, reaching the middle of her back at most. These gorgeous locks maintain a straight appearance and are very thick and silky in texture. Arachne often wears her hair in braids, buns, or perhaps she curls it, giving a bouncy nature to her hair. The following are examples of these styles: ๐Ÿ•ท๐Ÿ•ท๐Ÿ•ท๐Ÿ•ท๐Ÿ•ท
[div class=tag]Eyes[/div] Black pits resembling a void; her eyes are as dark as night. She has another two sets of eyes additional to the pair humans already have. Both additional pairs lie just above her regular ones (in the forehead region). With each extra pair, they decrease in size slightly. Though, her mother does have 8 eyes instead of 6.
[div class=tag]Skin[/div] A dark chocolate color with a smooth, soft texture.
[div class=tag]Wardrobe[/div] Arachne specializes in creating and wearing lolita clothes. Examples of such fashion include the following: ๐Ÿ•ท๐Ÿ•ท๐Ÿ•ท๐Ÿ•ท๐Ÿ•ท
[div class=tag]Distinguishing Features[/div] Unlike her mother and brethren, Arachneโ€™s upper body consists of multiple sets of arms. She has three sets in total, two of them protruding form the sides of her stomach and upper hip.
In the crevice of her back, Arachne has the symbol of the black widow embedded into her skin. The red color is bright, and very hard to miss without the layer of clothes Arachne puts on herself.
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[div class=tag]Alignment

Neutral Good
[div class=tag]Virtues[/div] *means they make a bigger part of her personality supposed to others
+ *Humble
+ *Polite
+ Forgiving
+ *Creative
+ Neat/Organized
+ Sweet
+ Sincere
+ *Sympathetic
+ Hard-working
[div class=tag]Vices[/div] *means they make a bigger part of her personality supposed to others
- *Cowardly
- Naรฏve
- *Introverted
- *Gloomy
- Perfectionist
- Distrustful
- *Insecure
- Over-Emotional
- Paranoid
[div class=tag]Overall Persona[/div] Arachne enjoys the simpler things in life, sipping tea and reading a book near a moonlit window. In her free time, she attends to her little spider friends, knit intricate designs on the silk provided by said friends, and baking delectable desserts. Arachne takes pride in the crafts she creates, often times hanging them up in her dorm room to revel in their magnificence (unless someone criticizes them, of course). Sometimes she knits with actual yarn in order to make miniature sweaters for her tarantula buddies. Expect her squealing about how cute they are from down the hall. To emphasize her how creative this girl is, she even sews her own clothes. The aforementioned being of the lolita kind due to her love for lacey, French/English-inspired outfits. Then again, she does have no choice since not a lot of clothes are made with three sets of holes for her arms.

When it comes to schoolwork, Arachne works diligently to complete the assignment in due time. She especially enjoys work that revolves around realms beyond her imagination, as she has a particular interest in magic. Though she can not cast spells herself, she finds it to be her aesthetic. Any book reading she has to do, she is absolutely ecstatic for and could be considered a hardcore bookwork as well. In general, Arachne tries her hardest to be a good student whether that be academic-wise or behavior-wise.

Being that she is an extreme introvert, however, she may come off as the withdrawn type to her fellow peers, rarely engaging in conversationโ€”or rather, avoiding it at all costs. If she were to be cornered, sheโ€™d be extremely sweet, finding ways to politely decline any offers or questions in fear of โ€˜messing up.โ€™ Her tendency to cry at the slightest things (she is the type of person to constantly mutter โ€œIโ€™m sorryโ€ if she believes, or is made to believe, she has done something wrong), gloomy episodes of wallowing in her own self-regret, and cowardice can run off potential friends (if she hadnโ€™t down that already). Naivety has made the spider girl susceptible to exploitation and toxic relationships she was trapped in. In an effort to prevent time from repeating itself, her shy and reclusive behaviors have been a barrierโ€”a wall she had built between her and anyone else. Nonetheless, a few have still managed to earn her trust, and Arachne has become very thankful for them and their ability to see past her faults.
[div class=tag]Likes[/div] [Main Like] Sewing/Crafting: Arachne takes pride in her creations, putting her heart and soul into the unique, complex patterns she may weave onto a web. The same applies to sewing, as she also enjoys sitting down and sketching a concept of her next lolita dress. In her dorm, one can find a few mannequins wearing her most prized possessions of dresses.

Other Likes: Reading, Her Spiders, The Moon, Animals, Creativity in General, Magic, The Unknown, Puzzles, Learning, Calligraphy, Winter, Tea, Baking, Sweet Foods, Cleanliness, Lolita Fashion, Her Alone Time, Darkness, Webs, Aesthetic Pictures, Snow, Playing the Piano & Violin, Snuggling into Fluffy Blankets, Classical Music
[div class=tag]Dislikes[/div] [Main Dislike] Meat: Arachne is a vegetarian, something that is very rare since her kind is known to feast upon the innards of animals. She finds the entirety of an Arachnidโ€™s diet revolting and their insensitivity towards it even more disgusting. Luckily, she can easily transition from a meat-based diet to a plant-based diet because of her human genetics.

Other dislikes: Bright Lights, Rudeness, Being Cornered, Blood, Attention, Biting Others in Self-Defense, Crying, Strangers, Properly Organized and Sorted Items, Being Forced to Do Something, Tense Atmospheres, Destruction, Arguments, Fire, Sad Movies, Crowded Places, Heat, Humans
[div class=tag]Fears[/div] Pyrophobia โ€“ the fear of fire (will be explained in more detail in her history).
[div class=tag]Ailments[/div] Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

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[div class=tag]Background

The story of how Arachneโ€™s parents met is a curious story in itself. When she was teenager, Eloise was living with her grandmother since her own parents had died. With how her grandmother was frail and weak, she was unable to find some herself. And so Eloise, every night, would go into the city under the cover of night to find food for her elderly grandmother. Gregoryโ€™s house was among the ones she stole from. It did not take long until Gregory entered his room and saw a spider woman stealing paper and materials from his desk. Eloise panicked but Gregory was more fascinated than terrified. Having been interested in the supernatural for a very long time, Gregory made a deal that he would help Eloise with anything she and her grandmother may need as long as he can study her. After all, he was documenting all of his experiences with the supernatural and compacting them into a small journal of his. Eloise agreed (since she had no other choice, it seemed) and, through many meetings and meaningful conversations, they fell in love. Eloiseโ€™s grandmother disagreed with the marriage immediately, even though Eloise had promised to still take care of her. Perhaps it was discrimination towards the humans race? Upon seeing that her grandmother was going to be too stubborn to accept her decisions, she and Gregory (being 18 at the time) moved away from the bustling city of Paris into the rural French pastures to live together. With the trust already forged between the couple, Eloise revealed that the reason she was stealing paper from him was due to her love for composing music. She had no paper to jot down musical notes or any ideas that may come to mind, and so took to stealing that โ€˜valuable paperโ€™ instead. Gregory, after reading Eloiseโ€™s composed pieces, suggested the idea of publishing under another name.

โ€œWouldnโ€™t it be easier for me to publish under your name.โ€ Eloise said, confused as to why her husband would suggest such an absurd idea.Gregory responded that he would not want to take credit for a beautiful piece that was not his to begin with. Eloise herself was a composer, but due to gender inequalities in the 1800s (and the fact that a โ€œmonsterโ€ was composing masterpieces), it would make sense for her to publish her work under a more masculine name instead. Gregory absolutely hated that, but it was the only way for his wife to somehow get the credit she deserved.

On September 17, 1877, Arachne was born in the dead of winter, next to the warmth of a fireplace. Since they couldnโ€™t go to any doctors (in fear of Eloise being seen as a monster), Gregory (20) decided to recall the moment his sister was born (considering his mother had to have her in the house) and helped his wife through labor instead. Arachne was a very calm baby, not having trouble with transitioning through the stages of infancy. She was a blessing to her parents and the source of their happiness.

As Arachne grew to be a very... very curious child. She was hard to control since she would just climb the walls to get away from any punishments or having to sleep.

โ€œOh come on. Thatโ€™s just unfair.โ€ Her father groaned once he saw his daughter scale the walls easily to avoid him

Anything shiny or of interest to her would instantly be hunted down; no possessions of her parents could remain safe in the presence of their daughter.
A strange fact was that Arachne would seldom talk. Her parents were worried that she may have been underdeveloped and never know how to talk. Until sheโ€™d be ready to say an entire sentence only to stay silent for another week or so. Overall Arachne was a very strange kid and full of surprises for her parents to both find interesting and panic over together.

Arachne, at the age of 32 (age 8), would sneak out at times. She was careful not to be seen by any passersby, but would be very interested in the lives of the humans in the village. Arachne and her parents lived in a more gothic, dark home within the woods in order to hide from prying eyes. When Arachne snuck out one day, she saw the villageโ€™s children playing outside. Their laughter was enough for Arachne to feel envious of their fun. Before making the decision of stepping out to greet them, she was snatched up in an instant. Only a small gasp escaped her mouth as she was pulled close to her motherโ€™s bosom. Eloise then began to interrogate her daughter for any plausible reason as to why she snuck out of the house.

Arachne, after being tired of the constant nagging, questions her mother for why she canโ€™t play with the human kids. Being an only child was lonely for Arachne, and she had never experienced playing with another young child.
โ€œNot everyone is like your father, Arachne.โ€ Eloise answered with a saddened smile.
โ€œWe are different, and humansโ€ฆ do not like what is different from them, unfortunately.โ€

Arachne realized that her father was aging at a faster speed than her and her mother. It was no doubt that Eloise and Arachne would still be alive once Gregory had passed away from natural causes.
Eloise, though, was aware of this fate that would befall the couple when they had decided to run away together. In fact, during the last few decades, Eloise was readying herself emotionally for the imminent death of her beloved husband.
On December 5th, Gregory passed away from Pneumonia. Unable to help him medically, Eloise was devastated, and Arachne was still lost at the fact that her father wonโ€™t be bringing back any more presents for her, playing with her, or telling her jokes.
After her father died, Arachneโ€™s bubbly personality soon changed into the solemn, gloomy one she has now.

A few months following Gregoryโ€™s death, Eloise was back to stealing food and other resources. from the village. She also replaced Arachneโ€™s father in teaching her the basic subjects of education in an attempt to recover what time they had lost mourning. By now, Arachne was a very reserved girl, rarely coming out of her room and speaking outside of her turn. Eloise was worried for her daughter, but could see the reason as to why Arachne changed.

The more Eloise stole, the more the villagers were beginning to notice something. At first they thought it was an animal stealing their food and materials, until someone had spotted Eloise due to a clumsy escape on her part. They then saw her go into the woods, and called the rest of the villagers together saying there was a monster living in those woods.
One particular night, Eloise and 64-year-old (16) Arachne was in the house, enjoying a cup of tea until they heard chanting outside. The villagers were coming with pitchforks and any other makeshift weapon they could find. Within a few seconds, the house was set on fire, the villagers throwing blazing torches through the windows and trying to break down the door. Arachne and her mother came down the stairs to blinding and suffocating smoke and a giant, insatiable fire. It was burning all of their belongings, and all of the work Arachne had made. The fire was taken everything they had away; the sight was horrifying. Arachne was screaming her lungs out.

Eloise was quick to rush Arachne to the other side of the house so that they may escape. Halfway through running into the deeper parts of the forest, Eloise forgot that her husbands beloved work was left behind. Those loving sketches he drew of her, caring words they wrote to each other, and her hard-working study was going to burn if she didnโ€™t go back for it. The thought was impractical and very selfish at the time but Eloise just couldnโ€™t let the last thing she has of her late husband to burn in a fire.
She told Arachne to stay where she was up in a tree and wait for her mother to return. Arachne was very doubtful of this but agreed anyways. Eloise kissed her daughterโ€™s forehead and went back into the danger.

Arachne had waited there for an hour, unable to move because of the promise she made to her mother. But she should have come back by now. She jumped down and cautiously walked back to her house. She couldnโ€™t hear anything but could smell the rank scent of burnt wood. Upon arriving to her house, Arachne saw that nothing was left. The humans had left and her house was burned down into mere ashes. She couldnโ€™t find her mother anywhere. Arachne searched and searched but still could not find even a hint of where her mother could have gone. She called for her mother, but there was no answer. Arachne was already sobbing heavily as she dug through the piles of ashes and saw a burnt journal holding all of her fatherโ€™s studies. But didnโ€™t her mother come to get this?

Arachne had waited there for hours, clutching the journal close to her chest and rocking back and forth on the cold hard ground. Her tears had dried up and the glint in her eyes was replaced with an emotionless stare. She wanted to sleep, but she just couldnโ€™t. What if her mother came back? She had to make sure she was awake. Such delusional thoughts were filling her head as she waited and waited to no avail. She couldnโ€™t stay awake forever though, and soon she succumbed to the comforting embrace of sleep. When she woke up again, she could see the slightest ray of light coming through the thick canopies of the trees. She looked to her side to find a strange piece of paper lying next to her. Curious, she rubbed away the sleep form her eyes and opened the brochure.

Even now, Arachne still remains as reserved and shy as she was after her father had died. Though, the academy did help her further her education into something both of her parents would have wanted. During the next few years, Arachne was working to touch up her fatherโ€™s journal, trying her hardest to recreate the brown cover and tea-stained pages. She was not able to fix everything, but still managed to retain the more important sections of her fatherโ€™s work and her parentโ€™s little notes of love to each other. Arachne personally had never read hr fatherโ€™s journal but saw that he had already done so much research on the supernatural. While studying at Wollstonecraft, Arachneโ€™s mission is now to continue her fatherโ€™s work and also research the many supernatural occurrences unknown to her.

Afterall, Wollstonecraft academy is home to the unknown.

[div class=tag]Species[/div]Species | Black Widow Arachnid

Explanation | Arachnid hybrids (also known as Jorogumo in Japanese culture) are a very aloof, secretive species, therefore scarcely any information of value is available for the inquiring. Despite what little information is accessible, people have been able to gather a decent amount of info to put together a brief explanation of the species:

Arachnid humanoids are creatures of the dark, often sticking to the shadows rather than the brightness of daylight. Additionally, these beasts are known to be manipulators or deceivers, and overall an evil species. The most common body type of these arachnid hybrids usually consist of a spider body (legs and abdomen included) while a human body (chest and up) is attached to the upper area of the spider body. In rare cases, and situations where finding a mate amidst humans are difficult for arachnids, females will consider human males as potential partners. Their offspring then do not carry that familiar spider body their mother does, but instead have multiple sets of arms. Their many eyes are not absent and neither are their abilities, but due to such differences, they are looked down upon by the arachnid society. These exceptions occurring are few and far between, leading to a relative lack of information regarding these special cases.

A genus of the spider species encompasses one of the most venomous spiders of all: the black widow. Their bite can cause severe reactions that can vary depending on their victim. However, fatal incidents have been known to occur because of their sickness-inducing bite. Due to the danger of such, Black Widows have gained a bad image in the Arachnid community.

Known abilities of these nocturnal creatures include being capable of scaling walls with ease. Their many eyes and heightened senses allow for proficiency in locating potential prey and seeing in pitch black areas. The silk they produce has tremendous strength, unable to be broken or snapped in half without immense pressure being applied to do so.

A common myth for Black Widow Arachnids is that they eat their mate after having their offspring. Only few black widows eat their husbands, and only in pure desperation. Others have been known to mate for life with their partner.

Rule of Species | Arachnid humanoids can not stay in sunlight for durations of time, leading to acute blindness and confusion. Often known to be carnivores, Arachnids eat small animals including birds, squirrels, rats, etc. In other cases, they are also known to feast upon human babies and children, seeing that they only see humans as more insects to devour. Supposed to contrary belief, human children are a delicacy to Arachnids and rarely do they consider them a part of their diet (neither are they an easy meal to get). These creatures can live up to 400 years old.

[div class=tag]Relations[/div]
Father | Gregory M. Sinclair (45/ deceased)
FC: Isaiah Washington

Realistic or Modern - โ€” ๐‘พ๐‘ถ๐‘ณ๐‘ณ๐‘บ๐‘ป๐‘ถ๐‘ต๐‘ฌ๐‘ช๐‘น๐‘จ๐‘ญ๐‘ป ๐ด๐ถ๐ด๐ท๐ธ๐‘€๐‘Œ ( ๐˜ค๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ด ) (1)

Arachneโ€™s mother has said Arachne resembles her fatherโ€™s nature and looks a multitude of times. In fact, Gregory himself had said the exact same thing once Arachne was born. Relationship-wise, however, Arachne could not grow closed to her father. He was always absent from the scene, either busy gathering more information on Arachnid humanoids for his study or out running errands. Since Arachne and her mother were not to go outside until the shroud of darkness the night provides can protect them, her father instead retrieves the necessities they may need for the day. This is not to say Arachne did not love her father, he ensured to bring back little trinkets and gifts he may find for her, all the while being her teacher when it came to basic subjects such as writing, mathematics, and history.

Mother | Eloise Arielle Bellarose (200 years old / deceased)
FC: Naomi Campbell

Realistic or Modern - โ€” ๐‘พ๐‘ถ๐‘ณ๐‘ณ๐‘บ๐‘ป๐‘ถ๐‘ต๐‘ฌ๐‘ช๐‘น๐‘จ๐‘ญ๐‘ป ๐ด๐ถ๐ด๐ท๐ธ๐‘€๐‘Œ ( ๐˜ค๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ด ) (2)

Eloise treated Arachne like any mother should, with love and care. Something very abnormal compared to the strict, rough teachings other arachnids subjected their offspring to. Eloise was responsible for taking care of Arachne while her father had left and took to teaching her the arts of music through instruments. Arachneโ€™s mother would tend to her daughterโ€™s every need, and though she did retain some of the strict teachings of her own mother, Arachneโ€™s childhood was enriching both musically and culturally (since her mother also taught Arachne about her species, the problems that arise with Eloise being with Gregory, and why Arachne must never venture outside without permissions). Arachne gained her love for creative art, knitting, and sewing from her mother. Though Arachne loved her mother dearly, she knew deep within her heart that Eloise had valued her father more.

Best Friend | Hugo the โ€˜Chonkyโ€™ Tarantula
FC: Brachypelma Auratum

Realistic or Modern - โ€” ๐‘พ๐‘ถ๐‘ณ๐‘ณ๐‘บ๐‘ป๐‘ถ๐‘ต๐‘ฌ๐‘ช๐‘น๐‘จ๐‘ญ๐‘ป ๐ด๐ถ๐ด๐ท๐ธ๐‘€๐‘Œ ( ๐˜ค๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ด ) (3)

Arachne was aware of the spiders that would follow her around when she was young. However, Hugo was special. He is a much more animated spider, showing more 'expression' and his behavior has become something similar to that of a dog. She found Hugo in one of the dustier, more unkempt areas of the school and the tarantula became her right-hand spider ever since. She still carries him around wherever she goes.[/div][/div][div class="tabContents tabContents05"]


The Itsy Bitsy Spider


[div class=link]coded by christy.๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐˜€๐˜๐˜†-โงพ-๐—ฐ๐—ผ๐—ป๐˜€๐˜๐—ฒ๐—น๐—น๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ถ๐—ผ๐—ปโ€ฒ๐˜€-๐—ฐ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐˜€๐—ฝ๐˜†-๐—ฐ๐—ผ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐˜€.454487/post-9951524[/div]


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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.